Monday, July 17, 2017

Finding Out About Thyself.

     I've always been withdrawn, interior oriented, and shy. My sister, who was born first, was outgoing and socially oriented. She use to take my little hand in her little hand and walk me down the street to her friend's house. I would sit there in the middle of the floor quietly playing with something as I observed them two in a constant communication, talking. I hardly ever talked. While going to school, I always attracted the little boys to me. They would walk all around me like I was a magnet. I wouldn't say much but they would be in a constant communication back and forth as we all walked. I hardly ever attracted female's around me, even though I liked all people. I think it has something to do with being like some alpha sperm where all the other sperm flow around you, and if some nasty mean chemical gets in the way, they'll fight it off, until finally one day, that alpha sperm meets that big egg and enters in at the door.

     It seems to me I still am attracted, without consciously seeking to be, to those who are outgoing and social. It's like I'm a butterfly that is attracted to pretty flowers that I like to land gently on and taste the nectar of. Life is an interesting experience on planet Earth. The little nuances about ones self can be found out one step at a time when one is curious enough to know about one's self and the environment around.

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