Friday, October 7, 2016

Full Soul In The Body.

This Awareness wishes to call attention to the nature of the soul. This Awareness wishes to bring light and attention to the process, the physical body, and what the energetic bodies go through in the process of transition. This Awareness wishes to elaborate on this process at this time. Humanity is ready to understand at a deeper level how the soul interacts with the human form in third dimensional reality, and the mechanics involved in the transmission of knowledge and energy from one dimensional frequency to another.

This Awareness perceives it is understood that the human form can exist within third dimensional reality while vibrating at a frequency that can range from low to high. These entities that vibrate at a low frequency are often heavily encumbered with dense energy karma, and as a result of entering into incarnate form with this vibratory frequency, these entities also often attract a great deal of dark energy, dark entities that attach themselves as parasites. This Awareness will indicate as well that being of a higher frequency, one can also possess a great deal of high energy parasitic attachment.  This Awareness is seeking to engage the conscience of the membership with the understanding that just as the intestinal landscape of the human body possesses a great deal of bacteria, there also is type of flora that can assist in stabilizing and energizing one’s field while in the third dimension, or can assist the destabilizing of the energy body while in the third dimension. This knowledge is well known and readily available to those in positions of control. This Awareness observes it is now time for this information to become available to the general public, to any and all that would like to understand, and through understanding, take responsibility and action in engaging in the ownership of one’s domain.

This Awareness observes that there are many souls passing at this time. Some have waited a great deal of time. Others are leaving without notice. This Awareness wishes to indicate that the energetic body consists of light that exists within a matrix. These matrices are responsible for collecting specific types of light. There are many layers, and as each collects that aspect of light, emotion in physical form is reflected within the core. Thus one is able to observe a physical form.

As a soul exists outside of space and time, its presence in the third dimensional reality is
multifaceted. It does not possess a single apparatus of entrance and exit. This Awareness does acknowledge there is what could be called and has been called the Gateway of the Soul, through the reflective chambers of the heart. This is an esoteric reference to a very physical process, and by ‘physical’ this Awareness is implying a third dimensional process. This explanation of the presence of the soul as being outside of time and space and therefore present within the form of the physical incarnate body, is to allow for greater understanding; that the processes of metabolization of energy through the matrices of the form allow an unfolding, an absorption by the soul to occur.

This Awareness indicates that one of the results of the Controllers’ efforts to maintain a dense fog of
disconnection and inertia among the population is that these matrices do not become fully activated during the maturation process. Up until three months ago, it was nearly impossible to activate these matrices without very specific knowledge being retained and brought forward through direct connection with higher spiritual energy. As a result of a transition that has occurred recently, this is no longer the case. It is now available for all of humanity, along the entire scale of frequency to begin the activation of these matrices within the energetic body, so that the soul is able to receive the nutritional component of its physical experience prior to the transition into what is called death. This Awareness indicates that these matrices having the ability to be turned on, but this does not mean that
humanity will do so. It is the intention of this Awareness to allow the awareness of this option, this
possibility to become fully present within one’s awareness.

This Awareness acknowledges this message contains a great deal of information. One could say it
is ‘loaded,’ meaning there are many layers, and there is a great deal of information that is not included. This is purposeful. This Awareness would encourage contemplation upon this information. Questions may arise. This opening message is now complete.

Thank you Awareness. That indeed was very deep information. I have a few questions to make sure I
understood. So the more light that a soul absorbs through the matrices, the higher the frequency
becomes. Is that correct?

This is correct to a degree.

Okay, so the problem has been that the soul has not been able to absorb the higher light as it should
because of what the Controllers have done to block this, is that right?

This Awareness wishes to clarify. The matrices of the energetic body collect, and without the option of transferring this data or this light to the soul, it is held until that time of an option becomes available. So the matrices are providing multiple benefits to the ability to incarnate completely into the physical form. Their first benefit is that they allow for the structures of physicality to manifest within the complex structures of time and space. Secondly, they act as a holding with the ability of immediate transference, but in the absence of that ability they will hold the data until the human form is complete in its process of living. At such a time during the process of disincarnation, or un- carnating, the matrices begin an elaborate process of release. These energies are then released to the soul. The soul may become nourished from the experience gained, from the light of the data and the emotion accrued. This process will take place regardless of the frequency of the energy obtained. This is to say that even the soul that is incarnate, the low frequency nature is also absorbing light and data and emotional energy that is necessary for that soul to continue its growth process. Does this clarification allow for deeper understanding?

Somewhat. Could Awareness describe these matrices?

A geometric configuration called the Flower of Life is a perfect example of these matrices. They are the energetic filaments that create density. Light is attracted and held by them and reflected out, thus we have time and space wherein you can experience reality.

Does it intersect with an aura?

It is the aura. It is all-pervasive; they are unseen, yet still follow the intricate lines of a matrix. All energy is moving, and all energy is following the breathing in and out of a matrix. It is the nature of the fractal. It is the nature of the kaleidoscope. Matter does not just hang suspended by nothing or move without direction. All of energy, all of life is adhering to the finite pattern provided by the creational force of that space.

I understand better now. So what has happened recently with the new energies is that the soul is able
to absorb these energies more readily instead of waiting until we disincarnate? Is that correct?

This Awareness observes your question is valid. This Awareness is present to answer these questions.
This Awareness indicates your questions are timely. The transition which has occurred is that now all of humanity, whether they are awake or not, has available to them the ability to directly interface with the soul in the specific process of transferring the accumulated data energy, light, that is the nourishment of the soul, to the soul with an immediacy. The previous circumstance, which has been created by multiple factors—not just the Controllers, but that is a large portion of it—previous to the Cosmic Wave arriving, those souls incarnated by choice or circumstance in a way that disallowed their spiritual centers to awaken, and they were unable to awaken the aspect of these matrices of their form through the ability to process, to transfer information and light to the soul. It was a function that was turned off, one could say.

So this is why we are in a position now to be able to create our reality as quickly as we want it, depending on how much we understand and awaken to the fact that we can put this light right into our soul right now, in real time. Is that correct?


This is correct. Yes.

Oh I love you Cosmic Awareness! Thank you SO much!

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