Thursday, August 31, 2017

Either You Learn, or Die.

 Big Bad Horsey.


Learning is fun to do, huh?
I like it too. 
That's why I'll never die.
Just keep learning.
The more you learn...
the more there is to learn!

Lean on a tree, and have a soft Serpent for a pillow. Serpent will help me to learn more and more. Serpent just suggests something, and I discern. Strengthens many muscles. More than just bodily muscles. Hahaha!

Next poem, is going to be entitled...
Big Bad Nagual.

Oh, it's so nice that it's getting dark again. As much as I love the light of summer into the evening/night, I too love the autumn and winters dark, long and smooth. Fitting. Someplace to hide into.

Till September 3, Sun. 2017

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Seven Awesome Wonders

     I love this video. They did such a good job of it. Oh! Such artwork.

Yes! To MY Angels. Yes indeed.

You You You.

Giw away. Oops that's nto the wya it was supposwe to sound.

Aright. Alright. Alrigh aliright alright alright. Good stuff.


If I'm crazy, then it means you're insane. Why else would you hang around with Characters like these?

Than k you so much, you ExtraTerrestrial friends. I really have enjoyed this. I do wish we will get together again, at another proper date. Thanks. Luv Ya!

Anyway. One more song....or...not.

Hm. Sorry. Anyway. Forgive me. This here is for YOU. Hahahahaahahaa....

Now don't be shy. dance with me...


Good Night.

Bloody Well, Back To Life. Face To Life. Observe.

Here cummos the reign again, falling like a leaf at the memory....

Sometimes, it takes the utmost care, to fathom, or sympathize, with the structure occurring. And then... therefore, hahaahaaaahaha. We can fucking get on with it. I'm not too partial. I'm just split.

I was suppose to have my space plane and simple, a few years ago. Where is it?

Hello? Tesla? Are you there? Yes? Great. What happened?


Well Well Well...

That's right.

The whhhite stripes. Those things that NO ONE will see. Only you, and me, will know theyr'e there.

If this is not the most relaxing music

    Then I don't know what is.

Full Moon Night, LIVE

   Beethoven Moon-Light Sonata.

Aerosmith, When Lightning Strikes

      Yeah. Today... hm. there was such a storm. The rain just started with a gentle patter, all day at her, except for a little later...then it just started to come straight down pour like laterally? linearly? vertically, yes, straight down.

      But it was nice. Then it got really strong like. You know? Strong-like. So I pulled the empty garbage bin under the eaves trough to gather the water. It was full at the end of this storm, plus a flood around the house.

      Anyway. You know how it is. You get busy at your computer, the rain creeps up on you, then the next thing you know, a little bit of pleasant thunder, and by this time you're not paying attention to it, what you're doing is more important. Then BAM! KRACK K K... the lightning-thunder was so strong it knocked out my computer instantly. O h m y g o d I t h o u g h t.

So here, I finally am again. I hoped the problem was fixed...after the up boot. The boot-up. Hahahaa...

Reign Reign Go Away. Come back another day.

Well, at least I asked for help. And it's given.

Thank You !

See? That's why ya gatta learn now to use power. Or forget it! 
    ( how)

Tuesday, August 29, 2017


  You tricked me.
I see that now.

Hm hm.
I'll get youuu...

So? Who are you? Mh?

Looking At Laws From A New Perspective

The Law of Reflection:

     "The Law of Reflection is that law which defines the function of Light as it interacts with the geometric structures and forms, and as they breathe and create a synergy of Earth, Soul, and Life Force Energy, they attract, reflect, refract, and absorb the bio-photons and all wavelengths of Light to create a manifest physical form. This Law is a foundation to the effortless experience of permanence in accordance with the passage of time. This Law generates the space upon which the structures of time and space can adhere." --From: 12 New Cosmic Awareness Laws.

(And "The Cosmic Laws of Cosmic Awareness")

      While reading through the Law of Reflection, one can see many definitions. For example, look at the three words put together... Earth, Soul, Life Force Energy. What they say is that with the Earth, the Mother Earth, in unison with the Life Force Energy, that is, the Higher Self, we can bring a Soul into union amongst them, and fashion a physical form in time and space, which can bring us effortless experience in the permanence of this here right now, in order to learn, to grow, to develop. I read from the Pleiadians that where they live, they can imagine their house, their furniture, into being, but when they go out, and come back home, maybe part of their home or furniture is missing, because it just disappears, on its own. It is because there is not that same type of permanency over there, that we have here. So you may want to consider what kind of structure we have here, compared to what type of structure they have there. That in itself is a meditation and a half. Before we get too proud of our structure, think of the consequences of having such a permanent structure, and becoming stuck in it, because the illusion is so great it hoodwinks you into thinking it is all permanent...whereas the Plieadians may not fall for such an illusion, and see themselves travelling higher on the wavelengths out of the matter structure which was employed for only specific types of experiences. So, you could say they are our elder brothers and sisters, or, you could say that the first will be last and the last first, meaning; humanity having been shunned to the most difficult aspects and having overcome, are actually greater than those who have had little to overcome. could say, there are many types of experiences, and it is up to us to choose which place will most benefit our soul's journey, and then take that journey, and that, there are no need for judgements when a suitable job fulfills the whole of the life, so that it is one's responsibility to take the appropriate journey.

     Another thing the Law of Reflection tells us, is that we are not just a face, a surface structure left all alone in some distant galaxy on a little planet to fend for ourselves. But in fact, we are only misperceiving, because if we chance to look within us, we will find we are rich, and that we have everything we need, and that after we find the wealth and richness of the within, then go a step deeper, we find we are absolutely complete! That there is so much more to us than meets the is perhaps that far away place that we are placed in which to jiggle us out of our mindless way of thinking we are only a surface and forget about the entire treasure trove we hold within, and therefore we would turn to look within us, and start functioning with our greater aspects, and then after we discover our greater aspects, oh my, suddenly, we find even more, an even Greater aspect! Wherefore, if three is the number we are dealing with right now, then that is all that we have to discover about ourself, before we can graduate and move on. But first, we have to look past that surface self, that so-called 'status quo.'

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

The Wild Beast That Needs Taming.

     "An incarnating entity wanders blindly through a physical body when it is born in alien cultures, such as humanity, drinking the wine of forgetfulness and trying to find its way through some inward ringing, some inward calling, indeed some inward drum. It is quite a life's journey for an entity to wander aimlessly in the wilderness and finally find its way to its spiritual path. Not everyone wants to follow that longing. There are many paths, but most paths have dead ends because talk is cheap, philosophy is cheap, and though it is needed for the art of communication, unless it is applicable rather than intellectual, it is truly and utterly meaningless.

     "You came here being urged by something inside of you, like blind mice through a maze. It is destiny that we are together here. When you come here to see me, don't come expecting to hear anything else other than what you are coming to school to study. You are coming to study about the spiritual aspect of who you are and its eternal ongoingness and how we shift gears from being a tragic, momentary, biological unit to an everlasting, unforgettable, memorable consciousness. What defines who you are is not reminiscent with the body; it is reminiscent with the divine being who knows no death.

     "You have come to hear this message that you are God, a divine action upon a plane of demonstration to bring forth the unknown. The long study at this school has always been about learning the art of becoming profoundly spiritual, which really means becoming profoundly conscious. Profound consciousness doesn't happen in the past; it happens in the Now. Humans live in their past, thereby defying illumination. Illumination never happens in memories. It just doesn't.

     "You have come to school to learn the art of being spiritually aware. You have an ulterior motive; you want to go home to God. You only have to go out and look at the Milky Way to decide for yourself how much life you have never lived. That is all you have to do to really be humbled. There are in God's house many mansions, but they are only prepared for one who prepares themselves for them. These mansions are never made available to one who never makes themselves available to them.

     "This school is such a priceless and beautiful place because in its humble abode it simply concentrates upon your possible illumination and how to definably work out that region of divine quality in you. I have taught this from the first manifestation of my presence here, for there is no greater truth than that. It is a labyrinth, because your life has been a labyrinth. You are blind, and you are blind intentionally. This school must teach you in every area so that at every point we challenge your altered ego, which is always quick to make you lazy, excuse your behavior, make you a dishonest and immoral creature. Dishonesty and immorality are the aspects of capitalism. They are aspects of survival. Everyone is wretched for a reason. The personality, the altered ego --the Antichrist, the altered Christ-- is one that is concerned about its own small, little body, its small little concerns: what it eats, how it looks, how much it is going to be touched, where it lives, what it has, who it is with, who it is not with. Those are strong emotional/chemical fundamental elements to humanity.

     "The teaching must bring a revolution in one's life along the way, which we call change. The revolution is that you revolt against your limitations. You must have enough information, enough support, and indeed enough truth that you can bring about such a marshaled revolution so you can take the personality as a wild steed and tame it for the Holy Spirit to ride it, instead of the other way around. The blind personality is like a wild horse, and it goes here and there. It is sort of a stupid creature. It will run itself to death from fear or just to get what it wants. In the end, it dies anyway. The human creature is the same creature.

     "We do not want to destroy the personality in the school of mastership, but we want to revolutionize it. We want to bring about a revolution where the personality is exactly the mouthpiece of the Spirit, that they are not enemies but are one and the same entity so that the Holy Spirit can ride the body without objection and victimization. Many of you are victims to the concept of being masters, and you intentionally make yourself victims. You suffer so that your personality can come back and say, "Well, I am doing this to become a master, but I am really suffering." Suffering is unnecessary when you realize the rules.

     "I like and love and embrace that I am Ramtha. I love my personality. I have never apologized for it, nor would I trade it in for anyone else's because it took a lot of life to make it, to tame it, to humble it, to resurrect it. I have no image -- just Ramtha.

     "Revolutionizing the altered ego into a sublime steed for the Holy Spirit takes a lot of work. Many of you are at a disadvantage and many are at a greater advantage. Those who are at a disadvantage prize their image (ie. status quo) more than they do their Spirit. How would I know that? It is simple. Just look at the priorities in your life, and what you live for every day, what you think about, what you scheme about, where your mind is every day. That tells you where you are. That means your personality and altered ego are stronger than your Spirit. Then there are those people who have a very strong Spirit and a very weak body. That doesn't work either. We call those people martyrs.

     "What we want here in this school, is that the confluence of personality and Spirit are the same thing: that they are real clear, there is no deception, no lack, no past, and there is only this present. What you see is what you get, and that is what it is. It is fundamentally important that you change. I have never asked any of you to change without having sufficient knowledge so you could have the ability to go forward into change. Change is important. Unless you change, you will never be balanced. Until you are balanced with your personality and your Spirit, that they are the same thing, you are not going to make the steps to become the master." --Ramtha, Defining The Master, Vol 1, No. 1


     "The core of our being is the act of perceiving, and the magic of our being is the act of awareness. Perception and awareness can be a single, functional, inextricable unit with two domains. The first one is the attention of the tonal ; that is to say, the capacity of average people to perceive and place their awareness on the ordinary world of everyday life: our first ring of power; our awesome but taken-for-granted ability, to impart order to our perception of our daily world.

      "The second domain is the attention of the nagual ; the capacity to place our awareness on the nonordinary world. It's our second ring of power, or the altogether portentous ability all of us have, but only sorcerers use, to impart order to the nonordinary world.
      What I have struggled to vanquish, or rather suppress in you, is not your reason as the capacity for rational thought, but your attention of the tonal, or your awareness of the world of common sense. The daily world exists because we know how to hold its images; consequently, if one drops the attention needed to maintain those images, the world collapses.
      Practice is what counts. Once you get your attention on the images of your dream, your attention is hooked for good. In the end you can hold the images of any dream.

      Our first ring of power is engaged very early in our lives and we live under the impression that that is all there is to us. Our second ring of power, the attention of the nagual, remains hidden for the immense majority of us, and only at the moment of our death is it revealed to us. There is a pathway to reach it, however, which is available to every one of us, but which only sorcerers take, and that pathway is through dreaming. Dreaming is in essence the transformation of ordinary dreams into affairs involving volition (ie. Will). Dreamers, by engaging their attention of the nagual and focusing it on the items and events of their ordinary dreams, change those dreams into dreaming. --The Second Ring of
Power, by Carlos Castaneda.


     "The aim of the teaching and of the Work is to provide the willing student with the tools to help them distinguish between their outer world (the world of the body and everyday life) and their inner world (the higher part of themselves which some refer to as the soul). Having been able to distinguish the two, it is the aim of the Academy that the individual student will start to develop the inner, hidden part of him or herself and grow towards enlightenment." --Academy of European Arts & Culture.

"Soon we forget about the Soul that is inside us. The body starts to eclipse the Soul the way the little moon eclipses the entire sun. The body blocks the Soul. And because the Soul is no longer recognized, it slowly goes into hibernation, just as the body will shut down if it is no longer fed. By the tender age of seven, the Soul (of many but not all) is already asleep." --Mervyn J. Brady

Smelling The Roses

*Note: The thing I object to in this crass, Class! I meant, is the calling of the body a "machine." It is not a machine!
It is the Mother Earth's efforts given, as a gift, blended with your Higher Self, to bring to you this opportunity to experience and express and learn. For example, if someone irks you enough that it makes you begin crying... is that a machine at work? No. It is a natural function, and it shows you, if you are interested in learning, that you shouldn't irk others until the point of making them cry. You should have some respect instead of antagonizing... would you like it done to you? So, No! It is NOT a machine. It is an exquisitely well made structure full of life and sentience. Respect it!

One has to learn their limitations, and to break from them correctly! By Overcoming, and that is through learning, and knowing, and honouring.

In every philosophy, we are always learning, and bringing it to fuller completion!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Sharp Amplitude of Knowledge From The August 21 Eclipse.


The difference between ignorance and knowledge. One can have bright lights everywhere to light up a room. But it are those who know how to install a dimmer switch, that makes the room glow a  pleasant light.

Once we just had a father. Now we have a mother. The art of applying mind with heart to move the moon and shade the planet, naturally, with a softer light. Nothing has to be forced.

The art of seducing angels to dance to your tune, instead of leave them at the mercy of their own self-destruction.

Let's have some coffee America, and talks... things over. Much more pleasant.


"Suppose we tune two violins, then put one of them on a table and play the other one. If we watch carefully, we will see that the same string we are playing on the violin is the same string that vibrates in the violin on the table. This, illustrates, the concept of sympathetic resonance between the two vibrating strings (oscillators). Such a system, made up of two tuned oscillators, is called a resonant system.

"Rhythm Entrainment: Nature finds it more economical in terms of energy to have periodic events that are close enough in frequency to occur in phase, or in step with each other. Such a phenomenon can be seen to occur if we have two pendulum clocks on a wall. If we start one clock and then the other, after a while, the two pendulums will fall into step with each other. This phenomenon is called rhythm entrainment.

"Coherency: When two sets of periodic functions or waves get in step with each other, or become in phase with each other, we can say that they are coherent. This concept of coherence is important in understanding how living systems make use of electro-magnetic signals. Nature uses highly coherent electromagnetic signals between, and within, living systems. The range of frequencies involved extends downward from the ultra-violet, where radiation becomes ionizing, through to the sub-Hertz ranges of seconds-per-cycle. The lowest frequency meaningful to the living organism, is the frequency corresponding to the reciprocal of its life-span; such fine tuning of frequency through the life span of a living system, carries with it the risk of sensitivity to, and disruption by (purposeful or otherwise) environmental coherent electromagnetic fields, or, as we shall see later in this book, disruption by virtue of higher order fields which lie outside the electromagnetic spectrum.

"Oscillations and resonances happen in any structure. They become useful when they are interrupted in a coherent manner to convey information. This process is called modulation. Highly coherent oscillations can act as carriers for modulation, representing a control function for the regulation / maintenance of homeostasis (control or regulation) in living systems. --Matrix 3, Volume 1, by Valdamar Valerian

Monday, August 21, 2017

Heart Focused Exercise For Reclaiming One's Power

     Some helpful information for disciplining ones self into a beneficial transformation.

     "There are many opportunities present for humanity to engage in the opportunities of aligning to the Earth, to sending and receiving love, as well as to one's soul, to shifting one's perspective from that of their incarnation as being a permanent sentence, or existence where the suffering is eternal, to a perspective that this is a transient temporal experience, called forth by you the individual, the self, and though there is present a great deal of programming that affects the human form on many levels, its effects are present primarily because of a generational system of belief that says it is allowed to do so.

     "This is not to say one is consciously encouraging or allowing for the acceptance of disease, famine, suffering and death. This is to say that this is a group experience. It is to say that, many have relinquished their ability to maintain their own power, and in doing so, have allowed others to walk away with it, to do as they please with it, to manipulate it and take advantage of its vulnerability.

     "At this position of the cycle of the Earth and those souls that agreed to be incarnate upon her at thist time, there is a great opportunity to reclaim that power. And it begins within, by developing a loving, intimate, gentle, fulfilling relationship with all aspects of one's human form and the Spirit Structures that assist in maintaining it. These are actions that can be taken 24 hours a day, every day.

     "With every breath one takes, one can initiate and complete these changes within the self, and generate a field of Light and Higher Vibration that is in alignment with the Earth and one's Soul, so that the programming that is present, has less and less opportunity to impact and influence that form. This however, requires one to be within one's heart, as opposed to one's mind, because the mind is unable to make those discernments, as to what is truth and what is alignment.

     "The heart is fine-tuned for that purpose, by the Earth and your Soul. It is the perfect synergy, the perfect compliment of masculine and feminine, should one choose to make use of it." -Cosmic Awareness Newsletter August 2017.


falling horses


jhon malkovich

"Isness" is the focus to be sought by each individual awareness. As each expands within, the process of self-identification, so does the ability to allow the flow of "Isness" to move through their experience." -Embracing the Rainbow.

"Physical manifestation is an end result of focused thought. If through choice and request the focused thought is changed, then the physical manifestation must also change."

"The polarities are available on the whim of decision, which allows it to alter creation at the manifested level. Freewill cannot be controlled. It can be influenced, but at any point, individual consciousness can simply change its thinking and the influence is cast aside. Thought can create an experience and thought can change it into another experience entirely. Combined focus of thought is all-powerful when it operates within the Universal Laws and is supported by Emotional Commitment."

Sunday, August 20, 2017

Music. Different Types.

This piccolo has a nice high pitched sound. Very pleasant. Some lovely skill in the intricate sounds being played.

     "Tuning refers to the precise relationship between the frequency of a tone being played and a standard, or between two or more tones being played together. Orchestral musicians "tuning up" before a performance are synchronizing their instruments (which naturally drift in their tuning as the wood, metal, strings, and other materials expand and contract with changes in temperature and humidity) to a standard frequency, or occasionally not to a standard but to each other. Expert musicians often alter the frequency of tones while they're playing for expressive purposes (except, of course, on fixed-pitch instruments such as keyboards and xylophones); sounding a note slightly lower or higher than its nominal value can impart emotion when done skillfully. Expert musicians playing together in ensembles will also alter the pitch of tones they play, to bring them more in tune with the tones being played by the other musicians, should one or more musicians drift away from standard tuning during the performance." --This Is Your Brain On Music, by Daniel J. Levitin.

     "As frequencies get higher, so do the letter names; B has a higher frequency than A (and hence a higher pitch) and C has a higher frequency than either A or B. After G, the note names start all over again at A. Notes with the same name have frequencies that are double (or half) the frequencies of each other. One of the several notes we call A, has a frequency of 110 Hz. The note with half that frequency, 55 Hz, is also an A, and the note with twice 110 Hz, -220 Hz- is an A as well. If we keep doubling the frequencies, we get more As at 440 Hz, 880 Hz, 1760 Hz, and so on.
     Here is a fundamental quality of music. Note names repeat because of a perceptual phenomenon that corresponds to the doubling and halving of frequencies. When we double or halve a frequency, we end up with a note that sounds remarkably similar to the one we started out with. This relationship, a frequency ratio of 2:1 or 1:2, is called the octave. It is so important that, in spite of the large differences that exist between musical cultures, between Indian, Balinese, European, Middle Eastern, Chinese, and so on, every culture we know of has the octave as the basis for its music, even if it has little else in common with other musical traditions. This phenomenon leads to the notion of circularity in pitch perception, and is similar to circularity in colours. Although red and violet fall at opposite ends of the continuum of visible frequencies of electromagnetic energy, we see them as perceptually similar. The same is true in music, and music is often described as having two dimensions, one that accounts for tones going up in frequency (and sounding higher and higher) and another that accounts for the perceptual sense that we've come back home again, each time we double a tone's frequency."

This here describes exactly what it's like to think in multi-dimensional fashion, where you hear more than one meaning to a single structure, where the metaphors can be two completely different things.

     "To recap, it is a property of objects in the world that they generally vibrate at several different frequencies at once. Surprisingly, these other frequencies are often mathematically related to each other in a very simple way: as integer multiples of one another. So if you pluck a string and its slowest vibration frequency is one hundred times per second, the other vibration frequencies will be 2 times 100 (200 Hz), 3 x 100 (300 Hz), etc. If you blow into a flute or recorder and cause vibrations at 310 Hz, additional vibrations will be occurring at twice, three times, four times, etc., this rate: 620 Hz, 930 Hz, 1240 Hz, etc."

So, if you read that book which Airl the Alien taught to Matilda O'Donnell MacElroy, you'll see that the alien civilization began with a Whole Tone. They were positive. They invested their time in creating the creatures to fill realities on different planets and star systems. Then, after awhile, once this was successfully achieved, that's when the Half Tones came in, and they created bugs and blossoms, and started the dark work.  Alien Interview. So we have the White Keys of the piano, and now we have the black keys too.

Hence, the different levels of realities, like one on top of the other, like hierarchies, but not the way we humans have seen hierarchies performed...that needs to be straightened out...there are all kinds of levels of so-called 'physical' experience. When one is perceptive, it's easier to describe to them what is on another level. But to those with closed minds, there's nothing we can do to help them understand. They must do their own work. And if they're lazy, maybe someone will help them by plowing a two by four over their head and get them going. The Basic Notes are in everything.

      "Petr Janata placed electrodes in the inferior colliculus of the barn owl, part of its auditory system. Then he played the owl a version of Strauss's "The Blue Danube Waltz," made up of tones from which the fundamental frequency had been removed. Petr hypothesized that if the missing fundamental frequency is restored at early levels of auditory processing, neurons in the owl's inferior colliculus should fire at the rate of the missing fundamental. This is exactly what he found. And because the electrodes put out a small electrical signal with each firing--and because the firing rate is the same as a frequency of firing (as we saw above)--Petr sent the output of these electrodes to a small amplifier and played back the sound of the owl's neurons through a loudspeaker. What he heard was astonishing; the melody of "The Blue Danube Waltz" sang clearly from the loudspeakers: ba da da da da, deet deet, deet deet. We were hearing the firing rates of the neurons and they were identical to the frequency of the missing fundamental. The overtone series had an instantiation not just in the early levels of auditory processing, but in a completely different species.
     One could imagine an alien species that does not have ears, or that doesn't have the same internal experience of hearing that we do. But it would be difficult to imagine an advanced species that had no ability whatsoever to sense vibrating objects. Where there is atmosphere, there are molecules that vibrate in response to movement. And knowing whether something is generating noise or moving toward us or away from us, even when we can't see it (because it is dark, our eyes aren't attending to it, or we're asleep) has a great survival value.
     Because most physical objects cause molecules to vibrate in several modes at once, and because for many, many objects the modes bear simple integer relations to one another, the overtone series is a fact-of-the-world that we expect to find anywhere we look: in North America, in Fiji, on Mars, and on the planets orbiting Antares."


Wednesday, August 16, 2017


This guy has some magnificent outfits. I love the burgundy red tie with black coat, and then the fedora, oh yea, and the rose dotted white suit haha, and the top-hat! All kinds of cool clothing in that wardrobe.

The Art of Manifesting.

     "By learning of the Universal Laws and how to act and interact within their concepts, the opportunity for rapid progress is present and flowing through the experiences, of all who have begun to apply them. When a greater and greater number (of beings) come to "know" they (i.e. Universal Laws) are true and accurate, application of them brings to them the results they desire; then the manifestation of the new paradigm of experience will begin in earnest.

     "It is through their application and understanding, with the "Knowledge" that they indeed do work, along with the understanding of "thought thinking" (i.e. what you entertain in your mind), as they move from focus and intent, into real experience, that the application of them will become natural. It will take no more concentrated effort to apply them on a continuing basis, than it does to decide to get up from a chair and move to the door, or whatever else you intend, without actually applying concentrated thought. (In other words, free and easy breezy). It is through intention (and another word for that is "Will"), that it is accomplished as easily as breathing, or any other act that is accomplished in the "knowingness" that it just happens easily.

     "The key to the application is in knowing that the intent must be in harmony with the flow of expansive creative energies, that move and carry the manifestation of galaxies, solar systems, planets, and individuals through, to experience creation in the observation mode. (Observation mode: attentive awareness without shallow judgements from ego).

     "It is necessary to understand that, all which is considered reality, first begins in the imagination, in the mind of the conceiver.

     "The focus of intent, moves the process through the various stages of conception (into conceiving) to energy conversion (such as when cells begin to split and form into molecules, slowly at first from the Main cell, gradually growing the product within) resulting in coagulation of that energy by slowing down the vibration until it manifests into the observable (outside), touchable matter, or what is called manifested reality. (In other words, this would be one of the most intense of realities, by the fact that the speeding of the higher reality begins through one cell. All that unseen spirit reality goes into that one cell, and as that cell quickly splits and spreads, it appears to slow down, but really it is being filled with super amounts of detailed energy. So it slows down such as in, when you look at the wheel of a car while moving quickly, it appears that it is moving backwards and really slowly, like slow motion, but in fact it is moving forward so fast you cannot see it with the eyes.)

     "What is considered reality, is focused intent, condensed through application of Universal Laws, by holding the intent firmly, and "knowing" that the process works until it does. (Meaning, you don't physically do everything. You work in tandem with the processes of the Universal Laws which Do things too, and you allow, and give, them the time and space in which to perform their service to assist you, in what you are doing, hence you work together, is how it is done. They are living principles).

*Note: The slower the vibration of the focusing mind and the surrounding environment (in other words, you can, like skillful use of a tool, slow down a manifestation -to strengthen ones knowledge- when you feel the time is not yet ripe to bring it forth, but it's a delicate matter, one must not bring arrogance into it), the longer the process takes, and the more difficult it is, to hold the intent long enough. (But whatever, besides a pointer in knowing how to do this manifesting properly, it is definitely a good challenging exercise, to observe, like through a microscope, the inbetween of a rainbows colours' workings, in order to familiarize ones self, to the Nth degree, the details of a process. So, this exercise is really only for those interested in the deeper processes. It's a delicate aspect of it, like learning how to make fine wine. Very time-consuming, and quite difficult. For example, if you have the aspect "patience," you don't just sit in patience, because patience is like Neutral, there is always activity occurring there, it never becomes stagnant, it has to continually be active, and in the end, by being continually simmering in activity, it always knows when the best point is, to manifest, instead of sitting around not thinking, and then the point comes and goes and one has become stagnated or inertia'd wherefore no manifestation is forthcoming. So yea, there is a lot of thought-work that goes into the details of the deeper knowledge's aspects. It's like this: what others throw away, we pick up and examine, thoroughly. 'There's not a hair on your head that isn't counted, hahaha. And of course, everything must be balanced appropriately, with all that is occurring, hahaha. Terrific fcking staff, uff! Yea, it takes a little bit more effort and energy, hahaha! Funstuff. Yes. It just goes to show one that there is positive found in everything as long as one is looking.)

     "Learning, through application, to hold the intent "lightly," without attempting to force its creation, but again --in "Knowing" the validity of the process-- allows for "practice makes perfect."

     "There is a great difference in the application and concepts of "wanting", "believing", and "knowing."

     "Wanting" only creates more wanting. "Believing"only says that one thinks the process will work. While, "Knowing" accomplishes the intention.

     "It is the degree of difference gained by the actual EXPERIENCE of "seeing" the application work, that allows for the "knowing" to become accepted and applied with ease.

     "The first attempts (in experimenting, i.e. observing and adjusting until one finds the perfect fit) at application, must be reasonable, and believable, in order to reach the "knowable" level of acceptance.

     "The nuances of these concepts are important to contemplate... bringing the understanding... that deliberately applying the concepts of these laws... may not be an easy task in the beginning. Thus, to choose a single application, with which to test the theories, is of primary importance.

     "It is the "habit" of men to want everything at once! and to fail to take a new process slowly and deliberately. (Such as, finding yourself with a new romantic partner; one cannot compare them to their last affair and suppose they'll easily slide in just as though they are continuing their last relationship into this new one. Otherwise they'll lose. Because everyone is a totally unique individual and must be approached slowly and deliberately to find out their individual uniqueness, and how to get along with them, and how one, ones self, may change, in that new complex union, must also be taken into context). (Everything is infinitely beautiful, if one can only look at it that way.) (The nuances of these concepts, are important to contemplate).

     "The learning of the application of the Laws, is much like stringing beads; one at a time. (Or like learning a song on the piano... one chord at a time. You may not see the chords on a piano, but they're there.) [...and they sound like glass ringing when you touch the keys...]

     "What is challenging, is to hold the concept to be manifested, clearly in mind, without adding nuances to it, that complicate and slow, or in fact, halt the entire process, because of unnecessary detail. Again, thought thinks and often creates a far more grand application, than the finite mind can conceive.

     "The energies of the individual, begin to change as intention and the ability to hold an intention clearly, strengthen and hold firm. It would be expected that one or more successes in manifesting a desired outcome would firmly integrate the process into the experience, however, that does not seem to be the case. Most find that old habits and assumptions do not dissapear from the experience so easily. It takes many successes to raise the acceptance level, to create a habit level for natural manifestation. There are also the instances when casual thought manifests as the sub-conscious applies Laws to these casual thoughts. (Hahaha. Yup!) It is possible to bring into experience instances that apply to others, that were never intended (oh the Challenges!). Therefore, the statement "of highest and best good for all concerned" is the best possible safety insurance, and would be wisely added to all intentions to manifest a desire. A consistent sprinkling of this statement, within the continual mind-chatter that fills the void between meaningfully aware thoughts, is also wise.

     "To meaningfully apply the Laws of Attraction, Focused Intent, and Allowance, requires purposeful desire to bring something into real experience.

     "The simple experience, unhampered by unnecessary add-on details, is possible to manifest quite quickly, depending on the clarity, ability to focus the intention, and emotional energy that adds impetus to the creational process. The degree of "knowing" is the final ingredient in the mix.

     "It is difficult to determine the difference between believing and knowing.

     "Again, it is an easy, almost effortless application of the desire, just as you know you can move from the chair to the door.  There is an application of the doing of it that is totally without doubt (like you exist! that is totally without doubt), and a knowing of exactly where one is going, but no thought as to exactly what the muscular and other bodily efforts there are that are involved, or what may happen during the process of arriving at the door. It is also necessary to continue to "know" one is going to the door all the way to getting there. Losing the focus may allow one to end up in the kitchen and wonder why one is there. (Like, ever smoke a couple puffs, have a drink, then go to do something, and when you get there, haha forgot what you are there to do? Yea. Bin there, done that. Hahaa. It takes practice to hold onto your own thoughts). In the same way, it is not necessary to delineate what is necessary in order for the desire to manifest. It is only necessary to know what the desire is, and to add the minimal amount of focused cooperation that is necessary to set the process in motion, while holding the intention of experiencing the desire.

     "It is often mentioned that one needs to be sure one really wants what one thinks is wanted. Most can think of casual thoughts or statements that have brought experiences with consequences not expected. The creative aspect built into all, is listening, and takes those thoughts and statements literally, especially if the momentary intention is sincere, and supported by emotional impetus.

     "While the explanation seems complicated, the application is quite simple. It is a matter of simply doing it simply. The complicated part is when doubt slows or destroys the effort entirely. To begin by choosing a desire that is totally contrary to the current experience, is to set up a formula for failure. To attempt to move from poverty (of mind and use of mind) to affluence, with one desire, is sure to fail. It is best to begin with something smawll and simple. It adds to the process to ACT AS IF the desire is already happening. (because it takes the hand of the subconscious and leads it, and then it gets fulfilled because it gave it a nudge). Place an empty hanger in the closet for the new coat. Make space in the cupboard for the new dish, or pot, etc. Then be patient and wait expectantly.

     "It is through the application of the Law of Allowance that the greatest progress will be made, with regard to the invocation for manifesting the new paradigm of experience. This is the most difficult of all the laws to apply, for it requires the letting go of detailing the desired outcome. It is extremely difficult for the limited mind to focus on the outcome without feeling sure that it is necessary to also envision the process by which that outcome will come into being. (But those who love processes, dig right in when it's not so important to have something accomplished immediately).
It cannot be emphasized too much that it is the outcome that it is necessary to focus upon.

     "The question then arises within the mind, as to what indeed should it "look" like. The fact is, the most important aspect to "envision" is what it will feeeeel like. Therefore, it is necessary, to coin a new expression, such as "enfeel," in order to bring the proper focus on this aspect of manifesting. What is called "manifesting," is indeed, coming into the understanding and application of the Four Universal Laws. These have been simplified in concept, and renamed into words that bring forth greater applicability, for they fit within your normally spoken vernacular. Focus, intend, and release with "enfeeling" to experience "harmony & balance" is as simple as it is possible to place these wondrous Laws into your conscious awareness.

     "It is the intent of these messages to be focused at the planetary level, for the greatest healing possible. However, that does not indicate that the individual for their own experience cannot use these Laws. Do remember though, that it would be easy for humans to become so caught up within their own "life drama" that the greater purpose for the planet as a whole, becomes lost, and "falls through the cracks." (And then what purpose are the personal "life drama's" when there is no planet on which to have them?) The point to remember is that, without the healing of the whole, the individual applications of the Law will do little to bring about the freedom of humanity from the planned scenario of control. (by corrupt insane aliens). It is therefore imperative that any personal application of the Laws be focused "within" the greater planetary focus. (working together). Thoughts regarding this are most productive when all is "seen and felt" within a holographic picture of all applications contributing to the success of the planet as a whole. Within that focus, each individual success in applying the Laws, then contributes to, and strengthens, the greater focus. Furthermore, the individual then draws a greater contributing focus of energy from the planetary whole into their process, a wondrously helpful boost toward their desired goal.

     "Again, each is reminded to include the statement, "for the highest and best good for all." This releases the "thought thinking" aspect of the action of the Laws to utilize energies that would otherwise not be available to contribute to the whole (holographic) pattern.

     "The Universal Laws, when properly invoked, can bring about wondrous changes in situations that otherwise would remain stuck within their current motion and momentum. This remarkable process results in complete re-arrangement of energetic forces that are in motion. This causes a period of chaotic energy shifting, but can happen quickly when it is released (allowed) to complete the process without the input of imposed restrictions to its motion by the "intender," by continually adding thoughts to the process on how the Laws must bring about the desired focus. It is this necessary release/allowance that is the key. The educational process has brought mankind many blessings but has also allowed for great limitations. The simple tribal experience with faith in guided rituals, often brought about remarkable changes with success, based on previous experience and allowance of "unknown" energies to bring forth the desired change. It was the allowance of the "wise" outside energy, to accomplish the feat, that allowed it to happen. How much better it is, to understand, that the "outside something" is but the naturally existing Laws that underpin all of existence, acting through focus and cooperation of the mind's involved."

Gathering ' Remaining Experience Potentials.

       "As the gathering of a unit of experiences nears completion, certain absences of experiential reQuirements become apparent. Thus, certain missing accomplishments are assigned to complete the experiential unit.
     "A great number of beings present on this planet now are focused on fulfilling their individual requirements for completion, or as you might consider it, graduation. This allows the indigenous population the advantage of the infusion of exceptionally talented individuals from various levels of advanced experience to assist their process of attaining the freedom to evolve independently. Who are these exceptional beings? There is no way to know, for they themselves do not know. Are those who read these messages one of these exceptional beings? Maybe! The point is, there is available a reservoir of talent with exceptional abilities. These have specific issues to experience into wisdom, and there is no accident that these beings are present on this planet now.
     "Within their knowingness, are the need and the desire to complete these experiences. These specific assignments are of value in the birthing of the new paradigm. It is suggested that each reader of these messages search their own heart and mind as to whether their life experience now is a satisfying one.

     "If not, then perhaps within these messages there may be a resonance that allows them to awaken to the desire to fill an inner void, that has heretofore been overshadowed by lifestyle, media programming, and the general malaise of disharmonious confusion that is proliferating now. It is worth considering the possibility carefully.
     "The question arises within those who give this thoughtful consideration, as to whether those of the other persuasion are aware of the presence of gifted entities? Indeed this is possible, and in many cases probable. Many have had their life ended purposefully by the opposing forces. Infiltration is a method used by those involved with both purposes. There is a natural curiosity to know what is going on within the other camp. This is often undertaken by individual choice, rather than design, thus what might appear to be involved on the other side, so to speak, is discovered and eliminated. Therefore, it is unwise to judge all participants as being "what they appear to be." Those that have special talent, often find themselves within romantic entanglements that lead them far from their specifically assigned experience. These often find there are difficult choices to be made, in order to satisfy the inner urge to be elsewhere doing other things.
     "It is to be recognized that the spiritual aspect of self has little to do with the standard religious affiliation that is pushed upon the average person. What satisfaction is found by most, has more to do with the victim stance requiring a promise of a rescue connection, than in actually finding the spiritual fulfillment within the religious dogma programmed into their consciousness. In the search for more understanding of the empty feelings within them, they are stuffed with more dogma and misunderstood information, and few ever find true satisfaction, except by intuiting beyond the available concepts.
     This is not to say that these messages are put forth as a new "bible." This information is for the education of all those on this planet receiving it, that can let go of their current literal acceptance of media, religious and familial teachings, as well as subliminal programming. This allows them to consider the possibility that there are other concepts and information available that can lead them to fulfill the inner urges that populate their own psyche.
     "There is a greater plan that has been carefully laid in order to answer the long continuing outcry through prayer and thought, for release from the stifling hold on this planet and all of its inhabitants, inclusive of human and all other life forms. Each and every human on this planet is a part of that plan. Freewill choice is the basic rule that can and will be exercised by all. The freewill of those who do answer, also includes the measure of commitment and action to spread the information that each allows themselves to do. The birthing of a new paradigm of experience upon this planet, is an exercise in cooperation rather than competition, to determine which is the stronger force. Cooperation, through focus and intent, within the underlying Laws of the Universe, has power to manifest, that is incomprehensible to the average mind on this planet."

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Heart-Based Scientific Study & Knowledge

Here's a Free Online course at HeartMath Institute, where they do all their own research on how we're affected in life, and that the Heart is the key factor in getting knowledge about so that you can regulate your life better, and stop being mind-programmed by the cabal.

Coherence Course

Here's the first video: Introduction to Coherence

And here's the HeartMath Institute Research Library where you can download PDF's of their research results.

Thursday, August 10, 2017

Mental Improvement

It's not about who can obey the best. It's about Innovative thinking.

     "The Heart of exercising the faculty of thinking and reflecting upon every object that is seen, ought to constitute a material branch of a good education;

but it requires the skill of a master's hand, to lead the minds of youth to the habit of observation. Dr. Watts says, that there are four methods of attaining knowledge. Observation, reading, conversation, and meditation. The first lies within the compass even of children, and from the early dawn of reason, they should be accustomed to observe every thing with attention, that falls under their notice. A judicious instructor will find matter for a lesson among those objects, that are termed common or insignificant. How little this is generally the case, may be collected from the ignorance, not of children only, but sometimes of youth, who, although they have attained a considerable degree of classical learning, are unacquainted wither with the materials of those things they daily use, or the methods of manufacturing them. The form and appearance of substances are so much changed by the effects of art, that it would be impossible for a mind, unprepared by instruction, to conceive the original material of many things, that are in the most common use. Would any child suppose, that the cloth, of which her frock is made, is composed of the fibrous parts of a green plant; or that the paper upon which she draws, is the same substance wrought into a different form; that the transparent glass out of which she drinks, was once a heap of sand and ashes; or that the ribbon she wears is the produce of an insect? (a worm). The design of the following little work, is to excite the curiosity of young persons on these subjects, by furnishing information on a few of the most obvious. The form of dialogue has been adopted as best suited to convey instruction blended with amusement; being desirous that is should be read rather from choice than compulsion, and be sought by my young readers as an entertainment, not shunned as a mere dry preceptive lesson."

"I am glad to hear you were pleased with last night's conversation; it is a proof that your minds are capable of relishing rational amusement. An early habit of trifling is difficult to be subdued, and should be carefully avoided; thousands are rendered unhappy by it; for having never been accustomed to exercise their faculties, as they grow up, they find every thing fatiguing that requires reflection, and as the mind cannot rest wholly inactive, they fly from one trifling, useless pursuit, to another; always tired of themselves, and rendering no benefit to others; but a well-regulated mind is marked by the judicious disposal of time, converting even amusement into instruction. Nature and art present so many objects, calculated to amuse and interest, that none but the idle need want a succession of employment."

"Pray, have the kindness to instruct me how to fill up my time. I am often so much at a loss what to do with myself, that I wish for night, to put an end to the long day. As soon as my lessons are over, and nothing can be more tiresome than they are, I am without employment, and wander about without knowing what to do with myself. My governess says that I must not be troublesome to her, after I have finished my talks; so I have no body to converse with, nor anything to amuse me, but playing about, till I am tired."

" Come to us every evening; I hope our conversations will furnish you with many sources of entertainment for your leisure hours. I am willing to point out whatever may occur worthy your further attention, and by strictly adhering to a few simple rules, you will find the day becomes as short as you wish it."

"Pray give me these rules. I shall willingly adopt them."

"Perhaps it will not be so easy at first, as you imagine; ill habits are difficult to surmount; but by degrees it will become familiar, and in time agreeable. In the first place, never be unemployed; read, draw, work, walk, and accustom yourself to observe every thing you see with attention; consider how they are made, what the materials are, and from whence they come. If you are unable to discover the answers, keep a little book, and make a memorandum of what you want to know, and we will endeavor to give you information. This alone will fill many an hour, that now passes tediously away."

"The curing and taking of cod must be less disagreeable and dangerous than whale-catching. I had no idea that the catching of fish alone employed so many men."

"We are apt to use and consume the necessaries and conveniences of life, without reflecting on the pains and labour necessary to obtain them. The smallest domestic accommodation is frequently not to be had without the assistance of several hands; a pin or needle, for instance, employs a great number of workmen, before they are brought to the degree of perfection in which we receive them. And the supply of a common table, if we consider the resources from which it is drawn, most probably employs the time and labour of thousands."

"The subject is too extensive for our limits; the wonders of the deep have not yet been fully explored; but the most obvious particulars, that are ascertained, I shall with pleasure relate, as they illustrate and confirm our notions of the wisdom and goodness of that divine Being (the Being from whom we originally came), who careth for all the works of his (and her, or Its) creation, and has provided for the respective wants of each."

"The sufferings of the poor are very great on shore, in cold weather; their miserable huts and tattered cloaths, scarcely defending them from the sharpness of the air, not to mention their scarcity of fuel. I wonder how they support such hardships."

"Aged persons and infants sometimes sink under these difficulties, but those in middle life who are able to use exercise, support them with less injury. Let these reflections instruct us to feel for the wants of others, and endeavour to relieve them, by retrenching our superfluous indulgencies; they should inspire us at the same time with gratitude to the Giver of all Good, for the numerous blessings he (she, it) has allotted us, above many other of our fellow creatures: with thankful acknowledgment, let us close the day, and each one retire to repose."

For the love of fruitful labour. Who wants to labour in vain? No thanks. Life is expanded on fructifying, making things sweet.

"I have found the subject of the fisheries so new and entertaining, that far from being tired of them, my curiosity is raised to hear more of them. When you returned from Ireland, I think you mentioned having visited the salmon fisheries; be so kind as to give us the particulars you remember of them."

" The salmon is a very curious fish, its instincts and habits are well worth our attention. The principal salmon leaps (as they are called) in Ireland, are at Coleraine, and at Ballyshannon, which is a small town situated near the sea, with a bridge of fourteen arches over a river, which at a small distance, falls down a ridge of rocks about twelve feet, and at low water forms a very picturesque cascade."

"Do the salmon abound in that river? It must be very pretty to see them tumble down the waterfall."

"Almost all the rivers, lakes, and brooks in this island afford great plenty of these fish; some during the whole year, and some only during certain seasons; they generally go down to the sea about August and September, and come up again in the Spring months; and, what is very remarkable, the same fish always come back to the same river, so that the owners of the fishery are not afraid of losing their fish."

"The great Creator has impressed certain propensities so strongly on different animals, that they are irresistible; and this powerful inclination stands them in stead of reason, which is given to man, as a being of a superior order, to guide his judgment and direct his conduct through various scenes of life."

So you see, when parents teach their children correctly, they learn. But if the children are tempted and seduced by superstitious religions and politics of the so-called 'modern' society, then they lose all that is truly valuable for them. Hence, this excerpt on page 24 of the book in the link:

"The Kahunas had failed to get their sons and daughters to take the training and learn the ancient lore that was handed down under vows of inviolable secrecy only from parent to child. Those who could heal instantly or who could fire-walk, had been gone since the year 1900 -- many of them old and dear friends. He was left almost alone in a field in which little was left to observe. Moreover, he was a little bewildered. It seemed so absurd to think that he had been able to watch the Kahunas work, had become their friend, had fire-walked under their protection -- and still had not been able to get the slightest inkling as to how they worked their magic, except in the matter of the death prayer, which, as he explained, was not true magic, but a very advanced phenomenon of spiritualism."