Monday, May 2, 2016

Demoniac, The Elohim.

     These beings I've been dealing with since I was born on this planet. I have enough pieces of the puzzle now to talk about them.

The thing I want to first say is, like it spoke of in the Bible and other places; when one has not dealt with something, it goes into the subconscious, and in the subconscious it grows powerful and takes a life of its own, and it doesn't disappear or go away until it is DEALT with (a note for Healers). So, these Elohim, or Demoniacs are the same as any other being that was created by Father, there are principles that apply to all. Of course, they are much older than Man, and so obviously their plight is going to be much greater and therefore much more frightening to encounter.
 That is why many are frightened when they have to deal with these kind. They are like one possessed, and are very dangerous if not entered upon correctly. They're very intelligent, but all messed up. That is, like a downed electrical wire. You don't want to be near it unless you have the skills to handle the situation. So it's alright for people to leave such scenarios and get to safety. In fact, if you're frightened, then don't read this blog, because it only gets more terrifying. Too much scary stuff for some people. Just a warning. You may leave now. And those who know about things like this, well, look at my experiences.

They hide in the framework. They understand laws, and yet sometimes they manipulate them, and there are strange physics when they do. They're intricately wound up in the consciousness of this place, unlike and like Man, they have the ability to communicate through that consciousness, but theirs is a different experience. Man's consciousness, the way we know it now, is to communicate from mouth to mouth, or paper to paper, or other outer surface ways in which we express ourselves to one another, but they are able to swim in the consciousness of Mankind and know their thoughts. Hence, why they are so intimidating. Nevertheless, there are rules and regulations about how these things are done. And that's what we're dealing with right now. These law-breakers. Sneaking around hidden from view, tampering with the laws of this world and other worlds. Something to do with their subconscious minds that they aren't dealing with. Hence, their actions in the present, which hence, points to their illness.

This is something I found interesting, from the Gnostic Society Library:

Texts from the Bruce Codex. This codex of Coptic, Arabic and Ethiopic manuscripts was found in upper Egypt by a Scottish traveler, James Bruce in about 1769. The first translations of the text began to be made in the mid-1800's. The passages below are based on the 1892 translation of Carl Schmidt.

So anyway, I've been having strange situations happening. And I've been wondering about them. (But then, I always have strange situations happening. It's just that this present situation is what I'm going to talk about). I live in the back in what use to be a garage. The landlord who (passed away at 86 and his twin sons took over), turned it into a luxury apartment for his own use, to entertain judges, lawyers, doctors and others, and I guess it was a bit of a whorehouse back then, from what I heard. The twins grew up with their friends around here. Eric the eldest of the twins told me about his best friend Terry, told stories that were funny, of the things they did together. His dad, the owner of this place, was a bit of a gangster, but he knew how to treat a lady, so from all that we spoke of together, he never mentioned anything out of place. I learned most of it from Eric and his brother, and now Terry. But the strange thing is, we're all in it together, like it started a long time ago and was planned before this lifetime, and here we are, living it.

So a few months ago, sometime in November, Eric told me his best friend is going to come and live with him, to rent a room in his house for a few months because he's having problems with his longtime girlfriend who he was living with. She in other words maneuvered him out of his own home, haha. Strange stuff how the law works. She just had to lie, and then he was out of his own home. So in the meantime, while he's dealing with it in the courts, he has to live somewhere. So Eric told me ahead of time. Then it was Christmas and I met him when I had dinner at Eric's house. I had met him before, as I've lived here since 2001, but I didn't really remember him. Now, I already have a lover whom I've been with since around 2000. They call him 'the Doctor.' He's married, and I'm his mistress, but I don't get much out of him, hahaha, except he's very intelligent and I do need intelligent people around me. Besides, I'm very highly sexual and since I'm not married and can't seem to find the right man to wed, I decided it's the best thing to do, having him as a lover. He, after all, can't get me pregnant, because his wife made him get an operation. And he's never played around on her before me, and is too afraid to, so he stays clean. And if it wasn't for him, I don't know how many lovers I would go through, so this was the best solution at the time. That way, I stay safe, and I have all this wonderful time to myself to study, and learn about that which they don't teach in schools.

Anyway, the reason I'm not married and can't seem to fall in love with a man, is because I had fallen in love with a different kind of being, someone who didn't have a physical form, but we were communicating on a higher level, which I think they call it the fourth dimension. Ever since I was 17 (but I already knew him as a child). It's not my fault I fell in love with him. I just have to deal with it. And it's not easy. I have to make complicated decisions all the time. You see...when I was working as a Direct Energy Agent going door to door, back in the summer of 2000, I walked onto the property of Tim the Doctor, and I had a bad headache that day. I asked to use the washroom and if he had any aspirin. After I came out, I saw him standing shirtless behind the bar and I thought he reminded me of that being I had fallen in love with, Seven is what I called him, or Lucifer if you want to be honest. I don't want to, but that's life. Can't hide forever. I have to unravel this story of mine for my own self, as well as for everyone else. But now that Prince is passed away, I feel much freer, even though it seems to me, he had nothing really to do with it. It was all manipulation of the mind. Hm. Or so it seems. Because ever since he died, I still have those beings, or 'that' being in particular still communicating with me. I was always wondering about that. But now I don't have to wonder anymore. It's them, the so-called Elohim. So that's how I met Tim. He was as attracted to me, as I was curious as to why he reminded me of Seven, hence, my attraction to him. But back then I didn't want anything to do with married men because they're always attracted to me and they lie so much, whereas I'm trying to find a husband, but do you think they give a shit? Nope. So, Tim didn't lie, but he didn't tell me until it was just not a good thing, in my mind. He had taken off his wedding ring he told me, when he first saw me, because he said he'd never seen a beautiful woman in Canada before, and now that he saw me...well you see? Those are his intentions. To get to know me. But I thought he was single, since I was, and even if he was divorced, better than married. I was working all day with no time for a relationship and was celibate for 10 months. I had just got rid of a lying married man who actually, haha, bought me an engagement ring, never intending to marry me, and me, always trying to get the truth, went through two years of trying to ferret it out of him, but he just kept hiding it, and pretty damn well too. So when I finally had the evidence, I was so angry and hateful of married men that I naturally attracted more into my life. Too much strong emotion in the wrong direction. So yea, I have this lover, and Eric's dad knew, as well as the boys, and so I was not bothered by anyone about that. Terry also knew, so of course, he wasn't going to try to seduce me or anything.

One day in January I was waiting for the cab to get to my dentist appointment when Terry drove up and we started talking. He asked if I wanted a ride there, and I said sure, thanks. So that's when we started to get to know one another. When we met at Christmas dinner, he said he had a dizzy spell. He didn't know what was causing it, and that it scared him. He came to my place one evening and we were talking about everything. He told me that once his girlfriend caught him sleepwalking and he went into the closet and pointed up at a corner of the ceiling. He said he didn't remember any of it. I asked him if he had ever seen any alien ship in his life, he said no. The reason this little story caught my attention is because when I was 17/18 I began communicating with some entity. It was at first scratching at the ceiling above my bed. And so, to check it out, I scratched the wall behind the bed's headboard. It immediately flew down to that level and scratched there too. Then it started making finger tapping noises. Like the way you drop your little finger first, then the ring finger, the middle, and then the forefinger, and you do it quickly so it's like that tapping. I listened, and then I tapped in return. Then it tapped. Then I tapped. Then it started doing it really fast, and I was just impressed! I tried doing it that fast, but there was no way I was going to be able to perform that feat. So I was impressed. I thought, whoever it is, must be musical. Anyway, after a while communicating with this being, there was a scratching in the ceiling of the closet. When I was a little girl with my two siblings, we would hear scratching in the closet, and I would run in there turning over all the clothing my mother neatly place in there, looking for what was making that sound, while they waited frightened outside hoping I would find out what was making that noise. My mother would see them standing at the doorway of the closet and come and scold us for upturning everything in the closet.

So the next time Terry came over, we were smoking pot as usual and talking a lot, when suddenly he said he was feeling really high, and he was starting to sweat a little, he said he was hot as well. I looked at him, and then suddenly he just fainted, and he fell between the two chairs onto the ground. I was surprised, and was fearing that maybe he had become possessed, and I didn't know what I would do in such a situation, but I knew I didn't want to deal with it. Well I went to him as soon as he fell, and it was only a few seconds, but he came to, and I started to ask, "are you alright? are you ok?" and he said, "what happened," and I told him he had just passed out. I helped him up then, and I said, maybe you should go lay down. So I helped him to get back to his room in the house that was just outside the courtyard behind my place. I actually had to carry his weight on my shoulder because he was having a wobbly time walking. He said he was fine then when he got in the door, so I left.

I met his sister and her boyfriend and we were all joking around about things, and when the serious subject of his fainting came up, I said jokingly, yea, he 'fell' for me, to make light of it. We ended up getting together a lot at my place, and once at his, to watch some cool horror movie that he had. Something about that Jim Jones incident but more demonic. We ended up spending a lot of evenings together talking and partying because he wasn't working since it was dead of winter, and because we spent so much time together, we got to know each other pretty quickly, and after about a month and a half our first encounter of an intimate sexual nature occurred... and I was greatly surprised again.

When he spoke in my ear, that voice, I knew it. It was familiar, the essence speaking through that body, it sounded like Seven. That very distinct sound. It's just a certain very handsome masculine sounding voice, that laughs like that one that I know, that I've communicated with for so long a time, whom I've tried to push away as well for so long. (Also, I've heard his essence come out of a few other people before). And he said words to me that I know Terry wouldn't know. It was like making love to Seven and Terry was on a shelf. It was too freaky to describe, but it was done sooo well! Like I had observed the way the entity works through his body, and the being Terry is not aware that this is even happening. He doesn't seem to listen to his own words. Like he's a puppet. But when the other one talks, it's like he owns the body, like it's his own, and treats it thus. So I had to observe extremely carefully and remember the things he said and did in order to place who where, so I could figure out what was happening here. And while talking to him, this man Terry, he says things that are happening in my personal life that no one else would know, but he never says it too obviously, so that I could place it absolutely. Just continously a light breeze passing through. Very cunning. Very knowledgeable of laws rules and regulations.

Well it was about a month ago when Terry told me he and his sisters boyfriend bought some coke, and he said after doing it he went outside and there he saw some lights in the sky that were hovering and then moving about strangely, that formed a triangle, and then one of the lights went out, then went back on, and then they all flew away really fast. Two days or so later after that incident we were getting wild in the kitchen and the couch. After it was all done and he was about to be going home, he bent over to give me a kiss and a hug, and as I was nearing his face in the dim light, when I got close enough to only see one eye, I saw that the eye was pure black, everything inside the eyelids was a black shiny ball with a little point of light reflecting off the center. I just looked at it. We hugged, and then he left. I couldn't stop thinking of it after he was gone. I decided to tell him when he sent me a text after he was at home.

Months before when Tim told me he had seen a fox (in November) at his cottage, he said it like it was a mystery. Like, Tim has seen some strange things such as an alien that looked like a gingerbread man standing in the city against a building as we drove down the street, and then other things happened along the way that I saw, and then something happened when we got to his cottage. So I got him use to telling me when something strange happens in his life even when I'm not around. And when he said he saw a fox, that was like something unusual. That was when Terry came to live at Eric's place. And I kept thinking that this is the fox that I was being warned about. And after Terry drove me that first day to the dentist, the dentist was talking to his assitant over me as he worked, and he said he heard the strangest howling or something kind of sound, I forget the exact word he used to describe it, but it just sounded so mysterious. He said he heard it last night in the back of his home where the woods are, and he thought it was coyotes or something. And I'd say, a coyote looks similar to a fox. So now I had the thought of fox and coyote in my mind to try and sort out just what was going on here. Then after I heard it from the dentist, it was a short time later I was with Terry at his sister's house in the country and they were all talking about coyotes in the woods around there. I was perplexed.

Anyway, after all that happened, just last night I had a very strange dream. I was in this house, very open concept style. There was like a triple layer. In the perspective I was looking at it, at the far back was like a large kitchen up top, but it seemed to be on the bottom. Then to the left was a loft with a bed on it, all open, and it was lower, but higher than the kitchen (if you can comprehend looking at something twice), and then at the front was a large table on the ground, next to the door that goes out.

I was in there with Tim, and we were just mulling around, he was eating something, and I was around the kitchen with the thoughts of his sister and family in my mind, for some reason (in real life I don't know any of his family but he is the oldest and he does have two sisters). It was night-time and the lights were softly glowing.

I went from the kitchen to the large table down below. I saw Tim at the kitchen eating something, and then I turned around and focused on what I was doing at the table. When I turned around again, he was not in the kitchen, I saw as in an instant he was on the bed sleeping. I saw his arm and hand moving strangely. He was out cold, but his arm was bobbing up and down at a steady motion. I thought it kind of strange. I turned back around to do what I was doing at the table, and then when I turned around again, I saw that he wasn't in the bed anymore. I went over towards it and then saw a spot of vomit on the floor and cleaned it up with a paper towel. (Clue: a dog?). I went to go back to the table with the white tablecloth on it, and that is when I looked under the table and Tim was sleeping on the chairs under the table and his hand was bobbing up and down at that steady pace. Then it began to pick up pace and moved at such a velocity that you couldn't see it anymore, like the wheels on a car when they move so fast. (A game of charades: a hummingbird?). I was shocked because I didn't know what to do about this situation. Thoughts flew through my head, should I call his sister? should I just get out of the house and lock him in here until I get help? But I certainly didn't want to stick around anymore. I instantly woke up. (I get it now! The dog sleeps under the table collecting the crumbs!)

When I lay in bed I remembered seeing that video of an alien in an airport, and its body parts were moving so fast that you couldn't see them anymore, just a shadow of the motion. So that got me thinking about what all this alien stuff is all about.

--Later in day, 9:57pm.--

R ya up for some moo vies? I am. I want to learn more about this strange world we live in.

Pre-Revolution Russia
Russian Army 1892

Here's an excerpt from the last video:

“How do you know the God from the bible is real and the one from Hinduism, Vedas, is not? You cannot know. I cannot, you cannot, we can only go by what’s
~ likely
~ and reasonable to assume as intelligent people that want to know the truth instead of what feels good or what other people think is acceptable
~ The truth is everything.

What does Judgment day mean?
~ If you were an upright people, not corrupt, cared for each other, lived a little bit reasonable, did not kill others and held the truth as the highest treasure, you would be unbeatable. Satan’s servants could not have infiltrated you and you would automatically live.

~ If you were not an upright people, corrupt, didn’t care for each other, lived lives not lead by reason, killed, didn’t care for the truth and always lied, you are beatable. Satan’s servants could infiltrate you and you would be ready to be killed.”

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