Friday, February 21, 2014

Cut Right Through You....and swim inside.

The term superdimensionalmetaphysical blog looks like a sword. The soft color on the left side looks as though the lettering is smaller, whilst the lettering on the right side looks a touch larger so that it does, it looks like a sword under the lady's chin. Perhaps she's a ninja and holds that sword right under her mouth, at her throat chakra, just ready, ready to swing it any way it needs to be swung, at the ssssssssssssssssssite of action. Once spoken, no taking it back.

Ultra Black.


I think in love I am. A terrible thing. Most frightening. But I do know how to survive. If I can't take it I can always break it. I definitely know how hahahah to do that thing. Nevertheless, sometimes, sometimes I feeeeeeel, sometimes I think I can just fold over, and allow all that heady stuff to come in.

David Bowie - Station to Station (full album HQ)

Yea, the term spermicidal does turn me off. Is there a better way of enjoying ourselves?
Boy am I ever 'green', I need some purple in me.


To me you're gorgeous. (Koyi K Utho)

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