Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Would A Little More Heart Make It Right

Damn Olivia NutJon keeps playing in my head. How do you like that? Our brains have a life of their own. They pick some stupid music that you don't want to listen to, and then they keep playing it over and over and over. How do you like that? Our brains give us ancient Chinese torture and what do we know about how to escape or to defuse, or or, or what the fuck?

The most beautiful musicians, are those who have lullabyes in their heart. The kind that knows the sound of the rhythm, but refuses haha to play it. Like I.
I don't like lullabies...lulla-byebyebaby. They made the world sick; so why should I be interested. Let's listen to music, the way it was meant to be heard. With overtones of the Heart.

And then, This.....

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