Wednesday, February 23, 2011

The Mother? The Bats? Yes Skeleton Was Right.

It definitely has something to do with the mother. I wrote about Skeleton in my Belialith's Tales blog. The reason I'm writing about it now is that it just dawned on me. I was drinking some dark rum, and thought mmm it's so beautiful. And then I remembered the bat as their logo, and I liked it so I took three caps from some bacardee breeze the orange coloured liquid in a bottle. It was before Halloween last year and so I asked Fifi the bartender for the empty bottles to put on my fridge at home for Halloween decorations. They're a nice orange and black color.

Yea. I like bats. I think they're utterly beautiful. They are one of the only creatures who will adopt another species of babies and bring them up as their own...foster parents. I'd say that is awesome. I love them. I had a few bats come at me a time when I was communicating with birds in the day time. At night these bats came around at that very time frame, as though they knew I was communicating to the winged creatures this time and they too wanted to be there. They never showed up before. This was a one time event.

That summer as I stood on my second floor porch with a light behind me....hahaha, the bat came toward me in the twilight, straight at the last moment I moved my head to the left because I didn't see it hahaha proceeding to move. It didn't. I had to move my head. But that was an intriguing moment of communication. I turned around and watched as it flew razor close to the wall. I don't think it even touched it, and it went around the light, probably catching bugs, and this bat was super sharp. The curve it took was extreme...sort of the way Spirodin Diakovasiliou, the Greek guy, drove his kit-car corvette around a corner. It was so fast! Wow. Then a second one came after that one, and the same thing. There were two or three of them flying around that evening. It was just, just extraordinary. So that was my first personal experience with bats.

Then I had a dream many years later. My mother died a long time ago, back in 1992. I had this dream somewhere in the 2000's maybe oh 6 or something. There were tiny bats at a door in the night. I think they were communicating to me. I don't remember it very clearly right now, but I followed this path in the starry night, and then I saw my mother come toward me and there were millions of tiny bats all around her, and they were all full of joy and my mother had a wonderfully lovely smile on her face. I was happy to see her. This was my first dream where I saw my mother and met her after her death. There was a dream after her death where I saw her surface, but I knew it wasn't her. It was one of the fallen angels disguised as her, sending me a message. I dispelled that surface immediately because I stood there saying "that is not my mother!" And I demanded the truth. So anyway. This dream it felt like her actual presence. And it was so lovely. I loved those bats too. They were everywhere. Mostly all over the ground when my mother was well as in the air.

Then when I had all those thoughts come through my mind, a few seconds of course...unlike writing it all down best as you can...then I rememebered what Skeleton had said about my mother. What ever he's talking about, I'm certain I'll find the truth real quickly now. I mean, I do have it don't I? Yes. It's there. So then what is this truth coming to me for? at this time? Perhaps these are the tools I have to work with now. And the pictures coming to me, fitting themselves together to form that truth, are the tools being formed, created, for me to use in my next aspect of life...everlasting...always. Of course!


Love you all.

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