Monday, September 14, 2015

Aliens and DNA

      Look, at 2:29 of the video is a picture of a tall rabbit on the left side, and a toad on the right side of the picture! Geez.

   Yea, haha, "whitch witch is connected?" You got Lucifer on the left and Ahriman on the right. They created the DNA? Is that it? It is that which is connected. Oh I see now! The beginning and the end, or so in illusion it seems.

With aliens, you can never tell with your bare eyes what you're seeing, or with your bare ears what you're hearing. They turn everything into an illusion just to benefit themselves so they could go on doing their maleficent work.

This is an excerpt of Nancy's story, and by this time, she was already brainwashed/mindmanipulated:  
                                                                                                                                                            "And I remember my conversation with him as I was leaving the craft. And he corrected me that it was called a ship and the reason it was called a ship was that it goes in the water as well as in the air.
And I watched how the doors shut. They shut like this. They wrapped around. All the instruments that they use on me when they did the laparoscopy were retractable. They all came out of the wall. It was all neat and clean. There was nothing in there. It was just silver, white floor, a silver table that I was on.
Three Grey beings. The pilot looked like a normal anybody's dad. I said Mr. why did you let them hurt me. And he said, 'Your pain was perceived.' And I got really mad at that remark. I realize that my pain. I realize now that my pain was perceived.  They didn't hurt me. They didn't want to hurt me. But I was watching the needle and seeing the needle. My pain was perceived."

Anyway. There's another story similar to this, but a looong time ago. It's a medieval woodcut depicting demons and witches. The same style of sticking needles and instruments in parts of the body you wouldn't have them. Especially if you're a naturalist.

In other words, they're still at it, just a different disguise. But...

Deep in the past they were at work through zealots who murdered a woman that was good for the intelligence of mankind. If mankind were intelligent then they wouldn't be able to treat them like sheep or chickens or barn animals. Yea, evil aliens have nasty ways of doing things. Here's an excerpt of the story of Hypatia:

"Hypatia (pronounced high-PAY-sha) was the daughter of the mathematician Theon of Alexandria, the last known teacher in the age-old tradition of the Mystery Schools, the spiritual universities of antiquity. The year and month of her death are known, the year of her birth is less certain , but 370 C.E. is generally accepted. Thus she would have been around forty-five when she was murdered. Historians have long regarded her death as the event that defined the end of classical civilization in Mediterranean Europe. It signaled the end of Paganism and the dawn of the Dark Ages. (Paganism, the generic term for pantheistic religion in the Western classical world, merits capitalization as much as Christianity.) Theon was headmaster at the Museum of Alexandria, the place dedicated to the Muses, daughters of the ancient goddess of memory, Mnemosyne. Each of the Muses embodied a "sacred art" such as astronomy, lyric poetry, and history. The nine daughters of Memory presented a model for the curriculum of the Mystery Schools*. Museums today are merely repositories of relics from the past, but the Alexandrian Museum was the setting of higher education. The campus spread along the horseshoe-shaped port dominated by its Pharos, the famous four-hundred-foot-high lighthouse that ranked among the Seven Wonders of the World. It included many independent academies dedicated to subjects as diverse as geometry and sacred dance, and training guilds that produced a constant stream of graduates in fields such as sculpture, botany, navigation, herbology, engineering and medicine. The assemblies and guilds associated with the Royal Library had their own libraries and teaching faculties. 

In the year 400, when she was about thirty, Hypatia assumed the chair of mathematics at the university school. This was a salaried position, equivalent to professorship in a modern university. The daughter of Theon was noted for her mastery of Platonic philosophy and her skill in theurgy, literally "god-working," a form of magical invocation that might be compared to Jungian active imagination, or, more aptly, advanced practices of visualization in Tantra and Dzogchen. Her dialectical powers were exceptional, honed to a fine edge by her mathematical training. When it came to debating ideas about the divine, "Hypatia eclipsed in argument every proponent of the Christian doctrines in Northern Egypt." [3] Her Expertise in theology typified the Pagan intellectual class of Gnostics, gnostikoi, "those who understand divine matters, knowing as the gods know," but she was also deeply versed in geometry, physics, and astronomy.* Ancient learning was multidisciplinary and eclectic, contrasting strongly to the narrow specialization of higher education and the sciences of our time. The word Philosophy means "love (philo) of wisdom (sophia)." To Gnostics, Sophia was a revered divinity, the goddess whose memory they recounted in their sacred cosmology. To the people of her time and setting, Hypatia would have been wisdom incarnate. (continued in link).

(- This has been an excerpt from John Lamb Lash's book 'Not In His Image: Gnostic Vision, Sacred Ecology, And The Future Of Belief')


Here's a Sophia story: "It seems that once there was only the Fore-Creation, invisible, without form or gender, all-pervasive, filling the depths and heights of what was and which, desiring to manifest an inward potential gave birth to many holy dyads...that is, pairs, the first of which were the Abyss and Fore-thought. Then a desire arose in Fore-thought and it meditated on Silence who conceived and gave birth to twins: the first visible female form called Truth and the first visible male form called Mind, in turn they together gave birth to Life and Word...Life was the form-mother of the Pleroma and Word was the form-father of those manifest within the Pleroma. The Pleroma is the fullness of the spiritual world, uninfluenced by matter, energy or light.

Many other dyads were born, called Aeons, or sacred powers, the last of which was the divine Sophia, or Holy Wisdom. Of all the Aeons, the divine Sophia desired most intensely to know the origins of Her own creation, that is, the nature of the Fore-Creator. Though Mind told Her that such knowledge was impossible, nevertheless, Sophia began to search high and low, after Mind was restrained by Silence. None of the Aeons comprehended the Fore-Creation other than Truth whose perfect reflection was a transparent presence invisible to Sophia. She separated Herself from Her consort, ranged the vastness of the uncreated Immensity, and far out- distanced all the other Aeons.
Sensing her separation from the other Aeons, and lacking a clear knowledge of the Fore-Creator, She felt pain and sorrow, She wept and grieved deeply, She desired with all Her Heart to comprehend the vast, unending totality of the Fore-Creator, also called the Abyss. But the Abyss was vast beyond comprehending, and Her sorrow increased and Her passions flowed out of Her in waves and She risked utter dissolution into the Abyss as She radiated forth a turbulence into the stillness of Immensity. Then, suddenly, She encountered Horos, the Limit, Boundary, and understood that the Fore-Creation was unknowable, holy and profound, beyond the comprehension of Mind, Word or even Truth. This was the First Gnosis." (continued in link)

The Reality of the Rulers
(The Hypostasis of the Archons)

Because of the reality of the authorities, inspired by the spirit of the father of truth, the great messenger referring to the authorities of the darkness told us that “our contest is not against flesh and blood, rather, the authorities of the universe and the spirits of wickedness.” I have sent you this because you inquire about the reality of the authorities.
Their chief is blind. Because of his power and his ignorance and his arrogance he said, with his power, “I am god; there is no other but me.”
When he said this, he sinned against all. This speech rose up to incorruptibility. Then there was a voice that came forth from incorruptibility, saying, “You are wrong, Samael,” that is, god of the blind.
His thoughts became blind. And having expelled his power—that is, the blasphemy he had spoken—he pursued it down to chaos and the abyss, his mother, at the instigation of Pistis Sophia. She established each of his offspring in conformity with its power, after the pattern of the realms that are above, for by starting from the invisible world the visible world was invented.
As incorruptibility looked down into the region of the waters, her image appeared in the waters, and the authorities of the darkness became enamored of her. But they could not lay hold of that image which had appeared to them in the waters, because of their weakness, since beings that merely have soul cannot lay hold of those that have spirit. For they were from below, while it was from above. (continued in link)

Hymn on the Third Messenger and the Archons 

He (the third Messenger) takes the Light away from them (the demons)
in many forms and fashions, by gentle means and harsh.
He releases the captives from bondage.
He purifies His own life and he exhorts them to approach the visible
form and to follow its appearance.
Bright Sadvês shows her form to the Demon of Wrath.
She seduces him with her own appearance, and he thinks it is real.
He sows his seed, ... he groans when he no longer sees her form.
Light is born in the sphere of the world; she passes it on to the 
higher powers.
Filth and dross flow from him to the earth. They clothe themselves in 
manifold forms and are reborn in many fruits.
The dark Demon of Wrath is ashamed, for in his confusion he had become 
naked. He had not attained the heights, and he had been robbed of 
whatever he had achieved.
He left the body an empty shell and descended in shame. 
He was clothed in the womb of the earths, from where he had risen in brutishness.


The Hymn to the Father of Greatness

You are worthy of praise, beneficient Father, primeaval Ancestor!
Blessed are you, beneficient God!
You, Lord, are the first alif and the last tau.
Through you yourself your pious wish has been fulfilled and
All gods and aeons, the deities of Light, 
And the righteous bring praise to you, 
singing "Holy"  repeatedly.
The spirits, the plants and all . . . . truly implore you
to blessing. And bring forth supplications with one voice.
Grant us our pious wish . . . .
They bear the form  that we have given up from afar.
Be merciful unto us in your mercy;
Show us your form, the noble epiphany, for which we yearn.
Let your brightness shine upon us, sweet source and breath of life!
Make, us, your children, strong.
In vain the dark foe boasts, together with the bellicose,
rebellious giants, In vain he wishes to cling to the Aeons.


The Sweet Teaching of the Sinless
An Apocryphal Epistle to Mar Ammo, Ascribed to Mani.

...And if someone strikes you, do not strike him back. And if someone hates you, do not hate him in return. And if someone envies you, do not envy him for your part. And if someone is angry with you, speak kindly with him always. And do not do yourself what you detest in another person. Rather, one should endure insults and other abuses from one`s superiors, from one`s equals and one`s subordinates; nobody can make the patient dènàvar (devout one) waver even slightly. It is like someone throwing flowers at an elephant. Or it is like raindrops falling upon a stone; the raindroups could not melt the stone. Likewise, insults and abuses should not cause a patient denavar to waver even slightly.

There are times when the denavar should hold himself as high as Mount Sumeru. And there are times when the denavar should appear as a pupil, and there are times when he should appear as a teacher or a servant or a lord.

Likewise, in this sinful time, the pure denavar should sit down in pious meditation (andesisn) and should turn away from sin and develop what is good ....

(a number of lines illegible)

And I, Mar Mani, am this sinless one (nàg) who is the writer and you, Mar Ammo, are the addressee. And he whose name is Akundag is Ahriman (the Devil). I have spoken these words so that everyone who pay heed to them and listen to them attentively. For everyone who hears and believes them and keep them in mind and serves through pious deeds shall find salvation from this cycle of rebirths, and shall be saved from his sins. For I, Mar Mani, and you, Mar Ammo, and all those people of old as well as all those fortunate ones that are reborn in this time, and likewise those that shall be reborn in the future, shall be saved from this cycle of rebirth through this behavior and this humility. For in this cycle of rebirths (this life) there is nothing good except for the merit accumulated by men of understanding and their pious deeds. Those who follow me, Mar Mani, and put their hope in God Ohrmizd and want the pure and righteous elect to be their leaders, they are the ones that are saved and find salvation from this cycle of rebirths and attain eternal redemption.

Here ends the sweet teaching about the sinless.

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