Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Clint Richardson; The Matrix Versus The Natural Law.

In other words, if someone who knows Natural law is trying to manipulate another to give up something, they can't just barge in and take that something, they have to get their consent, because Natural law is all about consent or not consenting. So they figure they could put what one needs to know into a written work made freely available everywhere, and out of all the ignorance that someone comes to this planet with, the cup of forgetfulness, that if they don't have something there in order to make a fair decision, to make a comprehension, then that would be considered rape, and the manipulater who knows Natural law would then be guilty, so they put this Bible together and place it into every aspect of daily life, for free!!!, so that now they can use that fact that the Natural law is written into this book and is available everywhere so it's your responsibility to know what Natural law is, and therefore, it's now expected that you would know it, and therefore if you make a decision against Natural law (because of ignorance of it) they assume you know what you're doing because it's written and available everywhere, so now you are giving your power to them who are able to use you for whatever structure they want to, and you can't do anything about it because you gave your consent by acting against the Natural law, to begin with.

So you've got to ask yourself...who would do that? Who would give a being the cup of forgetfulness so that lifetime after lifetime they can't even know what they did wrong the last lifetime in order to fix it this lifetime, and now they are given some garbled English-language translation, mostly falsely translated to catch you off guard, and throw that in your face to try to force their rule over on you. Who would do that? I don't see how someone with an honest and loving heart would do that. I see that someone with hatefulness, jealousy, and envy would be capable of something like that. Otherwise, if they didn't have any emotions, then I feel there would be no purpose to their wanting the destruction of a person to begin with. I mean, a robot doesn't have feelings. So if A.I. that is, artificial intelligence is not a robot, then it is what Clint Richard-son is telling us...that they are the illusion, not the reality, that they are false, and that we need to wake up to it. Artificial intelligence does not mean robot. It's like the Gnostics of old have told is a jealous and envious archon who can't work outside of Natural law, so they use every scruple they can to utilize Natural law deviously so that they could continue to stay in power and rule over humanity, instead of humanity becoming Mankind and moving towards their rightful inheritance.

And SO, the Reptilian Pact is giving us evidence that they are NOT gods, that we are ALL alike and equal in creation, and that they are hateful of us for their own personal ideas, and therefore we are actually fighting against their own ignorance. Now listen up, remember where in Gnostic writings it said that the being in heaven immediately said that they would be the one to act the part of the Beast? And immediately they showed up in full clothing as the Beast? Who then do you think that one is? So if Lucifer is hidden in the garb of a Reptilian, then really, they are just acting the part of hatefulness because of their own personal demons (and that would be the logic behind him jumping at the role of playing that part), and if we listen to everything he tells us, then we're just as ignorant as they are for believing their own ignorant ideas about what really is. Hahahaa. It's so easy to understand once you see it. At the same time, you have to really look to find. Link to the Reptilian Pact.

And SO, if everyone has issues, then one cannot blame Lucifer for his issues. One now has to deal with their OWN issues which got them TO listen to Lucifer to BEGIN with, because of their own issues. So you see how Natural law works. You have to extricate yourself from your own ignorance by learning what the Natural laws are, and then performing them. That is in effect, the way to freedom and self-responsibility.

[*personal note to someone. You see, she's not the Mother in actuality, because she made an agreement with the King, to be his daughter, and so when Lucifer saw her, he was looking at the daughter, not the Mother. Hahaha. You see how Natural law works. Through agreements. At the same time, the Mother was working through the daughter because she had to DO certain acts so that things could be fulfilled. Just like Father works through all of us, the Mother does, in fact, too! Hahahaha.]

Remember not to take things literally, but to perceive through the method of metaphorically viewing.

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