Thursday, May 7, 2015

Advanced DNA Part 2

N: So here's a question for you. You said a while ago an audit had been made...

A: An audit at the Universal Source layer, here specific for Earth. And that 'here
specific for Earth' is the nature of that audit question you are referring to. We have to
understand what the audit is. It is an overall look at all spiritual contracts that are
existing in the galactic ascension machine. For that one moment between the 21st and
the 23rd of March 2013, all contracts were observed and determined that, for all
contracts to be resolved, a certain volume of karma would have to be done. And the
system that was put in charge, that was to lead us to a final graduation date, had not
graduated anyone that was in a particular expression of karmic retribution or
resolution. And those walkins, are seven-hundred-million spread over a period of
twelve months, are the ones that replaced the infrastructure in middlemanagement of
the control system that is using objects and technology and belief system enhanced
control systems to prevent us from going through DNA crystallization and

N: So basically what you're saying, and that was part of the question, was, when these
walkins come in to the DNA technology that has been holding these contracts...what
happens then is that these photonic light beings that are walking in, their sovereignty
is much stronger, and they are then able to counteract the contracts and equations that
these beings have created, giving us then a zero-point balance on what they have them
put into this equation that has been affecting us so severely?

A: Yes, and to add some more layers to it, we have to get into the rules of walkin
mechanics here. And an understanding that a walkin takes over all of the contracts,
vows, and agreements of the being that they are walking in to. Now, the audit
basically said, any being that is not in perfect zero balance at this management of the
archon level, was going to have an opportunity to be removed and walked in (on).
That is something that the Earth stepped in and allowed these walkins to happen,
because there were beings that had no actual immigration to Earth, these were
extradimensional beings who had infested human bodies here and had been
pretending to be Earthbound entities. So they were removed from human skin suits,
and normal human souls, or off-world souls, it doesn't matter, were put back in, that
had the right signature frequency of the times, to bring the auditors resolution. This is
how the management of the illuminati control system would have power over its
underlings to do their bidding, even if they were to use nuclear weapons on
themselves. These walkins went into the fire marshals, into the repair people, to the
people in the superspace program, to the people that were the warriors, the thinkers,
the generals. All of that management system of the apparatus of domination and
control, its management system was where those walkins went into. And this is what
creates the equation of balance of the self, through the system itself. This is how
spiritual sovereignty takes the power away from the system so the system shrinks on
itself. You know, for the longest time, the system was bent to one side. It has now
reached a point with these walkins where it is 50/50. The battle between the good and
the bad, and the indifferent that is being done between the good and the bad.

N: So, with these walkins, how consciously aware are these beings that they are
actually a walkin? Like, these are photonic light beings, they take over this DNA
technology and now they're in this body...if you can, if it's possible, endeavor to give
us an example of what that would be like?

A: Aright, in this example with the auditors stated question, these beings would come
in, and immediately they come into a DNA lineage that had memories that were not
really theirs. And they would immediately go through a separation of densities where,
to their friends and relatives, they would look like they were going through moody
times as they were trying to figure something out, and that they're showing habits,
because they are magical beings at that level. And at a lower level, it would appear
like they were going through a rough patch in life, or a middleage, you know,
confusion, where they go out and get a muscle car. So, it happens many different
ways. Internally, they begin to ask questions that their body programs don't have
answers to, because the body that they've walked into, yes, its parasympathetic is
different sets of experiences. A fresh walkin does not have full awareness of their
parasympathetic skills, and things such as fear imbedded into them. So there will be
an internal dialogue battle between what is the body and what is the new walkin
exploring the parasympathetic.

N: So this is almost like an integration process. A: Correct. N: uhm where you have
the different downloads and they're starting to find the compatabilities, and then the
imprint started to sort themselves out as the original authentic signature frequency,
knowingness overcomes...

A: Right, and strands of consciousness that connect to, unconnect other layers of
knowingness, that the body came built-in with.

N: And then hence we start to have them the change in the DNA. A: Correct. N: And
that's the process there, now this process, depending on the photonic light frequency
and the strength and the experience and the condition, let's say, of the DNA
technology they've walked into, this can be, a couple of weeks, this can take 30 days
or 58 days, like you say for the blood to be changed up, I mean, is there an estimated
time or is each one an individual source itself?

A: Each one is completely individual. Though, they come in with much more energy
at the soul layer, because they haven't been divested into all the belief systems in
actuality. They're the walkin, they're coming to break that chain. N: So the
subconscious overcomes the conscious in their overprinting? A: Correct. They have a
deep inner perspective that allows change, so it permeates everything that they're
doing, whereas the being before, could never see change because they were in total
domination, and that change couldn't exist, their slave programming had completely
overridden their light body.

N: So they had their eyes open, but their understanding and points of view were jaded
through that programming.

A: Correct. And these new beings that walked in, they don't have the same perspective
and they don't have the same programming. So they can create change where there 
was never seen a change before, and this is what will uncreate the system from
internal. This is also what will stop the mass destruction weapons from going off,
because the system won't kill itself now because it has enough sovereign beings in
the hierarchical competition management system that are trying to prevent

N: So basically what's happening is, the auditor has created a counter equation to
bring it to zero balance so that those who have been involved with the, as a reaction,
they are not the ones that took the action, but they were involved in the reaction as in,
we were manipulated etc etc. We will then be able to have the true downloads and be
able to then have the freedom to discover and unentangle and then start to integrate as
these walkins are doing, start to integrate our other aspects of our other light bodies
and our cells and the memories and start to become realized in this dimension with
those talents and memories intact. Because they're pushing the freewill sovereign
aspect to the absolute limit.

A: Yes. Correct. The highest level. That such, they have created such objects such as
Cern to operate as belief enhancing systems or belief control systems or actual belief
systems so that people will not follow the natural way.

N: So how many DNA changes is our species at this moment experiencing through
the switching on and switching off, through the expansion and the attraction and the
sending of those frequencies out from Cern on our planet at this moment, as we are
beginning to get more and more from our sun?

A: You have to understand, when Cern turns on, basically there is a six layered
toroidal field that suddenly appears around it. And then there are a dozen other large
hadron colliders spread around the world that also turn on. And they create a
polyhedronal field around Earth that prevents a stream of light from the sun to
actually go through our spacetime. It puts a bubble around it for a microsecond so
that that particular stream of light doesn't actually make it to Earth, it just boop, goes
through it. N: It corrupts it. A: It's the missing data, yes, in the stream.

N: Remember one of the covers of Pink Floyd where you have that triangle with the
prism and the beam goes in and the rainbow goes out the other way, its like it's being

A: Well no, literally, it's chopped. There's an 18 second, you know, there's a's corrupted. And it's doing this on/off, on/off, on/off, or it turns half of
Earth where it can receive it and the other half can't. And that is why they are trying to
alter timelines on the surface so that people will go into a fear mode, that something
is happening, and the propaganda news is hitting the war drums and the war hawks
are saying that Iran and this and that, when in fact, the story line is going to change
again because they are still just trying to prevent our own memories from coming in.
And if they can hold this out ten, twenty, thirty years, they will do that, because the
system is fully in control right now. There is no challenge to the system, even
internally. Yes there are good guys and bad guys here on both hollow Earth and
surface Earth trying to do things, but they are in equal balance right now, where it
was never an equal balance before, it was much more slanted to one side.

N: Oh that was the proverbial Mayan calendar where we were going through the
darkest and densest of energies and now we are lifting up out of it. Now, this is
interesting because when we start talking about the inner and outer Earth, and it's all
about the DNA. Literally it's all about the DNA. So tell me, it was foretold that after
the audit, many of these powerful figures, after the audit would have walkins coming
in...what happens there with those DNA lineages? Now this is where is gets really
kind of cool because these walkins come in, they're destined to do that, it's been
destined by, you know, the being that did the audit, the entity that did the audit, and
we then have the DNA of that technology that they've now walked into with the
contracts, vows, and agreements intact with the DNA programming 80% memory,
tell me, how much memory do these walkins have, and when they walk in, do they
activate a whole new strand of DNA in that specific DNA technology that they're
walking into?

A: Very uniqe question. And we must get into the mechanics of a walkin, to
understand that. What you are referring to is, they were asking if an archon could
have a walkin in it. After the audit on the 21st to the 23rd of 2013, seven-hundred-
million over a span of twelve months, walkins came in. And those....

(The video cut out on him, and continues here: )

N: And when you look at all these different understandings of how it all comes
together, how many different species there are out there, the unlimitedness of
everything that we are, and how many different races rely on us, our DNA,
practically, for their here's a question for you. This species, actually
quite a few of the species, they went very intellectual, they went all into the
technology, and they disconnected themselves from the tree of life. Would one say
that that is then a disconnect from Source itself?

A: It was a sovereign freewill expression of the time, that they were warned not to do
it. But their goal was to jump in evolution, and have the same type of experiences
that we had here. They had created technological worlds that can simulate Earth and
can simulate the experience, but it was more cartoonish than our world was. And they
wanted that "HD".  And the only way that they could do it was forcefully entangling
with us. Therefore they created technology that will allow them to quantumly
unentangled observe us. And once they unentangled observe us, they could peek into
the way our DNA was growing and enter our social streams of time, which are agreed
time, and use their technology to force incarnate themself into a being who used to
live in their world millions of years ago because that being still has the signature
frequency of their original home world. That's like, all of a sudden,
telecommunicating to something in the ancient past before it, the thing
communicating, was ever created. N: Was ever existing, yea. A: And they were able to
entangle with that and exchange DNA

N: That is, almost like you can't, rush it. And that's where the collapse came? A:
That's where the collapse came. N: Fascinating. And so now, with the audit, we're
now getting the counter frequencies and equations, we're now getting everything to
zero balance, the separation of densities has begun, the false imprints, the
opportunites for us, should we so choose to emanate such a will, are there now for
us to clear away these imprints in our DNA, clear away the.. A: Deprogram N:
deprogram the things that are covering our eyes so that we can see what we've not

A: Look at the architecture around you. And understand, if it's a negative sacred
geometry, you could flip it. You can change it for the better. You are conscious
manifesting beings, and you just have to understand, are you doing it recreationally
or are you doing it sacredly? Recreational energies can be very powerful, and very
dirty. And there will be a time where people do things recreationally for fun, like
surfing. Ok? That's a different kind of energy work. We are at a time we are making
our lives sacred, connects our consciousness strands in knowingness. So that when
we want to have those recreational times, all of our light bodies are enjoying it too.

N: And that's the beauty of that concept of really bringing forth the understandings,
because as one starts to integrate and activate the DNA strands, you are so more
empowered over your own experience. And the more empowered you are over your
own experience, when you set up that frequency equation, of whatever you're
engaged, to be joy and bliss, when you do, do the recreational, it is, a thousand times
more expanded, why? because its been propped up by great mystery, she's all for it,
why? because you've created it that way.

A: And the chemistry of your body is working in communion with you and not
against you because of chem-trails and vaccinations.

N: Indeed, indeed.


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