Monday, February 14, 2011

Edward Bulwer-Lytton: Psychopath, Freemason, Committee of 300.

In David Icke's book The Biggest Secret. Here's an excerpt on page 282 in the chapter "Under the Influence.

"The Treaty of Nanking of 1842 gave Britain control over Hong Kong, plus about
£15 million in silver. It was written by the Freemason and Colonial Minister, Edward
Bulwer-Lytton (Comm 300), whose writings were to so inspire Hitler, the Nazis, and
mystics like Madame Blavatsky. Bulwer-Lytton wrote of the Vril power (serpent power)
in the blood of the ‘underground supermen’. Bulwer-Lytton’s son was the Viceroy of
India at the height of the opium trade between India and China, a period ‘camouflaged’
by Rudyard Kipling’s writings about the British Raj (British drug runners)."..... "The British reptilian bloodline families worked with their other American relatives to
expand the drug trade, as they still do today."

And in an article by Thomas Morgan:

Edward Bulwer-Lytton: The Pioneering Novelist Who Became A Literary Joke:

-"Professor Sutherland’s ultra-critical ‘ “Ho, Diomed”: Bulwer-Lytton, the great unreadable’ was published in The Times Literary Supplement on 28 July 2000, a few weeks after the University of London held a Bulwer-Lytton Conference. ‘The fact is that any of his twenty-five novels would have been a strong contender for the Bulwer-Lytton Prize,’ wrote Professor Sutherland. ‘Why does he not even have a single title in the 700-strong catalogues of Penguin and Oxford World Classics?’ (Even Marie Corelli’s "The Sorrows of Satan" [1895] is an Oxford Classic.) Bulwer’s absurd style, he says, is largely responsible. Sutherland suggests that the ‘most ridiculously Bulwerian’ of the author’s openings is to be found in "Harold, The Last of the Saxon Kings" (1848): ‘Merry was the month of May in the year of our Lord 1052’. Well, it was ‘struck off “at a heat” ’.

-"In 1830 the publication of "Paul Clifford", with its sympathetic portrait of a chivalrous, philanthropic highwayman, caused reviewers to condemn it as immoral. "Eugene Aram" (1832), based on a true story, had a guilt-racked philosophical scholar as its central character – an accomplice to murder."... "Through his attempt to fathom the psychology of the criminal mind Bulwer was condemned as a ‘corruptor of youth’. In his case the situation was additionally controversial since he had been elected MP for St Ives, Huntingdonshire, in 1831."

-"Sutherland did have a few kind words for Bulwer’s fantasy novels: ‘There is some interest today – among New Age enthusiasts – in Bulwer-Lytton’s occult thrillers, "Zanoni "(1842, a rewrite of Maturin’s "Melmoth the Wanderer") and "A Strange Story" (1862, the best of the Victorian mesmeric romances). And there is a faithful cult gathering around "The Coming Race" [published anonymously in 1871] – a pioneer work of science fiction.’ Bulwer has another less exalted claim to fame. The subterranean race in this latter work possess a mysterious source of power called "vril," which led an enterprising meat-extract manufacturer to combine the term with ‘bovine’; thus the elixir Bovril came into the world. Like Bulwer-Lytton’s novels, it is an acquired taste. Madame Blavatsky, that occult magpie, adopted "vril" into Theosophy, claming that the Atlanteans used it to power their flying craft (verily there is no religion higher than truth!). Sutherland also praised the classic ghost tale ‘The Haunters and the Haunted’ (1859) as having ‘its admirers and many imitators’.

-" H. P. Lovecraft, who in ‘Supernatural Horror in Literature’ (1926), commends Bulwer’s work: ‘ . . . despite the large does of turgid rhetoric and empty romanticism in his products, his success in the weaving of a certain kind of bizarre charm cannot be denied’.
-"His comedy "Money" (1840) was revived recently by the Royal Shakespeare Company and the National Theatre with some success. Several of his books and a short biography by Sybella Jane Flower are available from Knebworth House (see Bulwer-Lytton may be a figure of fun on the Internet, but he unwittingly cast a shadow on the world. His novel "Rienzi, The Last of the Tribunes" (1835) was adapted by Wagner as his third opera, and this, in turn, had a devastating influence on the adolescent Adolf Hitler, who doubtless saw in the visionary 14th century orator Rienzi establishing a republic and restoring pride to Rome the prefiguring of his own destiny. Of his first viewing of the opera he later chillingly stated ‘In that hour it began’. One can’t blame Bulwer for the rise of the Nazis – Hitler doubtless would have found some other catalyst for his foul dreams; but in view of the way the 20th century’s blood-drenched history developed, it could be argued that Bulwer was among the most influential authors who ever lived. He would have been horrified by the consequences of one of his novels, but he did indeed change the world."

Oh? You think so? Maybe he would have been delighted.

So I went to go check out some of his books and came across this:

The Caxton Novels Vol. 1.

By reading what he wrote, it is obvious he is a psychopath. Besides what others have said about reading his work, I can see Freemason symbols and imagery as well as a psychopath type personality. It's the way he describes everything from a physical stand point of view. He doesn't respond to the "it's a boy" like a normal human would. I mean not knowing anything about the story, the first thing a person thinks is that a baby has been born. He writes of it as though he were stupid. He has no understanding, and no emotion about it. He goes on in a physical only type of description of man and boy bringing up the monkey bit as well. Yep, want to see what this type of cunning manipulator is all about? their own words out of their own head. This book!

Check this out, from page 56 of "The Caxtons, A Family Picture." It's loaded with symbol language, or what you call cryptic, ie. hidden meanings.

"Even as old Burton saith of himself---"Though I live a collegiate student, and lead a monastic life, sequestered from those tumults and troubles of the world, I hear and see what is done abroad, how others run, ride, turmoil, and macerate themselves in town and country:" which citation sufficeth to show that scholars are naturally the most active men of the world, only that while their heads plot with Augustus, fight with Julius, sail with Columbus, and change the face of the globe with Alexander, Attila, or Mahomet, there is a certain mysterious attraction, which our improved knowledge of mesmerism will doubtless soon explain to the satisfaction of science, between that extremer and antipodal part of the human frame, called in the vulgate "the seat of honour," and the stuffed leather of an armed chair. Learning somehow or other sinks down to that part into which it was first driven, and produces therein a leaden heaviness and weight, which counteract those lively emotions of the brain, that might otherwise render students too mercurial and agile for the safety of established order.   I leave this conjecture to the consideration of experimentalists in the physics."

Pg. 57: "I was still more delighted than my father with Uncle Jack. He was full of amusing tricks, could conjure wonderfully, make a bunch of keys dance a hornpipe, and if ever you gave him a half-a-crown, he was sure to turn it into a halfpenny. He was only unsuccessful in turning my halfpennies into halfcrowns." .... "So, even as an ogre, having devastated the surrounding country, begins to cast a hungry eye on his own little ones, Uncle Jack's mouth, long defrauded of jucier and more legitimate morsels, began to water for a bite of my innocent father."


These individuals are still a mystery. How do we classify these hired mercenaries and professional killers who are quick to take up arms and perform a duty as directed? No feelings inhibit their performance, and yet none of the descriptions of psychopathies or characteropathies apply to them. They lack the talkativeness and impulsiveness of essential psychopaths or the false idealism of the asthenic. They are possibly hybrids of the other psychopathologies (e.g., schizoidia and essential psychopath or skirtoidism). [Jackals excerpted from Andrew M. Lobaczewski, Political Ponerology website.]

And before this he started with something else, about driving it into the minds of those around, into their subconscious...

Page 40: "Now, this Dr Herman was the son of a German music-master, who had settled in England." .... "Dr Herman was one of the earliest of those new-fashioned authorities in education, who have, more lately, spread pretty numerously amongst us, and would have given, perhaps, a dangerous shake to the foundations of our great classical seminaries, if those last had not very wisely, though very cautiously, borrowed some of the more sensible principles which lay mixed and adulterated amongst the crotchets and chimeras of their innovating rivals and assailants.

   Dr Herman had written a great many learned works against every pre-existing method of instruction : that which had made the greatest noise was upon the infamous fiction of SPELLING-BOOKS : " A more lying, roundabout, puzzle-headed delusion than that by which we CONFUSE the clear instincts of truth in our accursed system of spelling, was never concocted by the father of falsehood." .... "As for the rest, upon a broad principle of eclecticism, he had combined together every new patent invention for youthful idea-shooting. ["Spelling" books, talking about mesmerism, black magic, creating spells to bewitch, deceive, manipulate. Like this spelling "Book" which he writes, the Saxons, I mean, Caxtons.]
   He had taken his trigger from Hofwyl ; he had bought his wadding from Hamilton ; he had got his coppercaps from Bell and Lancaster.   The youthful idea !  he had rammed it with pictorial illustrations ! -- he had rammed it with the monitorial system ! -- he had rammed it in every conceivable way, and with every imaginable ramrod ; but I have mournful doubts whether he shot the youthful idea an inch farther than it did under the old mechanism of flint and steel ! [I feel he's talking about mind manipulation/brain washing, versus the old physical torture systems of the roman catholics...their first terrorizing acts.] Nevertheless, as Dr Herman really did teach a great many things too much neglected at schools ; as, besides Latin and Greek, he taught a vast variety in that vague infinite nowadays called "useful knowledge ;" as he engaged lectures on chemistry, engineering, and natural history ; as arithmetic and the elements of physical science were enforced with zeal and care ; as all sorts of gymnastics were intermingled with the sports of the play-ground ; --so the youthful idea, if it did not go farther, spread its shots in a wider direction ; and a boy could not stay there five years without learning something, which is more than can be said of all schools! "....

..."But, alas ! as his school increased in numbers, he had proportionately recanted these honourable and anti-birchen ideas. He had, reluctantly, perhaps---honestly, no doubt, but with full determination---come to the conclusion that there are secret springs which can only be detected by the twigs of the divining-rod ; and having discovered with what comparative ease the whole mechanism of his little government could be carried on by the admission of the birch-regulator, so, as he grew richer, and lazier, and fatter, the Philhellenic Institute spun along as glibly as a top kept in vivacious movement by the perpetual application of the lash."

Birch is a white faced tree. (white face, blue eyes, Aryan). And so these 'white' saxons, the little government, a committee of 300, were regulated by the 'birch-regulator'...which is basically saying, the reptilian ruler, their capstone, their Despot.

 Read, The Protocols of Zion.

                      The Lizard being talking about their committee of 300 psychopaths...

22. Behold the alcoholic animals, bemused with drink, the right to an immoderate use of which comes along with freedom. (What? You give them freedom?) It is not for us and ours to walk that road. (You don't walk the road of freedom, so how can you give freedom? won't, can't.) The peoples of the GOYIM (The peoples of the 2 legged GECKO lizard/the winged gargoyles are symbolic of these Draco) are bemused with alcoholic liquors; their youth has grown stupid on classicism and from early immorality, into which it has been inducted by our special agents - by tutors, lackeys, governesses in the houses of the wealthy, by clerks and others, by our women in the places of dissipation frequented by the GOYIM. In the number of these last I count also the so-called "society ladies," voluntary followers of the others in corruption and luxury.

So you see how the no-feeling Lizard beings have not even a care about these psychopaths they use for their own agenda? Wouldn't want to be you, committee of 300.


"He had taken his trigger from Hofwyl ; he had bought his wadding from Hamilton ; he had got his coppercaps from Bell and Lancaster.   The youthful idea !  he had rammed it with pictorial illustrations ! -- he had rammed it with the monitorial system ! -- he had rammed it in every conceivable way, and with every imaginable ramrod ; "

(excerpt from The Biggest Secret by David Icke:)

"Satanism is just another name for the worship of a highly destructive, negative force which has been given endless names over the centuries: Nimrod, Baal, Moloch or Molech, Set, the Devil, Lucifer, there is no end to them. Satanism perverts everything positive in the same way that the Nazis took a positive symbol, the swastika, and turned it around to symbolise the negative. This is why the Satanists invert the pentagram and why they use black to symbolise the darkness, hence their Black Mass. But they also reverse the
symbolism of white and that is a powerfully negative colour to them."

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