Monday, November 14, 2011

   Common Ground??

The Truth
by Common ground.

To our convictions
we met on common ground
dedicated to the truth
that we have found
the pride we have
the word we share
is our fucking own
this ink will fade
but the words will always remain
no one can bring us down
here we stand on solid ground
nothing will change our truth
we're building up our point of view
holding on to what we have
no one can bring us down
we stand on solid ground
no one can bring us down
'cause we've found the truth
commitment is our common ground

We ought to listen now. Hehehe,

When you get bored of that....
Then this....

Monday, October 3, 2011

The BEING That You Are As A Human.

This video is an excellent form of information. The man is in the know. Check it out.

Dream I Had, Mon. Oct 3, 2011

"They" prevented me from discovering and experiencing in my first lucid dream a little while ago, (as soon as I realized I was totally awake in my dream, I looked at my hand and was so happy, I was just about to fly off to my right because I wanted to learn how to do this, understand the energies so I could take it to my reality-wake state and begin using it, when suddenly they were all around me in the guise of human and they intercepted my flight. So now, all I was doing the whole time I was aware, was fighting them off me, and I kept saying to them "just give me some space, give me some space!" They didn't listen. I woke up with one of them on my back. No space there.) and now they were trying to prevent information from coming to me in this dream I had this morning.

Through the whole dream, the higher being was sending me knowledge, messages, and "they" were trying to make it as confusing and fouled up as they could for me to not understand. I kept very close to the stream of knowledge coming from the invisible up above, right in front of me, at me. I was aware the unearthly beings were trying to corrupt the flow. I had to ask Her a few times what some things meant because the meaning was all twisted up in places from those beings veiling it as it came out to me. Basically I knew what She was saying because I listened to Her signs and symbols and translated them to the most well fitting meaning, which all fit together perfectly when I looked at the whole message.

While She was delivering it, I was taking it in pieces, clarifying words, flowing with the meaning and repeating it over and over to myself in the dream because I knew I was in dreaming and wanted to bring this to my 'wake' state. Those alien-type beings, I could see stretched through the atmosphere around me, greenish brown presences, dirty filthy creatures, throwing confusion in, manipulating not only the words but trying to control the whole situation from happening. They failed.

That being was pure and beautiful. Clear lovely and supremely intelligent. I was like Her, except I was here on planet earth dealing with those controlling, forcing things upon me, strange alien beings holding humans prisoner from growing into their fullness. So I'm battling to get knowledge and freedom.

The message She relayed to me was this. In my own words. From the best I can interpret what came through...... We have two parts to us. I'm not certain whether this is only to me, concerning my personal structure, or whether it concerns other humans as well.

So. We have two parts. The male and the female, the left brain and the right brain, the positive and the negative, the conscious and the subconscious. Now we're not going into the UNconscious. We're only dealing with what we've been given to us as ours, our own power. This is what we must claim, wrest away from those who've stolen our subconscious from us, to manipulate us by hypnotizing us to do things in our conscious existence while we have not ourselves placed whatever it is, in there to have done or be doing.

Okay, so She told me, one must take the two parts of themself and intermingle them together and focus that, to what you desire to achieve. To a goal you have chosen. She called them "The Pair." I think that's what they mean in the bible about the marriage. The marriage of the pair which is your mind within you, which is the True You!

Okay people, you will need to read "The Apocryphon of John," a gnostic writing, in order to understand better what I am going to be talking about next.

Christ / Autogenes asked for a companion. The companion is Mind. When man was created after the Christ by the Christ, Man was of the most brilliant mind. The Archons were envious and hateful of him because of that extraordinary mind which he had.

In my dream She was showing me how to discover my own powers, that I first must know myself, how I'm created, and then I'll be able to employ my structure to benefit us. She was emphasizing the focusing to a point those two parts of my being. She didn't say they were Mind, She said it was the entire structure of who I am. I am as though split from my own self due to the manipulations of those aliens/predators. So I must take both of my sides and focus them into a being, into one point of existence which brings me to the absolute present and frees me from their clutches.

Your being is needing to join itself consciously together and move forward with your plans and goals through that method. "They're" obviously going to try their utmost to prevent this from happening, but, just like She showed me, in order to learn, one focuses their mind, throwing out all distractions until you've extracted that which you were working to own. Which is here the restoration of one's own soul, or self, whatever best describes this.

I awoke in the hour of 6am and continued to remember and remember it. Then a thought came to mind which was from the bible where it said "when two or more come together in my name."  I recognized this passage as having been doped up. The true, clear meaning of it, for me anyway, is, when a being who has the pair together, they are actually the two. That's where the power is, in being One, in being focused to Christ. And the more, would be our own kind, in the same manner. Like Gurdjieff talks about when he says you have a magnetic center. Everyone who gets together in this manner is like a magnetic center in a being, at the same time, they're what appears to be a group of humans. The "in my name" really means the Family who were created from Christ. So you need to read the Apocryphon of John to know clearer, what I'm talking about. The two, your left side and right side, your female and your male, in the Christ Principle. The true Human brought back together within themself.

I immediately upon awakening went into my mind to find my female and male pair. Once I recognized them, by the way, they are very lovely, brilliant and sweet. Humaine in the most perfect way. Once I recognized them I began communicating with them. I as in, this human existence, are now a third person. So they two have come together through the focal point of me. I began asking them questions and they gave me answers that were real. One knows they are telling you the truth. We all three are now in communication. I'm supposedly the neutral in the sense of the word. But the word "neutral" is senseless to compare with what I mean here. I am a full of life and light with astonishing excellence and might, being. Neutral is an energy which combines from the female and male principle and feeds me, this being who is living here in this world. An etheric food. A food of knowledge, of life.

My sincere advice offered to all the family is to find yourself. Go look for who you are and bring the two worlds of your being together to create who you are in fullness. Being one within yourself. That's the way out of the grave, out of this prison we call the 'body' which was modelled after us in which to cage us in. That's what I find anyway.


Sunday, May 22, 2011

2012 - 3 hour online Movie explaining Mayan Calander.

Here's a very informative movie on the 2012 situation, about why the energies are moving so fast now, about where we have been, where we are now, and possibly, where we are heading. It's up to you. Here's the link to watch it from youtube.


Monday, February 28, 2011

The Human Plan: Soul Into Body Integration, by Chris Thomas.

This excerpt is from Part 2 of the video interview with Chris Thomas who was born with the ability to look into the Akashic records. Finding it to be important, I wrote this part out from listening to him on the video.

The Human Plan

     "Humanity as a whole, set up, what I would describe as, The Human Plan. Now this came into being 7000 years ago and we set ourselves a certain thousand year time limit to complete this process of planning. And all the plan is, is very very simple. We need, as I've said on 'Atlantis,' we had the whole soul within the body...essentially ever since then we haven't had the whole soul in the body. And what the purpose of The Human Plan is, is to find out HOW we get the whole soul back into the body, and we found the answer to it. That's what it comes down to in the end.

     And again it has to do with energy patterns. The Earth, in order to create physical life and physical existence, generates a base energy signature of seven point five-six cycles per second; 7.56 hertz. This is the frequency Tesla was using, for example, for all his free-energy experiments that he did, was tapping into the Earth's own energy band, which is the 7.56 hertz.

     But the problem with 7.56 Hz is that it is too low a frequency to maintain the whole of the soul within the body. It's just that fundamental energy problem, that's all it is ultimately, and what it needs to be is much higher than that, because essentially the energy contained within the soul is immense. I mean, we're talking... the average soul contains an energy potential that encompasses 50 dimensions."

Q: "What is a dimension?"

     "I would describe a dimension as being a band of energy, a bit like a radio dial. So you know you have frequency stops all the way, so, a dimension is an energy, is a wave-measuring energy, at a level that encompasses all the frequencies that went before that particular band, and the next dimension then contains all the energies that are above that particular band.

     And so the soul itself contains 50 dimensions as an average, which means this concept of removing into a 5th dimension is a complete load of rubbish, and again is fabricated by the Annunaki to mislead us. So what we're working at doing is getting this whole soul back into the body. We're not ascending anywhere, we're not going anywhere, we're staying on Earth, that's the whole purpose of the Earth. Why would we want to go anywhere else for goodness sake?

     And so, the 7.56 Hz signature level was too low. And in 2002 the Earth altered her own signature level from 7.56 Hz to 3.5 KHz (thousand cycles per second). And everything has changed since.

     The chakras within the body have changed colour. You can't alter frequency without altering colour. Nobody on the planet has the traditional red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet rainbow colours of the traditional chakra colours. That's gone. Nobody has those colours. Most people have an intermediary set of colours which are copper-golds, petrol blues, petrol greens and transparencies. By transparency, I mean pure energy. Energy without a colour. Like a heat haze showing on a hot day. Then there are millions of people worldwide who have no colours to their chakras at all. They're just pure energy. And there are millions more people on the planet who don't have any chakras at all, because the reason for having chakras is very specific. If you bring sufficient soul energy into the body, then you don't need the chakras any longer. So they're gone. Many millions of people worldwide do not have any chakras.

     Currently, this is mid 2010. Something like four and a half million people on Earth have undergone their full soul transition. In other words, they've brought the whole soul back into the body. Now you won't see these people because they are living in isolated communities in isolated spots. I mean let's face it, if you were wandering around the streets with that kind of energy emanating from your body, you'd be turned into a new religion, or you'd be taken in for experimentation by the military.

     Which is what did happen in fact in America. A small group in America, they were the very first people to undergo this transition process, and they were immediately arrested and taken into custody for experimentation by the American military and they are still held on one of the American airforce bases. And the experimentation they've been put under is worse than anything we saw under Hitler. Believe me, it's horrendous what they've done to and are doing to these peoples bodies.

     But they knew that it was going to happen, so basically, what they did was to volunteer, if you like, to be taken in to undergo this treatment in the hope that others who were going through this process wouldn't have to undergo it themselves. Two people have actually died. Two of these people have died. Now that should not happen, because if you have the whole soul in the body, your natural life span is somewhere in the region of one thousand five-hundred years. People on Atlantis lived 2000 years if that's what they chose to do. So the kind of experimentation is yes, inject the body with just about any chemical you can think of to see if the body can throw it off. Inject the body with any disease you can think of, or even some of the engineered diseases, to see if the body can throw it off, uh, how much electricity can the brain take? This kind of experimentation, and it has been going on for some years, and it's still going on.

     But as I say, progressively more and more people are undergoing this final transition of bringing the whole soul into the body."

Q: "How do you recognize them?"

     "Oh You Know, ha, because there is no comparison. It's very difficult to describe what it's like to have those kinds of potential, because, uh, let's face it, we don't have the vocabulary to explain what it is like to be psychic, what it is like to communicate with a blade of grass, with a raindrop, with a wild animal, with each other, without the need for language, what it's like to be able to think... let's use the example of remote viewing. So, you're walking down the street one day and you decide to yourself, 'I'd love to eat an orange.' So what you do is you remotely view an area where oranges grow, and you think yourself to the tree where the orange is. And what you do is, you take the body with the thought. A process called translocation. You can then pick the orange off the tree and return by the same process back to where you started from. That's the kind of potential and abilities that these people have.

     It's phenomenal. We do not have the vocabulary to describe the kind of abilities that these people have and how they deal with everything that is on the planet. And this is what we should be. This is what humans should be. This is what we're designed to be, and what everything we've ever done on this planet in 85 thousand years has been leading up to us being, is for everybody to have those kind of potentials. And everybody can do it. There's no block, nobody standing in judgement anywhere and saying you can't do this because you're a bad person. There's no such thing. If anybody wants to do it, they are perfectly capable of doing it. And this is what the Annunaki are trying to stop, and what the Illuminati are trying to stop.

Q: "Because we would be more powerful than they would be."

     "Yes. We would throw them off the planet immediately. We'd get rid of the Velon immediately. They would have no control over us whatsoever. And the Illuminati would cease to have any control over anybody who has those abilities because you cannot be contained, you cannot be controlled if you don't want to be.
The human potential is astronomical. We don't have the vocabulary to describe how we are.

     There's an expression I used in one of my books... if you think of our 5 senses, touch, sight, hearing, smell, whatever...they're like single notes compared to a symphony. That is true understanding of the world and what our potentials and our abilities actually are.

     So we've confined ourselves quite deliberately into this sort of minimal space that we inhabit in the body, and we're ready to break out of it again so that we become at long last the full human being back on the planet. And this is what the Illuminati are trying to stop. They're trying to stop people fulfilling that potential. For example, the American military announced a few months ago that they were using HAARP to flood the planet with extra-low-frequency waves. [E.L.F. or ELF]. Ostensibly, the reason they gave was to uncover underground secret bases by Al Qaeda, because Elf is ground penetrating radar, basically. The real reason for doing this is to counteract the Earth's shift in frequency from 7.56 Hz to 3.5 KHz. That's what it's there for. That's what they're flooding the planet with, and also it is trying to affect peoples ability to change consciousness levels because it's trying to slow down the frequencies of the body to stop us undergoing this kind of change and soul reintegration process.

     They're using HAARP to create these sky spirals, like the one in Norway in December and two others, I understand, one in I think it was Russia, and the other in China at the same time. And also there's this phenomenon that's coming about that people are describing as wormholes. They're all HAARP generated quite deliberately to make us believe that aliens are entering our solar system, and planet, and the orbit around the planet. Because Ashtar Command, which is one of the Annunaki's made-up roots, along with the Galactic Federation...they're all made-up by the Annunaki and the Hathor, to make us believe we cannot complete this process on Earth, that we must leave the Earth, and therefore all these ships are arriving to take us because the Annunaki are such wonderful people to take us off the planet and transport us somewhere else. Where? they are going to take us, they haven't specified yet. But believe me, there is no planet in the universe that is capable of supporting human life because Earth is unique in that respect. And therefore, anybody who steps onto one of these ships isn't going anywhere other than dead! It's as simple as that.

     And this is what these sky events are there I believe, to make us believe, is that there are a load of ships arriving to help us ascend to the 5th dimension, which again is something the Velon have come up with. We're not ascending anywhere. We're doing the exact opposite. We are bringing the whole of the soul into the body. And this thing about the 5th dimension is also a load of rubbish because the soul already contains 50 dimensions, why on Earth would we limit ourselves to 5?

     So that's the whole process that's going on at the moment, is to try and prevent humanity as a whole undergoing this change and fulfilling our potential and becoming human again.

Q: "That's got to be done by October 27th, 2011?

     "Well the main calendar is slightly confusing. I've never studied the calendar so I can't speak about it in detail. But what I do understand, is that within the 5 suns of the cycles are events called epochs, and these epochs are markers, if you like, along the way up to 2012. Now the last changes have taken place in human history at the end of each epoch, like the second world war, or the end of the Roman Empire, that kind of thing. And the last epoch within the calendar ends on the 27th of October 2011.

     Now as far as the Akashic is concerned, this Human Plan comes to a completion at the end of 2011, and not 2012. What I think the calendar does is, there is this time period, a little bit of a leeway within the time period between the end of 2011 and the end of 2012 for us to get back together. So the 21, 12, 12, the twenty first of December 2012, as the main calendar ends, it says right, that is the absolute completion date for the 5th sun, and then we move into a 6th sun. Essentially, the whole cycle begins again. Which means, in overall terms, essentially, humanity becomes humanity. We become proper human beings again, and not the sub-humans we've been for the last seven thousand years.

Q: "So how do we accomplish that?"

     Well my view is that, I the idea of going down the streets and rioting against these sort of new laws and restrictions that have been imposed on us over the last few years by various governments...going out and having street revolutions against it is probably a pointless exercise, because there are so many new prisons having been built over the last few years, and laws are in place where people can be held without charge indefinitely. So if you go out in the streets and riot, what's going to happen is you're going to get arrested and shoved into prison and forgot about. So I don't think that's an answer to anything.

     And really, the answer to the way in which we complete this process can only be internal because it is an internal process. What we're doing is bringing the soul back into the body. Bringing the higher self down into the body. So it can only be done on an individual level. That's the whole point of being an individual, is that we can only do it for ourselves. Nobody can do it for us. Nobody is going to turn up and say "Well you've started out hard, good for you, so we'll help you out." That's not going to happen. It's not the point of being human, it's not the point of The Human Plan.

     So basically, the first thing to do is to make a decision for yourself. Are you going to undergo this process of change, or aren't you? It's as simple as that.

     If you choose that you are, then it must be a very sincere choice, because you must be prepared to work at it, because it's work we need to do to get ourself ready to undergo this process.

     Now once you have made that decision and you make sure that you really do believe that you're going to do this and are determined to do it, the next step is just that, sit down quietly one day when you've made this decision and say to yourself with as much intent, positive intent as you can inject into the statement, is to say to yourself... and also by doing that, what you're doing is saying to your higher self is that, I will to complete this process, I will to undergo this process of soul reintegration, I will to stay on Earth.

     And after that what will happen is that your higher self will find ways to help you to sort out the problems that you have in your life that NEED sorting out. Not all problems within your life require sorting out. What I mean by problems is things like... what we're doing is bringing the Higher Self into the Body. We are increasing the amount of soul energy we contain within the body. And in order to do that, we need to make some space.

     And so what we need to do is to get rid of all the emotions we've accumulated over this lifetime. And now, everybody accumulates emotions. We never express ourselves properly. Everybody has found themselves in situations where their mother has told them to do something, and instead of shouting back at your mother "I'm not doing that, as, your life is not mine," we don't say anything. And all of that angst gets stored in the body. And so daily, you're working and you got a boss and your boss says "do this" and you want to tell him where to get stuffed and you can't or you're going to get sacked. The same thing again, we stored that emotion away inside of the body.

     So what we need to do is to clear all of these accumulated emotions out.

     And the best way of doing that is to use an old technique, it's Native American originally, and the technique is very simple:

     What you do is get yourself a newspaper, an old newspaper and a pencil, and what you do is to start writing to the people who have made you angry, annoyed, frustrated, whatever it is...And you write to them on the newspaper, but you don't read it back. That's the important thing, is, you don't read it back.

     Because if you read it back, what you're doing is taking all the emotion back into the body. So you need to get it out. We need to clear the body out. So by writing it on the newspaper it's physically impossible to read it back because you're writing in pencil so you can't actually read what you've written. So once you've finished the piece of writing to your mother or your boss, great Aunt Elsie or whomever it is, makes no difference, is just rip it up and get rid of it. Burn it if you can, but otherwise, just get rid of it. But rip it up into little pieces so that what you're doing is getting the emotion out.

     And once you've finished writing that, if you think back on what you've just written, and you still feel angry or whatever the emotion is connected with it, then you know that you need to write again because you haven't cleared that situation out of your system, your system isn't clear enough yet, so you need to do more writing over that situation. Rip it up again, and get rid of it.

     It's when you can think back on events that have occurred in your life, and you can see them as events without any emotional attachments to that event, then you know that you have cleared the emotion out of your system.

 And essentially, that's all you need to do,
is, the statement of intent
and the clearance of
old emotional debris
out of the body.
It's as simple
as that."


So! It is just as Blavatsky said, it's by your OWN spiritual labour, that you will get your soul back where it belongs, as master over materiality. Here is an excerpt:

Studies in Occultism by H. P. Blavatsky

The Esoteric Character of the Gospels

Part I

". . . . Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy presence, and of the consummation of the age?" (1) asked the Disciples of the MASTER, on the Mount of Olives.

The reply given by the "Man of Sorrow," the Chrestos, on his trial, but also on his way to triumph, as Christos, or Christ (2), is prophetic, and very suggestive. It is a warning indeed. The answer must be quoted in full. Jesus . . . . said unto them: --

Take heed that no man lead you astray. For many shall come in my name saying, I am the Christ; and shall lead many astray. And ye shall hear of wars . . . . but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and earthquakes in divers places. But all these things are the beginning of travail. . . . Many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray . . . . then shall the end come. . . . when ye see the abomination of desolation which was spoken through Daniel. . . . Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is the Christ, or there; believe him not. . . . If they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the wilderness, go not forth; behold, he is in the inner chambers, believe them not. For as the lightning cometh forth from the East, and is seen even in the West, so shall be the presence of the Son of Man, etc., etc.

"Two things become evident to all in the above passages, now that their false rendering is corrected in the revision text: (a) "the coming of Christ," means the presence of CHRISTOS in a regenerated world, and not at all the actual coming in body of "Christ" Jesus; (b) this Christ is to be sought neither in the wilderness nor "in the inner chambers," nor in the sanctuary of any temple or church built by man; for Christ -- the true esoteric SAVIOR -- is no man, but the DIVINE PRINCIPLE in every human being. He who strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own terrestrial passions, and buried deep in the "sepulcher" of his sinful flesh; he who has the strength to roll back the stone of matter from the door of his own inner sanctuary, he has the risen Christ in him.(3) The "Son of Man" is no child of the bond-woman -- flesh, but verily of the free-woman -- Spirit (4), the child of man's own deeds, and the fruit of his own spiritual labor."

Blavatsky said:

"He who strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own terrestrial passions" means just that.

In this other excerpt, Colleen-Joy Page tells us what exactly that means:

"During the process of physical living, most of us lose our soul awareness. We are so dominated by the information supplied to us by the physical senses, by the physical body's consciousness that our connection to soul consciousness grows weak. As baby humans, we spend the first few years of our life so focused on learning to walk, communicate and survive, that the voice of the soul is literally drowned out. Like tuning out of "The Discovery Channel" of our soul, we tune in to "Animal Planet" and then we forget that we can change channels. As a consequence, the bulk of the information available to our conscious mind from then on, is from the body.

While facilitating a past life regression, I once asked a hypnotised client who was describing one of his incarnations, specifically his soul's merger with his current lifetime's in utero baby body), when his soul's merger with his body would be complete? "When does the integration of a soul into a physical body stop?" I asked. Most would expect him to answer: "When I am born", or perhaps after a few years of childhood, but his confident and immediate reply was: "It's never supposed to stop."

The soul is meant to continue to integrate with the human body throughout the duration of the human's lifetime. But the integration does stop. It stops because our conscious awareness soon becomes overwhelmed by the body. In addition, we are often conditioned away from listening to "internal" sources of truth and wisdom. We are taught as children to trust "external authorities" above our own inner authority. The combination of dominant physical sensory information and sourcing our truth in externals leaves us distracted and out of tune with the inner voice of the soul.

The only time we get glimpses of the inner guidance system of the soul is when the "little inner voice" of intuition occasionally whispers to us. But even then, we often ignore it or argue with it. How many times have you said, "I wish I'd listened to my inner voice"?

You have two sources of consciousness, the body consciousness and the soul consciousness. They exist like separate radio stations, where your body is like the radio, the sacred instrument ready to gather information for your human experience. You are mostly "tuned in" to your body consciousness. Body consciousness is different to soul consciousness in that they have different realities and different truths - different information structures.

Your soul exists on many levels. Let us imagine that your physical body is like the pip in a peach. Except that this peach is so refined and of such a high energetic frequency, that it not only surrounds the pip but penetrates right through the pip. Now the pip feels physical and dense and it only knows itself as the dense pip. It does not even consciously know that it is surrounded by and penetrated by a subtle energy that is more of who it is in essence. It also does not realize that if it were not for the peach, the pip would have no higher existence. Your physical body is like the pip. To hear what this less physical more non physical body was feeling and thinking we would move the dial on our radio station up a notch or two, to be in tune with the higher frequency that carries the information of the soul. There are higher and higher levels of soul consciousness, i.e. in our analogy, more and more soul consciousness to connect to.

The experience of more soul consciousness running through your body is natural and not complicated. People have some or all of these experiences when more soul consciousness runs through the body:

•It feels like there is more of you present, you feel more like yourself.
•You feel expanded and open
•You feel like there is more fullness of energy in the body - sometimes described as a "warm fuzzy" feeling especially in the abdomen
•You feel at peace
•A feeling of unity, being connected to all things
•A feeling of love (not romantic love) but rather of deep open hearted compassion and yet less involvement in human drama
•A feeling of presence that fills and radiates from your body

The more soul consciousness present in the body, the more intensely these feelings are felt.
Did you know that just as you can bring more soul consciousness (more of you) into your body, that you can evict soul consciousness from your body? When you hold a belief in your body that is NOT TRUE to your soul, the aspect of your soul's consciousness that KNOWS that truth, is evicted from the body.

For example, you choose to believe that you are not worthy. You hold the belief that you are not worthy in your body. The consequence is that the aspect of your soul's consciousness that KNOWS that you are worthy (as a part of the soul's truth) is evicted from your body. Try this, feel the words "I am unworthy" in your body. Allow your body to experience the words and monitor the feelings in your body. You won't feel the feelings listed above that are associated with more soul presence in the body; you will feel some or all of the opposite listed below, the feelings of soul consciousness being evicted from the body. These include:

•It feels like there is less of you present, you feel less like yourself.
•You feel contracted and closed
•You feel like there is less energy in the body - sometimes described as a empty feeling, especially in the abdomen
•You do not feel at peace
•A feeling of separation, being disconnected from all things
•A feeling of heaviness
•You feel smaller, as if your presence and aura has shrunk back (which it has)

When you hold a belief in your body that is not true for the soul, the feeling is of some of your soul consciousness leaving. This energy, this vital life force can be reintegrated, but it is necessary to bring new perspectives to the body and to assist the body in claiming new understandings of itself. Feel the words "I am worthy" in your body and you will feel a subtle energy filling trying to occur. You may also feel flutters of fear. This is a most interesting and telling example of the power of the body to dominate your experience of yourself and life. Your body decides what it thinks will keep you safe and thriving in the jungle of your life. If it has decided for whatever obscure reason, that knowing that you are worthy is not a good thing, then it will feel FEAR when you try to OWN that you are worthy and reintegrate the aspect of your soul that knows your true worth. So watch for what your body feels fear about and start challenging your body's fear.

Spiritual practices are not necessarily required to integrate more soul into the body - this continued integration occurs naturally when you heal the parts of you that have been suppressed and evicted from your consciousness. Neither are strict diets or fancy meditations required. Meditations are most helpful if they engage the body in the experience of soul integration by continuing the merger that began when you were in the womb.

The difference between an insecure frightened human and a confident, radiant one is the amount of soul presence running through the body. The difference between a twisted human psyche running violent and destructive animal-like behavior and a person who is a vision of peace and powerful gentle presence, (where often light literally seems to be radiating from the person), is the amount of soul being allowed to integrate within the human form.

Only you can determine how much soul is present in your own body - your limiting beliefs about yourself are the single biggest factor in determining how much of your soul's presence is being allowed in.

You were born to be your full soul self on this physical plane. You were not born to hide in the shadows of the human psyche. There is so much more to who you are, so much wisdom to download, so much presence to BE, so much of your soul to discover.

You have an ancient spiritual heritage, you are a noble soul. Trust your heart, it is the connection to your soul, it will help you to build a bridge to your soul self. If your heart feels full or emotional (though frightened) at the thought of this, then you are feeling a reminder. You are being reminded to rise to the full stature of your being.

You walk two worlds, one physical and one as soul, your soul self is the you that lived before this body and the you that will live beyond this body. You don't have to wait until you die to remember who you are. You don't have to die to rediscover what it is to be a soul - you are a soul right now. Your job is to help your body to expand its awareness to remember and integrate the fullness of who you are.

Copyright © Colleen-Joy Page 2004
From the office of Colleen-Joy Page, The Academy of Metaphysics. Colleen specializes in training others in powerful tools like intuition and dream work."


      Well Well Well...and then! The next question would does our consciousness create this world of physical matter, which when looking at it from the inside without looking out, you seem to be caught in it like in a cage?

Our thinking, that is, our consciousness has thought us this world of the material. We see it, and now it is time to go and discover it. So what Blavatsky and all those others discovered when they say - The "Son of Man" is no child of the bond-woman -- flesh, but verily of the free-woman -- that the teaching for us to remember after we have created the material dimension, is to not get caught up in it from the underbelly, like forgetting that we ourselves have created this material dimension to go out and study. And would we to forget that we have done this for that specific thing, then we are forsaking our own selves by getting lost in our own creation. That's what I see out of it. So we must take a step back from our material creation and look at it and through the eyes of it correctly. Just as the way it is. That WE have CREATED it...and now WE go INTO it, and EXPERIENCE it as a WHOLE. And then from there we may create, as the being that we are now, from our last thought projection.


The Predator's Pact

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Post Comments.

-I'm commenting on the post below. Haha. Isn't it the wording down below, sounds like some kind of key 'werd' for something for someone to do, when they get there...U know? To that place where no one goes. Hehe. I, thought I'd just comment.

Big Hug!
Big Kis( ).

Yea life is like a parade, of all kinds of chatter, and or all kinds of matter, to take place, in this big wide world. But where on Earth ARE we? Anywhere. e's with me. How how goes ye all, Hare? The cute little rabbit. The Einstein of the Bunch! Haha! Yes it is. The Year of the Rabbit!

They like a lot of action. I could tell. I always wondered about why my sister always had so much surface energy on the move...or something like that...and then I looked around to the similar ones, to her kind, and found...the saaaame thing! So I got to wondering about all of them. Haha. Anyway..hahah...that was cute...anyway, they are the Pisces. The Rabbit. The CAT! for sweet sakes! These are the most enigmatic of em all! I'd say. They're all at the most peace, and yet, they're in continuum of motion, at all tiems!

Ok. Now I'm commenting on the next phraseology I have put, in my post about comments! So. What is it, to read back your own writing, and then instead of seeing anything you've expected, instead, you see something else? Could that mean every smoking moment is a new one? and since nothing ever happens the same way...the last thought you had was the lost thought when you went to go read it up all over again. It's because that is uncontainable! The moment we are is every moment.

wYes...this is beginning to sound like poetry.
Thank you duck
! ohpe! I mean rabbit.

Love ya''s...hahaha...all.

Speaking about ducks, I find that the most similar to this hare, is the goat. Yea. Capricorn. You know the fish with the horns on his goat head? That one. I noticed that they are quite similar. So therefore, it must be that the Capricorn in the end of industry, or what shall we say, how best to compromise? The corporation! That's it. The end of the corporation.

So we have the two horned bird, i mean mermaid, and the two faced fish! O f ALL things! The twin. The Gemini. The Merrrrcury. How does it all fit? (The 'reason' for my last sentence was because because because becauuuuuuuse, some 'spirit' asked me after the last word ''merrr'' something, and I replied with...How Does it all fit...asking him the question right back. That's all. That's it. So we do...all too...have multiple realities going on in our own being at all tiems. Learn how to juggle? K? k? alright.

Speaking abot docks...well there's a ship over there that just come in.

Doc it! Hahahaha.a..aa.........AAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!

Dovely. I mean lovely.

So am I.
As you


is getting
smaller and smaller.
Let's condense it into 4
parts, alone! Instead of 12.

So then? what is? the temperature of condensation?
Why yes, larger and larger, and smaller and smaller. Just a different balance.

To match up the goat with the goat and the Capricorn with the Cancer, then you go and look at all those things, that match up with that itself immediately get a condensed view of things....all of a sudden. In an instant...everything is changed. View point one may ask? Anything but the point huh? Of course, it's tough to pin point the answer when there are so many, to throw into one. Hm. Could You? do it? Man. Anywone could.
LoL lol lol. ee pop.

Ah the beauty of the face it's hard to place, the words. Hare hare.
Yes. So, I'm only going to tell, what I have been actually feeling.
That's it. That's all.

Not to rush the wind and go go sleep. Run with me..not to see the sun, but run! with me....

                                         run with me....

Let's Run!

Swamp Thing.

This is for my friend Jody, from the other night, when he recited his skillfully made poetry to me, and I could see the truth and reality in all of them. Down on the Bayou. Like music coming out of his soul is what the poetry sounded like. And today, I'm learning me self how to do this. Hehe. Haha!

Creedence Clearwater.

Hmhmhm. And wouldn't you know...yesterday we were talking about the Air, expressed through many different words. Today, it is wateh

all right all right all right. I'll show you about the air that we talked of yesterday.

~Whispers In The Wind
(Poem Book having many poets' work)

~A Reunion In The Sky
(Jody Hall's Poem name in the book)

~Shade-Air of the Deep
(My poem created long ago, remembered)

[[ --- Shedare of the Deep --- ]]
[[ --- (original spelling of title) --- ]]

That's what we were talking about. So you go through the titles and you look for all that represents Air, and then you see what I was talking about...and how now haha brown childish,...we all have the words of today. Like below...under this post, it's all about blood. Blood baby, Blood! That's a watery liquid. Isn't it? Well, for arts sake, let's just call it a fluid.



Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Mother? The Bats? Yes Skeleton Was Right.

It definitely has something to do with the mother. I wrote about Skeleton in my Belialith's Tales blog. The reason I'm writing about it now is that it just dawned on me. I was drinking some dark rum, and thought mmm it's so beautiful. And then I remembered the bat as their logo, and I liked it so I took three caps from some bacardee breeze the orange coloured liquid in a bottle. It was before Halloween last year and so I asked Fifi the bartender for the empty bottles to put on my fridge at home for Halloween decorations. They're a nice orange and black color.

Yea. I like bats. I think they're utterly beautiful. They are one of the only creatures who will adopt another species of babies and bring them up as their own...foster parents. I'd say that is awesome. I love them. I had a few bats come at me a time when I was communicating with birds in the day time. At night these bats came around at that very time frame, as though they knew I was communicating to the winged creatures this time and they too wanted to be there. They never showed up before. This was a one time event.

That summer as I stood on my second floor porch with a light behind me....hahaha, the bat came toward me in the twilight, straight at the last moment I moved my head to the left because I didn't see it hahaha proceeding to move. It didn't. I had to move my head. But that was an intriguing moment of communication. I turned around and watched as it flew razor close to the wall. I don't think it even touched it, and it went around the light, probably catching bugs, and this bat was super sharp. The curve it took was extreme...sort of the way Spirodin Diakovasiliou, the Greek guy, drove his kit-car corvette around a corner. It was so fast! Wow. Then a second one came after that one, and the same thing. There were two or three of them flying around that evening. It was just, just extraordinary. So that was my first personal experience with bats.

Then I had a dream many years later. My mother died a long time ago, back in 1992. I had this dream somewhere in the 2000's maybe oh 6 or something. There were tiny bats at a door in the night. I think they were communicating to me. I don't remember it very clearly right now, but I followed this path in the starry night, and then I saw my mother come toward me and there were millions of tiny bats all around her, and they were all full of joy and my mother had a wonderfully lovely smile on her face. I was happy to see her. This was my first dream where I saw my mother and met her after her death. There was a dream after her death where I saw her surface, but I knew it wasn't her. It was one of the fallen angels disguised as her, sending me a message. I dispelled that surface immediately because I stood there saying "that is not my mother!" And I demanded the truth. So anyway. This dream it felt like her actual presence. And it was so lovely. I loved those bats too. They were everywhere. Mostly all over the ground when my mother was well as in the air.

Then when I had all those thoughts come through my mind, a few seconds of course...unlike writing it all down best as you can...then I rememebered what Skeleton had said about my mother. What ever he's talking about, I'm certain I'll find the truth real quickly now. I mean, I do have it don't I? Yes. It's there. So then what is this truth coming to me for? at this time? Perhaps these are the tools I have to work with now. And the pictures coming to me, fitting themselves together to form that truth, are the tools being formed, created, for me to use in my next aspect of life...everlasting...always. Of course!


Love you all.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Edward Bulwer-Lytton: Psychopath, Freemason, Committee of 300.

In David Icke's book The Biggest Secret. Here's an excerpt on page 282 in the chapter "Under the Influence.

"The Treaty of Nanking of 1842 gave Britain control over Hong Kong, plus about
£15 million in silver. It was written by the Freemason and Colonial Minister, Edward
Bulwer-Lytton (Comm 300), whose writings were to so inspire Hitler, the Nazis, and
mystics like Madame Blavatsky. Bulwer-Lytton wrote of the Vril power (serpent power)
in the blood of the ‘underground supermen’. Bulwer-Lytton’s son was the Viceroy of
India at the height of the opium trade between India and China, a period ‘camouflaged’
by Rudyard Kipling’s writings about the British Raj (British drug runners)."..... "The British reptilian bloodline families worked with their other American relatives to
expand the drug trade, as they still do today."

And in an article by Thomas Morgan:

Edward Bulwer-Lytton: The Pioneering Novelist Who Became A Literary Joke:

-"Professor Sutherland’s ultra-critical ‘ “Ho, Diomed”: Bulwer-Lytton, the great unreadable’ was published in The Times Literary Supplement on 28 July 2000, a few weeks after the University of London held a Bulwer-Lytton Conference. ‘The fact is that any of his twenty-five novels would have been a strong contender for the Bulwer-Lytton Prize,’ wrote Professor Sutherland. ‘Why does he not even have a single title in the 700-strong catalogues of Penguin and Oxford World Classics?’ (Even Marie Corelli’s "The Sorrows of Satan" [1895] is an Oxford Classic.) Bulwer’s absurd style, he says, is largely responsible. Sutherland suggests that the ‘most ridiculously Bulwerian’ of the author’s openings is to be found in "Harold, The Last of the Saxon Kings" (1848): ‘Merry was the month of May in the year of our Lord 1052’. Well, it was ‘struck off “at a heat” ’.

-"In 1830 the publication of "Paul Clifford", with its sympathetic portrait of a chivalrous, philanthropic highwayman, caused reviewers to condemn it as immoral. "Eugene Aram" (1832), based on a true story, had a guilt-racked philosophical scholar as its central character – an accomplice to murder."... "Through his attempt to fathom the psychology of the criminal mind Bulwer was condemned as a ‘corruptor of youth’. In his case the situation was additionally controversial since he had been elected MP for St Ives, Huntingdonshire, in 1831."

-"Sutherland did have a few kind words for Bulwer’s fantasy novels: ‘There is some interest today – among New Age enthusiasts – in Bulwer-Lytton’s occult thrillers, "Zanoni "(1842, a rewrite of Maturin’s "Melmoth the Wanderer") and "A Strange Story" (1862, the best of the Victorian mesmeric romances). And there is a faithful cult gathering around "The Coming Race" [published anonymously in 1871] – a pioneer work of science fiction.’ Bulwer has another less exalted claim to fame. The subterranean race in this latter work possess a mysterious source of power called "vril," which led an enterprising meat-extract manufacturer to combine the term with ‘bovine’; thus the elixir Bovril came into the world. Like Bulwer-Lytton’s novels, it is an acquired taste. Madame Blavatsky, that occult magpie, adopted "vril" into Theosophy, claming that the Atlanteans used it to power their flying craft (verily there is no religion higher than truth!). Sutherland also praised the classic ghost tale ‘The Haunters and the Haunted’ (1859) as having ‘its admirers and many imitators’.

-" H. P. Lovecraft, who in ‘Supernatural Horror in Literature’ (1926), commends Bulwer’s work: ‘ . . . despite the large does of turgid rhetoric and empty romanticism in his products, his success in the weaving of a certain kind of bizarre charm cannot be denied’.
-"His comedy "Money" (1840) was revived recently by the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre with some success. Several of his books and a short biography by Sybella Jane Flower are available from Knebworth House (see Bulwer-Lytton may be a figure of fun on the Internet, but he unwittingly cast a shadow on the world. His novel "Rienzi, The Last of the Tribunes" (1835) was adapted by Wagner as his third opera, and this, in turn, had a devastating influence on the adolescent Adolf Hitler, who doubtless saw in the visionary 14th century orator Rienzi establishing a republic and restoring pride to Rome the prefiguring of his own destiny. Of his first viewing of the opera he later chillingly stated ‘In that hour it began’. One can’t blame Bulwer for the rise of the Nazis – Hitler doubtless would have found some other catalyst for his foul dreams; but in view of the way the 20th century’s blood-drenched history developed, it could be argued that Bulwer was among the most influential authors who ever lived. He would have been horrified by the consequences of one of his novels, but he did indeed change the world."

Oh? You think so? Maybe he would have been delighted.

So I went to go check out some of his books and came across this:

The Caxton Novels Vol. 1.

By reading what he wrote, it is obvious he is a psychopath. Besides what others have said about reading his work, I can see Freemason symbols and imagery as well as a psychopath type personality. It's the way he describes everything from a physical stand point of view. He doesn't respond to the "it's a boy" like a normal human would. I mean not knowing anything about the story, the first thing a person thinks is that a baby has been born. He writes of it as though he were stupid. He has no understanding, and no emotion about it. He goes on in a physical only type of description of man and boy bringing up the monkey bit as well. Yep, want to see what this type of cunning manipulator is all about? their own words out of their own head. This book!

Check this out, from page 56 of "The Caxtons, A Family Picture." It's loaded with symbol language, or what you call cryptic, ie. hidden meanings.

"Even as old Burton saith of himself---"Though I live a collegiate student, and lead a monastic life, sequestered from those tumults and troubles of the world, I hear and see what is done abroad, how others run, ride, turmoil, and macerate themselves in town and country:" which citation sufficeth to show that scholars are naturally the most active men of the world, only that while their heads plot with Augustus, fight with Julius, sail with Columbus, and change the face of the globe with Alexander, Attila, or Mahomet, there is a certain mysterious attraction, which our improved knowledge of mesmerism will doubtless soon explain to the satisfaction of science, between that extremer and antipodal part of the human frame, called in the vulgate "the seat of honour," and the stuffed leather of an armed chair. Learning somehow or other sinks down to that part into which it was first driven, and produces therein a leaden heaviness and weight, which counteract those lively emotions of the brain, that might otherwise render students too mercurial and agile for the safety of established order.   I leave this conjecture to the consideration of experimentalists in the physics."

Pg. 57: "I was still more delighted than my father with Uncle Jack. He was full of amusing tricks, could conjure wonderfully, make a bunch of keys dance a hornpipe, and if ever you gave him a half-a-crown, he was sure to turn it into a halfpenny. He was only unsuccessful in turning my halfpennies into halfcrowns." .... "So, even as an ogre, having devastated the surrounding country, begins to cast a hungry eye on his own little ones, Uncle Jack's mouth, long defrauded of jucier and more legitimate morsels, began to water for a bite of my innocent father."


These individuals are still a mystery. How do we classify these hired mercenaries and professional killers who are quick to take up arms and perform a duty as directed? No feelings inhibit their performance, and yet none of the descriptions of psychopathies or characteropathies apply to them. They lack the talkativeness and impulsiveness of essential psychopaths or the false idealism of the asthenic. They are possibly hybrids of the other psychopathologies (e.g., schizoidia and essential psychopath or skirtoidism). [Jackals excerpted from Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology website.]

And before this he started with something else, about driving it into the minds of those around, into their subconscious...

Page 40: "Now, this Dr Herman was the son of a German music-master, who had settled in England." .... "Dr Herman was one of the earliest of those new-fashioned authorities in education, who have, more lately, spread pretty numerously amongst us, and would have given, perhaps, a dangerous shake to the foundations of our great classical seminaries, if those last had not very wisely, though very cautiously, borrowed some of the more sensible principles which lay mixed and adulterated amongst the crotchets and chimeras of their innovating rivals and assailants.

   Dr Herman had written a great many learned works against every pre-existing method of instruction : that which had made the greatest noise was upon the infamous fiction of SPELLING-BOOKS : " A more lying, roundabout, puzzle-headed delusion than that by which we CONFUSE the clear instincts of truth in our accursed system of spelling, was never concocted by the father of falsehood." .... "As for the rest, upon a broad principle of eclecticism, he had combined together every new patent invention for youthful idea-shooting. ["Spelling" books, talking about mesmerism, black magic, creating spells to bewitch, deceive, manipulate. Like this spelling "Book" which he writes, the Saxons, I mean, Caxtons.]
   He had taken his trigger from Hofwyl ; he had bought his wadding from Hamilton ; he had got his coppercaps from Bell and Lancaster.   The youthful idea !  he had rammed it with pictorial illustrations ! -- he had rammed it with the monitorial system ! -- he had rammed it in every conceivable way, and with every imaginable ramrod ; but I have mournful doubts whether he shot the youthful idea an inch farther than it did under the old mechanism of flint and steel ! [I feel he's talking about mind manipulation/brain washing, versus the old physical torture systems of the roman catholics...their first terrorizing acts.] Nevertheless, as Dr Herman really did teach a great many things too much neglected at schools ; as, besides Latin and Greek, he taught a vast variety in that vague infinite nowadays called "useful knowledge ;" as he engaged lectures on chemistry, engineering, and natural history ; as arithmetic and the elements of physical science were enforced with zeal and care ; as all sorts of gymnastics were intermingled with the sports of the play-ground ; --so the youthful idea, if it did not go farther, spread its shots in a wider direction ; and a boy could not stay there five years without learning something, which is more than can be said of all schools! "....

..."But, alas ! as his school increased in numbers, he had proportionately recanted these honourable and anti-birchen ideas. He had, reluctantly, perhaps---honestly, no doubt, but with full determination---come to the conclusion that there are secret springs which can only be detected by the twigs of the divining-rod ; and having discovered with what comparative ease the whole mechanism of his little government could be carried on by the admission of the birch-regulator, so, as he grew richer, and lazier, and fatter, the Philhellenic Institute spun along as glibly as a top kept in vivacious movement by the perpetual application of the lash."

Birch is a white faced tree. (white face, blue eyes, Aryan). And so these 'white' saxons, the little government, a committee of 300, were regulated by the 'birch-regulator'...which is basically saying, the reptilian ruler, their capstone, their Despot.

 Read, The Protocols of Zion.

                      The Lizard being talking about their committee of 300 psychopaths...

22. Behold the alcoholic animals, bemused with drink, the right to an immoderate use of which comes along with freedom. (What? You give them freedom?) It is not for us and ours to walk that road. (You don't walk the road of freedom, so how can you give freedom? won't, can't.) The peoples of the GOYIM (The peoples of the 2 legged GECKO lizard/the winged gargoyles are symbolic of these Draco) are bemused with alcoholic liquors; their youth has grown stupid on classicism and from early immorality, into which it has been inducted by our special agents - by tutors, lackeys, governesses in the houses of the wealthy, by clerks and others, by our women in the places of dissipation frequented by the GOYIM. In the number of these last I count also the so-called "society ladies," voluntary followers of the others in corruption and luxury.

So you see how the no-feeling Lizard beings have not even a care about these psychopaths they use for their own agenda? Wouldn't want to be you, committee of 300.


"He had taken his trigger from Hofwyl ; he had bought his wadding from Hamilton ; he had got his coppercaps from Bell and Lancaster.   The youthful idea !  he had rammed it with pictorial illustrations ! -- he had rammed it with the monitorial system ! -- he had rammed it in every conceivable way, and with every imaginable ramrod ; "

(excerpt from The Biggest Secret by David Icke:)

"Satanism is just another name for the worship of a highly destructive, negative force which has been given endless names over the centuries: Nimrod, Baal, Moloch or Molech, Set, the Devil, Lucifer, there is no end to them. Satanism perverts everything positive in the same way that the Nazis took a positive symbol, the swastika, and turned it around to symbolise the negative. This is why the Satanists invert the pentagram and why they use black to symbolise the darkness, hence their Black Mass. But they also reverse the
symbolism of white and that is a powerfully negative colour to them."

Sunday, February 13, 2011

The Society Of Mind.

"These questions all seem difficult, indeed, when we sever each one's connections to the other ones. But once we see the mind as a society of agents, each answer will illuminate the rest."

And therefore we have the answer to the lizard beings. When we take them separately then oh my gAUd they are a pestilence a neusance a...psychopath! It's only when we take them into the society as a whole, do we even begin to see where their place is, what they represent. And how the whole fucking thing works.

Ok dahlings, here it is. The Society of Mind. Awesome. The book is written by an Awesome man...Marvin Minsky. Ahh some! Yea.

This is what I was talking about. Let me drop this into the poest, his first chapter...

1.1 The Agents Of The Mind.

  Good theories of the mind must span at least three diffferent scales of time: slow, for the billion years in which our brains have evolved; fast, for the fleeting weeks and months of infancy and childhood; and in between, the centuries of growth of our ideas through history.
  To explain the mind, we have to show how minds are built from mindless stuff, from parts that are much smaller and simpler than anything we'd consider smart. Unless we can explain the mind in terms of things that have no thoughts or feelings of their own, we'll only have gone around in a circle. But what could those simpler particles be---the "agents" that compose our minds? This is the subject of our book, and knowing this, let's see our task. There are many questions to answer.

Function: How do agents work?
Embodiment: What are they made of?
Interaction: How do they communicate?
Origins: Where do the first agents come from?
Heredity: Are we all born with the same agents?
Learning: How do we make new agents and change old ones?
Character: What are the most important kinds of agents?
Authority: What happens when agents disagree?
Intention: How could such networks want or wish?
Competence: How can groups of agents do what separate agents cannot do?
Selfness: What gives them unity or personality?
Meaning: How could they understand anything?
Sensibilty: How could they have feelings and emotions?
Awareness: How could they be conscious or self-aware?

How could a theory of the mind explain so many things, when every separate question seems too hard to answer by itself? These questions all seem difficult, indeed, when we sever each one's connections to the other ones. But once we see the mind as a society of agents, each answer will illuminate the rest.

Great stuff huh.


Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ridding Ourselves of the Psychopath.

Psychopaths are Lizard beings masquerading as humans, and also robots for the Lizard beings to puppet for their agenda. The Pleiadians said in the Bringers of the Dawn that there are races of extraterrestrials who have no feelings at all for humans or otherwise. They mainly talk about the Lizards.

It's time to start culling the psychopath out from humanity and the fourth density.
All you workers dig in and begin consistently and strongly to do this. The balance.

It's like this. You have knowledge and understanding. You are a creator. The psychopath are like rock matter, vegetation or animals. They don't rule you, you rule them. You go into the garden, collect the stones and put them in a pile over there, so when you get to it later you can create a nice stone wall to grow your climbing rose plants on. You go into your garden removing the stones and clearing the debris of plants and bush which have grown willy nilly everywhere. You take which plants you want and put them aside and then burn those things which are not needed in the other pile, which you can make compost out of. Then you cultivate your soil. You plant those things which you are going to be using for whatever purpose. You also plant those plants around your garden which keeps animal intruders out, and you surround other things with fence and cover other things with nets. This is how you rule over the psychopaths who are like stones, weeds, and animals in your garden. You control the ignorant of life's organized efforts, toward more life. You do this because this is what is required.

Here is some information which can help you along to keep you strong and motivated in your efforts, and happily so!

Here are excerpts out of the Statement and Principles of The Fellowship Of The Cosmic Mind:

" is the duty of all truly autonomous beings, grounded in Conscience, to hold Truth above all else and to make it available to all who ask. The history of humanity is a history of a failure to do so and has resulted in endless warfare, oppression, imperialism, and the arrogant imposition of false or misunderstood ideals on those holding differing beliefs."

"We recognize that psychopathy is the root cause in the cycles of inter-generational and trans-generational social Evil and is the primary player in the mechanical entropic tendency of Cosmic Evil to hinder human development and thus stamp out the full potential of Spirit in this world."

"...Those in whom biology overwhelmingly determines behavior, identify with Matter. Those in whom Consciousness and Conscience, leading to Free Will, rule over biological and social determinants of behavior, identify with Spirit. The feedback mechanism of Soul Development, whereby Consciousness increases in concert with Conscience, which then exerts an influence on genetics, allows for even greater expressions of Consciousness.

As such, we recognize that humans whose behavior is solely biologically and socially determined, as in psychopaths and blind conformists, cannot be said to possess a truly Human Soul. Rather, their Soul Component is more akin to the spiritualistic and undifferentiated animating force governing the species of the animal kingdom. Thus, human individuals without a Soul Component may have great intelligence, but because they lack a connection, or resonance, with the Cosmic Mind via the emotions of the Soul, they cannot conceive of its existence. When this occurs in an individual of great intellect and energy who has access to large venues of influence and expression, as in academia, doctrines of materialism are easily created and widely propagated. Only those whose behavior is largely mitigated by Conscience, or empathy, can be said to have sufficiently high Soul Component.

However, empathy is not simply reactive emotionality; it is reflective and differential in its feeling and understanding of others. It can also be convincingly imitated and is authentic only when actions match words. The Soul, or Higher Self, which is Spiritual in nature, marries with genetics only if those potentials are present."

"...crying out against injustice of all kinds and identifying its roots, whether human or cosmic. Creation is known by its Effects: justice, harmony, absence of confusion, and the protection of Free Will against those who would seek to betray it."

"We recognize that the roots of human evil, though originating at the Cosmic level, are primarily psychobiological in nature and a product of humanity's evolutionary history. The higher-level Second Density hominid species contribute substantially to humanity's biological substrate. As Second Density expresses the variations of Archetypes in genetic forms, therefore our instinctive-emotional substrate holds the roots of human evil. We recognize that emotions are the motivating energy behind normal human behavior, and that intellect is most often an instrument in their service, its fruit a product of the quality and calibration of the emotions directing it.

The emotional-instinctive substrate of humanity, formed over millions of years of evolution, forms the instrument of human Consciousness and largely determines our social life, our family bonds, our sense of right and wrong, our sense of humanity, our potential for expressing our Conscience. However, just as the quality of an electrical system's wiring determines its ability to conduct current, our genetics and biology determine, and limit, the "current" of our Consciousness. (I feel there is more to it than that. For example, the psychopath came out of a willfulness against facing the truth, wherefore they did not form the biology which aIn the case of building blocks missing in the substrate, the extreme of psychopathy represents a near complete deficit of social emotions: trust, honour, love, compassion, empathy, care, duty, allegiance, respect, gratitude, justice. In contrast, the qualities of the psychopath, including cold-heartedness, a "lying tongue," superficial charm, emotional manipulation, arrogance, self-centeredness, lack of remorse, and sadism, have all been known historically as qualities of Evil. The range of expressions of the instinctive substrate reflects the spectrum of Creation: Spirit and Matter, Creation and Destruction, Good and Evil. Psychopathy represents the epitome of human Evil, because psychopaths have the will to predation of the animal kingdom without the capacity for self-reference that belongs to the truly human estate."

"...we repudiate the notions that a "statement of faith" absolves one of their "sins." Psychopaths cannot change their nature, nor should they, and yet the mere declaration of being a "good Christian" or "born again," for example, is often taken to be sufficient grounds for their inclusion in religious groups (like kindergarten-style people in a sand playbox do), and denial of the psychopath's true nature. PaleoChristianity has thus always taken efforts to protect against the inclusion of psychopaths within their midst by refusing their access to positions of influence within the group. The first reaction (by psychopaths) of those who would to destroy fairness and justice to such exclusions, is of course the cry that such groups are "unfair" and "unjust." We repudiate such interpretations, asking instead, is it "fair" to allow the fox to enter the hen-house or the wolf to guard the sheep?"

To learn more about the psychopath, get this book:

The original manuscript of this book went into the furnace minutes before a secret police raid in Communist Poland. The second copy, painfully reassembled by scientists working under impossible conditions of violence and repression, was sent via courier to the Vatican. Its receipt was never acknowledged - the manuscript and all valuable data lost. In 1984, the third and final copy was written from memory by the last survivor of the original researchers: Andrew Lobaczewski. Zbigniew Brzezinski blocked its publication.
After half a century of suppression, this book is finally available.

You can read this book right now. It's in PDF form.


The Predator's Pact

Monday, February 7, 2011

Reptoids, Reptilians, Draco, Lizards, Shapeshifters.

Here's an excerpt from the book The Biggest Secret by David Icke. To read the whole book
click on the link.

What they look like

Summarising all the research I have read, the people I have met, and the accounts of
those who claim to have experienced these reptile humanoids or reptilians, the following appears to be the case. There are many sub and crossbreed races of the reptilians.

Their elite is known by UFO researchers as the Draco. These are the ‘big boys’ in every sense and they are usually between seven and twelve feet tall. They have wings which are flaps of skin supported by long ribs. The wings can be folded back against the body and they are the origin of the term “winged serpent” (winged sniper...bIg bAt...lazerbeam eyes..hahaha). They are also the origin of the term ‘fallen angels’ and the winged gargoyles are symbolic of these Draco. The cape worn by Count Dracula is symbolic of these wings and the character of Dracula in the Bram Stoker stories is said to be a fallen angel. The winged Draco are also known as the Dragon Race and some of the ancient gods were described and depicted as birdmen. This could be one of the origins of the Phoenix and eagle in Brotherhood symbolism, as well as the more esoteric meanings. The biblical Satan is depicted as a reptilian, too.

Some of the Draco reptilian hierarchy are apparently white or albino white and not
the usual green or brown, and this connects with the description of the strange ‘albino’
lizard humanoid in the building in Aurora, near Denver. The Draco are the ‘royalty’ of the reptilians and the highest caste are the albino whites, who apparently have conical horns midway between the brow and the top of the skull. This struck me immediately because the ancient ‘gods’ and royalty were depicted as wearing a horned headdress, symbolic of these ‘royal’ reptilians, I’m certain. Other species, like the soldier class and scientists, are known as Reptoids. They don’t have wings, but all of them are coldblooded.

Their scales are much larger on their backs and they have three fingers with
an opposing thumb. They have three toes with a fourth towards the side of their ankle
and their claws are short and blunt. They have large, cat-like eyes which glow red and a mouth that looks more like a slit. Some have eyes which are described as black and
others are white with flame-coloured vertical pupils. Again this is what the lady
described in the Aurora case. The reptilians are five to twelve feet tall and they are the
‘giants’ described so widely in the ancient legends and records. Some have tails, others
do not. One of their other planets of influence long ago is reckoned to have been Mars
and so were reptile crossbreeds among the white Martians even before they came here?

Zecharia Sitchin also speculates that the Anunnaki went to Mars before coming to
Earth. This would certainly fit the picture and it could well be that the white Martians in Brian Desborough’s scenario and the Annunaki have long been genetically connected.

A high priestess of the Brotherhood hierarchy who has broken out of their clutches, at
least at the time I spoke with her, says that the reptilian Anunnaki invaded Mars long
ago and the white race of Martians eventually left that planet for Earth. The Anunnaki
on Mars followed, she said, although I have no doubt that some are there now in
underground bases. Whenever one of the NASA Mars probes is in danger of letting the public see something they shouldn’t, the link mysteriously goes down or the probe
disappears altogether.

What is without question is that the white race, whatever its origin, has been the main vehicle of the Anunnaki crossbreeding programme for the takeover of Planet Earth. Researchers believe that the reptilians are the controllers of the so-called Greys, the classic extraterrestrial figure of modern times with their big black eyes. The Greys feature in most of the abduction accounts.

Jason Bishop III in his writings on this subject says that the hierarchy of control is: Draco (winged reptilian); Draco (non-winged); Greys; Humans. There also appears to be a reptilian ‘alliance’ with some other extraterrestrial groups.

It is suggested that human sacrifice to the ‘gods’ in the ancient world, particularly
of children, was for the benefit of reptilians who demanded these rituals (a trait of the
reptile brain is ritualism). I am sure this is true and it will be extremely relevant in the latter part of this book.

At the moment of death by sacrifice a form of adrenaline
surges through the body and accumulates at the base of the brain and is, apparently,
most potent in children. This is what the reptilians and their crossbreeds want, it is
said, and they certainly feed off human blood and flesh.

These ancient sacrifices were literally to the gods, the Anunnaki reptilians, and they continue today. The common theme of all research into the reptilians is that they are emotionless and without sentiment and, at the fourth dimensional level, they feed off the energy of low vibrational human emotions like fear, guilt and aggression. When we emit such emotions their energy can’t be seen in this world because it resonates to the lower fourth dimensional frequency and there it is absorbed by the reptilians. The more of these emotions that can be stimulated, the more energy the reptilians have to work with.

Thus we have the encouragement of wars, human genocide, the mass slaughter
of animals, sexual perversions which create highly charged negative energy, and black
magic ritual and sacrifice which takes place on a scale that will stagger those who have not studied the subject.


Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Shadow.

Would you to give up on yourself, then who could help you? Or, when the light within you is all blackness then what have you left within? A complete criminal with a short existence. There is no fight there. Lack of balance. Easily expendable. Same with the opposite would that be here on this Earth, it could not stay for a very long time. That is what I have learned thus far. Hence "stay on the straight road" saying.

And so we must to know ourselves to find out what our shadow is and to resolve the difficulty completely, in order to have a harmonious life. Yesterday I found out who my shadow is. It is me, my own self, but without my own self knowing it was I. I had stomped it down, pushed it aside and hid it from dealing with. The light that was in me was thinking I could rid myself of this shadow part of me by hiding it. It didn't work. I had to deal with the unusual and strange things that I found had happened when I came back to being the person I am in daily life. It's like a Dr Jekyll, Mr Hyde type of situation.

I don't know everything, at the same time I am looking to see, still today, what is the cause of this splitting in me. It's a shattering of the being which I must face completely, without judgement, in order to find the truth. In the past few days I've been seeing pictures of my past come to me, in many different parts of my life, some from daily events from childhood, seemingly innocent events, some from adulthood, some from dreams I had, some from visions, and some from the very daily things around me which brought back memories that were not quite clear, but they resembled something, sort of like a deja vu feeling which had happened but without a clear comprehension of it at the time, so that I had to dwell upon the picture, the feeling, until I had seen more pictures come to me which brought sense to the whole. A gentle eureka moment. Only when one is ready will the picture be there, and it will be gentle to some, because it's so terrible, and still, must be dealt with, so in gentility it will come shocking you, at the same time not too much, so that one can continue to work with it to find the truth. That would be my situation. Maybe yours, I don't know. I'm going to describe some of the things I personally have to deal with, just so you can see how difficult it is, and yet, very necessary to have dealt with.

First I must say to you that nothing flows in a literal or lateral way. It does not follow a minute after minute schemato style. Why? Perhaps because the truth is hidden in a part that is most intense, and it is not going to reveal itself so easily to the blind. In my searches I have found that the Spirit is equally through all things, which doesn't give you a clue to anything when you follow a well-beaten trail. It is so complex I find it very difficult to even begin somewhere. So I must ask myself, where is the best place to begin my communications?

And here I will begin. When I was perhaps in my later teenage years, I do not quite remember time scheme, I only remember events as to grave importance. So I begin with this. I wanted to know all parts of myself first. I wanted to know how it worked. I observed my inner mechanisms, thoughts, feelings, dealings, within myself. I found out there were three parts out of the whole, that is out of the one part, who I am. I took who I am, and I saw there were three parts to myself. Just as later in my life when I had read Gurdjieff's teachings, he said the God is like this. There is the "Absolute," the "1." Then there is "All Worlds," the "3." That is where I started and this is what I have found. Gurdjieff wasn't talking about something outside of us only, he was also talking about our very own Self. And this is how our own Self expands into all these other worlds. The next one he said is "All Suns," "6," and the next is "Sun," "12," and so on.

Well this is what I found about my Self. I looked inside and there was a very dominant force. It was apparently from my left side, the side of the Snake, which is a Taurus, in the Oriental astrology. I was born in 1965. And the small positive side was the right side, which is my Aries side, being born April 1st. I saw that the personality of the left large side was that of the Snake. She was positive and negative as well. She had her own personality. And the right side, the Aries had a smaller role, right next to her the larger role, and that Aries as well had a positive and negative side.

I noticed that when the right side grew large, then it was negative, and the left side was small and positive. And likewise, when the left side grew large, she was negative and the right side was positive. So that tells me there is always a balance happening. It was quite an extreme balance back then when I first began observing. First the Aries was large, and it was negative. Then a few years later, when I did deeper soul searching, the left side became large and the right side became small.

That time I noticed they two were arguing with one another, basically fighting with each other. That was when the Snake was large and the Aries was small. She was feminine and he was positive. She was so great and beginning to turn black, and he was small beginning to fade away and was becoming powerless against her. So he was arguing for respect and she was dominating over him. While they were arguing, suddenly in came a force unseen and unknown to them both. That force I will call the Neutral force, the Wisdom, the Mediator. And she was of high knowledge. This being immediately had them to stop arguing and to call a balance where both can exist side by side. I noticed that she was coming from a different place. She was constantly in thought with other worlds/places, working, continuing.

Both left and right immediately listened to her, like she was the Christ principle because she had the knowledge which they together did not have. And being a unity and knowing they exist only with one another, that without the one, the other will no longer exist, they paid reverence to her with their attention and followed through. She disappeared as quick as she had come. It was a surprise, their first meeting of this one called the Mediator. They both were curious about this one being. After she disappeared back into her own world, them two made some kind of rules with each other, that she would allow him some duty and that she would follow his help, and that he would allow her a certain duty and he would follow her in that regard. They didn't see the Mediator for a long time after that. It was the first and I suppose last time they saw her, at the same time, that was enough for the left and right to keep a balance straight through my entire life up to this day, which has been respected. And through all that, other and new balances have formed, where she no longer ruled the roost, and he no longer was left to slave for her. Instead a new being formed within myself, and that is who I am today. A different person altogether. There have been vast experiences in my inner world, as well the outer.

The thing about the shadow is that I was warned I couldn't force it out or ignore it. I had to find out what its purpose in my lifetime is. There were some frightening situations which appeared, and I won't go into depth with it, only to say that yes, she is alive and living right along with the light and gentle side of my human being. And becoming knowledgeable about who I am, I have seen that she works not as an enemy but as a friend. It's up to my serious conscious self to stay aware of who I am at all times in order to understand where the lifeforce is taking me, in what direction it works...and it works toward the divine master plan is what I've seen.

There is much too many experiences to tell of, and so I shall stop now to take care of my other daily life situations, and I will come to this post later to fill in what I wanted to tell of, but find that I have other things which need tending to, as well.

Until later.



It's later alright. It's 2:22 am Sunday January 30, 2011.  Sunshower
