Sunday, August 30, 2015

What's The Rational Mind Got To Do With Anything?

This is what Cosmic Awareness has to say:

     This Awareness asks entities to understand that the Tree of Knowledge, that tree of good and evil, of polarity, of the action of the mind which selects and rejects, is that which is a rhythmic pendulum type action and eventually leads to the end of the beginning, which was the beginning of the entity needing to reach the end. The Tree of Knowledge does lead to death.

     The Tree of Wisdom is that which ever does flow in circles and simply moves from cycle to cycle, from level to level, never seeing an end, never rejecting one part of the cycle in favour of another part of the cycle, never seeking to knock a competitor from the spiraling staircase, but rather accepting the totality of movements of all, in their own way, and in your own way, as you move from cycle to cycle. The Tree of Wisdom is that which will lead to eternal life.

     Where you see beginnings and endings and insist that there is a final analysis, the final word, the final right or wrong, then there must be the final reckoning. But where the mind is placed aside, and the computer beast within your psyche is used as your tool, instead of as a governor over you, then you have become that which is the Tree of Wisdom, and may partake of its fruit: Eternal Life.

This is what Ramtha has to say:
(From the book: Who Are We Really? Volume 2, No. 5)

     "What I am is, here as full-force consciousness, in a female body. Those who have been around me for a while have no doubt in their mind that I was a man -- none -- but here is also the consciousness and the Spirit of myself working through a female body. This brain is a computer and I set my will at its subconscious in the back of its head and it operates the rest of the body."

     "Your brain is a testament that you do not know everything. Do you know you use less than a tenth of that brain? What is the rest of it waiting there for, those empty rooms? It is waiting for something. Not even Einstein used the capacity of his brain. What could it be waiting for? It is waiting for this part of you who has not yet seen your better days, that part of you that knows everything which your altered ego insists you do not. It is about waking up, realizing it, and being outrageous enough to learn to say, "I know there is something greater to me. I have felt its movement, but I do not know how to access it. I do not know how to put my rational mind aside"

     So I say to you, what has your rational mind gained you? It has gained you retirement, it has gained you a good job, but it hasn't held your relationships together, and it has not prevented you from dying. And the rational mind also didn't cure your body when it was sick. There are some things that transcend that. It is one thing to say you are God, it sounds really wonderful, but you are going to walk out and forget about that because it doesn't work in the marketplace. That is only a philosophy.

     But what if I taught you HOW to be one? What if I knew how to open up your brain and incorporate thought, and manifest reality? Then we could say, "was this the rational self that did this? Never." It is the irrational self, because God is unlimited, which means, you are too.

     Students, particularly in this time, learn everything in school but fail to realize everything they learn is theory. They go into the world and endeavor to put that into practice. Imagine a computer scientist flipping burgers. It is difficult to put that into labor. So, everything I am telling you today is not the truth. It is a philosophy. It is my truth because I became it, I earned it, and was it. When will it become your truth? When will you know what I have told you will work? When you are able to do something that you could never do before. Then you will know truth. And if that is the only part of truth you picked up from this, it is going to be worth it all, because it is a little seed that says, "I have the ability to do the remarkable, and God is not gifted people above me." There is no such thing as a gifted person. There are only; those who choose to know, and those who do not choose to know."

     There are many entities in which this is a truth. You can't look at them and say, "That is impossible. How do you know god is within you?" You can't look at them and devalue them because they are outrageous, because they have touched something within themselves that has always been there. And what do they call that? They don't call it a name. They call it the Mother/Father Principle. "It is my Holy Spirit. It is the God within me. It is that which I ultimately am. And I am greater than my limitations." Now they know a truth. You don't yet.

     I am still here teaching because regardless of what the world says, it is going to die, and regardless of how people think out there, they are not prepared for change. I am here not to change the world, but to bring about, in individual's lives, who wish to know, a handful of masters. That is all. Those masters are common people who woke up one morning and said, "There is something more to life and I am missing it." These are the people who didn't quit their jobs, kick the cat, or leave their wife. These are individuals who say, "It is not the job of my wife, my cat, or where I live, to make me happy. It is my job to do that. There must be something more." And these are the entities who come to learn.

     They learn everything about themselves: their brain and how it works, their body and  how it works, their dreams and what they are, and physics, how reality is created from the mind. They learn it all, and they go back and implement that into their lives. That is what I am here to do. When I have a group of people who can create reality out of nothing in a matter of moments in their hands, who can heal the sick with one touch, who indeed can do the remarkable, then all of this will have been worth it because they become then lights to the whole world.

     They are common people. You are common people. And we are almost there. We already have entities who can do these things, and don't you think they were skeptical? They were all skeptical. It is easy to be that way. What is hard, is to accept. It is easy to die. Those people that are killing themselves and thinking they are going to go on to a new life, rubbish. It is easy to die. It is hard to live, and yet, that is the gift of God." (To LIVE)

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