Thursday, August 23, 2018

What Is This Love? Mental? Or Heart Energy?

     So, who are you? I can feel you there. You're in tune with my thoughts and feelings. You send me terrific oh my gawd amounts of love feelings that just overwhelm me. What the fuck is this? Is it positive? Or is it some fucking negative vampire making me to think some things in order for it to squeeze me and feed off my genuine feelings, that come out from me, albeit in my ignorance, for lack of knowing who or what this energy is being emitted from!

     In the title I ask whether it is mental or heart, because the 'ping' goes off my head structure. That is where I pick up the feelings. But not necessarily does it stay there. More like it's an antennae that picks up what the fuck is going on around me, and relates it to the heart. This so confusing. If you are an entity who is helping me, then you best reveal yourself. Because I will know if you do not, because there is interference in my personal life if you are messing around for your own personal benefit. And that is not a good thing. So make it known to me. Or not, and find out how fast you can wither and die.

You know, I have a lover. He's beautiful. He's a Leo Tiger. Most exquisite. If you've ever seen Ganda, the English model, well you know what I'm talking about. My lover is like Angus Young, He has it all. His musculature matches his sexual desire. I was just wondering whether this strange structure would affect our love making, because I certainly hope not, it's been sooo nice being with him for over 20 years, I would rather continue it at its own pace than fracture it with unknowns which do not match up with its excellence.

Friday August 24, 2018, 11:20am

     Ok, now I know. It's many different beings. Elementals. Those who work the invisible structure. Haha! Thank you. Now we can communicate in peace. Because now I'm going to find out all that I can to find out, about you! Haha! Love you. You've been so helpful. Yea, that beautiful Bella. How is she? I'm so glad! Oh...she's so sweet and beautiful. She even tried to connect with me before she left, by pulling out some flowers which I then put into a glass, and all of the stems she pulled, grew roots. So now I could plant them indoors. Oh! I'm glad she did that. It showed me the difference between the human animal's way of thinking, and the open-minded observing the Spirit, way. Yea...I wish I could communicate with her in a higher spirit way. Bye Bella. What a beautiful being she was.

And still is.

So that's what was taking place, huh? Pretty powerful stuff. I wonder who she was, for all that to have taken place. Mysterious world we live in, hahaha.

Yea. Thursday August 23, 2018 at 12pm she passed away.

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