Thursday, November 19, 2015

Communicating with Creatures.

     What I found out today.

I've been studying this for many years, but it just dawned on me today. When you have creatures around you like house flies or spiders or centipedes or mosquitos or any kind of insect creature, you have to realize that their physical form is just like yours, it is only the surface temple. The being that you are, your spiritual self, actually revolves all around your physical form. Same with the little creatures. Their spiritual self is all around their body. I remember looking at sparrows and black birds outside the window when I was in my mid-teen years, and I noticed that they had a really fluffy spirit self all around their little bodies. I could tell what was going on with them by looking at this spiritual fluffy side. It sticks out all around the creature about an inch or so from their body. I think some people call it the aura...but I didn't see any colours, I just see the whole body as fluffy and bigger than the little physical form.

So when you want to communicate with any one of these creatures, or even another human being or an animal pet, then just look at their spirit fluffing outside all around their physical form and communicate with that, because then you're communicating to the actual being. But if you try to communicate with the physical form then you're not going to get anywhere because that is dense and it is also an illusion. The illusion is the physical form. I just learned that through the help of my cute little friend the little fly. She was so happy that I gave her some food that she really likes (some balsamic vinigar mixed with date syrup and some cream, a crushed olive and some tomato paste on a tiny piece of bread), and she was so joyful flying around me. She flew right up towards my forehead, and away and around, and as I watched her so joyful I realized, yea, that's what these creatures are, they're little people in insect bodies. And so you give their body what it needs, and you give their spirit the love and communication that it needs, and you have a friend. Oh they're so cute, I love them, all of them. You can communicate with anyone when you can understand those two aspects of the being.

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