Thursday, May 7, 2015

DNA Described By Galactic Historian Andrew Bartzis. (with Nathalie)

This is the link to the video this was transcripted from.

INTRO: This is the une deux, troix, Kat.

What is DNA?
DNA is Light. DNA is Memories. DNA is your own Dreamworld Connection, your
own set of Solar Codes, transcendent Mathematical Mystery, personal Paradox

Introducing DNA Advanced.

DNA is predominantly memory. We are beings of photonic light acting under a set
of rules that dictate how our incarnations express and exchange Energy. DNA is the
encoding, and lightbody is the cypher that codecs our experiences. Revisiting these
previous experiences in different lifetimes stores memories into the DNA lineages.
These reverberate into Eternity.

The objective is: growth, Soul expansion.

'Accepted science' does not recognize the ability of DNA change because they
measure only the visible part of DNA & RNA structures. But DNA is light in
another Form, where Consciousness is the invisible part.

This connects us with the Super-Consciousness and the Universal Repository where
we transact experiences at the Super-Conscious level. The invisible part of our
DNA encodes every fraction of our "fraud time" into light, no-time and Memory.
Thus we can say that Memory is Experience stored into a form of light.

"We, as Streams of Consciousness, have thousands of sub-carrier codes, millions of
different experiences inside us." --Andrew.

     Each I AM presence becomes the peak of Soul expression into the DNA
technology, and each instance brings forth more Consciousness. The Soul in its
sovereignty decides to manifest its Spark into one or more I AM presence instances,
so that the full gamut of the experience can be collected and the Akashic record
updated. If the Experience is not fully consumed, the sovereign Soul might choose
to put up another versin of its Self.

The I AM presence connects to otherworld layers of Consciousness via DNA
strands toward higher entities - ones that, for example, already made the shift
through separation of densities.

Once this contact is attained, Consciousness can radiate into and inform the current
skinsuit about programs and understandings it didn't yet experience.

Apart from awareness and awakening, CLARITY and CLEANLINESS are the
prerequisites of such Connection.

This ability and potential of DNA opened up possibility of attempts of alteration as
means to influence and control expression: modified or false memories, removal of
skillsets via cultural training, usage of information to incarnate beings into new
worlds with blank Akashic records, etc.

DNA skin suit interaction with other elements of this world allow Souls to create
ultimate dreams that empower other worlds.

We are part of a holographic Universe of perceived light.

     Each of these DNA strands activations expands the skinsuit abilities manyfold.
Regular scientific experiments have demonstrated DNA transfer taking place via

Sun as Soul code carrier acts as a focal point of exchange between Universes.
Sunlight is constantly carrying Astral Beings from one Universe to another.
Each DNA strand is/gives access to/a layer of Knowingness that you can tap into.
Each newly-accessed layer needs to be integrated into the currently opened layers.
This is growth, Life and Soul learning.

Sun can be your Ultimate friend. Allowing the transfer to happen into your DNA
can bring LUMINESCENCE into your Being. You would be 'downloading

     Accessing multiple DNA strands is similar to opening up in no-time a Spiritual
Chord of Equity. Once received, information needs to be acted upon as this is
modifying the density of the soul. (Ramtha is awesome. He was doing exactly the
same thing!) Conscious or subconscious, allowing Light into our
physical/spiritual/ethereal bodies, is what will ultimately produce a Separation of

 We are currently in a window of opportunity between Equinox and Solstice:
"Global Dreamtime is coming to us." Introducing: choice of reception.

If Heart center - heartbeat - is used, Light will be healing and its carriers will bring
in Consciousness, knowledge, and information.

If adrenal gland (i.e. medulla oblongata) takes precedence, the broadcast is wasted
as 'there is little to serve the little Me in the Light.'

It is simply a matter of CHOOSING LOVE FIRST.

Advanced DNA Part I

N: Welcome everybody. Today we're going to have a session called, Deep
Understandings. There is so much about our DNA that we are yet to discover. And
today, we'd like to really get on to that subject, the prime subject, not in between
our specific races, but the prime subject of our DNA as the Human Species.
Andrew, would you like to give, as an intro, would you like to give a clarification
of your perspective when it comes to, what IS actually DNA?

A: DNA, is 80% memories. That's one of the first fundamental understandings
science and spirituality are going to have to come to terms with. We live in a reality
of photonic light that has a bunch of rules in it that says how photonic light beings
incarnate, express, and exchange, and when they pass on, how they express and
exchange in another scale. And the DNA is the encoding, and the soul or the light
body is the cipher that uncodes and unpacks the experience. And as we come back,
many times over, to the same type of living, after a while we store memories in
DNA lineages, and this is how we go to the immortality aspect, where we keep
getting born into a lineage that has our own memories in it, and has our regular cell
family incarnation process in it, so we can become bigger and greater beings of
divinity and light.

We also live in a time where they do not teach of our DNA lineage. They teach you
of mathematics and DNA and RNA and how it can be easily changed and altered.
Well, that is true, because DNA is still light in another form. It is visible on one
spectrum, and invisible on another spectrum. You know, when our consciousness
reaches the peak of where we are right now, in ourselves now, there is a part of our
Super Consciousness that is working with this reality, constantly encoding every
micro-second of fraud time into light, into our memory. Memory is not physical.
Memory is the tangible, it is electron, it is this form of light that has to be stored
into an experience. We, as streams of consciousness, have thousands of sub-carrier
codes of it, millions of different experiences inside us. And all that we have to do is
tune into that memory, and we can go through that stream of experience, at any
scale we desire.

N: You've basically given us a synopsis of what it's all about. We are photonic light
beings, we have been endeavoring to build up a heritage, build up an understanding,
build up all these amazing memories. This DNA technology that we inhabit, once
those DNA are activated, those strands, we can do miraculous things.

A: Right. We connect to other layers of our consciousness that may not be in this
world, because they have learned to bi-locate, be two beings at once, two strands of
consciousness. So when you hear me say something expands to four, six, eight,
twelve, or twenty-four strands of consciousness, it's connected into its multi-
dimensional self that already went through a separation of densities of selves, to go
to a multidimensional experience.

N: And that's the beauty, because once you have those memories, you are able then
to, let's say, have a better master control over this DNA technology skin suit. Which
means you have access to be able to emanate and become all the understandings of
the frequency equations, which means, you want to be fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth,
ninth, you are thinking and you're there, you are able to split, you are able to hold
residual image because you have all of those memories.

A: Heart based, because we start in the fetus in the womb as a heart. That is the
beginning of the technology of incarnating photonic light, to operate a DNA skin

N: Right, so we always have that gage and that zero point, which is, the heart
beat...A: is the fetus in the mother's womb...N: Yes, and of this planet..A:
Correct...N: and of this universe and of the sun and of the source. A: Correct. Each
scale going up and up and up, when you were birthed into this Universe. OK? Many
people don't realize that most people come from other Universes.

N: Mm, yes, yes. And the beauty of it is, they came to this Universe because they
actually held within the DNA codes that allowed them access through the sun.

A: Right. Because there are other Universal beings that have come from their
Universe, and came here for an experience. And as they finished their experience in
their universe, they went between the void between Universes and said, 'alright, let's
go, let's get on the roller coaster ride.' And they figured out how to come through
the Universal exchange point and be immigrated to this Universe.

N: So then what we have here is, we have an incredible technology that we are
inhabiting, that we have forgotten how to use. Memories have been shifted, falsely
imprinted, and then those that... A: Skill sets have been removed, from cultural
training, etc. etc.. N: so we had the time-line genocides which took a whole bunch
of those memories away...

A: That was an attempt to destroy the technology itself, which is, assemblage of all
memories. Because in the assemblage of all memories, you would end all processes
of karmic exchange on this world, because this was a karmic retributing world from
the original time-line genocide it created, where trillions of beings among billions
of worlds all lost their experience, because their fundamental architecture used our
DNA, our actual DNA memories, as the soul code that allowed them to incarnate
on a planet that was a brand new experience, a blank akashic-record world.

The thing is, each I AM presence, becomes the apex of the technology. And when
this I AM presence chooses to go through an experience where we do not incarnate
or we pass over, or we leave this world, we get an update of our akashic record, of
everything we've done in the soul. And we become one of those multidimensional
parts, fully sovereign, fully expressive, yet linked to the whole. And if this soul,
which is also a part of this sovereign spark, decides to put another version in as a
brand new I AM presence, then it is another bi-located version of me because it's
still related to me, it is still me. All of those other parts that have interacted, they
know me, I know them. We are not in hierarchical order of each other because we're
the apex of our own individual sovereign experience, which is a part of the machine
of the whole soul, that is a stream of consciosness simultaneously existing on
millions of worlds if it wants to be. It's a matter of understanding the agenda of
each soul that it's going through, its streamers of consciousness.

Some people come to Earth to dream. You know? To dream at the highest level,
where they can connect to worlds that haven't even come into existence yet. One of
Earth's great special abilities. And that's why we have DNA skin suits that function
here on the surface and interact with the oxygen which we have programmed water
in it, which constantly allows us to be manifesting consciousness stream beings,
here, on Earth.

N: I remember that one exercise that I use to practice a lot, where I use to breathe
the air and I use to remember all the people that had breathed that same air as I had,
in all the centuries before me, all those times. And then to use that as a connection
point to that ancient wisdom.

A: Another one is when you look at your own hand. How many ancestors have
looked at their own hand? You know? How many infinite people have looked at
their hand in this world? We've all shared that experience, 'where did that hand come

N: Wondering at the lines and how they change. What do they mean? What is the
purpose of it all?

A: And then, those that come out a dream and realize that hand is just another
version of light. And it's surrounded by a world of light. Is that ground we're sitting
on and these chairs, real?

N: And you see, this is what I think is the beauty of now discovering the DNA and
the activating of the DNA. Because when the DNA gets activated, the capacity of
your computer, the brain, is expanded a thousand...A: Manyfold...N: I mean, infinite,
when one wants to go there. And what happens is, as these strands activate, you
activate more, therefore more strands activate, and the sun has a really big part to
play in this aspect of our awakening, which is basically, the DNA becoming and

A: Well, there was a scientific experiment that was done a while ago, between, 
trying to see if they could use light to change DNA between frogs and lizards. And
they actually were able to get, through the exchange of light, the DNA from a frog
into the DNA of a lizard.

N: Yes I remember that, it was a specific type of light, it was almost like an infrared
light, but I'm not quite...A: They could get it to transfer...N: And they did it also
with a duck and a chicken in China. I remember this version from the Asian aspects
of my studies, and they actually started to see in the eggs a change, a change in what
was coming out. It was almost like a duck-chicken. And that was just by focusing
the light through that one being, onto the other. So here's the light, here's the being
they're trying to imprint into this one...A: And they successfully did it...N: and they
successfully did it, so the eggs being made by this being here, actually had DNA
structure through the light particle transfer into the images of that being over there.
A: That's correct. N: Quite incredible, very very good to understand.

A: The sun is doing the same thing, and yet a different perspective. The sun is at a
bigger scale, of an astral world. It is what extended a contract to a galaxy, to be a
focal point of solar exchange, where souls, soul-ar, would come so that they could
incarnate onto a world. That sun is portal to hundreds of other worlds, where inside
that sun are thousands or millions or trillions of beings who have lived on other
worlds that are waiting to come and incarnate here, are using our sun as a way-
point, so they can find other ancestors in other solar systems, and go to incarnate.
So, the sun's light coming out, is a representation of all the beings waiting to
incarnate into our solar system. There is a being inside that sun that has your
memories. And that sun is constantly coming to try to create unity. That's why we
are in the machine that's going around the sun. So, the more we are out in the
sunlight, the more frequency opportunities for actual memories that are yours in
DNA, and other versions of yourself in the solar astral worlds, coming into you,
impressing into you, a DNA lineage body that has memories of this lifetime, but it
also has the memories of your mother and father, their mother and father, and their
mother and father before them. That's the lineage technology.

The lineage technology has been abused by the incarnation rules of the archons. The
sun is trying to over-print and re-imprint upon yourself who you are in full total
memories, and to shuffle out and to remove the fake DNA memories from the

N: Right, I remember you talking about the sun being a spiritual form of
photosynthesis for the DNA molecular structure and strands of what it is we are.
And again, you're bringing that forth again, especially now with our sun, when you
say, the sun isn't harming you. When we have those flares, they are massive
downloads for us. It is actually there to help us activate our strands.

A: People go through intense dreaming experiences during the solar storms. Have
you ever seen a cat lie in the sun? N: Yes. A: What animals don't bask in the sun?
N: That's a really good question. Moles hahaha. A: Just those that are not sun
exposed. Everything basks in the sun. And what happens when we bask in the sun,
we go deeply relaxed. When we take this awareness of our consciousness,
awareness of the reality mechanics and rules, we could make our energy-body into a
giant solar collector. And begin to filter and collect our own memories. And
connect to that portal of sun that's been there imprinting on our soul for millions of
years. It is like that ancient friend that never leaves, and is always there, always there
to give you the shirt off its back or introduce you to somebody you haven't seen in

N: And the sun meditations, I mean, they're really popular all across the world. In
the morning when the sun is rising, and when the sun is setting, that, it's not too
damaging for your irises and corneas.

A: This is why I tell people, one of the easiest techniques is, close your eyes and still
look at the sun. Allow those closed eyes to let the sun focus here, on where your
third eye is. And you will notice that a globe goes there, and your natural reaction is
that your eyes may just turn in. That's good. Allow that to happen and allow your
deep breath to come to that point and expand and expand so it fills your left brain
and right brain with complete colour of the light, through your closed eyelids.

N: I've always found that when I've had the chance to really gloriously sit there in
the sun and just be in silence, my questions get answered. A: Yes! Your
subconscious unravels it. N: the answers all of a sudden something would just....It's
amazing, and things seem so clear, and then I open my eyes and I'm like, 'oh wow,'
that's really like, you know? the light's gone on, literally. A: Exactly, lights gone on.
N: Quite fantastic that phenomenon.

A: And if you are strong with guided imagery as you are looking to that sun with
your eyes closed, you can guide that energy that's hitting your face, all the way to
the very back of your brain, to the place where your medulla oblongata is, where
your fight/flight adrenal gland lizard side of your DNA is, and turn it off. It's like a
light-switch. Literally, light switch. And you could turn it off. And once you turn it
off, that light will be saturating all parts of your body. Your heart will illuminate,
and your heart may even try to come into your third eye. Or your third eye may
actually go down into your heart. Those are wonderful wonderful things if you can
get those to happen. Through your own creative imagery. But, as you're going to
begin to realize, that you started as a heart, and observing through that heart, you
still had eyes.

N: So when we are looking at the effects, for example, of a sun-solar meditation,
uhm, how would you explain the physical and tactile effects of your DNA strands,
uhm, downloading or awakening, you've got four new strands, they're waiting to
come in, they're waiting to be activated...

A: You can't perceive it like that. N: Ok. A: There is no way to perceive your
individual strands, because each strand is a layer of knowingness that you can tap
into, much like hitting a program on a computer.

N: And that's the clue, right there, you've just said it. Each strand is a layer of
knowingness. And that's where it comes again to when we were talking about, what
happens when the strands have activated? Well, we know how to use, we know, how
to then use our DNA technology to its greater potential, which gives us ergo then 
more knowingness, more expansion, etc. and so forth.

A: Once you get a new layer of knowingness, you must incorporate it into THIS
layer of knowingness. That is the learning process the I AM presence goes to. It's the
hierarchical order. And this new knowingness isn't questioning its hierarchical

N: And that, that's hahaha, and that's the trick when a lot of people get stuck on,
because the first thing a lot of people ask you is, 'who was I and what did I do
before?,' and you always say, 'it doesn't matter what you were then, it's what you
have come to, now.' What is the sum total equation of all those DNA's of all those
experiences, of everything that has happened to you to this point, that you have
actually made it, in this technology, in this time, in this moment of now, that is,
amazing. Only the best of the best are here on this planet.

N: And you know, that was interesting, I was reading yet again today, from another
lady that I highly respect, her work. She was stating, as we were stating as well, how
important this window of opportunity is now, from the equinox to the solstice. We
are, with all the equations of what's happening with our planets and our solar
system, and the way this Earth is rotating at this moment, and everything that's
actually happening in and out of Earth at the same time, this whole process of the
whole Universe literally waiting for us to graduate. We have a golden moment of
opportunity here between the equinox and this solstice to really really help the
separation of densities to start to activate those strands in a manner which will be
far less traumatic, shall we say. It will be a lot easier because everything is
supporting that at this moment.

A: The solstice is when we get the most amount of sun of the year. Well? What was
the equation of the sun we just gave you? DNA memories of yourself trying to give
you connection to strands of consciousness which are knowingness that are not in
competition to you.

N: And so how do we best facilitate that into our contracts?

A: That is a global experience we are experiencing. That is global dreamtime
coming to us. As we know, as we assemble to the 21st of June, after that, the days
will be getting shorter. This is where Consciousness Explorers must target, these
days, to have the most amount of regenerative time, so that as soon as that
regenerative time is over, they become, Adventurers To The Sun. They begin
journeying to the sun, and that they're remote viewing their psychic operations, their
disciplines are separate than the system. My sole focus of part of my meditation
process, is to connect to the sun now that it's at the waning point. So now then from
the 21st of December, let's say I've done it ten, fifteen, twenty times since then, all
of that time I have sought, will be waiting for me on the shortest day of the year, to
give me the greatest density upgrade of soul, before we recalibrate fraud time once

So when I say people have two, three, five, seven strands of consciousness opening,
that means each one has a new layer of knowingness, and at the end, all of them
combine to another new layer of knowingness, which you must incorporate into
yourself. And once we take in layers of knowingness, we must physically do
something with the body, because it is adding to the density of our soul.

N: And that's the aspect then of when you understand what science has so far, in the
most minimalistic ways has understood, is that, the formation of your DNA depicts
the formation of your cellular structures, the strength of your cellular structures or
any hereditary DNA weaknesses. So when we want to come to that point of  the
understanding that we really are, I AM realized as superhuman, when you start to
realize that when the knowingness has come and they start to then amalgamate here
with this physical DNA technology, through the light bodies, all the way down,
those understandings, those knowingnesses start to become integrated. And this is
the 30-day thing that people talk about as well, isn't it?....

A: That integrate into the I AM presence, who has a set of belief systems, that may
alter the knowingness. (that may crap on everything you've learned)

N: And that's the photonic light then taking different gradients of equations to then
create a different gradient of equation in the actual DNA molecular structure.

A: Correct. And then, once there is the remainder, because there is always a
remainder to infinity, (due to the efforts hahaha...the excretions, and then you have
to alchemize that too.) that is what the I AM presence has to deal with.

N: And that's why the journey is always so beautiful.... (she likes pig shit)

A: That's...that's (trying to cut into her looong drawn out senseless talk hahaha), yes
that's the journey, but, this is where so many people get caught up (in the shit) on
the remainder. They are stuck on the one lifetime that's the one remainder that's
made it through, and that's the big trap of the DNA lineage. Then we get to the next
layer of, well, I AM a strand of consciousness, that is connected to all other strands
of sovereign consciousness, hm - contract revocation - in no time... How do all of
those other strands of consciousness respond? They assemble there as ancestors and
go, 'hey, you're talking about sovereign soul shards and making sure all of us, who
are doing the best, you know, are protected by the best, and that we are assembling
in DENSITY, increasing the soul spark connection, and anything that's not part of
our density (hahah get's shitted out), goes through a separation process.' Separation
of Densities. So that aaaaall of us, these always multidimensional parts in the
spiritual court of equity are creating on a common set of moral codes, and are not
stepping on other people's sovereignty, and are not in competition with them.
(That's gorgeous.)

N: How could, I mean, and that, you know, and that's the strange thing, this word
competition. (like you've been doing with Andrew through your babblings of recent
because you got lost in your own self, too exicited you lost track that he was even
there.) I mean, how could one be in competition when one knows that every single
person is their own authentic signature frequency?

A: It is a knowingness.

N: Ih hehehe and when you realize that, tha that there cannot be a competition....
(blah blah blah)

A: NO. That's the thing, that's the thing. So many people reach a level of arrogance,
that its competition is an adrenal glands choice. They're still in adrenal gland, they
haven't mastered (hahaha) how to turn the adrenal gland off (haha) because adrenal
gland means what? You're not going to choose love first. Adrenal gland is fight or
flight. Once you turn that off, you can go to heart based love first and turn off their
energy so that they never harm you or anything in your reality bubble. We have that
much control when we are heart centered. But as long as we're sharing contracts
with something that's in adrenal mode, our heart center can be defused and we're
manifest in this reality and must take the hit direct to the sternum.

(oh no, she's still babbling)

N: You know, you know that saying? 'it's in their DNA, you can't change it'. Ah, you
know I would love to hear your version or your response to oh god it's that DNA
you cannot change it.

(Hahaha. I love the look on Andrew's face hahaha. Hilarious. Like 'oh please, any
other questions?')

A: You can change your DNA at anytime you choooooose. When you CHOOSE to
make your DNA change, you are consciously activating your heart space to do
what? Connect to more knowingness. Because ultimately, what is the change
about? Getting a better awareness of what's around you. (If only Nathalie could just
focus better, mh? She would get a better understanding of the genius she is sitting
next to and do more listening rather than talking.)
Getting a deeper understanding ascending up into the astral worlds (hahaha) and
leaving Earth behind and going back to somewhere else (hahaha) that you've (forgot
all about?) never been to in this I AM presence. But in fact, all you have to do is
connect into your knowingness strands, and you will find other versions of yourself
(that got displaced so you forgot aaaall about them?) who have been to other
worlds, who have left you notes (that you ignored?) maps, (that you haven't
followed?) even whole banks worth of energy (AHhahaha!!) inside your own
memories, if you should choose to explore them in, non-competition.

You are still the apex of your I AM presence. You are still the apex of your order.
And available to you in your memory are countless other versions of I AM
presences, who have done, what? Just about everything. It's a matter of what YOU,
this I AM presence wants to do, and wants to be reflected as, as an I AM presence
other beings may come back to look on, as a teacher.

N: Mhm. Now what's so cool about this whole aspect that when you think about it,
is that, our light bodies are there...

A: Always.'s all there

A: They are the ever present neutral witness waiting for the I AM presence to link
with it through technology and acknowledge the infinite awareness of observation.

N: So that's that proverbial picture where you see that man holding out his finger to
that other man in the clouds sitting there holding it down and just reaching
out...reaching out would we do that in this day and age? ceremony, heart
felt space, letting go of the program, letting go of the ego mind and just recognizing
yourself, and and loving yourself for your self first.

A: And ceremony requires the body to "let down." So many people are in adrenal
gland reaction mode from the GMO, from all of the fear that's rampant within
materialism, consumerism, that they don't know how to let down.

N: And you know, when now that we've got the understanding that the DNA
activation, the activation of these strands is actual, knowingness? that's the physical
understanding of it, it's a beautiful way because the DNA has been scientifically
proven to be the blueprint of what we are, it creates the cellular structures.

A: Everything.

N: It creates everything, our hearing our sight, everything that we are, that's what it
creates. When we now have the realization that we're able to actually change our
DNA, all those hereditary illnesses, where they say the father, the sins of the father
are passed to the sons, that is, that is a fallacy, that is something that has been
impregnated into your belief system to stop you from expanding, to stop you from
exploring, you've just accepted it and that's the tacit consent that Andrew is talking
about, that's a prime example right there.

A: Tacit concent affects us on many different time streams in expressions. So we
must be able to look at tacit consent, as those beings who are going to be nurturing
themselves and asking for help. We have given tacit consent away that says 'they
don't exist, until we say they exist.' And once we say they exist, they're going to be
expecting a light body program from you. That's that 20% of the 80% memories in
DNA. So you have programs that are built into your body that tell the ancestors or
tell the energy fields or the toroidal fields of the planet, how to function with your
light body. If you've been born into the wrong DNA lineage a dozen or two dozen
times, those programs are also screwed up... and those are the innate psychic talents
that so many people have. Like, the talent I have, is because of the way my light
body programmings that were in alignment along with the physical karmic life that I
led, allowed this talent to exist. There are others that are born with their programs
that make them super empaths. Many people that fall into the autistic realm are,
their light bodies make them almost these just massive psychic interaction beings.
And then there are other people that, you know, their particular talents, you know,
aren't there, that they're expecting in the DNA, and the world isn't working with
them right. So they have to go from one mystical experience to the next to the next 
until they could find a signature frequency out of that mystical experience that
reminds them of their soul's actual psychic purpose with the particular talents that
they brought to this world with.

N: Right. So now we've got a little bit more of a clarification of your understanding
with your knowledge and equations with all the experience you've had, by reading
the records (akashic). Uhm, there's still a little bit of confusion when it comes to the
DNA strands that are the physical aspect that we can touch, and then the DNA
strands that are the aspects of our light bodies. Uhm, and all the memories that we
were talking about, all of the different light bodies, and the one degree and the nine
degrees of separation. Uhm, now that we've clarified that a little bit clearer, uhm
how we can bring it thing again I want to reiterate is the power of the
revocations that you create, because with this now this understanding of DNA being
knowingness and this understanding of the manipulation of our photonic light and
how we've been placed in particular lineages that have caused specific authentic
signature frequencies to have real difficulty, uhm, let's get into a little bit of first of
all the revocations contracts and the understandings of how powerful that impact is
on the light bodies and freeing up that path so that we can actually get that
download of that DNA.

A: So each revocation begins with a prayer that opens a spiritual court of equity,
which is a signature frequency, then it opens up another signature frequency that
asks ancestors to be sacred neutral witnesses, and then it increases the scale of
ancestors that are being witnessed, past - present - future, and it brings in particular
signature frequencies that you want to remove from this I AM presence order,
because something is in competition to your hierarchical order, and those are
strands of the system that we want to remove from our knowingness, because as
long as they're in our knowingness, they're going to dump their negative energy
upon us.

N: The proverbial DNA imprinting.

A: Correct. And when we use our conscious I AM presence to declare no
competition, zero karmic balance through infinite remedy and resolve through the
ancestors, the process of justice and judgment becomes much less on us as, this
system, which isn't a being but an amalgamation of beings and beliefs, cannot
imprint upon you through the money curse as much as it did before. It can only do it
when you are actually exchanging physical dollar bills, not digital. And as long as
the system cannot put debt on you through digital debt, it can no longer harm you.

N: So, that's the beauty of it then. As soon as we start to begin the practice of
consciously clearing out our...

A: It comes back to the buzz words: conscious application of the sacred. N: Sacred
neutral. A: No, not even the neutral. It's conscious application of the sacred versus
recreational and everything that you do. And yes it is a label, but it is a label of the
times of now that makes us far more effective when the times of change are right in
front of us and there is fear everywhere. And fear is so rampant that people are
afraid the world won't survive, when in fact it will just take a handful of days as the
energies let down, and the truth starts to come out once again.


Advanced DNA Part 2

N: So here's a question for you. You said a while ago an audit had been made...

A: An audit at the Universal Source layer, here specific for Earth. And that 'here
specific for Earth' is the nature of that audit question you are referring to. We have to
understand what the audit is. It is an overall look at all spiritual contracts that are
existing in the galactic ascension machine. For that one moment between the 21st and
the 23rd of March 2013, all contracts were observed and determined that, for all
contracts to be resolved, a certain volume of karma would have to be done. And the
system that was put in charge, that was to lead us to a final graduation date, had not
graduated anyone that was in a particular expression of karmic retribution or
resolution. And those walkins, are seven-hundred-million spread over a period of
twelve months, are the ones that replaced the infrastructure in middlemanagement of
the control system that is using objects and technology and belief system enhanced
control systems to prevent us from going through DNA crystallization and

N: So basically what you're saying, and that was part of the question, was, when these
walkins come in to the DNA technology that has been holding these contracts...what
happens then is that these photonic light beings that are walking in, their sovereignty
is much stronger, and they are then able to counteract the contracts and equations that
these beings have created, giving us then a zero-point balance on what they have them
put into this equation that has been affecting us so severely?

A: Yes, and to add some more layers to it, we have to get into the rules of walkin
mechanics here. And an understanding that a walkin takes over all of the contracts,
vows, and agreements of the being that they are walking in to. Now, the audit
basically said, any being that is not in perfect zero balance at this management of the
archon level, was going to have an opportunity to be removed and walked in (on).
That is something that the Earth stepped in and allowed these walkins to happen,
because there were beings that had no actual immigration to Earth, these were
extradimensional beings who had infested human bodies here and had been
pretending to be Earthbound entities. So they were removed from human skin suits,
and normal human souls, or off-world souls, it doesn't matter, were put back in, that
had the right signature frequency of the times, to bring the auditors resolution. This is
how the management of the illuminati control system would have power over its
underlings to do their bidding, even if they were to use nuclear weapons on
themselves. These walkins went into the fire marshals, into the repair people, to the
people in the superspace program, to the people that were the warriors, the thinkers,
the generals. All of that management system of the apparatus of domination and
control, its management system was where those walkins went into. And this is what
creates the equation of balance of the self, through the system itself. This is how
spiritual sovereignty takes the power away from the system so the system shrinks on
itself. You know, for the longest time, the system was bent to one side. It has now
reached a point with these walkins where it is 50/50. The battle between the good and
the bad, and the indifferent that is being done between the good and the bad.

N: So, with these walkins, how consciously aware are these beings that they are
actually a walkin? Like, these are photonic light beings, they take over this DNA
technology and now they're in this body...if you can, if it's possible, endeavor to give
us an example of what that would be like?

A: Aright, in this example with the auditors stated question, these beings would come
in, and immediately they come into a DNA lineage that had memories that were not
really theirs. And they would immediately go through a separation of densities where,
to their friends and relatives, they would look like they were going through moody
times as they were trying to figure something out, and that they're showing habits,
because they are magical beings at that level. And at a lower level, it would appear
like they were going through a rough patch in life, or a middleage, you know,
confusion, where they go out and get a muscle car. So, it happens many different
ways. Internally, they begin to ask questions that their body programs don't have
answers to, because the body that they've walked into, yes, its parasympathetic is
different sets of experiences. A fresh walkin does not have full awareness of their
parasympathetic skills, and things such as fear imbedded into them. So there will be
an internal dialogue battle between what is the body and what is the new walkin
exploring the parasympathetic.

N: So this is almost like an integration process. A: Correct. N: uhm where you have
the different downloads and they're starting to find the compatabilities, and then the
imprint started to sort themselves out as the original authentic signature frequency,
knowingness overcomes...

A: Right, and strands of consciousness that connect to, unconnect other layers of
knowingness, that the body came built-in with.

N: And then hence we start to have them the change in the DNA. A: Correct. N: And
that's the process there, now this process, depending on the photonic light frequency
and the strength and the experience and the condition, let's say, of the DNA
technology they've walked into, this can be, a couple of weeks, this can take 30 days
or 58 days, like you say for the blood to be changed up, I mean, is there an estimated
time or is each one an individual source itself?

A: Each one is completely individual. Though, they come in with much more energy
at the soul layer, because they haven't been divested into all the belief systems in
actuality. They're the walkin, they're coming to break that chain. N: So the
subconscious overcomes the conscious in their overprinting? A: Correct. They have a
deep inner perspective that allows change, so it permeates everything that they're
doing, whereas the being before, could never see change because they were in total
domination, and that change couldn't exist, their slave programming had completely
overridden their light body.

N: So they had their eyes open, but their understanding and points of view were jaded
through that programming.

A: Correct. And these new beings that walked in, they don't have the same perspective
and they don't have the same programming. So they can create change where there 
was never seen a change before, and this is what will uncreate the system from
internal. This is also what will stop the mass destruction weapons from going off,
because the system won't kill itself now because it has enough sovereign beings in
the hierarchical competition management system that are trying to prevent

N: So basically what's happening is, the auditor has created a counter equation to
bring it to zero balance so that those who have been involved with the, as a reaction,
they are not the ones that took the action, but they were involved in the reaction as in,
we were manipulated etc etc. We will then be able to have the true downloads and be
able to then have the freedom to discover and unentangle and then start to integrate as
these walkins are doing, start to integrate our other aspects of our other light bodies
and our cells and the memories and start to become realized in this dimension with
those talents and memories intact. Because they're pushing the freewill sovereign
aspect to the absolute limit.

A: Yes. Correct. The highest level. That such, they have created such objects such as
Cern to operate as belief enhancing systems or belief control systems or actual belief
systems so that people will not follow the natural way.

N: So how many DNA changes is our species at this moment experiencing through
the switching on and switching off, through the expansion and the attraction and the
sending of those frequencies out from Cern on our planet at this moment, as we are
beginning to get more and more from our sun?

A: You have to understand, when Cern turns on, basically there is a six layered
toroidal field that suddenly appears around it. And then there are a dozen other large
hadron colliders spread around the world that also turn on. And they create a
polyhedronal field around Earth that prevents a stream of light from the sun to
actually go through our spacetime. It puts a bubble around it for a microsecond so
that that particular stream of light doesn't actually make it to Earth, it just boop, goes
through it. N: It corrupts it. A: It's the missing data, yes, in the stream.

N: Remember one of the covers of Pink Floyd where you have that triangle with the
prism and the beam goes in and the rainbow goes out the other way, its like it's being

A: Well no, literally, it's chopped. There's an 18 second, you know, there's a's corrupted. And it's doing this on/off, on/off, on/off, or it turns half of
Earth where it can receive it and the other half can't. And that is why they are trying to
alter timelines on the surface so that people will go into a fear mode, that something
is happening, and the propaganda news is hitting the war drums and the war hawks
are saying that Iran and this and that, when in fact, the story line is going to change
again because they are still just trying to prevent our own memories from coming in.
And if they can hold this out ten, twenty, thirty years, they will do that, because the
system is fully in control right now. There is no challenge to the system, even
internally. Yes there are good guys and bad guys here on both hollow Earth and
surface Earth trying to do things, but they are in equal balance right now, where it
was never an equal balance before, it was much more slanted to one side.

N: Oh that was the proverbial Mayan calendar where we were going through the
darkest and densest of energies and now we are lifting up out of it. Now, this is
interesting because when we start talking about the inner and outer Earth, and it's all
about the DNA. Literally it's all about the DNA. So tell me, it was foretold that after
the audit, many of these powerful figures, after the audit would have walkins coming
in...what happens there with those DNA lineages? Now this is where is gets really
kind of cool because these walkins come in, they're destined to do that, it's been
destined by, you know, the being that did the audit, the entity that did the audit, and
we then have the DNA of that technology that they've now walked into with the
contracts, vows, and agreements intact with the DNA programming 80% memory,
tell me, how much memory do these walkins have, and when they walk in, do they
activate a whole new strand of DNA in that specific DNA technology that they're
walking into?

A: Very uniqe question. And we must get into the mechanics of a walkin, to
understand that. What you are referring to is, they were asking if an archon could
have a walkin in it. After the audit on the 21st to the 23rd of 2013, seven-hundred-
million over a span of twelve months, walkins came in. And those....

(The video cut out on him, and continues here: )

N: And when you look at all these different understandings of how it all comes
together, how many different species there are out there, the unlimitedness of
everything that we are, and how many different races rely on us, our DNA,
practically, for their here's a question for you. This species, actually
quite a few of the species, they went very intellectual, they went all into the
technology, and they disconnected themselves from the tree of life. Would one say
that that is then a disconnect from Source itself?

A: It was a sovereign freewill expression of the time, that they were warned not to do
it. But their goal was to jump in evolution, and have the same type of experiences
that we had here. They had created technological worlds that can simulate Earth and
can simulate the experience, but it was more cartoonish than our world was. And they
wanted that "HD".  And the only way that they could do it was forcefully entangling
with us. Therefore they created technology that will allow them to quantumly
unentangled observe us. And once they unentangled observe us, they could peek into
the way our DNA was growing and enter our social streams of time, which are agreed
time, and use their technology to force incarnate themself into a being who used to
live in their world millions of years ago because that being still has the signature
frequency of their original home world. That's like, all of a sudden,
telecommunicating to something in the ancient past before it, the thing
communicating, was ever created. N: Was ever existing, yea. A: And they were able to
entangle with that and exchange DNA

N: That is, almost like you can't, rush it. And that's where the collapse came? A:
That's where the collapse came. N: Fascinating. And so now, with the audit, we're
now getting the counter frequencies and equations, we're now getting everything to
zero balance, the separation of densities has begun, the false imprints, the
opportunites for us, should we so choose to emanate such a will, are there now for
us to clear away these imprints in our DNA, clear away the.. A: Deprogram N:
deprogram the things that are covering our eyes so that we can see what we've not

A: Look at the architecture around you. And understand, if it's a negative sacred
geometry, you could flip it. You can change it for the better. You are conscious
manifesting beings, and you just have to understand, are you doing it recreationally
or are you doing it sacredly? Recreational energies can be very powerful, and very
dirty. And there will be a time where people do things recreationally for fun, like
surfing. Ok? That's a different kind of energy work. We are at a time we are making
our lives sacred, connects our consciousness strands in knowingness. So that when
we want to have those recreational times, all of our light bodies are enjoying it too.

N: And that's the beauty of that concept of really bringing forth the understandings,
because as one starts to integrate and activate the DNA strands, you are so more
empowered over your own experience. And the more empowered you are over your
own experience, when you set up that frequency equation, of whatever you're
engaged, to be joy and bliss, when you do, do the recreational, it is, a thousand times
more expanded, why? because its been propped up by great mystery, she's all for it,
why? because you've created it that way.

A: And the chemistry of your body is working in communion with you and not
against you because of chem-trails and vaccinations.

N: Indeed, indeed.


Advanced DNA Part 3

N: You know, the photosynthesis of the sun, and how that affects our DNA, let's
talk about the children that are coming to this planet, you know, we talk about the
Indigo Children, we talk about the Crystal Children, we talk about the Rainbow
Children...these are subjects and titles we give specific types of DNA that have
reached a certain point of activation already, correct?

A: They have enough strands of consciousness that equivalates to them that colour,
or crystal, or whatever you want to call it. An example, an Indigo is one that's
coming in the indigo colour frame, and it means all other colours it has already
experienced. If somebody is coming in as a Rainbow, that means they've existed in
everything that's already a part of the galactic ascension machine. They are moving
paradoxes of their own resolution of karma. They create portals, they're the one's
that are the most powerful blood types. So, whatever you want to call them or label
them, they are just streams of light consciousness that come in with non-
competitive other strands of consciousness as a part of their I AM presence
knowingness makeup.

N: So they are streams of consciousness that come with other streams of
consciousness in their makeup, therefore the amount of photonic light activating
this DNA technology gives them, perhaps, insights, understandings of different ways
of information than their parents would?

A: Here's a breakdown, let's use a computer terminology. You have an artist that
learns to paint by hand, and then you have someone that learns to paint by
photoshop. So the artist who paints by hand is limited by what they could physically
purchase. Those on photoshop have all of the tools immediately there. That is the
difference between an Indigo and someone that isn't an Indigo. They have a program
built in to them (I'd say earned, into them) that a strand of consciousness innately
knows how to use that photoshop program.

N: So we have the different aspects of these different DNA strands coming in, and
people tend to give it a label, so, every authentic signature frequency is an
individual. A: Correct. N: So you know, you can say, that is an Indigo type, that is a
Crystal type, that is a Rainbow type.

A: They have gained a level of soul-strand-connection, that would give them the
equivalent labelling.

N: Ok. So how would you define Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow types? What would be
the definitions to differentiate them?

A: The dimensions in which their strands of consciousness are connected to. What
part of astral portals from the solar locations that they came from. Are they being
refracted to two, three, or four suns before they actually get here. Because all suns
are interconnected, so if you have a soul strand that is nineteen suns away, it is
nineteen solar degrees of separation, but it is also only one degree of separation
being a part of you again, because there is no distance between streams of
consciousness. As long as they are existing in light and connected to the portal of
the sun, and they are connected to the portal of any other sun that's out there, if that
light has the right code to go through, in refraction.

N: There is no distance in consciousness. A: None. N: As long as our sun is free and
clear and not being blocked, our one degree of separation can be nineteen degrees of
separation because there is no distance. So as long as we emanate and create the
matching colours and frequencies... A: We are always exchanging N: we can then
always exchange and become. So what the experience is over there, we can emanate
this experience then here, when we know how to join again and connect.

A: When an Indigo child comes in, they could have come in as early as 1930, ok?
They came in as an immigration pattern, meaning that the world in totality was
going to be out birthed by beings that had more strands of knowingness coming out
at birth, that the birth canal of the great forgetting wouldn't take away. This is where
technologies were developed to prevent Indigo children from natually incarnating,
and to be forced into the reincarnation grid, which they rapidly became at the tops of
those grids. That's what the Indigo's were going to do. So by the time the 60's came
around, you had a counter culture revolution, that ultimately was hi-jacked by the
existing revolutionaries, which were the cultural controlers of that time. But the
cultural controllers of that time were also fighting their own cultural controllers
that dated back many hundreds and thousands of years. Where many factions
stepped forward and brought DNA lineages to those 60's and 70's that brought new
strands of consciousness, because you had people who were heavy musicians, that,
as soon as someone saw this musician in a public format, a strand of consciousness
was returned to them, because that particular musician had tens of thousands or
millions of spiritual contracts to be, at that time, exposing folk music, so that a
strand of consciousness became into knowingness. Whether it's you learn to play
the guitar, or you sit back and listen to the music, and understood that these were
the days that you get to out-create the system because it could only react to you, it
cannot predict you anymore.

N: And that's the beauty of it, it can only react to you, it can't predict you anymore.
So therefore when you start to truly emanate your own sovereign authenticity, you
are not then social consciousness anymore, you're not the program anymore, A:
Correct. N: you are your authentic being, therefore ergo, you are unpredictable
because there is only one you, and you cannot be predicted. (Because you've found
your individuality, in, what do you call that? Holiness. Right. Sacredness.)

A: And that has responsibility. (That's for sure) And that responsibility is spiritual
hygiene. Something many Indigo's have very strong issues with. Because part of
their Source Knowingness connection is that the spiritual hygiene is one of those
temporary things. That, until that change in consciousness happens, it is something
that is skill based and discipline based.  (in other words, Work!) And it isn't that
Indigo's aren't skilled or disciplined, they're just in a different strand of
consciousness that does not see expending that skill base in energy when they can be
doing all these other things of exploring. And so all of a sudden, their base, their
base line of connection is gone because it's been attacked (you wouldn't want that as
a soldier), or they ran out of energy, they can no longer expand and explore the
realms, and thus Indigo's quickly shrink out of their psychic talents and become
stuck. N: Difficult. A: Stuck. Odd, difficult, eccentric, uhm, they think that they're
targeted, when in fact they're not. (It's a form of self deception for not doing the
work when you were suppose to have been doing it. They could get themselves out
of it by facing it, and dealing with it, instead of giving up. That would strengthen

N: They have created basically their own, you know, demons. A: Correct. Created
their own demons. (Geez, if it was only for a purpose it could go really far... Mind
you, I love all those children!)

A: Crystal's, they're a little bit different. They are... in the 1970's is where they
started coming in. How do I describe this? They're the arteests of digital world
coming into shaman world. They are the ones who are going to figure out how to
do that, at the cell phone layer. They're the ones who figure out how to get a whole
bunch of people together at one moment in time and use their cell phones as a
sacred object of cerimonial exchange. Could we do this now? Yea, but, a bunch of
forty, forty year old adults with their cell phones don't have enough belief that that
phone is going to create a cerimonial system.

N: But we have begun there, because there is enough belief that people can
download specific sacred geometry symbols that protect them from the emanation...
A: It's still, it's still; it's the innocence that creates the original porthole. And, unless
we adults are returning to a huge state of innocence, we aren't going to use that,
we're going to use our physical ceremony to do it. Because that's what our
knowingness strand tells us to do. The Crystals knowingness strand, it knows of
spiritual hygiene, but it also has a better way of clearing it for itself. So it can have
moments with technology and work with the system, believe it or not, to give it
resolution. Where, many of those that are not in the Crystal or the Indigo, they don't
have a strand of consciousness that can interact with the system. So, that's the
Crystals. They have it built in them. They can manipulate the system just like
'daddy's little girl.'

N: Yup, yup, yup. And for them it's just an eight? ( I don't know what she said) They
actually see the equation, there is no veil in front of them stopping that synopsis
spiraling in that part of the structure called the brain, that will then allow them to
look at it and then find out the counter frequency to get them the equation that they
are calling forth, rather than what the system depicts.

A: And the negative side of Crystal's is, they often get caught into obsession or
become zealots.

N: That's right, because then they either believe that it's their sole job to do it, and
they become what they are fighting...ya.

A: And then worse, if a Crystal is abused as a child, it's the worse for them because
their imprinting just totally counters what they are, and they break down, and often
times they walk out at that point. So, Crystals and Indigo's they both have about an
equal walk out to walk in ratio. And then we have autistic children that are both
Indigo and Crystal simultaneously, and they are a whole different expression. Then
there are other colours we can talk about. The Rainbow children, that is an
amalgamation. Anyone can be a Rainbow at anytime. They're the warriors of peace,
they're the ones that have been time travelling for countless generations, looking for
a DNA lineage that they could anchor in and that they could survive more than one
lifetime in, to gather a set of bank of memories so that they could build a
mausoleum, so that other versions of time travelling selves of them can come to a
mausoleum where an I AM presence declared no competition.

N: So hence, the equation of the word Rainbow, is the best descriptive of this DNA
strand because they've been in all the different colours of the frequencies, they've
been in all the different colours of the rainbow, and now they're basically looking
for anchorage. A: Correct. N: Right. A: Coming home.

A: As we go through separations of densities, as I was saying in the beginning of
this, the density of your being. So when we are third density beings now, we're
dealing with a third density on a third dimensional world. To go to fourth density
means we have gone through the separation of the third density and we are a fourth
density being where we are not dealing with shame, blame, and guilt as definers. We
are our own sovereign-bubble-of-reality-Being, that understands the sacred energy
is its own spiritual technology that must be used in sacred manners. We also know
that fourth dimensional technology allows us to incarnate direct to other worlds,
bi-locate direct to other worlds without the use of technology. And we have an
actual choice, as multidimensional beings, to take the technological road or the
spiritual road, or both at the same time, and when you meet on the other side, you
come back together again.

N: Ergo, Atlanta and Lemuria and that ultimate combination of them both in a very
basic form. One was super technology the other was super spiritual, and we're still
having that constant battle of how to integrate it. But, there is no battle, because this
is a sovereign free willed universe. And after all the genocides, integrations, we are
so mixed up that whatever lineages or lines through the system we've been so
integrated into each other's lineage's and line's, uhm, we are so unique in our selves,
that this whole process is going to call about an incredible change, an incredible
change in how our reality will actually look.

A: Each individual being will go through the reverse engineering of that
hierarchical order, in themselves.

N: Yes! and then what kind of thought processes, what kind of realities when the
consciousness and energy starts to understand its creation, this holographic
universe, when it starts to remember, when it starts to see the unlimitedness, what a
world this will be.

A: That is the Mind in the proverbial Over Unity. Much like an energy device that
has reached universal energy source, it's like a Tesla device. They are, those devices
are consciousness, we are consciousness, and we could create our own psychic
Tesla machines inside our own mind once we begin to go through that realized self
moment. That we can reverse engineer hierarchical order and prevent competition in
my sacred space.

N: And therefore we are now, the ancient future now.

A: Ancient present now, ancient past now, all three combined into the now at a
universal time scale.

N: And we come to the understanding that this DNA is so magical that there is a
trade going on, and there are specific DNA lineages where this trade is rampant. And
there are specific DNA technology skin suits that have been taken off planet and
need to be encased in gold, otherwise the actual disease from the physical particle
manifest of that DNA lineage technology structure can cause millions upon trillions
of deaths when they were exporting these bodies out for their DNA. But then you
were also saying that this DNA could save multiple lineages.

A: Uhm, there's a couple of different things you put together there. Ok. So to break
it up, there is an off world DNA trade and that off world DNA trade is for light
body memories. So, off world you have thousands and thousands of species who
are trying to mimic our DNA or get samples of our DNA so that their experience is
as colourful as ours on their world, so that they could begin altering their worlds
and realities at the programming and architectural level too, so that their worlds are
as bright and colourful. Well, to do that, they need solar codes, so they need to meet
other versions of ourselves and have true love with them, and have some form of
DNA offspring, where memory sharing technology that allows them as a light body
to use that as a solar code to incarnate in a world. Let me finish, it's important. Ok?
This is so vital to understand, that once you have a DNA memory, you can break
yourself into three thousand or four thousand pieces and go to a bunch of worlds
that you've never been to before, and begin to summon all of your other parts until
you begin to out wave and out wave and spread. This is how our DNA was abused
from the very beginning.

The other part to your question was, some people were taken off world. There was
stuff in the DNA. For a body to go off world, it is encased in gold to prevent
damage to it because they are using dirty dimensional drives to prevent the people
observing the quaranteen field, from seeing these vessels that are taking millions or
billions of different samples of DNA off world. Each sample of DNA is a sample of
your consciousness, and sometimes your consciousness is put into clones of
yourself, so this is why many people feel themselves in other worlds because they
are connected to other version of clones which are part of the quantum chaos
entanglement technology.

So we break it down to the next part of the question is, when a human being inside
their own DNA here on Earth, has other versions of itself existing in other places
quantumly entangled with it, we run into a unique paradox where you could have
one that is taken off that has a sickness, and that sickness in other situations past,
where they were smuggled off, there was a program built into their DNA that made
that sickness very affective against other worlds, and it caused the deaths of
trillions. So this is why a major quaranteen field was put around Earth, so that these
times where human beings that were smuggled off and caused sicknesses.

Conversely, we have other races who have been genetically engineering themselves
over many millions of years, and they had made grave mistakes. And the grave
mistake is they have eliminated their sex organs and have become disconnected
from the tree of life. They use cloning chambers, their children come out as adults,
they don't have a life. The mother has not had swollen feet, has not been pregnant,
has not had the birth process. They now want to bring that back into themselves, and
they need a sample of DNA from someone who has lived in their species before,
which could be you, me, or you, and they need to get a sample of you here now,
fraud time DNA that has sex organs, and then bring it back to their homeworld,
manifest it on their homeworld and insert it into a DNA lineage that can allow a
brand new soul to come and live in that soul family or species. Once they lost their
sex organs they were locked out of the incarnation/reincarnation process. They were
 a technological breeding species. They were trying to return that. Human beings,
when we finish our awakening, will be the ones that teach these species, that no
longer have sex organs, how to be pregnant, how to have swollen ankles, how to
raise children. That's our gift back to them by us openly sharing our DNA with
them, because they're the ones that have been in competition with us to forcefully
awaken us, long before we should have, or to forcefully put us back to sleep,
because there are others who were worried about if this species is in competition
with this, and that this DNA is not ready to be awakened, its soup hasn't been
finished, cooked.

So we have to break down all of the different scenarios that we have, to understand
that the DNA trade is about hierarchical competition between other worlds, that
aren't really in the best interests of who lives on this world now. And the reason a
quaranteen field was created was to prevent that competition of other worlds, from
affecting us, and from us affecting them. Because we are quantomly entangled to all
of them. And we have time travel technology that has separated us into four
paradoxes. That means, we have a chance at making another uncreational event.

N: That's really amazing. (That is.)
Now here's a clue. Andrew has just given us a very big clue as to why there is a
magnetic field around this planet, as to why there is a quaranteen field, as to why
we're having such a tough time remembering, as to why there is so much technology
and white-noise out there stealing the energy from us, our photonic light, feeding
off  it. There's a clue there. Because what if, we had enough energy, what if, we
were spiritually clean enough, what if, our heart was beating to that rhythm of that
solar universe that we are expanding and expanding in, and what if, we were able to
call all of those shards of ourselves and those experiences, and we were able to go
to those journeys, receive those energy banks, get those understandings and those
gifts? What would we be as a species then? Would we pay taxes? ( hahahaha! )

A: We would be the phoenix reborn.
Out of the ashes of materialism and consumerism, would come a brand new
generation of Consciousness Explorers.

N: And that's why we have those chem-trails blocking our sun, that's why we have
those processed GMO foods stopping the cyrstalization of our DNA strands.

A: That's why they vaccinate you, that's why they do all sorts of birth rituals that
separate you from your mother and your father, whether it's the foot-stamp and the
social security card that makes you energetically bound to the money curse, or it's
the ancestral karma that comes getting born into a lineage that doesn't have your
own memories in it.

N: And that, that's, I mean, all of us have had to learn that, and especially when
you're really really passionate, and you're awakening, and there is so much you want
to get into and there's so much you want to do, all of the time, and then all of a
sudden you're low in energy, why? because you've lit up and you haven't done the
correct cerimony or you weren't truly prepared, and that happens to a lot of people
because they don't have those surroundings and those understandings, and then they
get hit.

A: Or they don't even have a knowingness strand or consciousness to even begin to
perceive what a ceremony should feel like.

N: Yes, and with these concepts we're bringing forth, with these ideas one may try,
perhaps, if it resonates with them is, the understanding to be gentle with yourself,
learning how to be gentle with your own progress, gentle with yourself, no shame
blame or guilt there, because that's the number one thing that stops people, you
know, the disappointment, 'oh I didn't do it right,' or 'oh my god everybody around
me is stopping me from ascending,' and all those types of things that stop us in our
own, mm, I don't want to use the word ascension, but, our own expansion of
consciousness A: Expansion. N: Yes.

A: Now that you can see that, you need a little help sometimes. And that is, calling
on your ancestors. Being gentle means willing to ask for some help, but with
enough bravado in your voice and not meekness, so that the ancestors come with
the power that you're asking them for.

N: Mhm. And that's the beauty of when you begin to live, as you say, in the sacred
fashion and you come from a heart space, not just doing it like, 'oh yes I've done my
contracts and off we go,' A: Regular, you have to do them regularly. N: but literally,
saying, it begins now. I sit and I read and I focus and I'm actually sensing, feeling,
and emanating those words that I'm uttering through my heart space, soul.

A: If you are not emanating you are not in the spiritual process of being there with

N: And therefore you're not emanating the frequency in the equation, therefore you
are not clearing the density and the imprinted frequency in an equation, and that is
what is making it so tough for all of us, because of this shifting around of our DNA
lineages and our authentic signature frequencies, uhm, the blockages that we've had.
This is where it really counts, this is where we can clear this all away with ceremony
with these contracts (Contract Revocations), and really then call forth what is
inherently our birthright.

A: Which is invocation, which is the next side. For every revocation there is an
equal invocation. N: We revoke to clear so that we can invoke what is ours. A:
Correct. So the next layer, once we revoke and invoke, we must hold anchor. And
that is where the next layer of spiritual courts of equity help us deal with time, and
it's how its social agreement locks us into the past life expressions of energy being
given forward to us, because there are government time travellers purposely
entangling other versions of ourself with karma that we created and solved millions
of years ago, but now is suddenly given to us as debt, because an organization is
using universal laws to create more debt and pass it around. In a future time, it was
never meant to exist.

N: I mean these are really exciting times, and I think this is why Andrew wanted to
get into a deeper understanding, to impress again, this window of opportunity we
have, it's really here and it can be so easily reached each day it becomes more and
more expanded as the beings awaken, as the doorways and grids, that people are
starting to engage in the great work, still connect to their emanating and expanding
each others' fields and connecting in a glorious way which then pushes more and
more the density away so the others that are awakening have an easier process,
because all of us who went through the really hard times...I mean I've said that to
you so many times, I wish that every being that is starting to awaken, it's almost like
the lamb being born in a beautiful field where the birds are singing and the grass is
green the flowers are smelling so beautiful and the bees are buzzing around and you
wake up to the multi-colouredness of your being, the multidimensionality of your
being and it's joyful and you're filled with the love of All That Is in great mystery. I
wish this for everybody. And when they awaken, I hope that we've created a field for
them that is, that kind, that is, that like, that is that gentle.

A: That is a dream I think everyone can do. I think we could all manifest that, that
there should not be another starving child. There shall not be a moment of
depression, of war. We can end war tomorrow. As a species. We just have to either 
pick up the pitch forks and torches, or choose to be Consciousness Explorers. The
old way or the new way. And the new way doesn't have to be the 'new age' way. It's
YOUR new way. And this is something I put forward; you are the sovereign
individual being. We are trying to show you you have a plethora of tool boxes out
there to build anything you want. Just understand, your knowingness helps you
build. That's why we are trying to give you some of these mechanics, direct from the
akashic record, so you can go through your own knowingness strands connection.
Get out there and be in the sun. Get out there and let your DNA awaken and doing
what it's meant to do. Let go of the fear. And if there's a chem-trail in your way,
wish it away, will it away. You'd be surprised how much little consciousness
entangled energy can make that chem-trail disappear. I envision children writing
their name in the sky with those chem-trails just to tell the system off.

N: Let's bring that forth, indeed.
Thank you everybody. This has been so much fun, just getting into this, covering all
the different topics. I feel so much better now that we've talked about this. Out there
are so many things happening and this is just so vital to understand, why we're
pushing the ceremonies so much, why we're asking people to go outside, why we're
saying look up into the skies, because the time is now for you to expand.

A: Last year we pushed hibernation. This year we're pushing a whole new layer of
expansion and awareness. If you didn't hibernate last year, you can start right now
and catch up with everyone else, it's not that hard. Consciously apply, are you doing
something sacred or recreational? That's the one thing you can get out of all of
these teachings, are you doing it for yourself in real fullness of authentic self, or are
you just doing it to get a better understanding of yourself and it's a recreational
experience? N: Is it in Vogue? Or is it who you are? A: Because if it's your
authentic self, you will begin manifesting out of that. And yes, there are times that
our recreational selves manifest, but it isn't always a seed we want to reap later on
in life.

N: With that guys...
(Andrew and Nathalie): Namaste.



That was awesome.

Comments on Andrew's DNA Video

Oh god it was so good to get this information. I've been working on something, and
this really helped me to get a perspective on what's there so that I can work on it
even better! (I love Andrew's crystal clear vision) I'm not the average Yogi bear
(lol!).  I go perceiving and searching in between layers and look at the shades
between two colours, the mist between the two rainbow colours which separate
them, though it be a fine line. Or like in the middle of an hourglass where the sand
trickles through. That's the kind of thing I use to describe those inbetween layers of
3rd and 4th.

I had a fully conscious after death experience which helped me to see the
complexity in it. I didn't remember where I had just left once I was on the other side,
but it was so beautiful there, and there was some kind of relationship with the
world below that I just left, but I didn't remember it from the perspective of the
world I just left, because now I was in my higher self and it was her perspective that
I was under. My little self was integrated as a cell into her, and she took over. It was
not a personal perspective, so you kind of lose that personal way and are re-focused
into a non-personal reality, a greater reality where the whole is the key. But when
you're back in your body, you know where you are at, AND, you also remember
where you just were. Which tells us that this I AM presence is VERY important,
here and now.

And let's take it to the dream level, when you go lay down on your bed for the night.
When you really observe, without falling asleep, you will see that your
consciousness squeezes through a very thin little tunnel, like through an hourglass,
and you end up on the other side, a different world than the one you just left. Its
physics are different. While you're in a dream, you can do outrageous things, but in
the dreamworld they are not outrageous, they make sense. But as you wake up, you
just can't fathom how that would have made sense to you in that dreamworld
because in this 3rd density it does not make any sense, it's a different world. Just
like every colour has its own properties, completely individual, all its own, no
comparisons, no competition. So those different worlds are each like an individual

Even though I was a 'bitch' to Nathalie, I still love you. And that's the beauty of it.
And oh  Andrew, thank you thank you thank you sooo much! This is the information
I was looking for.