Friday, January 28, 2011

What Scares You?

That was a really good question.

And then...what do you love? what makes you laugh, and what is in YOUR pocket? or what do you have hidden on your sleeve?

Life In A Day.

What an extraordinary movie. That was the most beautiful movie I had ever seen, that I can remember.

The truth reveals itself in the people. It shows the people in their personal lives, and it shows the people as a group, as living on the whole Earth together.

When I watched that movie, I cried. It was so beautiful. I've learned SO very much just from that movie.

I am now immersed in my personal life, and the question that has been haunting me, and I have been avoiding is....what scares you?

That thing...that the Pleiadians were talking's like that. They said, you must approach one step at a time, learning all that you can as you move. because one step leads to the next and therefore you MUST have the one step perfect before you can take the next. Otherwise, would you to approach the Prime Creator not prepared, the knowledge may utterly destroy you.

And I push away my personal dilemma for the moment and go back to the movie. Look at the people that day July 24, 2010. Look at where they came from, and where they are now. and see how slowly, just like that snail at the very end of the movie, that they've travelled. One step at a time, learning everything in between.

Magnificent. This probably should be written in Belialith's Tales, but, Ultra Black will do.

So. What scares me?

Hmhmhm. Gentle smile. I just can't get myself to say it just yet. Do you understand me Doc? You know what I'm saying?

It is a sort of terrifying, but it's backwards.


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