Saturday, February 12, 2011

Ridding Ourselves of the Psychopath.

Psychopaths are Lizard beings masquerading as humans, and also robots for the Lizard beings to puppet for their agenda. The Pleiadians said in the Bringers of the Dawn that there are races of extraterrestrials who have no feelings at all for humans or otherwise. They mainly talk about the Lizards.

It's time to start culling the psychopath out from humanity and the fourth density.
All you workers dig in and begin consistently and strongly to do this. The balance.

It's like this. You have knowledge and understanding. You are a creator. The psychopath are like rock matter, vegetation or animals. They don't rule you, you rule them. You go into the garden, collect the stones and put them in a pile over there, so when you get to it later you can create a nice stone wall to grow your climbing rose plants on. You go into your garden removing the stones and clearing the debris of plants and bush which have grown willy nilly everywhere. You take which plants you want and put them aside and then burn those things which are not needed in the other pile, which you can make compost out of. Then you cultivate your soil. You plant those things which you are going to be using for whatever purpose. You also plant those plants around your garden which keeps animal intruders out, and you surround other things with fence and cover other things with nets. This is how you rule over the psychopaths who are like stones, weeds, and animals in your garden. You control the ignorant of life's organized efforts, toward more life. You do this because this is what is required.

Here is some information which can help you along to keep you strong and motivated in your efforts, and happily so!

Here are excerpts out of the Statement and Principles of The Fellowship Of The Cosmic Mind:

" is the duty of all truly autonomous beings, grounded in Conscience, to hold Truth above all else and to make it available to all who ask. The history of humanity is a history of a failure to do so and has resulted in endless warfare, oppression, imperialism, and the arrogant imposition of false or misunderstood ideals on those holding differing beliefs."

"We recognize that psychopathy is the root cause in the cycles of inter-generational and trans-generational social Evil and is the primary player in the mechanical entropic tendency of Cosmic Evil to hinder human development and thus stamp out the full potential of Spirit in this world."

"...Those in whom biology overwhelmingly determines behavior, identify with Matter. Those in whom Consciousness and Conscience, leading to Free Will, rule over biological and social determinants of behavior, identify with Spirit. The feedback mechanism of Soul Development, whereby Consciousness increases in concert with Conscience, which then exerts an influence on genetics, allows for even greater expressions of Consciousness.

As such, we recognize that humans whose behavior is solely biologically and socially determined, as in psychopaths and blind conformists, cannot be said to possess a truly Human Soul. Rather, their Soul Component is more akin to the spiritualistic and undifferentiated animating force governing the species of the animal kingdom. Thus, human individuals without a Soul Component may have great intelligence, but because they lack a connection, or resonance, with the Cosmic Mind via the emotions of the Soul, they cannot conceive of its existence. When this occurs in an individual of great intellect and energy who has access to large venues of influence and expression, as in academia, doctrines of materialism are easily created and widely propagated. Only those whose behavior is largely mitigated by Conscience, or empathy, can be said to have sufficiently high Soul Component.

However, empathy is not simply reactive emotionality; it is reflective and differential in its feeling and understanding of others. It can also be convincingly imitated and is authentic only when actions match words. The Soul, or Higher Self, which is Spiritual in nature, marries with genetics only if those potentials are present."

"...crying out against injustice of all kinds and identifying its roots, whether human or cosmic. Creation is known by its Effects: justice, harmony, absence of confusion, and the protection of Free Will against those who would seek to betray it."

"We recognize that the roots of human evil, though originating at the Cosmic level, are primarily psychobiological in nature and a product of humanity's evolutionary history. The higher-level Second Density hominid species contribute substantially to humanity's biological substrate. As Second Density expresses the variations of Archetypes in genetic forms, therefore our instinctive-emotional substrate holds the roots of human evil. We recognize that emotions are the motivating energy behind normal human behavior, and that intellect is most often an instrument in their service, its fruit a product of the quality and calibration of the emotions directing it.

The emotional-instinctive substrate of humanity, formed over millions of years of evolution, forms the instrument of human Consciousness and largely determines our social life, our family bonds, our sense of right and wrong, our sense of humanity, our potential for expressing our Conscience. However, just as the quality of an electrical system's wiring determines its ability to conduct current, our genetics and biology determine, and limit, the "current" of our Consciousness. (I feel there is more to it than that. For example, the psychopath came out of a willfulness against facing the truth, wherefore they did not form the biology which aIn the case of building blocks missing in the substrate, the extreme of psychopathy represents a near complete deficit of social emotions: trust, honour, love, compassion, empathy, care, duty, allegiance, respect, gratitude, justice. In contrast, the qualities of the psychopath, including cold-heartedness, a "lying tongue," superficial charm, emotional manipulation, arrogance, self-centeredness, lack of remorse, and sadism, have all been known historically as qualities of Evil. The range of expressions of the instinctive substrate reflects the spectrum of Creation: Spirit and Matter, Creation and Destruction, Good and Evil. Psychopathy represents the epitome of human Evil, because psychopaths have the will to predation of the animal kingdom without the capacity for self-reference that belongs to the truly human estate."

"...we repudiate the notions that a "statement of faith" absolves one of their "sins." Psychopaths cannot change their nature, nor should they, and yet the mere declaration of being a "good Christian" or "born again," for example, is often taken to be sufficient grounds for their inclusion in religious groups (like kindergarten-style people in a sand playbox do), and denial of the psychopath's true nature. PaleoChristianity has thus always taken efforts to protect against the inclusion of psychopaths within their midst by refusing their access to positions of influence within the group. The first reaction (by psychopaths) of those who would to destroy fairness and justice to such exclusions, is of course the cry that such groups are "unfair" and "unjust." We repudiate such interpretations, asking instead, is it "fair" to allow the fox to enter the hen-house or the wolf to guard the sheep?"

To learn more about the psychopath, get this book:

The original manuscript of this book went into the furnace minutes before a secret police raid in Communist Poland. The second copy, painfully reassembled by scientists working under impossible conditions of violence and repression, was sent via courier to the Vatican. Its receipt was never acknowledged - the manuscript and all valuable data lost. In 1984, the third and final copy was written from memory by the last survivor of the original researchers: Andrew Lobaczewski. Zbigniew Brzezinski blocked its publication.
After half a century of suppression, this book is finally available.

You can read this book right now. It's in PDF form.


The Predator's Pact

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