Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Delving Into Depths & Heights.

Bringing things out into the open to look at, is where it's at. Things hidden may destroy you, but those things brought to the light, heal you what it shows in this book:

"Years of disciplined study had trained my mind to think as a scientist and physician, molding me along the narrow paths of conservatism in my profession. I distrusted anything that could not be proved by traditional scientific methods. I was aware of some of the studies in parapsychology that were being conducted at major universities across the country, but they did not hold my attention. It all seemed too farfetched to me.

"Then I met Catherine. For eighteen months I used conventional methods of therapy to help her overcome her symptoms. When nothing seemed to work, I tried hypnosis. In a series of trance states, Catherine recalled "past-life" memories that proved to be the causative factors of her symptoms. She also was able to act as a conduit for information from highly evolved "spirit entities," and through them she revealed many of the secrets of life and death. In just a few short months, her symptoms disappeared, and she resumed her life, happier and more at peace than ever before.

"Nothing in my background had prepared me for this. I was absolutely amazed when these events unfolded.
"I do not have a scientific explanation for what happened. There is far too much about the human mind (or is that Heart) that is beyond our comprehension."

I would like to be hypnotized, put in a trance, by a close friend, and delve through my inner structure. That would probably be really helpful. Until then, I'll just have to work on self-hypnosis.

This is an interesting and helpful book, to look at structures:

Page 42: "What I did not yet fully appreciate was that the steady day-in and day-out pounding of undermining influences, such as a parent's scathing criticisms, could cause even more psychological trauma than a single traumatic event. These damaging influences, because they blend into the everyday background of our lives, are even more difficult to remember and exorcise. A constantly criticized child can lose as much confidence and self-esteem as one who remembers being humiliated on one particular horrifying day. A child whose family is impoverished and has very little food available on a day-to-day basis might eventually suffer from the same psychological problems as a child who experienced one major episode of accidental near-starvation. I would soon realize that the day-in and day-out pounding of negative forces had to be recognized and resolved with as much attention as that paid to the single overwhelmingly traumatic event."

Page 74: "I would become increasingly frustrated by the uncrossable gulf between Catherine's conscious awake intellect and her trance-level superconscious mind. While she was hypnotized, I would have fascinating philosophical dialogues with her at the superconscious level. When awake, however, Catherine had no interest in philosophy or related matters. She lived in the world of everyday detail, oblivious of the genius within her."

Similar to my everyday experiences. When one can tap into another's higher self and communicate with them, but the person who is conscious has no consciousness of that self, well, that is quite frustrating. It's as though there were a wall between them and their true self, lodged in between, keeping them from being able to communicate on that level.... where only their 'five' senses are noticed by them and nothing more.

Check this out.

Page 98: Catherine: "Yes. They will take him away and bury him. I feel very sad."
Dr: "Yes, I know. How many children do you have?" The reporter in me was not letting her grieve. 
Catherine: "I have three, two boys and a girl." After dutifully answering my question, she returned to her grief. "They have put his body under something, under some cover..." She seemed very sad.

Why would someone grieve, looking at pictures from the past? They are like totally attached to the situation, with no objective view of it, totally immersed in the holographic reality, the memory, as though they were living it in the moment. I think that's strange. That needs to be looked at; deciphered.

You see ... you're beautiful because you do things correctly. It's like a magnet. It attracts others to one who is doing things correctly. It doesn't mean you're doing things correctly for others, since every other is a completely unique kind all in their own self, but that you are doing things correctly for your own self. That is what makes a being a magnetic attraction to others. The fallacy is when they begin to worship and or follow that one, forgetting their own self, their own correction, hahaha. Correct. That's what happened a long time ago. Hence, this pile of mess. But it has to be worked out, nevertheless. It's just really nice to see some progress. Really nice.

And so, here we are, with an explanation of this ladies description of her lives ...

From Cosmic Awareness Communications Newsletter July 2017:

"This Awareness indicates that many of these texts,
these ancient understandings were also manipulated by
those entities that were in positions of control and
seeking to identify ways of anchoring souls into
reincarnating into their systems, thus allowing the
Elite ones access to a significant portion of Life Force
Energy without much effort.
This does not indicate that their observations were
completely inaccurate. It simply states that one would
benefit from engaging that structure of cycles directly
to receive through seeking, the truth of that cycle and
where one exists upon it.
As is observed in this question, the concept of the
wheel is inaccurate and it is more of a spiral that
ascends, for this is truly more accurate of what is
occurring. However, the dogmas that have been
created around the cycles of the Yugas are more
aligned with the dictates of those Elite structures that
were seeking to siphon off Life Force Energy than
they are with the cycles of the Earth.
From the delineations of the transitions of time and
the things that would occur, there were developed
many practices, many belief systems, many sub-sets of
religions and many dogmas were created, and these
were generated specifically for the service of those

entities that are controlling those people."

"It's like Ayn Rand's "witch doctor" and "Attila the Hun," they work together to erect these satanic mills (grinding out the power from the human being) that Blake was talking about; they're both "iffy-phallic" modes of existence, and they sign millions of people up. Control over the Will and the Raw Power of a man, and the control over his Emotions... they must be together if the whole being is to be enslaved."

That's what we have seen in this book delving into the depths and heights of past lives and the doctor's standing in his beginning ways, unwilling to look outside of the box, until this experience, which set him freer than he was before. Only problem though, is he seems enamoured by the so-called 'masters.'

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