Monday, February 28, 2011

The Human Plan: Soul Into Body Integration, by Chris Thomas.

This excerpt is from Part 2 of the video interview with Chris Thomas who was born with the ability to look into the Akashic records. Finding it to be important, I wrote this part out from listening to him on the video.

The Human Plan

     "Humanity as a whole, set up, what I would describe as, The Human Plan. Now this came into being 7000 years ago and we set ourselves a certain thousand year time limit to complete this process of planning. And all the plan is, is very very simple. We need, as I've said on 'Atlantis,' we had the whole soul within the body...essentially ever since then we haven't had the whole soul in the body. And what the purpose of The Human Plan is, is to find out HOW we get the whole soul back into the body, and we found the answer to it. That's what it comes down to in the end.

     And again it has to do with energy patterns. The Earth, in order to create physical life and physical existence, generates a base energy signature of seven point five-six cycles per second; 7.56 hertz. This is the frequency Tesla was using, for example, for all his free-energy experiments that he did, was tapping into the Earth's own energy band, which is the 7.56 hertz.

     But the problem with 7.56 Hz is that it is too low a frequency to maintain the whole of the soul within the body. It's just that fundamental energy problem, that's all it is ultimately, and what it needs to be is much higher than that, because essentially the energy contained within the soul is immense. I mean, we're talking... the average soul contains an energy potential that encompasses 50 dimensions."

Q: "What is a dimension?"

     "I would describe a dimension as being a band of energy, a bit like a radio dial. So you know you have frequency stops all the way, so, a dimension is an energy, is a wave-measuring energy, at a level that encompasses all the frequencies that went before that particular band, and the next dimension then contains all the energies that are above that particular band.

     And so the soul itself contains 50 dimensions as an average, which means this concept of removing into a 5th dimension is a complete load of rubbish, and again is fabricated by the Annunaki to mislead us. So what we're working at doing is getting this whole soul back into the body. We're not ascending anywhere, we're not going anywhere, we're staying on Earth, that's the whole purpose of the Earth. Why would we want to go anywhere else for goodness sake?

     And so, the 7.56 Hz signature level was too low. And in 2002 the Earth altered her own signature level from 7.56 Hz to 3.5 KHz (thousand cycles per second). And everything has changed since.

     The chakras within the body have changed colour. You can't alter frequency without altering colour. Nobody on the planet has the traditional red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet rainbow colours of the traditional chakra colours. That's gone. Nobody has those colours. Most people have an intermediary set of colours which are copper-golds, petrol blues, petrol greens and transparencies. By transparency, I mean pure energy. Energy without a colour. Like a heat haze showing on a hot day. Then there are millions of people worldwide who have no colours to their chakras at all. They're just pure energy. And there are millions more people on the planet who don't have any chakras at all, because the reason for having chakras is very specific. If you bring sufficient soul energy into the body, then you don't need the chakras any longer. So they're gone. Many millions of people worldwide do not have any chakras.

     Currently, this is mid 2010. Something like four and a half million people on Earth have undergone their full soul transition. In other words, they've brought the whole soul back into the body. Now you won't see these people because they are living in isolated communities in isolated spots. I mean let's face it, if you were wandering around the streets with that kind of energy emanating from your body, you'd be turned into a new religion, or you'd be taken in for experimentation by the military.

     Which is what did happen in fact in America. A small group in America, they were the very first people to undergo this transition process, and they were immediately arrested and taken into custody for experimentation by the American military and they are still held on one of the American airforce bases. And the experimentation they've been put under is worse than anything we saw under Hitler. Believe me, it's horrendous what they've done to and are doing to these peoples bodies.

     But they knew that it was going to happen, so basically, what they did was to volunteer, if you like, to be taken in to undergo this treatment in the hope that others who were going through this process wouldn't have to undergo it themselves. Two people have actually died. Two of these people have died. Now that should not happen, because if you have the whole soul in the body, your natural life span is somewhere in the region of one thousand five-hundred years. People on Atlantis lived 2000 years if that's what they chose to do. So the kind of experimentation is yes, inject the body with just about any chemical you can think of to see if the body can throw it off. Inject the body with any disease you can think of, or even some of the engineered diseases, to see if the body can throw it off, uh, how much electricity can the brain take? This kind of experimentation, and it has been going on for some years, and it's still going on.

     But as I say, progressively more and more people are undergoing this final transition of bringing the whole soul into the body."

Q: "How do you recognize them?"

     "Oh You Know, ha, because there is no comparison. It's very difficult to describe what it's like to have those kinds of potential, because, uh, let's face it, we don't have the vocabulary to explain what it is like to be psychic, what it is like to communicate with a blade of grass, with a raindrop, with a wild animal, with each other, without the need for language, what it's like to be able to think... let's use the example of remote viewing. So, you're walking down the street one day and you decide to yourself, 'I'd love to eat an orange.' So what you do is you remotely view an area where oranges grow, and you think yourself to the tree where the orange is. And what you do is, you take the body with the thought. A process called translocation. You can then pick the orange off the tree and return by the same process back to where you started from. That's the kind of potential and abilities that these people have.

     It's phenomenal. We do not have the vocabulary to describe the kind of abilities that these people have and how they deal with everything that is on the planet. And this is what we should be. This is what humans should be. This is what we're designed to be, and what everything we've ever done on this planet in 85 thousand years has been leading up to us being, is for everybody to have those kind of potentials. And everybody can do it. There's no block, nobody standing in judgement anywhere and saying you can't do this because you're a bad person. There's no such thing. If anybody wants to do it, they are perfectly capable of doing it. And this is what the Annunaki are trying to stop, and what the Illuminati are trying to stop.

Q: "Because we would be more powerful than they would be."

     "Yes. We would throw them off the planet immediately. We'd get rid of the Velon immediately. They would have no control over us whatsoever. And the Illuminati would cease to have any control over anybody who has those abilities because you cannot be contained, you cannot be controlled if you don't want to be.
The human potential is astronomical. We don't have the vocabulary to describe how we are.

     There's an expression I used in one of my books... if you think of our 5 senses, touch, sight, hearing, smell, whatever...they're like single notes compared to a symphony. That is true understanding of the world and what our potentials and our abilities actually are.

     So we've confined ourselves quite deliberately into this sort of minimal space that we inhabit in the body, and we're ready to break out of it again so that we become at long last the full human being back on the planet. And this is what the Illuminati are trying to stop. They're trying to stop people fulfilling that potential. For example, the American military announced a few months ago that they were using HAARP to flood the planet with extra-low-frequency waves. [E.L.F. or ELF]. Ostensibly, the reason they gave was to uncover underground secret bases by Al Qaeda, because Elf is ground penetrating radar, basically. The real reason for doing this is to counteract the Earth's shift in frequency from 7.56 Hz to 3.5 KHz. That's what it's there for. That's what they're flooding the planet with, and also it is trying to affect peoples ability to change consciousness levels because it's trying to slow down the frequencies of the body to stop us undergoing this kind of change and soul reintegration process.

     They're using HAARP to create these sky spirals, like the one in Norway in December and two others, I understand, one in I think it was Russia, and the other in China at the same time. And also there's this phenomenon that's coming about that people are describing as wormholes. They're all HAARP generated quite deliberately to make us believe that aliens are entering our solar system, and planet, and the orbit around the planet. Because Ashtar Command, which is one of the Annunaki's made-up roots, along with the Galactic Federation...they're all made-up by the Annunaki and the Hathor, to make us believe we cannot complete this process on Earth, that we must leave the Earth, and therefore all these ships are arriving to take us because the Annunaki are such wonderful people to take us off the planet and transport us somewhere else. Where? they are going to take us, they haven't specified yet. But believe me, there is no planet in the universe that is capable of supporting human life because Earth is unique in that respect. And therefore, anybody who steps onto one of these ships isn't going anywhere other than dead! It's as simple as that.

     And this is what these sky events are there I believe, to make us believe, is that there are a load of ships arriving to help us ascend to the 5th dimension, which again is something the Velon have come up with. We're not ascending anywhere. We're doing the exact opposite. We are bringing the whole of the soul into the body. And this thing about the 5th dimension is also a load of rubbish because the soul already contains 50 dimensions, why on Earth would we limit ourselves to 5?

     So that's the whole process that's going on at the moment, is to try and prevent humanity as a whole undergoing this change and fulfilling our potential and becoming human again.

Q: "That's got to be done by October 27th, 2011?

     "Well the main calendar is slightly confusing. I've never studied the calendar so I can't speak about it in detail. But what I do understand, is that within the 5 suns of the cycles are events called epochs, and these epochs are markers, if you like, along the way up to 2012. Now the last changes have taken place in human history at the end of each epoch, like the second world war, or the end of the Roman Empire, that kind of thing. And the last epoch within the calendar ends on the 27th of October 2011.

     Now as far as the Akashic is concerned, this Human Plan comes to a completion at the end of 2011, and not 2012. What I think the calendar does is, there is this time period, a little bit of a leeway within the time period between the end of 2011 and the end of 2012 for us to get back together. So the 21, 12, 12, the twenty first of December 2012, as the main calendar ends, it says right, that is the absolute completion date for the 5th sun, and then we move into a 6th sun. Essentially, the whole cycle begins again. Which means, in overall terms, essentially, humanity becomes humanity. We become proper human beings again, and not the sub-humans we've been for the last seven thousand years.

Q: "So how do we accomplish that?"

     Well my view is that, I the idea of going down the streets and rioting against these sort of new laws and restrictions that have been imposed on us over the last few years by various governments...going out and having street revolutions against it is probably a pointless exercise, because there are so many new prisons having been built over the last few years, and laws are in place where people can be held without charge indefinitely. So if you go out in the streets and riot, what's going to happen is you're going to get arrested and shoved into prison and forgot about. So I don't think that's an answer to anything.

     And really, the answer to the way in which we complete this process can only be internal because it is an internal process. What we're doing is bringing the soul back into the body. Bringing the higher self down into the body. So it can only be done on an individual level. That's the whole point of being an individual, is that we can only do it for ourselves. Nobody can do it for us. Nobody is going to turn up and say "Well you've started out hard, good for you, so we'll help you out." That's not going to happen. It's not the point of being human, it's not the point of The Human Plan.

     So basically, the first thing to do is to make a decision for yourself. Are you going to undergo this process of change, or aren't you? It's as simple as that.

     If you choose that you are, then it must be a very sincere choice, because you must be prepared to work at it, because it's work we need to do to get ourself ready to undergo this process.

     Now once you have made that decision and you make sure that you really do believe that you're going to do this and are determined to do it, the next step is just that, sit down quietly one day when you've made this decision and say to yourself with as much intent, positive intent as you can inject into the statement, is to say to yourself... and also by doing that, what you're doing is saying to your higher self is that, I will to complete this process, I will to undergo this process of soul reintegration, I will to stay on Earth.

     And after that what will happen is that your higher self will find ways to help you to sort out the problems that you have in your life that NEED sorting out. Not all problems within your life require sorting out. What I mean by problems is things like... what we're doing is bringing the Higher Self into the Body. We are increasing the amount of soul energy we contain within the body. And in order to do that, we need to make some space.

     And so what we need to do is to get rid of all the emotions we've accumulated over this lifetime. And now, everybody accumulates emotions. We never express ourselves properly. Everybody has found themselves in situations where their mother has told them to do something, and instead of shouting back at your mother "I'm not doing that, as, your life is not mine," we don't say anything. And all of that angst gets stored in the body. And so daily, you're working and you got a boss and your boss says "do this" and you want to tell him where to get stuffed and you can't or you're going to get sacked. The same thing again, we stored that emotion away inside of the body.

     So what we need to do is to clear all of these accumulated emotions out.

     And the best way of doing that is to use an old technique, it's Native American originally, and the technique is very simple:

     What you do is get yourself a newspaper, an old newspaper and a pencil, and what you do is to start writing to the people who have made you angry, annoyed, frustrated, whatever it is...And you write to them on the newspaper, but you don't read it back. That's the important thing, is, you don't read it back.

     Because if you read it back, what you're doing is taking all the emotion back into the body. So you need to get it out. We need to clear the body out. So by writing it on the newspaper it's physically impossible to read it back because you're writing in pencil so you can't actually read what you've written. So once you've finished the piece of writing to your mother or your boss, great Aunt Elsie or whomever it is, makes no difference, is just rip it up and get rid of it. Burn it if you can, but otherwise, just get rid of it. But rip it up into little pieces so that what you're doing is getting the emotion out.

     And once you've finished writing that, if you think back on what you've just written, and you still feel angry or whatever the emotion is connected with it, then you know that you need to write again because you haven't cleared that situation out of your system, your system isn't clear enough yet, so you need to do more writing over that situation. Rip it up again, and get rid of it.

     It's when you can think back on events that have occurred in your life, and you can see them as events without any emotional attachments to that event, then you know that you have cleared the emotion out of your system.

 And essentially, that's all you need to do,
is, the statement of intent
and the clearance of
old emotional debris
out of the body.
It's as simple
as that."


So! It is just as Blavatsky said, it's by your OWN spiritual labour, that you will get your soul back where it belongs, as master over materiality. Here is an excerpt:

Studies in Occultism by H. P. Blavatsky

The Esoteric Character of the Gospels

Part I

". . . . Tell us, when shall these things be? And what shall be the sign of thy presence, and of the consummation of the age?" (1) asked the Disciples of the MASTER, on the Mount of Olives.

The reply given by the "Man of Sorrow," the Chrestos, on his trial, but also on his way to triumph, as Christos, or Christ (2), is prophetic, and very suggestive. It is a warning indeed. The answer must be quoted in full. Jesus . . . . said unto them: --

Take heed that no man lead you astray. For many shall come in my name saying, I am the Christ; and shall lead many astray. And ye shall hear of wars . . . . but the end is not yet. For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom; and there shall be famines and earthquakes in divers places. But all these things are the beginning of travail. . . . Many false prophets shall arise, and shall lead many astray . . . . then shall the end come. . . . when ye see the abomination of desolation which was spoken through Daniel. . . . Then if any man shall say unto you, Lo, here is the Christ, or there; believe him not. . . . If they shall say unto you, Behold, he is in the wilderness, go not forth; behold, he is in the inner chambers, believe them not. For as the lightning cometh forth from the East, and is seen even in the West, so shall be the presence of the Son of Man, etc., etc.

"Two things become evident to all in the above passages, now that their false rendering is corrected in the revision text: (a) "the coming of Christ," means the presence of CHRISTOS in a regenerated world, and not at all the actual coming in body of "Christ" Jesus; (b) this Christ is to be sought neither in the wilderness nor "in the inner chambers," nor in the sanctuary of any temple or church built by man; for Christ -- the true esoteric SAVIOR -- is no man, but the DIVINE PRINCIPLE in every human being. He who strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own terrestrial passions, and buried deep in the "sepulcher" of his sinful flesh; he who has the strength to roll back the stone of matter from the door of his own inner sanctuary, he has the risen Christ in him.(3) The "Son of Man" is no child of the bond-woman -- flesh, but verily of the free-woman -- Spirit (4), the child of man's own deeds, and the fruit of his own spiritual labor."

Blavatsky said:

"He who strives to resurrect the Spirit crucified in him by his own terrestrial passions" means just that.

In this other excerpt, Colleen-Joy Page tells us what exactly that means:

"During the process of physical living, most of us lose our soul awareness. We are so dominated by the information supplied to us by the physical senses, by the physical body's consciousness that our connection to soul consciousness grows weak. As baby humans, we spend the first few years of our life so focused on learning to walk, communicate and survive, that the voice of the soul is literally drowned out. Like tuning out of "The Discovery Channel" of our soul, we tune in to "Animal Planet" and then we forget that we can change channels. As a consequence, the bulk of the information available to our conscious mind from then on, is from the body.

While facilitating a past life regression, I once asked a hypnotised client who was describing one of his incarnations, specifically his soul's merger with his current lifetime's in utero baby body), when his soul's merger with his body would be complete? "When does the integration of a soul into a physical body stop?" I asked. Most would expect him to answer: "When I am born", or perhaps after a few years of childhood, but his confident and immediate reply was: "It's never supposed to stop."

The soul is meant to continue to integrate with the human body throughout the duration of the human's lifetime. But the integration does stop. It stops because our conscious awareness soon becomes overwhelmed by the body. In addition, we are often conditioned away from listening to "internal" sources of truth and wisdom. We are taught as children to trust "external authorities" above our own inner authority. The combination of dominant physical sensory information and sourcing our truth in externals leaves us distracted and out of tune with the inner voice of the soul.

The only time we get glimpses of the inner guidance system of the soul is when the "little inner voice" of intuition occasionally whispers to us. But even then, we often ignore it or argue with it. How many times have you said, "I wish I'd listened to my inner voice"?

You have two sources of consciousness, the body consciousness and the soul consciousness. They exist like separate radio stations, where your body is like the radio, the sacred instrument ready to gather information for your human experience. You are mostly "tuned in" to your body consciousness. Body consciousness is different to soul consciousness in that they have different realities and different truths - different information structures.

Your soul exists on many levels. Let us imagine that your physical body is like the pip in a peach. Except that this peach is so refined and of such a high energetic frequency, that it not only surrounds the pip but penetrates right through the pip. Now the pip feels physical and dense and it only knows itself as the dense pip. It does not even consciously know that it is surrounded by and penetrated by a subtle energy that is more of who it is in essence. It also does not realize that if it were not for the peach, the pip would have no higher existence. Your physical body is like the pip. To hear what this less physical more non physical body was feeling and thinking we would move the dial on our radio station up a notch or two, to be in tune with the higher frequency that carries the information of the soul. There are higher and higher levels of soul consciousness, i.e. in our analogy, more and more soul consciousness to connect to.

The experience of more soul consciousness running through your body is natural and not complicated. People have some or all of these experiences when more soul consciousness runs through the body:

•It feels like there is more of you present, you feel more like yourself.
•You feel expanded and open
•You feel like there is more fullness of energy in the body - sometimes described as a "warm fuzzy" feeling especially in the abdomen
•You feel at peace
•A feeling of unity, being connected to all things
•A feeling of love (not romantic love) but rather of deep open hearted compassion and yet less involvement in human drama
•A feeling of presence that fills and radiates from your body

The more soul consciousness present in the body, the more intensely these feelings are felt.
Did you know that just as you can bring more soul consciousness (more of you) into your body, that you can evict soul consciousness from your body? When you hold a belief in your body that is NOT TRUE to your soul, the aspect of your soul's consciousness that KNOWS that truth, is evicted from the body.

For example, you choose to believe that you are not worthy. You hold the belief that you are not worthy in your body. The consequence is that the aspect of your soul's consciousness that KNOWS that you are worthy (as a part of the soul's truth) is evicted from your body. Try this, feel the words "I am unworthy" in your body. Allow your body to experience the words and monitor the feelings in your body. You won't feel the feelings listed above that are associated with more soul presence in the body; you will feel some or all of the opposite listed below, the feelings of soul consciousness being evicted from the body. These include:

•It feels like there is less of you present, you feel less like yourself.
•You feel contracted and closed
•You feel like there is less energy in the body - sometimes described as a empty feeling, especially in the abdomen
•You do not feel at peace
•A feeling of separation, being disconnected from all things
•A feeling of heaviness
•You feel smaller, as if your presence and aura has shrunk back (which it has)

When you hold a belief in your body that is not true for the soul, the feeling is of some of your soul consciousness leaving. This energy, this vital life force can be reintegrated, but it is necessary to bring new perspectives to the body and to assist the body in claiming new understandings of itself. Feel the words "I am worthy" in your body and you will feel a subtle energy filling trying to occur. You may also feel flutters of fear. This is a most interesting and telling example of the power of the body to dominate your experience of yourself and life. Your body decides what it thinks will keep you safe and thriving in the jungle of your life. If it has decided for whatever obscure reason, that knowing that you are worthy is not a good thing, then it will feel FEAR when you try to OWN that you are worthy and reintegrate the aspect of your soul that knows your true worth. So watch for what your body feels fear about and start challenging your body's fear.

Spiritual practices are not necessarily required to integrate more soul into the body - this continued integration occurs naturally when you heal the parts of you that have been suppressed and evicted from your consciousness. Neither are strict diets or fancy meditations required. Meditations are most helpful if they engage the body in the experience of soul integration by continuing the merger that began when you were in the womb.

The difference between an insecure frightened human and a confident, radiant one is the amount of soul presence running through the body. The difference between a twisted human psyche running violent and destructive animal-like behavior and a person who is a vision of peace and powerful gentle presence, (where often light literally seems to be radiating from the person), is the amount of soul being allowed to integrate within the human form.

Only you can determine how much soul is present in your own body - your limiting beliefs about yourself are the single biggest factor in determining how much of your soul's presence is being allowed in.

You were born to be your full soul self on this physical plane. You were not born to hide in the shadows of the human psyche. There is so much more to who you are, so much wisdom to download, so much presence to BE, so much of your soul to discover.

You have an ancient spiritual heritage, you are a noble soul. Trust your heart, it is the connection to your soul, it will help you to build a bridge to your soul self. If your heart feels full or emotional (though frightened) at the thought of this, then you are feeling a reminder. You are being reminded to rise to the full stature of your being.

You walk two worlds, one physical and one as soul, your soul self is the you that lived before this body and the you that will live beyond this body. You don't have to wait until you die to remember who you are. You don't have to die to rediscover what it is to be a soul - you are a soul right now. Your job is to help your body to expand its awareness to remember and integrate the fullness of who you are.

Copyright © Colleen-Joy Page 2004
From the office of Colleen-Joy Page, The Academy of Metaphysics. Colleen specializes in training others in powerful tools like intuition and dream work."


      Well Well Well...and then! The next question would does our consciousness create this world of physical matter, which when looking at it from the inside without looking out, you seem to be caught in it like in a cage?

Our thinking, that is, our consciousness has thought us this world of the material. We see it, and now it is time to go and discover it. So what Blavatsky and all those others discovered when they say - The "Son of Man" is no child of the bond-woman -- flesh, but verily of the free-woman -- that the teaching for us to remember after we have created the material dimension, is to not get caught up in it from the underbelly, like forgetting that we ourselves have created this material dimension to go out and study. And would we to forget that we have done this for that specific thing, then we are forsaking our own selves by getting lost in our own creation. That's what I see out of it. So we must take a step back from our material creation and look at it and through the eyes of it correctly. Just as the way it is. That WE have CREATED it...and now WE go INTO it, and EXPERIENCE it as a WHOLE. And then from there we may create, as the being that we are now, from our last thought projection.


The Predator's Pact

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