Saturday, August 29, 2015

It's My Blog And I'll Write If I Want To....About Metaphysical Things.

     Yea, It's time to speak about these potentialities that Mankind holds within.

     It's a full moon, the night is cool, and it's warm inside. Let's share that warmth with others. There's a fire inside of all of us, that never goes out. Why then do we allow our bodies to get old, and then die? We have hardly given ourselves two days to do everything we're suppose to, and that's not even enough time to do what we're suppose for example, if you had kids and they died before you did, wouldn't you want to have other kids, and keep it going? But because now you're toooo can't have kids? Or we weren't ready to  have kids and so our lives went along and then when we're ready, we're too old to have them? I don't see that as working any longer. We need to re-form our very bodies so that they work for US. WE are our own makers, like Andrew Bartzis said, through our thoughts, through our perceptions we create our reality. We form our reality.

     And so what kind of reality have we created out of fear, and out of not recognizing we are being fearful? This reality. Take a good look at it people. This is what we have created. These short years of a life, like we're scared to live, and  because we're so fearful, irrationally fearful almost all of the time, we keep on shortening it and shortening it, and now we have designer diseases that we can catch out of thin air and claim as our own, so we can go even faster! to avoid living. But there's no escaping the fire within which never goes out. You'll just be sent back again, into another body, until you learn to take full advantage of your own thoughts and mind, and the feelings within, and shape them to what you want to experience.

     This is the "stuff" we've been feeding into our subconscious, and our subconscious is true to delivers everything we send it, to fulfill. Even though we don't know how the principles of our selves work, they still work. Fear something? Great! The subconscious picks it up and delivers it right back to you. So? Are you happy with it? The results? Most of the time we're not happy with the results. So! How to change those results. There was something missing from the equation which you weren't aware of, but I will show you that it is AWAREness that will help you to direct and focus your thoughts and feelings so you CAN get what you want and wish for in this present lifetime. You see, you must start paying attention to what YOU are thinking and feeling. If you're just a cat or a dog, then you don't turn your attention onto yourself to look at your status, your personality, the things that are happening inside you...if you're a cat or a dog, you're just living whatever goes through you, all those instincts rule your life. In other words, Mother Nature takes care of those aspects.

     But you're not a cat, a dog, or just an're a Human! You have more. You have the ability to turn within and look at what you're thinking and feeling, and hear what goes on inside you. When you forget that aspect of your eternal being, then you're behaving just like an animal does, who doesn't recognize their own self. And that's The Key, right there! So the point is, to control what you allow to go through your mind, or what you allow yourself to feel, as a Human Being. It takes effort but it is worth everything. You might have to wrangle a bit with it at first, but it gets easier and easier, smoother and smoother, until it's natural to do all the time. If you, for example, are in a situation where a person is being angry about this or that, and you start to feel like you're going to participate, but you don't want to, well you can remove yourself from the presence of that person, in order to help yourself to better control what influence you allow within, you can take yourself out of that situation. I mean, you can sit there and change it from within yourself by focusing on a neurtral aspect, but you see, if the situation is too tough in the moment to do that, you have every right to leave that situation and get into a clear, calm place, so you can be in control of your own faculties.

     That is your right. And it doesn't matter how hard the other tries to intimidate or manipulate you, ignorantly because they don't have that knowlege clearly in their own mind to give you your space, the freedom which is yours by default. All of us were given this freedom to be who we are. So it doesn't matter what they're going on about, if you want to leave in order to preserve your own integrity and dignity, then do it, and don't turn back until you are ready to deal with the person calmly, to be able to communicate correctly, to get across what you are thinking and feeling, intelligently...instead of reptilian-brain style, flying off the walls and going insane with useless emotion. Emotion is powerful. Best to use it for the right get what you want happening in your life. Because emotion is the energy behind the engine of ingenuity, it feeds the thoughts the energy they need to come into manifestation, to be performed. If you were to lose your head in a negative emotional combatant way, then you're sending that out to your subconscious mind to continue creating it, wherefore it will replay itself again into your life until you put an end to it by not allowing those emotions to spill out unattended by your awareness. So you work on it, and sooner than later, you have this aspect under your control. And that goes with any situation, whether a salesman or other devious type of manipulation by another one who is trying to slip this by you. Your awareness allows you to see just what is happening in that situation.

      This is where we take the cup into our hands and fill it with what WE want to have accomplished, not what someone else wants, or some imaginary someone you've been trained to think is watching everything you do and forcing what they want done, for us to do, you know? A poof of fantasy that you can make to disappear, and all it takes is to become aware of what you think and what you feel.

     Let me give you an example. There were these two ladies who were friends, and they were both wondering what MORE is there to this life on planet earth. They were reading Jane Roberts' books, the lady from the 70's who was the medium for the being "Seth" to come through and teach. They were interested in her works, and through this inspiration they got from her, they began reading other books of similar content, such as "The Life And Teaching of The Masters of The Far East" by Baird T. Spalding. In these books, all kinds of miraculous abilities had been developed by the humans who were written about. And these two ladies said to each other, if they could do it...what about us? Let's see where this takes us. So they were interested in learning how to teleport. They decided to keep it to themselves because so many people around them were closed minded and wouldn't be able to fathom what they have opened their mind to entertain. Therefore, after a few months they began to experience teleportation. They decided, hey, we can do it, there must be others out there who want to learn how to do it too! So they started classess and began teaching those who were interested, how to teleport. And only through their direct experience, through their courage to try something new, were they able to achieve this remarkable ability to teleport. And now, they have evidence from their personal experiences that this can be done. No one taught them. They took it into their own minds to do, and did it their own selves. And as they experienced more, they refined their knowledge. And now they have written their own book from these experiences. I have the book. It's called: "Teleportation! A Practical Guide for the Metaphysical Traveler" by Gwen Totterdale, Ph.D. and Jessica Severn, Ph.D.

     And of course, like any art or career, it has its own principles that you learn before you can get it happening. And they spell it out in the book. One of the most important aspects of it is, to clean out your belief system. You have to first remove from yourself patterns of belief that inhibit you from succeeding. Removing fear, for example. Opening your mind to imagining you are already able to do it, that it is natural is true, it's that now you must realize it.

     So you see, when two or more get together, they create a harmonic so it's easier to accomplish something. At the same time, you can do it all by yourself. It has been done before. And it's still being done today, because what choice does one have if everyone around them thinks they're crazy because their own "negative-to-everything-possible" belief-system is still intact? So they do it alone. You can too. And then you can teach others who are interested in achieving the same thing, to do it as well. And then you'll have harmonics. Harmonious to the same thoughts.

     Also, one must remember that Nature will only give out her secrets to those who are respectful of them. If you think to teleport into somone's home to shock them or to do other not appropriate things? You won't be given the understanding into your thoughts on how to achieve teleportation. With everything comes responsibility. And you must know that as a Human Being, you are a care taker. You must take care and do things properly, for the benefit of the whole, not just selfishly. Because Nature is a Whole, and She performs with that in mind. But don't overwhelm yourself with responsibility, because you also need your "child-like" imagination free to play! Otherwise, Nature will see you as a stuffy business person and won't play the game with you.

     So, it's hard to do special things around people who shut their minds tight, it blocks the flow. And the more people there are having blocked closed minds, the more this energy penetrates throughout the whole, taking everything with it....even the animals, but of course, only in a holgram in your personal reality, because we have to remember there are multi-dimensional ways of being, so everyone is not seeing the same things at the same time. It's up to you how much you allow yourself to become aware of. When you have a strong enough and courageous enough soul, someone who removes themselves from so-called 'societies ways' and focuses on their own goals, those beings are going to begin to experience what they set out to do, what they intend, what their will wants. And then they'll be able to share it with those who are also interested in the same thing. And their world is richer, fuller, more pleasant.

     And then there's another lady who was unhappy to be the slave of circumstance. Through a car accident she became paralysed and blind. Her soul became aggitated, she did not want to live like this. What's there in this that has anything to do with "living"? And so she asked her friends to help her. And they did, help her. Harmonics, right there. They went to libraries and found books on unique ways of thinking so that one can heal their own self. They read to her until she had enough information to form her own unique method. And through the application of this method she herself put together, created, she healed herself from blindness and paralysis. And now this is truly living.

     And she too wrote a book. She wants to help you find your own methods to self-heal, by showing you what she has done which helped herself. It's called: "The Miracle of Metaphysical Healing," by Evelyn M. Monahan.

     One has to really become aggitated with the present living conditions, to push themselves to new heights. To take risks. To take a chance and try something new, something they never thought enough of before, but now are willing to take a look at. You need to listen to the Soul's promptings. There ARE ways out of what we have created for ourselves out of our physical ego-minds. (You see how the physical ego mind is positive? Because it prompted us to think of new things when we became unhappy with the way things were.) There is the Spirit. The Spirit is ready and willing to assist your Soul into new territories, richer, brighter, funner, lovlier places of existing. It's up to you to listen to those promptings within yourself.

     And that's exactly what Dr. Bruce Goldberg did. He was a dentist, but through putting his patients under hypnosis to assist in his practice, instead of giving them drugs, he became so thoroughly interested in the metaphysical side of life he took up a different direction. And he's happy. I love his book, "Exploring the Fifth Dimension; Parallel Universes, Teleportation and Out-of-Body Travel."
He too knows how to teleport, besides many other things. He has taught others to do the same. One incident saved a woman's life. When she got pushed out of the car by her venomous boyfriend, and she landed right in the middle of traffic with a sprained ankle and a car coming toward her, she instantly thought of being at home and dissappeared right before that drivers eyes and appeared laying on her couch at home. Now that was a fruitful move! You can learn to do this too.

     And so, this takes us to begin to realize that we have the ability to change our bodies through our minds. You can start today, just by denying the old programming of old age and death, by inserting into your own thoughts that you are staying at your age if you are already young and happy with that age, and to rejuvenate yourself to age backwards if you have progressed into an age you are not happy with. Begin to use your imagination purposefully, and that's all it takes. Your subconscious will do the rest. I have found something to help stir the imagination in performing this act. By reading others' accomplishments, you can create your own method and enjoy your own success. And you, working with me, we are in a harmonic unity where we help each other to prosper and grow in this direction. Where ever you are, whom ever you are, we are doing this together. We have something going for us already. The Cassiopaeans have said to us that we will be able to live for four-hundred years. I'd say that's a start. And this is the stage we are entering into, the fourth density, which is where the Cassiopaeans said it would be possible. From The Complete Cassiopaean Transcripts, we have this session where they talk about it to Laura.

October 16, 1994.

Q: (L) Does this mean that sometimes we will be more of a firm body 
as we have now? 
A: Yes. 
Q: (L) Will our bodies age differently? 
A: Yes. 
Q: (L) What will be the median lifespan? 
A: 400 years 
Q: (L) And will those who pass through this transition as, say, 50 
year olds, will they have an equal opportunity to live an additional 
400 years? 
A: Will regenerate in youthful appearance. 
Q: (L) Now, when you say 400 years, will it be that the plane has a 
different orbit and that a year will be different? 
A: No. 
Q: (L) Will the days be different as to length of time light and dark as 
they are now? 
A: Not the point. Planet will be 4th density as well. 
Q: (L) But will the days and nights be different and will the orbit be 
different? Will the axial angle be changed? 
A: You are thinking in terms of the 3rd level density. The rules will be 
so totally different that physical inspired comparisons are moot. 

     There are many different things a person can do to reverse the aging process. Here are just some more variations. This is a Cosmic Awareness news letter. Some of the important points mentioned in this article are these: that attitudes and tensions are in actuality what draws the energies from foods, and the foods simply serve as nutrition for the blocked energies, to assist in establishing a kind of static growth of that blocked energy. Therefore, there is a mutual marriage between the attitude or emotion, and the food which feeds and nourishes that attitude and emotion, which contributes to the particular problem. So, attitudes contribute to diseases, whereas diets generally contribute the nourishment to those diseases which are fostered by the attitude. This could be understood more easily if you see that the attitude is the father of illness and the diet is the mother of the illness or symptom.

     But the use of herbs has certain values, in that it dislodges nutritional poisonous forces that feed the toxic areas or the energy blocks in the system. Herbs tend to help clean out those blocked toxins.

Here are some excerpts: 
     "This Awareness indicates, this is a form of stress and tension, and the stress is what creates a locking or blocking of energy flow, which in turn tends to, over periods of time, create arthritic stiffness, less movement, and rigidity that results in the speeding up of the aging process. Also, these tight muscles are often caused by positions held in an occupation, or may be caused by tensions resulting from attitudes. When tensions result from an attitude of hostility or frustration, this is often a chronic triggering of the adrenaline system. The adrenaline system is that which secretes a toxin throughout the body, the fright/flight syndrome that results when the adrenaline system is triggered, and this energy is given in nature to allow the entity to survive, to flee or to fight and have the extra strength necessary for such. In a society of civilized individuals, when an entity becomes angry and bites his tongue or does not release that anger, it tends to send the poisons throughout the system. They are not released, they are held in check, and the entity begins to suffer from these locked up, pent up energies. For this reason, when entities become angry, if they allow themselves to become angry, they should find ways of physically expressing that anger, such as through walking, running, or some other form of physical exercise or activity that allows them to work off that excess energy that was triggered by the adrenaline. To avoid expressing those energies, is to allow the adrenaline to stew one's body so that all the various joints, the cells, are filled with the toxins of the adrenalines, and becomes sick, poisoned, stiff and unable to relax or be freed and vital. Over long periods of time wherein an entity lives around a situation which keeps them continually stirred up, hostile, where the adrenaline is active and yet the expression of energy is not allowed, this has a profound effect on increasing the speed of the aging process."

     "That the kind of clock built into the genetic code, reflecting through the endocrine system, having its action through the hormones released from that endocrine system, and their effects on the enzymes and amino acids, along with the absorption of those amino acids and enzymes and the hormones with the body's metabolism to accept nourishment of vitamins and a total gestalt and can be affected by attitudes, in that, attitudes affect the hormone system and secrete certain energies into the system through the endocrine glands, and these hormones and energies cause the harmonious or inharmonious effects on the enzymes and nutrition of the body."

    "This Awareness indicates, those who consider positive thinking, or happy, joyful and relaxing attitudes to retard the aging process, are correct, in that, these attitudes are such that they effect a healthy secretion of hormones and enzymes reaction. And those who advocate music as an age inhibitor, are correct, in that, music can be beneficial in bringing harmony and happiness, causing a secretion of hormones through the endocrine system that, when used properly by the metabolism, can result in a healthy and harmonious absorption of these energies."

     "Those who consider hostility and anger as creators of stress and frustration, causing aging, are correct, in that, these tensions cause enzyme secretion, hormone secretion, and a system which cannot process these intense feelings or intense chemicals overacting in the body."

     "Those who consider diet and certain foods as causing aging, while other diets and foods are favorable in reducing the aging process, are correct, in that, many foods contribute to the balance or imbalance of the system and its absorption or denial of absorption of nutrients."

     "All of these areas have their many values as contributing to the aging process or to the rejuvenating process. Music and sound, ultrasound, and ions, negative ions, and those found near the falling water or the surf, or those found in forests near trees, these also contribute to rejuvenation, in that, they alter the tensions within the system, taking away tension and stress. There are many contributing factors to aging, or to rejuvenation: the Mind being of great power, the act of accepting suggestions being of great power, the diet being of great significance, and other more subtle chemical, mineral, vitamin, and hormonal and toxic relationships within a system have great power and control over the aging process or the retarding of the aging process."

     "This Awareness indicates that medicine, in terms of diet and aging, is that which, at present, is on the brink of a new realization, a new understanding of great significance; likened unto physics, at the time when the atomic bomb was being developed and nuclear physics was being explored theoretically. At present time, the concept and exploration into the medical implications of these processes within the body, is such that, its impact and the significance of these discoveries and exploration, may alter the entire human race, to allow it to become immortal, and that the process of aging may be eliminated and seen as a type of disease rather than as a necessity and part of the human experience."

(An 81 year young person asked a question:)

          "This Awareness suggests that where others speak of you as being old and ready for retirement or ready to be placed aside as a remnant of the past, that you simply state to them, you do not accept that programming and instead you have other plans for yourself.

     This Awareness suggests that during the coming years there will be even more opportunities for rejuvenation and that you are capable of moving to those realms where total youth can be restored to you, and there will even be opened the opportunity where entities may rebuild their physical body according to the desires they wish, according to the deeper levels of need they feel; that, where entities can reach in and contact those levels of being while in this plane, they are also able to reprogram their cells to build their bodies according to these programmings. This even includes the regrowth of arms, legs or amputated parts, of the regrowth of teeth and other structures. And this is related to extremely deep hypnotic states where entities move into their most inner levels of being and reprogram themselves through suggestion. Then their own consciousness and programming mind leaves this area of inner self and allows the seeds planted to bring forth their crop and the fruit from these planted seeds.

     This Awareness indicates It is very carefully guiding entities toward the realization that words spoken through the Mind or the mouth (one's own or another's) are the seeds planted in the garden of the Self. Think of your being as a garden, that there are certain concepts that have been planted into it which may become weeds or which may become flowers, and trees of wisdom or trees of knowledge. And in this garden, more trees of wisdom, more flowers and precious fruit of vitality and everlasting life may be planted; and those weeds and the fruit of death may be plowed under.

     Learn to carefully watch what goes into your being as spoken words and as thoughts dwelled upon and projected; that any word which speaks of another, or thought which goes out toward the world, also goes inward toward your own garden planting ground. Therefore, think only those thoughts which bring everlasting life, and in this manner you begin to rebuild  your body into that which is capable of eternal life. And don't think of your body as being permanent in its present form, but as being able to change, which can revitalize. Don't think of your body as being like an apple fallen from the tree of knowledge, but rather, think of yourself as the essence of a New Being which is the Tree of Wisdom, a tree that has lost its leaves in winter but now is ready to respring itself with new foliage and vitality, new sunlight and attention, new energy and awareness. Because it is a New Season and you have made it through the winter, and your body need not rot like a fallen apple, but may rejuvenate like the tree itself.

     This Awareness suggests that, in the retirement complex, you be attentive and careful about the attitudes which are placed upon you, about the foods which you are given to eat, and about the general mood of the environment; for you may see many people feeling their final end and feeling that they have little left to live for, little time in which to do anything; but you yourself are not to identify with any of these concepts. This is compared to seeing the whole world going down the drain, and then saying: "There it all goes, but not me!" 

     Where you fall victim to the moods and environment of people who are deteriorating on various levels, and you take too much of their karma, this can drag you down also. Don't allow this to happen. When you see others moving in this action, caution them and encourage them that they have many years to go and that if they feel ill or troubled or in pain, that it is only temporary and they may set this aside and go on to deeper understanding. You may help them to understand the nature of pain as blocked energies, and that attitude alone is that which is able to lift them from painful experiences and throw off energy blocks to allow a greater amplitude of vital force to flow throughout their being. You may encourage beings to develop those attitudes which open new levels of living for them, and do not allow your own attitude to be dragged down by any of these beings. First heal yourself, then heal others.

(A person has a question about having pain in their toe from time to time:)

     The actual purpose of this event at this time, is to keep your attention on the ground. This allows your mind never to wander so far and high into the clouds and into abstract daydreams, that you forget you are still grounded on this earth. Many times, when entities reach your age, they begin to drift off into other realms of imagination, and build on these other imaginary worlds with so much energy and attention, that they seldom realize they are still in the physical body. The pains of older age bodies are often needed to hold entities into this physical form until they are really ready to go. As entities create their dream worlds in these imaging states, they are actually preparing their next world, and parts of themselves are moving into that next world which they are creating by their imaging.

     In your case, you have created the pains in your feet whereby you must stay grounded until you have decided exactly what you want to do. When you care to do it, you may begin thinking in terms of rejuvenating your body, while remaining on this physical plane for some time more, and gradually raise the vibration of the body to those levels where you can move as this form, in this raised vibratory form, and travel into other dimensions and other lands. You may also be able to rejuvenate your feet and to move the energies properly.  As you realize you are capable of changing your physical form, as the action of being a fourth dimensional creature, who is capable of transcending physical form, moving into fourth dimensional levels and coming back into physical form at will, as you realize this to be a possibility, you may also let go of the pains in your feet which are now being used to anchor you to this physical earth. Until you see this as a possibility, you will probably keep some kind of grounding device, whether it be foot problems, social problems, health problems or whatever. Once you realize you have more time, and need not pass over and drop your carcass here, then you also will be able to let go of the pain, and pull up those anchors so that you can give greater attention to building your spiritual body of Light, and raising the vibrations of your present body, and rejuvenating the cells to a more youthful and vital form.

     This Awareness would now give a special energizing action which does point you in this direction, to allow you to become one who serves as an example for others who are inclined toward this movement of creating a Light body. (Long pause). This Awareness indicates this has been done. You may cancel this according to your wishes or may allow this to continue and may move through the illusion of the third dimension into fourth dimensional energies. This Awareness indicates these changes and rejuvenation effects will take place during your deepest sleep levels. Your only concern is that you not block this rejuvenation by statements and thoughts which cancel and destroy these actions. This Awareness suggests you keep your thoughts and attitudes clear and open, and that you simply watch what happens.


     This Awareness asks entities to understand that the Tree of Knowledge, that tree of good and evil, of polarity, of the action of the mind which selects and rejects, is that which is a rhythmic pendulum type action and eventually leads to the end of the beginning, which was the beginning of the entity needing to reach the end. The Tree of Knowledge does lead to death.

     The Tree of Wisdom is that which ever does flow in circles and simply moves from cycle to cycle, from level to level, never seeing an end, never rejecting one part of the cycle in favour of another part of the cycle, never seeking to knock a competitor from the spiraling staircase, but rather accepting the totality of movements of all, in their own way, and in your own way, as you move from cycle to cycle. The Tree of Wisdom is that which will lead to eternal life.

     Where you see beginnings and endings and insist that there is a final analysis, the final word, the final right or wrong, then there must be the final reckoning. But where the mind is placed aside, and the computer beast within your psyche is used as your tool, instead of as a governor over you, then you have become that which is the Tree of Wisdom, and may partake of its fruit: Eternal Life.


     And yet another place this information is being talked about is in: The Life And Teaching Of The Masters Of The Far East by Baird T. Spalding.

     "When all know the Truth and it is rightly interpreted, truly is it not one and all from the
same source? Are we not all one with the universal mind substance, God? Are we not all
one great family? Is not every child, everyone born, no matter the caste or creed, a
member of this great family?

     "You ask if we believe death is avoidable. Let me answer in the words of the Siddha:
`The human body is built up from the individual cell, like the bodies of plants and
animals, whom we love to call younger and less evolved brothers. The individual cell is a
minute microscopic unit of the body. By a process of growth and division, repeated many
times, this minute nucleus of a cell-unit results at last in a complete human being, built up
of almost countless millions of cells. These body cells specialize for certain different
functions but they retain, in the main, the characteristics of the individual cell whence
they arose. This individual cell may be looked upon as the torch bearer of animate life. It
passes on from generation to generation the latent fires of God—the vitality of all living
beings, with an unbroken ancestry reaching back to the time when life first appeared on
this planet.' This individual cell has the property of unlimited youth. But what about the
group cells called the body? The group cells arose from the individual cell repeated many
times, retaining its individual characteristics, one of which is the latent fire of life, or
Eternal Youth. The group cells, or body, function as guardian of the individual cell only
during the short span of life as you know it now.

"The most ancient of our teachers by inspirational means perceived the truth of the
fundamental unity of life reactions in plant and animal. We can well imagine these
teachers beneath the spreading banyan addressing their pupils as follows: `Look at this
giant tree. The vital process going on in our brother, this tree, and in ourselves is
fundamentally the same. Behold the leaves and the buds at the tips of the oldest banyan—
how young they are—young as the seed from which the giant sprang into life. The life
reactions of plant and man being alike, man can certainly profit by the experience of the
plant. As the leaves and buds at the tips of the branches of the oldest banyan are as young
as the seed whence it sprang, even so the group cells in man forming his body, need not
gradually lose their vitality and die, but may grow young and evergreen as the ovum or
individual cell itself. Indeed, there is no reason why your body should not grow as young
and vital as the vital seed from which it sprang. The ever-spreading banyan, always a
symbol of everlasting life, does not die except through accident. No natural law of decay,
no old age process seems to exist within the banyan tree to affect injuriously the vital
energy of its cells. The same is true of the human form divine.

"There is no natural law of death or decay for man, except through accident. No
inevitable old age process exists within his body or group cells—nothing that can
gradually paralyze the individual. Death is, then, an avoidable accident. Disease is, above
all, dis-ease, absence of ease or Santi—sweet, joyous peace of the spirit reflected through
the mind in the body. Senile decay, which is the common experience of man, is but an
expression that covers his ignorance of cause, certain disease conditions of mind and
body. Even accidents are preventable by appropriate mental attitude. Says the Siddha:
`The tone of the body may be so preserved that it may naturally resist with ease infectious
and other disease, like plague and influenza.' The Siddha may swallow germs and never
develop disease at all.

"Remember that youth is God's seed of love planted in the human form divine. Indeed,
youth is the divinity within man; youth is the life spiritual—the life beautiful. It is only
life that lives and loves—the one life eternal. Age is unspiritual, mortal, ugly, unreal.
Fear thoughts, pain thoughts, and grief thoughts create the ugliness called old age. Joyous
thoughts, love thoughts, and ideal thoughts create the beauty called youth. Age is but a
shell within which lies the gem of reality—the jewel of youth.

"Practice acquiring the consciousness of childhood. Visualize the Divine Child within.
Before falling asleep suggest to your consciousness, `I now realize that there is within
me a spiritual joy-body ever young, ever beautiful. I have beautiful, spiritual mind,
eyes, nose, mouth, skin—the body of the Divine Infant, which now, tonight, is
perfect.' Repeat this affirmation and meditate upon it quietly while falling asleep.
Upon rising in the morning suggest to yourself aloud, `Well, dear (addressing
yourself by name), there is a divine alchemist within.' By the spiritual power of these
affirmations during the night a transmutation takes place and the unfolding from
within, the Spirit, has saturated this spiritual body and spiritual temple. The inner
alchemist has caused dead and worn-out cells to fall and the gold of new skin to
appear with perpetual health and loveliness. Truly divine Love in demonstration is
eternal youth. The divine alchemist is within my temple, constantly coining new and
beautiful baby cells. The spirit of youth is within my temple—this human form
divine, and all is well. Om Santi! Santi! Santi! (Peace! Peace! Peace!)

"Learn to smile in the sweet way of a child. A smile from the soul is spiritual relaxation.
A real smile is a thing of true beauty, the artistic work of the `Inner Ruler Immortal.' It is
well to affirm—‘I think a kind thought for all the world. May all the world be happy
and blest.’ Affirm before taking up the work for the day—‘Within me there is a
perfect form—the form Divine. I am now all that I desire to be! I visualize daily my
beautiful being until I breathe it into expression! I am a Divine Child, all my needs
are being now and forever supplied!'"

"Learn to thrill yourself. Affirm, `Infinite Love fills my mind and thrills my body with
its perfect life.' Make everything bright and beautiful about you. Cultivate a spirit
of humor. Enjoy the sunshine.

"You understand that I am quoting from the teaching of Siddha. They are the oldest
teachers known and their teaching antedates all history by thousands of years. They went
about teaching the people and showing them the better way of life even before man knew
the simple arts of civilization. It is from their teaching that the system of rulers sprang.
But these rulers soon wandered away from the realization that it was God expressing
through them. Thinking it was themselves, the personal, who were doing the work, they
lost sight of the spiritual and brought forth the personal or material, forgetting that all
comes from the one source—God. These rulers' personal concepts gave rise to the great
separations in belief and the wide diversity of thought. This is our concept of the Tower
of Babel. The Siddha have preserved throughout the ages the true inspirational methods
of God expressing through mankind and through all His creations, realizing that God is
All and that it is God manifesting through all. They have never deviated from this
teaching. Thus they have preserved the great fundamental Truth."

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