Saturday, September 16, 2017

Breath of Fresh Air

Constant creating... forces you to use those muscles, most, are unwilling to use, and helps along to ease the trouble and pain of constant creating... it just gets you sharper. Hahaha. For example, if you were making a purse out of your mind, you would need a lot of tissue paper, because it could get messy... I mean, without a doctors diploma, you never know, where the path is to go... except you know that each and every step you take, better be the right one, because you need all the skills you can get Hahahaha, and you have no time for tartiness. For sure. Constant Creating... great stuff.

Mind's don't bleed. Fuck the tissue paper, and just get on with the job. You create a picture on paper out of the thoughts that came to your mind. Then you draw a pattern out of the picture on the paper. Then you take that, transfer it onto fabric, and cut it out. That's when you begin sewing the very basic stuff. On the way, you twist and turn, like a river, whether choppy or calm, it gets completed...and the more awareness, or allowance of interaction of changing of ideas, you allow to occur, the more successful the outcome of the whole. Hmhmhm. Ta da. The art of Creating.

I'm drinking a snifter of warm dragon's breath, Woodruff. Not because of some nasty tangle of work I have to do, but to enjoy the process. You see? There is a benefit to creating. You get to enjoy yourself! Ha. I'd say it's worth it. But who am I to say. You ought to test it yourself, find out for your own self. You're the only boss there is. Come to think of it, no wonder this place is such an ego mess. Hahahaa. Nevertheless, you separate your ego sometimes from the mess of work you have to do, and that's how it becomes more balanced, better skill.

Sometimes, you make something you don't like. But hey, you have to make room for that. It's not only YOUR ego that matters, because someone else might like it just fine. And they usually do. They think I'm a perfectionist, but I don't, I just notice what mistake "EYE" made, and they just notice the beauty of the finished product. Then, after a while, sometimes you go back, fish out that project you did awhile ago that you condemned to the grave, and find you too, like it very much, because now it looks good. So yea, Constant Creating gives you different perspectives of what is required in the life of living.

And remember, always, enjoy yourself.

Ok I'm ready for it. Let the reign come down on me...

Naa, I didn't make any mistake. I'm just getting bored caught in my own mind games, yeah-yeah, always have to take care to discipline ones self enough to proceed with the thing that is even, unpleasant at times, because even in the unpleasant parts of sewing, the on and on of the mind games is even more unpleasant. That's how you know... to get back to work. Bah!

P.s. Ok one last thing. It's a double whauper this month, this year. You can call it, the TWINS!

Now I get it. I wanted this experience. Oooh. Ok then. I didn't make a mistake. I wanted to learn about emotions, because I already have Mind I need to find out more, nourishment, bloooood. Hahahaha. Emotional rescue. This is body work! Back to my sewing!

Alright. Now mind is split. This next video... oh my gosh, I don't think I've ever seen it. Alright. It's Saturday. I can take a break. Hahahaa.

Size matters. Hahaha. What is the width, depth, and height of it? That's right. Size matters. It could be a miniscule thing, like an atom, or it could be vast and wide, like the open sky. Who has measured the Spirit?

And always remember to enjoy yourself.
It is not commercial. It is artwork. Sometimes it looks or sounds like shit, and that there tells you, it's art in (progress) the motion. When you look deeper, or at another date look into it, the entire structure, makes sense. Love it. Everyone, get back to your sewing...or sowing, which ever art you have to perform.

But just downt ask....

My make-up!

Satirday September Sixteen, ninteen.. nope, that's done. Twhenty Seventeen. Twelve twenty two pm.

Thank you my friend James, for stopping by when I was harvesting my five leaf Ivy, for the wintertime. Yea. Those herbs that I spoke of in an earlier post... found out they're good for the lungs. And I'm working at quitting smoking, but not permanently, just slowing it down, so I can savor and enjoy it again. Yea. I think I'll go out in a puff of smoke now. Good Day Everyone. oo777

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