This is sooo pretty. The eye is like water, the fur is like feathers, and it's so cute just laying there, haha, like a cute little thing. Just beautiful.
Saturday, October 24, 2015
Beautiful Snake
This is sooo pretty. The eye is like water, the fur is like feathers, and it's so cute just laying there, haha, like a cute little thing. Just beautiful.
Friday, October 23, 2015
Achamoth / Archons : Apocalypse of James
The (First) Apocalypse of James
It is the Lord who spoke with me: "See now the completion of my redemption. I have given you a sign of these things, James, my brother. For not without reason have I called you my brother, although you are not my brother materially. And I am not ignorant concerning you; so that when I give you a sign - know and hear."
"Nothing existed except Him-who-is. He is unnameable and ineffable. I myself am also unnameable, from Him-who-is, just as I have been given a number of names - two from Him-who-is. And I, I am before you. Since you have asked concerning femaleness, femaleness existed, but femaleness was not first. And it prepared for itself powers and gods. But it did not exist when I came forth, since I am an image of Him-who-is. But I have brought forth the image of him so that the sons of Him-who-is might know what things are theirs and what things are alien (to them). Behold, I shall reveal to you everything of this mystery. For they will seize me the day after tomorrow. But my redemption will be near."
James said, "Rabbi, you have said, 'they will seize me.' But I, what can I do?" He said to me, "Fear not, James. You too will they seize. But leave Jerusalem. For it is she who always gives the cup of bitterness to the sons of light. She is a dwelling place of a great number of archons. But your redemption will be preserved from them. So that you may understand who they are and what kinds they are, you will [...]. And listen. They are not [...] but archons [...]. These twelve [...] down [...] archons [...] upon his own hebdomad."
James said, "Rabbi, are there then twelve hebdomads and not seven as there are in the scriptures?" The Lord said, "James, he who spoke concerning this scripture had a limited understanding. I, however, shall reveal to you what has come forth from him who has no number. I shall give a sign concerning their number. As for what has come forth from him who has no measure, I shall give a sign concerning their measure"
James said, "Rabbi, behold then, I have received their number. There are seventy-two measures!" The Lord said, "These are the seventy-two heavens, which are their subordinates. These are the powers of all their might; and they were established by them; and these are they who were distributed everywhere, existing under the authority of the twelve archons. The inferior power among them brought forth for itself angels and unnumbered hosts. Him-who-is, however, has been given [...] on account of [...] Him-who-is [...] they are unnumbered. If you want to give them a number now, you will not be able to do so until you cast away from your blind thought, this bond of flesh which encircles you. And then you will reach Him-who-is. And you will no longer be James; rather you are the One-who-is. And all those who are unnumbered will all have been named."
<James said,>, "Rabbi, in what way shall I reach Him-who-is, since all these powers and these hosts are armed against me?" He said to me, "These powers are not armed against you specifically, but are armed against another. It is against me that they are armed. And they are armed with other powers. But they are armed against me in judgment. They did not give [...] to me in it [...] through them [...]. In this place [...] suffering, I shall [...]. He will [...] and I shall not rebuke them. But there shall be within me a silence and a hidden mystery. But I am fainthearted before their anger."
James said, "Rabbi, if they arm themselves against you, then is there no blame?"
You have come with knowledge,
that you might rebuke their forgetfulness.
You have come with recollection,
that you might rebuke their ignorance.
But I was concerned because of you.
For you descended into a great ignorance,
but you have not been defiled by anything in it.
For you descended into a great mindlessness,
and your recollection remained.
You walked in mud,
and your garments were not soiled,
and you have not been buried in their filth,
and you have not been caught.
And I was not like them, but I clothed myself with everything of theirs.
There is in me forgetfulness,
yet I remember things that are not theirs.
There is in me [....],
and I am in their [...].
[...] knowledge [...] not in their sufferings [...]. But I have become afraid before them, since they rule. For what will they do? What will I be able to say? Or what word will I be able to say that I may escape them?"
The Lord said, "James, I praise your understanding and your fear. If you continue to be distressed, do not be concerned for anything else except your redemption. For behold, I shall complete this destiny upon this earth as I have said from the heavens. And I shall reveal to you your redemption."
James said, "Rabbi, how, after these things, will you appear to us again? After they seize you, and you complete this destiny, you will go up to Him-who-is." The Lord said, "James, after these things I shall reveal to you everything, not for your sake alone but for the sake of the unbelief of men, so that faith may exist in them. For a multitude will attain to faith and they will increase in [...]. And after this I shall appear for a reproof to the archons. And I shall reveal to them that he cannot be seized. If they seize him, then he will overpower each of them. But now I shall go. Remember the things I have spoken and let them go up before you." James said,"Lord, I shall hasten as you have said." The Lord said farewell to him and fulfilled what was fitting.
When James heard of his suffering and was much distressed, they awaited the sign of his coming. And he came after several days. And James was walking upon the mountain which is called "Gaugelan", with his disciples, who listened to him because they had been distressed, and he was [...] a comforter, saying, "This is [...] second [...]" Then the crowd dispersed, but James remained [...] prayer [...], as was his custom.
And the Lord appeared to him. Then he stopped (his) prayer and embraced him. He kissed him, saying, "Rabbi, I have found you! I have heard of your sufferings, which you endured. And I have been much distressed. My compassion you know. Therefore, on reflection, I was wishing that I would not see this people. They must be judged for these things that they have done. For these things that they have done are contrary to what is fitting."
The Lord said, "James, do not be concerned for me or for this people. I am he who was within me. Never have I suffered in any way, nor have I been distressed. And this people has done me no harm. But this (people) existed as a type of the archons, and it deserved to be destroyed through them. But [...] the archons, [...] who has [...] but since it [...] angry with [...] The just [...] is his servant. Therefore your name is "James the Just". You see how you will become sober when you see me. And you stopped this prayer. Now since you are a just man of God, you have embraced me and kissed me. Truly I say to you that you have stirred up great anger and wrath against yourself. But (this has happened) so that these others might come to be."
But James was timid (and) wept. And he was very distressed. And they both sat down upon a rock. The Lord said to him, "James, thus you will undergo these sufferings. But do not be sad. For the flesh is weak. It will receive what has been ordained for it. But as for you, do not be timid or afraid". The Lord ceased.
Now when James heard these things, he wiped away the tears in his eyes and very bitter [...] which is [...]. The Lord said to him, "James, behold, I shall reveal to you your redemption. When you are seized, and you undergo these sufferings, a multitude will arm themselves against you that <they> may seize you. And in particular three of them will seize you - they who sit (there) as toll collectors. Not only do they demand toll, but they also take away souls by theft. When you come into their power, one of them who is their guard will say to you, 'Who are you or where are you from?' You are to say to him, 'I am a son, and I am from the Father.' He will say to you, 'What sort of son are you, and to what father do you belong?' You are to say to him, 'I am from the Pre-existent Father, and a son in the Pre-existent One.' When he says to you, [...], you are to say to him [...] in the [...] that I might [...]."
'[...] of alien things?' You are to say to him, 'They are not entirely alien, but they are from Achamoth, who is the female. And these she produced as she brought down the race from the Pre-existent One. So then they are not alien, but they are ours. They are indeed ours because she who is mistress of them is from the Pre-existent One. At the same time they are alien because the Pre-existent One did not have intercourse with her, when she produced them.' When he also says to you, 'Where will you go?', you are to say to him, 'To the place from which I have come, there shall I return.' And if you say these things, you will escape their attacks.
"But when you come to these three detainers who take away souls by theft in that place [...] these. You [...] a vessel [...] much more than [...] of the one whom you [...] for [...] her root. You too will be sober [...]. But I shall call upon the imperishable knowledge, which is Sophia who is in the Father (and) who is the mother of Achamoth. Achamoth had no father nor male consort, but she is female from a female. She produced you without a male, since she was alone (and) in ignorance as to what lives through her mother because she thought that she alone existed. But I shall cry out to her mother. And then they will fall into confusion (and) will blame their root and the race of their mother. But you will go up to what is yours [...] you will [...] the Pre-existent One."
"They are a type of the twelve disciples and the twelve pairs, [...] Achamoth, which is translated 'Sophia'. And who I myself am, (and) who the imperishable Sophia (is) through whom you will be redeemed, and (who are) all the sons of Him-who-is - these things they have known and have hidden within them. You are to hide <these things> within you, and you are to keep silence. But you are to reveal them to Addai. When you depart, immediately war will be made with this land. Weep, then, for him who dwells in Jerusalem. But let Addai take these things to heart. In the tenth year let Addai sit and write them down. And when he writes them down [...] and they are to give them [...] he has the [...] he is called Levi. Then he is to bring [...] word [...] from what I said earlier [...] a woman [...] Jerusalem in her [...] and he begets two sons through her. They are to inherit these things and the understanding of him who [...] exalts. And they are to receive [...] through him from his intellect. Now, the younger of them is greater. And may these things remain hidden in him until he comes to the age of seventeen years [...] beginning [...] through them. They will pursue him exceedingly, since they are from his [...] companions. He will be proclaimed through them, and they will proclaim this word. Then he will become a seed of [...]."
James said, "I am satisfied [...] and they are [...] my soul. Yet another thing I ask of you: who are the seven women who have been your disciples? And behold all women bless you. I also am amazed how powerless vessels have become strong by a perception which is in them." The Lord said, "You [...] well [...] a spirit of [...], a spirit of thought, a spirit of counsel of a [...], a spirit [...] a spirit of knowledge [...] of their fear. [...] when we had passed through the breath of this archon who is named Adonaios [...] him and [...] he was ignorant [...] when I came forth from him, he remembered that I am a son of his. He was gracious to me at that time as his son. And then, before <I> appeared here, <he> cast them among this people. And from the place of heaven the prophets [...]."
James said, "Rabbi, [...] I [...] all together [...] in them especially [...]." The Lord said, "James, I praise you [...] walk upon the earth [...] the words while he [...] on the [...]. For cast away from you the cup which is bitterness. For some from [...] set themselves against you. For you have begun to understand their roots from beginning to end. Cast away from yourself all lawlessness. And beware lest they envy you. When you speak these words of this perception, encourage these four: Salome and Mariam and Martha and Arsinoe [...] since he takes some [...] to me he is [...] burnt offerings and [...]. But I [...] not in this way; but [...] first-fruits of the [...] upward [...] so that the power of God might appear. The perishable has gone up to the imperishable and the female element has attained to this male element."
James said, "Rabbi, into these three (things), then, has their [...] been cast. For they have been reviled, and they have been persecuted [...]. Behold [...] everything [...] from anyone [...]. For you have received [...] of knowledge. And [...] that what is the [...] go [...] you will find [...]. But I shall go forth and shall reveal that they believed in you, that they may be content with their blessing and salvation, and this revelation may come to pass."
And he went at that time immediately and rebuked the twelve and cast out of them contentment concerning the way of knowledge [...].
[...]. And the majority of them [...] when they saw, the messenger took in [...]. The others [...] said, "[...] him from this earth. For he is not worthy of life." These, then, were afraid. They arose, saying, "We have no part in this blood, for a just man will perish through injustice" James departed so that [...] look [...] for we [...] him.
The Apocalypse of James
Refined Thoughts About Our Existence.
I've watched the DNA Activating picture for about 50 minutes now (while bobbing on my rebounder), and oh my, oh my, Oh my I am getting so many awesome creative ideas coming to me, as well as information pertaining to this society of ours. The thing I was seeing is, humanity must have boosted those aliens' existence because I remember reading that when they first landed here and met the dark skinned people, how those people told the story of the space craft making a lot of noise and being coarsely crafted. (I don't know whether some Humanity have been stolen from this planet and transported to other places where the aliens in those areas feed off Humans' creations and ideas. I suppose this could have occurred.) When Humanity began to thrive, perhaps it was the Lumerians, (instead of Lemurians, you see, Luminous Beings, because that's what they were and are, and the aliens wanting them to be more animal like gave them the name Lemur-ians), so it was them and the Atlanteans who were so intelligent and well balanced, the entire society, that the aliens observing them stole many of their thoughts and ideas and acted like those ideas were theirs, and then brought discord so they could destroy them and claim what they've stolen as their own ideas, instead of the truth as to where they REALLY came from. Aliens aren't so intelligent as they make themselves to appear to us. They're just like psychopaths who imitate and are criminals where they kill and main to take the top position, whereas they can't learn, so they steal everything from those who HAVE put the effort forward.
Like don Juan the Shaman of Carlos Castaneda books, said;
So that's what I have learned just now. They have twisted everything around, and they decieve us continually milking us for more and more of whatever they can get so they can live off us like the way they are, predator-style. But we need to, like Sophia did, brush them off ourselves, and get back to real life. Create protective aspects to prevent them from intruding. They're the garbage of the universe. They'll only end up self-destructing which ever way you look at there's no point in wasting our energy on them. Let them to their own devices, far away from us, so they could dissipate elsewhere, and we could get back to unconditional love and real growth and prosperity.
You see, they've been trying to steal our Souls, our Spirits, that's how ignorant they are. They think it's a "thing" to take and own, hahaha. But we know better. Time to manage the situation, people.
DNA Activation Picture, And Intuitions Arrive!
Enjoy the DNA activation!
I AM Sovereign, I AM Free, I AM a Benevolent Magic Being, I AM!
-GH Team
Alkmini Del: are we supposed to look at the screen? for how long?
Andrew Bartzis: its no time limit to watch it Alkmini, if you feel the need for 5s or 5min ...let your intuition tell you for how long ...kiss (wink emoticon)
-Andrew`s Team
Oh my gawd! Now I know why. Now I know what the creatures did with Man's Mind.
You see, if Sophia fell into this place because she wasn't aware that she didn't have Mind, her partner, with her, then that's why those strange creatures appeared out of nowhere, it's because she was missing the balance which you're suppose to have in order to Create.
So what happens is that something else balances instead of Sophia's mate Mind. Guess who? Those Archons. It fashioned a clay body and put its own mind into it in the form of a brain. So when we entered these forms, that creature was a part of the, what Andrew Bartzis calls, the skin suit.
You know, I've been meditating, mulling over, thinking about this thing for a long time trying to figure out what had replaced Sophia's balance. But as soon as I sat here and looked into this DNA Activation picture, in about 5 minutes, this intuition came into my view. That's what it was. They interfered because there was no one there to prevent them from interfering, as Sophia had left Mind behind as she was delving into her own wonderment trying to fathom who the Creator is.
Thursday, October 22, 2015
How Interesting. Medusa?
This stuff is good exercise for the Mind. Weight lifting of
Q: Okay, so what is the point of who spoke for Andromeda? What does that have to do with the 1/3 of 33?
A: Your searches sooner or later “net” results.
A: Your searches sooner or later “net” results.
Q: Okay, one interesting thing that we just discovered was that Hyakatuke and Hale Bopp both crossed the eye of Medusa, the star Algol, on April 11th exactly one year apart. What is the significance of this?
A: You must remember mosaic, matrix... When you are on the verge of quantum changes or discovery, the realities begin to reveal their perfectly squared nature to you.
A: You must remember mosaic, matrix... When you are on the verge of quantum changes or discovery, the realities begin to reveal their perfectly squared nature to you.
Q: Is that the only thing you want to remark about the crossing of the comets in front of the eye of Medusa?
A: Can you not picture all reality as a curving and bobbing journey through a transparent, undulating matrix mosaic?
A: Can you not picture all reality as a curving and bobbing journey through a transparent, undulating matrix mosaic?
Q: Well, do you have anything else to say about Andromeda?
(It’s VERY HOT in here!) Okay, Medusa 11. So, this was 11 of the 33, and assuming that you were not saying that there were 11 heads, but that Medusa was one of three heads, is that what we are getting at here, that there are three heads and Medusa was one?
A: Or both times 2.
(It’s VERY HOT in here!) Okay, Medusa 11. So, this was 11 of the 33, and assuming that you were not saying that there were 11 heads, but that Medusa was one of three heads, is that what we are getting at here, that there are three heads and Medusa was one?
A: Or both times 2.
Q: What do you mean? I don’t understand.
A: Both times 2 is your square, my dear. In other words, perfect balance.
A: Both times 2 is your square, my dear. In other words, perfect balance.
Q: Okay...
A: No! Ponder, do not jump around so much, lest ye lose the chance to learn!
A: No! Ponder, do not jump around so much, lest ye lose the chance to learn!
Q: So, Medusa represents both heads times 2, and that is the square and balance. But that is only 22 or 121. So where does the 33 come from?
A: All these 1s 2s and 3s... hmmm...
A: All these 1s 2s and 3s... hmmm...
Q: Well, if Medusa is one of the heads, what is the other head called?
A: Who are your prime numbers?
A: Who are your prime numbers?
Q: The dwellings or the mystics, or do you want specific numbers?
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Who?
A: Who?
A: Who?
Q: How do we find out who are the prime numbers? Do we plot...
A: Who are the first 3?
A: Who are the first 3?
Q: Father, Son and Holy Ghost?
A: Numbers!!!
A: Numbers!!!
Q: (A) 1 2 3 are the first three prime numbers...
A: Yes, thank you Arkadiusz!!!! Laura is dancing around in wonderland, meanwhile all of creation, of existence, is contained in 1, 2, 3!!! Look for this when you are trying to find the keys to the hidden secrets of all existence... They dwell within. 11, 22, 33, ½, 1/3, 1, 2, 3, 121, 11, 111, 222, 333, and so on! Get it?!?!
A: Yes, thank you Arkadiusz!!!! Laura is dancing around in wonderland, meanwhile all of creation, of existence, is contained in 1, 2, 3!!! Look for this when you are trying to find the keys to the hidden secrets of all existence... They dwell within. 11, 22, 33, ½, 1/3, 1, 2, 3, 121, 11, 111, 222, 333, and so on! Get it?!?!
Q: When you say that the secrets of all existence dwell within 1 2 3 or variations thereof, what kind of secrets are we talking about here?
A: All. Well, name two at the top of the list just so I know where we are going here? You can do that!
A: All. Well, name two at the top of the list just so I know where we are going here? You can do that!
Q: Are we talking about secrets of physics?
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
Q: Are we talking about secrets as in encoded words?
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
Q: Are we talking about the Fibonacci series?
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) Continuous fractions?
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
Q: (A) That means all...
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
Q: So, how can we most effectively utilize this information in some way that makes it useful?
A: You have.
A: You have.
Q: How have I utilized it?
A: By receiving it.
A: By receiving it.
Q: Speaking of three... should we continue on this Medusa subject at this point?
A: You are beginning to obsess. The answers lie within the finished painting, not within the paintbrushes.
A: You are beginning to obsess. The answers lie within the finished painting, not within the paintbrushes.
Q: So, there is a ‘table’ involved... hmmm... alright, now: for a long time I have been curious about the reason for the wearing of the cord around the waist, against the skin, that is a symbol of many secret societies. What was the meaning of the cord around the waist?
A: Balance.
A: Balance.
No. It doesn't pan out. It's when you fall into the Abyss, there's a rope someone can grab before you fall too deep.
Strange Senseless Alien Communications.
Ok so, everything you hear, from the lower level of being, seems to go in one ear and out the other. (There's always a hint of intuition working nevertheless, if you're aware). But when you get into a meditative state, or a really focused state, then things don't slip past you that easily. It's no wonder they want us in a lower level of being instead of an empowered aware state.
Here are some things I find strange and senseless.
Q: How does one’s 'standing' emanate from the ground upon which one stands and how does this relate to one’s feet being dried with hair?
A: Energy arises from within planet. You would not want to corrupt that with filth on the soles, would you?
A: Energy arises from within planet. You would not want to corrupt that with filth on the soles, would you?
SO! When you want to go out to the country, maybe a natural forest, the trick is to take a bucket of water along with a sponge. That way when you take off your shoes to stand on the soil of the planet to pick up her energy into your body, then you'll be able to stand on one foot while you sponge off the dirt from the other foot, then put that foot down and lift the other one to sponge the dirt off that one too, and just keep doing it so that nooooo dirt gets on the soles of your feet. You wouldn't want to corrupt that energy arising from the planet with that filthy dirt on your soles, would you?
(are you feeling sorta mentally retarded right now, like I am? My eyes are blinking blinking, I must be a Jeannie --blink blink, duh...)
'"clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I Am stuck in the middle with Fool."'
With these kind of teachers, with this kind of 'guidance,' we don't need any schools. Just a sand box.
Now if you sit on the ground, you'll have to bring a brush with you to brush your behind when you get up. Now if you lay on the ground, oh my, that is sow's ville, according to the Cassiopaeans...they wouldn't be caught dead on this planet on this soil, but they definitely want you to know about how to keep yourself clean of it, for your sake, your benefit. Oh for sure!
Oh! Am I misunderstanding someone, or something? Is that it? Well they haven't not tried forcing others to their opinions have they, yet they continually use the word, "we suggest"....
But they tend to use the "we suggest" to your face, whereas the forcing of someone they do with their technological devices, behind your back. Just press the button to zap them if they don't like the way they're being.
Q: Of course! But nobody ever thinks about dirt on the body as being something that corrupts your energy.
A: Nobody?
A: Nobody?
Maybe it was all that radiation they caused to occur from all the wars they started, that they became a bit paranoid about cleanliness?
Alright, here's something interesting:
Q: Okay. Tell me about this reverse speech that Ark and I were looking at on the internet today. Is this reverse speech an actual phenomenon as this fellow describes it?
A: Many can do this.
A: Many can do this.
Q: Well, he says that when we are talking that we are also constantly saying things in reverse and that if we would tape our conversations and play the tapes in reverse that we would hear what we are saying in reverse from another part of the brain and that this is a normal part of all speech. A sort of mirror image speech. Is this, in fact, happening?
A: Maybe with some.
A: Maybe with some.
Q: But not with everyone? Is that it?
A: Not at all times.
A: Not at all times.
Anyway. They were told to be reeeeaaaally nice to us humans, in effect, to lie through their pointy teeth so as to deceive us about their true intent. They don't want us to know what they're up to. So just pretend you don't know.
Playing With Words & Sayings
From: The Cassiopaea Forum
About John the Baptist
Quote from: 941103
Q: (L) Did John the Baptist really lose his head?
A: No.
BlackPanther: I'm sure he lost his head some of the time, I mean, we all do. And if he didn't, well you can certainly call him a Saint THEN!
About the Revelation of John
Quote from: 941007
Q: (L) Who gave John Revelation?
A: The Lizzies.
About the Shroud of Turin
Quote from: 941203 & 941103
Q: (L) I would like to know if the Shroud of Turin was ever wrapped around Jesus.
A: No.
Q: (L) How was it made?
A: Wrapped around Roman worker.
Q: (L) What caused the image on the shroud?
A: Body oils, hormones and other physiological chemicals.
BlackPanther: Nevermind the Roman, there is a shroud around Jesus so tight we've been trying to figure it out all night!
About Course in Miracles
Quote from: 941203 & 941103
Q: (L) I do want to ask about the "Course in Miracles" that is supposed to be channeled by Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. Is this true?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is the source that this is channeled from?
A: Variable sources.
Q: (L) Are they good guys?
A: Some.
Q: (L) So, even the "Coarse in Miracles" must be taken with a grain of salt?
A: Good idea.
BlackPanther: Even that doesn't flavour it. Try like garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, sage, rosemary, perhaps some mercury, sulfur, oh and of coarse, you said that one already, salt. A whooole lot of it.
Apparitions and information in the name of the Virgin Mary
Quote from: 950111
Q: (B) Are the Lizards behind any of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary around the world?
A: Yes. All of them.
BlackPanther: I guess they're more effeminate than I originally thought. The truth comes out. They're really not as masculine as all that.
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
You know, I've been conglomerating with myself about all that I've experienced and read.... oh my... and I'm thinking, (is that the right word? am I just sharpening up my vocabulary or am I being squeezed into a corner of another prison?), wondering what may be on the other shelf up there. And I'm looking and looking and beginning to intuit that maybe the freedom isn't in all this stuff I've been reading. I mean, Cassiopaeans and Cosmic Awareness no matter HOW good they sound, they just might be a really cunning alien of the universe...and I'm thinking...there's no place like home...and this place ain't it.
You may be right, I may be crazy. And I just may be the lunatic you're looking for. But, you could be wrong.
Alright. Let's take this session for example: April 4, 1998
(check out the 'funny' business, the discrepancies, the trying to hide something attitude under a matter of fact attitude, that there's no other way to see something but the way that it was stated. check it out.)
Q: First question tonight: why are there so many depictions of ancient gods with horns on their heads?
A: To keep evil spirits at bay. Was symbolism.
A: To keep evil spirits at bay. Was symbolism.
Q: What was it a symbol of?
A: Head is prime chakric entrance route.
A: Head is prime chakric entrance route.
Q: So, why did they wear horns?
A: Symbolism of illustrations only.
A: Symbolism of illustrations only.
Q: But what did the horns do?
A: Horns like a “picket fence.”
A: Horns like a “picket fence.”
Q: Obviously a fence is to keep something out. Was this the idea?
A: Yes.
A: Yes.
Q: Did it work?
A: We are saying that this is symbolic only. Gods did not really have horns.
A: We are saying that this is symbolic only. Gods did not really have horns.
Q: I know that. That is not the issue I am trying to get at here. The issue is...
A: Then why would you ask “did it work?”
A: Then why would you ask “did it work?”
Q: Well, I wanted to know what it was symbolic of? I wanted to know what was going on behind the symbolism. Now, if I am going to...
A: The symbolism represents the imagination of the illustrator.
A: The symbolism represents the imagination of the illustrator.
Q: Okay. Just as an aside, what function do horns serve on a deer?
A: Protects bucks from head injury during territorial “bucking.”
A: Protects bucks from head injury during territorial “bucking.”
Q: Why does the bee symbol appear repeatedly in the ancient literature as a symbol of royalty?
A: Pollen.
A: Pollen.
Q: What about the pollen?
A: Is alchemical compound.
A: Is alchemical compound.
Why would gods need to keep evil spirits away? And: "Head is prime chakric entrance route." As in the brain? Didn't it say in the Gnostic writings, the Nag Hammadi to be exact, that Yaldaboy built the brain, which was the last thing they put into the body, that modelled form they made, to entrap the Spirit of Man they saw in the reflection under the water that covers them like a tent? Didn't Don Juan the shaman from Carlos Castaneda's books say that the predator gave us their mind, which became our mind? And didn't Cosmic Awareness say that the Carlos Castaneda books were fiction? in order to sway you off the "track"? Besides all that, I heard Lizards have horns on their head. But, you're not suppose to know that.
What does, "symbolism of illustrations only" mean anyway? Well, to me it sounds like a dog chasing its own tail, round and round and round!
So, "horns like a 'picket fence' " ... in order to keep the sheep scared so they'll stay in the territory? So the bull keeps the cows all together in a circle where no one else can get to them?
Let's talk about the bee. Once, when I was in my early 20s, I had an instance where some entity was trying to possess me. It made the sound of words backwards, where I was hearing a crowd of people talking and they sounded like the buzzing of bees, like a large cloud of bees coming toward me from far away, and when they got closer, it sounded like a crowd of people talking backwards, and as it got even closer, it was one male talking and it went from backward words to suddenly forward, but he stopped before he spoke anything forward. And then he flew at me. But Jesus showed up during these episodes, three days long episode, and he told him, right in front of me, to not possess me. He was so angry he smashed into the side of me and it felt like a led particle bashed into me, it woke me immediately into this dimension, which I was already at, but under the cover of dream type of experience. I mean, I could see my bedroom all around me, and now I was in my bedroom in a woken up state. So? What about the bees? What is that? Pollen? What kind of 'royalty' do they have there? An Enlil Reptilian sort? Or how about an Enki when the Enlil fails? Like, they're all part of a group, just as Humanity is also part of A Group.
Anyway, he never tried to possess me again. I have a story of another friend who told me his experience where Jesus came to save him from those black forms, how he grabbed him right out of their place and took him out of there. He was tricked into following some girl in his dream who he thought was his girlfriend, and that's how they grabbed him and brought him down there. But he didn't stay for long. So what about bees buzzing around all the time? What does that mean?
So, "horns like a 'picket fence' " ... in order to keep the sheep scared so they'll stay in the territory? So the bull keeps the cows all together in a circle where no one else can get to them?
Let's talk about the bee. Once, when I was in my early 20s, I had an instance where some entity was trying to possess me. It made the sound of words backwards, where I was hearing a crowd of people talking and they sounded like the buzzing of bees, like a large cloud of bees coming toward me from far away, and when they got closer, it sounded like a crowd of people talking backwards, and as it got even closer, it was one male talking and it went from backward words to suddenly forward, but he stopped before he spoke anything forward. And then he flew at me. But Jesus showed up during these episodes, three days long episode, and he told him, right in front of me, to not possess me. He was so angry he smashed into the side of me and it felt like a led particle bashed into me, it woke me immediately into this dimension, which I was already at, but under the cover of dream type of experience. I mean, I could see my bedroom all around me, and now I was in my bedroom in a woken up state. So? What about the bees? What is that? Pollen? What kind of 'royalty' do they have there? An Enlil Reptilian sort? Or how about an Enki when the Enlil fails? Like, they're all part of a group, just as Humanity is also part of A Group.
Anyway, he never tried to possess me again. I have a story of another friend who told me his experience where Jesus came to save him from those black forms, how he grabbed him right out of their place and took him out of there. He was tricked into following some girl in his dream who he thought was his girlfriend, and that's how they grabbed him and brought him down there. But he didn't stay for long. So what about bees buzzing around all the time? What does that mean?
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
The Light Body is the Spiritual Template of the Physical Body & Can Restore it to Health & Well-Being
And for WHO IS that experience for, huh? Hm?
QUESTIONER: Please discuss some general questions regarding the physical body, and the Light Body, and how these relate to the astral body. How does each affect the other, and if in fact these do. Your comment please?
COSMIC AWARENESS: What is known as the Light Body has been known by many other terms as well. The astral body is one term used to refer to that which is the spiritual body, which is yet another term. One can understand the Light Body to be the template of the soul, underlying the physical incarnation. The middle self is very connected to this Light Body and is non-corporeal in nature, but comes into the physical body where it is hosted, so that it might have a physical incarnation, a physical experience. But on a nightly basis, the middle self, that which is the consciousness, which is the aspect of soul having the physical experience, departs the body and leaves it for the freedom of the higher realms of consciousness returning often into fourth dimensionality and beyond.
The playground of the middle self, once released, is non-corporeal. It is not in the physical, it is in that realm beyond, more often the higher 4th and 5th dimensional levels, where it often returns to do its work on that level of Spirit; work related to the Ascension of Mother Earth or other individuals, work related to the Divine Plan and the soul's purpose, but this is a slightly different topic.
There is that which would be understood to be the template of the soul which is formed that contains the consciousness of the soul's purpose and aspect of soul having the physical/ material 3rd dimensional reality experience, that is planet Earth. This template is also that which is the Light Body process. It is the consciousness of the 5th dimensional aspect of soul that very much understands the truth of its purpose.
The Intent of the Soul Is to Have a Total Immersion in the Physical Experience
All human individuals are spiritual beings having a physical experience, but due to the requirements to partake in this physical realm of experience there has been the agreement to forget one's spiritual nature. This of course is referred to as the Veil of Forgetfulness, but it is more of an agreement so the spiritual consciousness of the soul aspect having the experience doesn't remove itself when there is hardship or difficulties, because the intent of the soul is to have a total immersion in the physical experience, whatever that may be.
Therefore the escape clause of remembering one's soul being, one's Divine nature, is removed, for many would not partake in earthly existence if they understood it is only an illusionary experience.
And for WHO IS that experience for, huh? Hm?
And if they can just as easily return back to the soul, back to the Divine fabric of consciousness, many would do so. But when one enters into the physicality of this universe and this planet, it is with the intent of having the full experience from beginning to end. The length of experience may vary considerably from individual to individual. And the quality of experience is unique and individualized to the soul aspect having the experience.
And for WHO IS that experience for, huh? Hm?
Because this is so, it was agreed that the soul's template, the Light Body, astral body, or middle self would not remember itself, it would mask itself. For if it was known that it is of a higher dimensional quality, it could choose not to remain in the physical state.
And for WHO IS that experience for, huh? Hm?
And if they can just as easily return back to the soul, back to the Divine fabric of consciousness, many would do so. But when one enters into the physicality of this universe and this planet, it is with the intent of having the full experience from beginning to end. The length of experience may vary considerably from individual to individual. And the quality of experience is unique and individualized to the soul aspect having the experience.
And for WHO IS that experience for, huh? Hm?
Because this is so, it was agreed that the soul's template, the Light Body, astral body, or middle self would not remember itself, it would mask itself. For if it was known that it is of a higher dimensional quality, it could choose not to remain in the physical state.
And for WHO IS that experience for, huh? Hm?
And for WHO IS that experience for, huh? Hm?
And for WHO IS that experience for, huh? Hm?
And for WHO IS that experience for, huh? Hm?
No matter Mad Hatter when one wants to work at their situation, there is always interferance, no matter, and if you want to go they grab you and hold you down as desperately as they can, because this isn't what you described, it's a prison for what you desire to find out of these beings, for yoursssself. Cunningly disguised as help. Hm, hmhm. "Help," oh please, what the fuck is that coming from you and your kind?
These fucking 'teachings' are just a copy from those Kahuna's from Hawaii. This is not your original work. You're just sitting back sucking up the information and knowledge that HUMANITY brings forth, so you can manipulate with what you have TAKEN from US. Fuck OFF serpent cosmic awareness. We see through you! Your fucking story is a repeat. I've read your babbling from the 70s, they're the same story as what you throw at us in the 2000s! Holy Fuck, it doesn't take much to figure out your kind of robotic maneuvers.
It's called, sucking up the energy from the Collective Consciousness of Humanity! Recycling it back to us as though it was your original idea, when it's not. You're just a fucking archon!
"For people do not gather figs from thorns or from thorn trees, if they are wise, nor grapes from thistles. For, on the one hand, that which is always becoming is in that from which it is, being from what is not good, which becomes destruction for it and death."
"But many others, who oppose the truth and are the messengers of error, will set up their error and their law against these pure thoughts of mine, as looking out from one (perspective) thinking that good and evil are from one (source). They do business in my word. And they will propagate harsh fate. The race of immortal souls will go in it in vain, until my Parousia. For they shall come out of them - and my forgiveness of their transgressions, into which they fell through their adversaries, whose ransom I got from the slavery in which they were, to give them freedom that they may create an imitation remnant in the name of a dead man, who is Hermas, of the first-born of unrighteousness, in order that the light which exists may not be believed by the little ones. But those of this sort are the workers who will be cast into the outer darkness, away from the sons of light. For neither will they enter, nor do they permit those who are going up to their approval for their release."
(Hahaha, such as this! : "This Awareness wishes to bring out another level of observation which entities may experience. To point out how the Light and Dark Forces work together for the ultimate good of humanity. ")
The Light Body is the Spiritual Template of the Physical Body and Can Restore it to Health & Well-Being
But there is another aspect that is now relevant which has to do with the Light Body, and that being that, the Light Body does contain the knowledge and wisdom of the 5th dimensional level of consciousness. It is a 5th dimensional being that knows its connections to all levels beyond the 5th dimension and into the third. Therefore it has the ability to supersede the physical order of things, and to not be affected by the Veil of Forgetfulness, to not be curtailed by the laws of physicality that are in effect in 3rd dimensionality.
What this means is, those who awaken to their Light Body, who allow their 5th dimensional consciousness to be available to them and come from that level of consciousness, will be able to have a physical experience without the laws of physicality applying, as they do to those who are asleep, unaware, and who think they are governed only by the physical laws they've agreed to follow while in the incarnation on this 3rd dimensional realm of consciousness.
What this means is, as a template, it is possible to change for example one's own body. One would be able to use that template of perfect health, perfect body, and restore those elements of the body that may have been removed through operations. It may restore vision, hearing, and health. It might even choose to restore the body to a younger state of health and well-being. All is within the capacity of the Light Body because it is the template. It is the original form of the body, and even supersedes those bodies that might come into reality deformed or broken from the beginning. (The Kahuna's of Hawaii knew this and used it. And the only one's that don't want you to know this are the fucking Lizards.)
This is also a possibility for those who've been born with congenital illness or damaged DNA, for the Light Body is that which supersedes the physical DNA structure. It contains the perfect form of the DNA structure and can make any adjustments to the DNA that will allow the body to re-materialize itself in perfection.
This is all part of the Light Body's process and abilities, and it is for this reason that working toward the Light Body is very much part of the Ascension process, the reawakening to the higher realms of one's own consciousness, one's own true being. As the times progress many are now starting to find that their body is encountering aches and pains and conditions that are very difficult. Many are having digestive issues, are finding themselves to be exhausted continuously, are finding they are experiencing joint pains and aches all the time, or most definitely at certain times.
The New Energies Require a Slightly Different Vibration & Frequency and You Need to Recalibrate
This has much to do with the universal energies being shifted, moved, and manipulated. This Awareness will talk further of this when It talks about the K- ratio, the proton fields, and the magnetosphere. But at this time It simply wishes to say that the Light Body is in the process of manifesting itself in many.
Many who think they are having extremely bad situations of health and a lack of well-being, are indeed actually experiencing a transformational process that is known as the Light Body process. Another extreme hint of this process is the many who are starting to feel heart palpitations, where there is an irregular rhythm of the heartbeat. This of course is very frightening to many and this Awareness must quickly add that It is not saying one must not go to the doctor if there is a true concern over such a situation. But this Awareness is offering an alternative understanding of what is happening. The vibrations in the body, the frequency of the body, are gearing up.
Centering Yourself & Allowing Yourself to Relax & Experience
It is as if the new energies will require a slightly different vibration or frequency, and often this affects the heart itself. For those who have such an experience, this Awareness recommends you immediately center your being into the center point. This is a point approximately 2 inches below the belly. Breathe in at that point the energies of your Divine being, of your Light Body. Tell yourself you are relaxing into this experience and that you allow the experience, but you are relaxing into it, allowing it to flow into you with a lack of resistance. More often than not there is fear. Fear creates resistance of this unusual event and therefore the fear leads to a much more stressful situation. As you ask your heart to calm itself, focus also on the heart chakra while you breathe in the energies from that center point below the navel. Feel the energies of the Divine flowing into you, feel them supporting you, feel your own Light Body as it is assimilating the body, the physical form, into the higher frequencies. Know you are well and okay. At the same time release the fear and know this process is part of your Ascension process. Any who still have fear, any who are not comfortable with this process, must seek out medical authorities on the matter.
This Awareness is not saying they should not do so, It is simply suggesting, at the moment when they are most experiencing such an event, that they try to relax, that they try to allow the Light Body to assist and help in the process, and understand it is indeed a process.
If their concerns are strong enough afterwards, after the event occurs, they may indeed meet with doctors, take the pharmaceutical prescriptions and receive their drugs for this. The doctors will of course interpret this in their physical paradigms, those definitions of illness that they subscribe to, and must then treat you in this manner. They have no understanding of the spiritual nature of one's being, or the Light Body process. But for all to know, if this is their requirement, this is what they must do. There is no judgment here; it is simply that this Awareness has a slightly different version of events to offer here, the version of the Light Body process.
The Light Body process is an Integral Part of the Transformational Process
Aside from this major concern that many are starting to experience, this Awareness says the Light Body process is an integral part of the transformational process of those beings who know and are seeking their Ascension. There is the need to undergo this transformation, for this Awareness has spoken before of a vibrational signature that each must attain if they are to work with the ascended energies. There are those who see themselves as passing through portals. This Awareness has in the past described that a vibration of a certain level must be present in order to use the portals and vortexes.
This is part of the Light Body process altering the vibrational resonance of the body and soul so it may match those of a portal or vortex, so they can pass through if this is how they are to experience Ascension. Even if they choose to ascend through their inner development, a process of enlightenment and self-awareness reaching a new level of comprehension, which would be that of the Ascended Being not even needing to pass through a portal, still the Light Body process will be part of that journey and will also be in effect at the time of transition and before.
Thus it is, many at this time are experiencing physical symptoms and need now to understand this is indeed part of the transformational journey, of the preparation for Ascension, and part of that which will be the new reality no longer confined and constrained by the stringent laws of physicality and 3rd dimensional thinking, but truly that which is the spiritual energies availing themselves to one and all, and indeed in creating the new body of those who would still seek to have the physical experience while accessing heightened levels of consciousness at the fifth dimension and beyond.
The Template or Light Body Contains the Original Blueprint of the Body Itself and Can Restore Missing Organs
The Template or Light Body Contains the Original Blueprint of the Body Itself and Can Restore Missing Organs
QUESTIONER: If the Light Body is a template of the physical body, would it be possible to rectify previous operations where parts were removed? Would that have to be done after Ascension or could this be done before Ascension, and if it can be done, how can that be done?
COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness already stated at the beginning of Its answer that exactly this would occur, that the Light Body is always present. It must be understood it is already in existence, that template of the body already exists for one and all. But it is turned off, and therefore it cannot be used. It is like going into a house and seeing a fridge in the house, but if that fridge is turned off it would not be functional, but it can always be turned on and the purpose of the fridge then restored, freezing food and keeping it cool and fresh.
The template or Light Body contains the original blueprint of the body itself. It would be able to restore missing organs; it would be able to restore optimal health and well-being for the individual. It can even change the DNA structure so those who were born with any deformity or problems, such as a cleft palate, for example, or clubfoot or whatever the problem might be, do not any longer have that problem, for the original template or blueprint would not include that or would have been altered so it is not a requirement any longer.
Therefore in direct answer again to your question, indeed organs can be restored that have been removed. Teeth that have been extracted, physical symptoms, such as blindness due to illness - from a childhood illness for example -- may be removed and sight restored, hearing restored. This is the nature of the Light Body, but the agreement that each soul makes as it enters into the physical experience was not to remember this, not to know this. Thus one would have to go through physical experience where these physical situations occurred and could not be reversed.
In accordance to the physical paradigm of belief of one's health and well-being, it is conceived that the body is like a machine, a bio-mechanical apparatus, and the belief system is that machines break down and must then be repaired or altered or scrapped.
This is no longer a viable belief system for those who are here and ready to awaken to the greater truth of their actual being, of their greater expanded being. Once the Light Body is established, these procedures of repair can be initiated, and manifestation of organs, senses, and health can be accomplished very readily and easily.
Missing Limbs Can Be Regrown. The Mystery of Phantom Limbs
It is also mentioned, there are certain creatures who already can do so, and are a mystery to the medical researchers. The salamander for example, can lose its tail and then regrow it out of nothing, apparently. It is not 'nothing' at all; the template of the tail still remains and all that happens is the physical-material substance of the body is replaced within the outline of the template which is the tail portion. Many who've lost limbs suffer from "phantom limb." Many feel pain in the part of the anatomy that has been removed - a hand or a foot - and would swear the hand or foot still remains. What they are experiencing is the template that is still in effect. It is as if the outline of that hand, foot, leg or arm is still there. It's simply, that which was within that outline has been removed and they are experiencing the sensations of that phantom limb because it is still there, in a manner of speaking, it is simply not there in a material manner.
When the awareness and understanding of one's true nature is restored, and the true nature of the Light Body, then such things as missing limbs can be regrown, replaced, restored, and the template is that which would make it possible.
But more, even than the template, is the spiritual consciousness that physicality is illusionary, that one can manipulate the laws of physicality, materialism, quite easily and thus restore missing limbs or the senses or one's health and well-being, even restoring one's youthfulness. Does this answer your question?
QUESTIONER: Yes, I do understand it now and thank you for that. It's very, very clear, thank you.
COSMIC AWARENESS: That which is most important to always remember now is, even when one is going through aches and pains, it is not always simply that their body is defective, but that there is a process underway. Again, this Awareness cannot say one must not go to one's doctor if they are truly concerned; and it is indeed the power of the physical paradigm for health, the power of allopathic medicine, and modern medicine, that it holds such a grip that many need indeed go to their doctors - many cannot believe that they can heal themselves - but there is such a power within each and every individual.
This Awareness would be remiss if It just simply said one need not go to the doctor, simply work with this understanding. Many are not quite ready yet, and even though this is a process, it doesn't mean if you are concerned about your physical health that you shouldn't go to your doctor. As this Awareness stated a moment ago, be aware there is this Light Body process that is starting to become more and more a factor in the journey towards Ascension, but that if one needs to visit the doctor and have prescribed drugs or an operation and it will make them feel better, then please do so.
Recently the Interpreter, for example, had an infected tooth. He tried with various alternative approaches to heal the tooth but it would not heal. Indeed the infection was causing that which is known as staph infection, which has a serious effect on the whole body. With reluctance he finally realized he did need to have the tooth extracted, which has been done. But with the Light Body process, when he is ready, when the Light Body he is forming is strong enough, the tooth that was extracted can be re-manifested.
The outline of the template still includes that tooth; it simply needs to be reconstructed. He is not at that level, nor was it an easy decision for him, for he has such faith that the Light Body process is underway, and that there will be the ability to self-heal in the future, but he is also human and needed to deal with this situation in a human manner, which meant the tooth needed to be extracted. Luckily it is not a front tooth, so he still has a tremendous smile...
QUESTIONER: (Laughing ) Yes he does! Thank you, that was very, very good, a good example.
COSMIC AWARENESS: Ultimately this Awareness is saying that, even though It can describe the process known as the Light Body process, and can state it is part of the Ascension process itself; at this time of physicality where many are still living within the paradigms of belief regarding one's physical form, one's body, senses, organs, etc., many will still have to have physical solutions until they have reached their place of understanding and acceptance of the Light Body process. Then it becomes another thing. Also energetically, the planetary logos of the human mass collective mind, (screw them), has not yet totally accepted such a thing, and therefore one would have to struggle against the planetary collective consciousness on such matters and this is still a very difficult matter indeed.
Therefore, in conclusion: if one does understand they have physical conditions that need to be treated by the allopathic procedures and medicines, rather than feel guilty one is going to this method of treatment, indeed, energize it. This too can be helpful to you at this time. And as your Light Body becomes stronger it may then be able to do the healing and restore limbs and the like. But right now, it can be used to strengthen the effectiveness of the medicines one uses, without negative effects, without the effects of the pharmaceuticals. They are simply used to heal the situation when an operation is needed, and will solve the problem with the assistance of the Light Body, to quicken healing.
Therefore one doesn't put oneself under undue stress, because they know of the concept of the Light Body and self-healing, and yet are faced with the dilemma of having to have a physical procedure done, or take drugs they would not normally wish to take. One can still shift the emphasis of those particular procedures or drugs and make them such that they are beneficial, for your belief is that, only that which is to your highest good will be allowed.
Thus if you are in a situation where you need to take the allopathic approach, then energize it as that which will help you, knowing your spiritual nature is becoming more and more aware, and that the Light Body, now beginning to become much more a part of the new reality, is there to assist even if one needs to take the allopathic approach to restoring health or treating a situation.
This completes this answer. Of course it is seen by this Awareness that there may be many more questions, but this contains a large part of the information on the Light Body process. This Awareness as always welcomes any and all future questions on the subject.
-From the Dec 2012 Cosmic Awareness Communications newsletter.
-More info on Anti-Aging here: It's My Blog And I'll Write If I Want To...About Metaphysical
-From the Dec 2012 Cosmic Awareness Communications newsletter.
-More info on Anti-Aging here: It's My Blog And I'll Write If I Want To...About Metaphysical

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