Tuesday, January 11, 2022

"Unusual, Somewhat Shocking Information."

When you come across unusual information, you need to have the practice of thinking for yourself and questioning, because there is no typical science of today which would help you comprehend it. In this post you'll find some very unusual information coming from different places, sources, but that when put together brings out a clearer picture of what is happening today. It may be a long post, and you may need to do some reading into the links to get a better idea, but it'll be worth your time and effort.

So, what's the truth? I think it's important to recognize it, even when it isn't pretty.


 "A theory of knowledge is bound to have repercussions on one's conception of the nature of the world in general; an 'epistemology' will have implications for 'metaphysics.' Briefly, I would claim that the world or reality is nothing other than what conscious subjects or persons tend to come to know by the asking and answering of questions about their experience. The whole of what follows is an attempt to justify the claim, and to infer from it what appear to be its most important consequences.

   I do not think the question of the possibility, nature, and conditions of knowledge to be the preserve of professional philosophers. For reasons which will appear in the chapters to follow, I 'believe' the subject to be of great cultural importance and to be such that most educated persons can grasp the main issues involved and would benefit from doing so."

   "It seems to be rather widely held that the extension and application of the kind of 'objective' knowledge, typified by the natural sciences, is somehow at odds with the 'subjective' development and authenticity of Human personalities. This leads to an effective contempt for Humane values in some quarters, and a hatred of science and systematic reasoning in general, in others. I hope to show that this whole conflict is based on a mistake."

   "After a consideration in chapter 5 of what has been called 'the strong program' of the sociology of knowledge (which strives to explain what is called 'knowledge' exhaustively in sociological terms), and some reflections owed to Wittgenstein which seem to support it, I discuss the claim that people with different world-views do not so much envisage the same world in different ways, but may more properly be said to live in different worlds."

 "Richard Rorty is more consistent in claiming that, if the Human mind were to be in any sense 'the mirror of nature -which he himself denies that it is- there would have to be a basis in experience in virtue of which some beliefs may properly be judged to be better founded, and thus more liable to be true or closer to the truth, than others. Rorty's own opinions, however, lead ineluctably to the astounding conclusion, outrageously paradoxical both to common sense and to science as generally understood, that we cannot, by appropriate exercise of our minds, come to hold true and justified, beliefs about a world which exists, and largely is, as it is prior to, and independently, of our minds."

"But the inference drawn by Martin Heidegger and many others, that the foundations of knowledge are the objects of a fool's errand (haha, the Tarot deck), is unwarranted, so long as the carrying through of Husserl's program remains a possibility; that this can be done, is shown in the 'generalized empirical method' set out by Bernard Lonergan.

   Yet Heidegger is right to point out and deplore the tendency in those influenced by science to regard the world as simply consisting of objects to be dominated and manipulated; though the notion which 'some' have derived from his writings, that this motive is the very 'essence' of the scientific enterprise or of traditional metaphysics, is not only mistaken, but dangerous." [I'll say. Rudolf Steiner tells about some phantom dead dry crumbly corruption of a being named Ahriman, who just would love for people to think that, because then it could enter them to possess them and suck up whatever energy they have left].

  "In chapter 10, I criticize the aspersions that Jacques Derrida casts on the metaphysical assumptions which he rightly claims have dominated European thinking from Plato to Husserl, and I argue that, however much is to be learned from Michel Foucault's association of knowledge, with the acquisition and maintenance of power, he himself applies his thesis with a generality which renders it self-refuting..


   "Jurgen Habermas's account of knowledge, as I try to show in chapter 11, is on the right path, as is his defense of basic principles of the Enlightenment; but these commit him, when properly followed through, to something much closer to 'first philosophy,' and as a consequence, to some pre-Enlightenment accounts of the world than he himself would care to admit."

   "I contend in Part IV that a thorough working-out of the views of the nature and grounds of knowledge, and of the world that is to be known, which have been advanced in the earlier part of the book, will issue in a return to some central elements of classical philosophy. As I try to show in chapter 12, Plato made the enormously important discovery, of which modern science is a massive vindication, that reality is an intelligible order which we discover by asking and answering questions about the things and events of our experience.

   Aristotle brought back together the sensible and intelligible aspects of things, which Plato had separated to an excessive degree, and in doing so, he set up a sound overall conception of mind, extramental reality, value, and their relations with one another. Such a conception of things has proved elusive since the rise of modern physical science, which in dismissing Aristotle's incidental errors, overlooked the permanent worth of his central insights."


In "On The Origin of The World" [Nag Hammadi Library, James M. Robinson general editor], I compare the beginning of chaos in creation, with the "Paraphrase of Shem" beginning of it.

On The Origin of the World: 

"Let us therefore concern ourselves with the facts of the matter, and furthermore, with the first product from which chaos was projected."

"After the natural structure of the immortal beings had completely developed out of the infinite, a likeness then emanated from Pistis (Faith); it is called Sophia (Wisdom). It exercised volition, and became a product, resembling the primeval light. And immediately her will manifested itself, as a likeness of heaven, having an unimaginable magnitude; it was between the immortal beings and those things that came into being after them," ..."she (Sophia) functioned as a veil dividing mankind from the things above."

So, what it's saying is that this being Pistis had manifested another being called Sophia. Or, a "likeness of" the upper worlds was manifested below them, by Pistis through the being Sophia. If I'm seeing this correctly, that is.

"Now, the eternal realm (aeon) of truth, has no shadow outside it, for the limitless light is everywhere within it. But its exterior is shadow - which has been called by the name darkness. From it, this darkness, there appeared a force presiding over the darkness. And the forces that came into being subsequent to them, called the shadow "the limitless chaos." From it, every kind of 'divinity' sprouted up...together with the entire place, so that also, shadow is posterior to the first product. It was in the abyss that it (shadow) appeared, deriving from the aforementioned Pistis."

So, through this it seems to show us that there was established first an abyss, because (shadow appeared through it) everything evil that sprang out, first sprang out of there, since Pistis/Sophia had manifested it into this place. Then out of it, the other forms started coming, which are the chaos beings.

But one has to remember, all this happened "After the natural structure of the immortal beings had completely developed out of the infinite." That is when Pistis/Sophia's mistake occurred. That thing in the abyss. I'm not saying I know what happened. I'm just trying to make sense of what happened. That's why I'm doing this comparison. Let's continue:

"Then shadow perceived that there was something mightier than it, and felt envy; and when it had become 'pregnant' of its own accord, suddenly it engendered jealousy. Since that day, the principle of jealousy amongst all the eternal realms and their worlds has become apparent."

This here is a bit complex. But I'm going to try to see if I can make sense of it. There's truth, and then there's shadow. If one is not truthful with themself, then it must form a shadow within. And that needs to be cleaned out if one is to stay truthful and clear. So when that is not cleared out, it becomes a product that sticks around. If it is thrown out without conscious attention of what is being done, then it piles up like a garbage dump, and through that, becomes dense. Like we've heard how when the miners crush the rocks to take out the pure elements they're looking for, and then they crush it further to a sandy structure and pile it up as waste, eventually some of those piles start a chemical fire inside and then burst or pop, similar to a volcano but without the lava, because it's not a natural volcano, it's just a rubble heap left by the miners after they took what they wanted from it. So, perhaps the same sort of principle happens to those who allow a pile of shadow to condense. They throw out the trash, and eventually it gets a life of its own. But here it gets even more complex because we're dealing with the essence of life from those places they termed "the eternal realms and their worlds." And in Theresa Talea's book, "Eternal Humans and the Finite gods" it said that anything after the All That Is, The Pure Essence and Eia, in the creation, can possibly make mistakes, if they are not careful. And that would be more so the further away one gets from the center point of where it all started.

"Now as for that jealousy, it was found to be an abortion, without any spirit in it. Like a shadow it came into existence, in a vast watery substance. [We might understand a little bit about space and how the astronauts float in it, but we don't know exactly what type of water this is they are talking about. So, 'watery substance,' as in what? Emotional? Rather than Spiritual which is refined intellectual, but with "feeling" for the balance, rather than "emotion" which is heavy. So watery could mean the residue of emotional activity. We aren't even aware of what other dimensions are like, or traveling through the dimensions, how that would be, or what type of substance the other dimensions are made of or what they consist of]. So... "Like a shadow it came into existence in a vast watery substance. Then the bile that had come into being, out of that shadow, was thrown into a part of chaos. Since that day, a watery substance has been apparent. And what sank within it, flowed away, being visible in chaos, as with a woman giving birth to a child all her superfluities flow out; just so, matter came into being out of shadow and was projected apart. And it (viz., matter) did not depart from chaos; rather, matter was in chaos, being in a part of it.

"And when these things had come to pass, then Pistis came and appeared over the matter of chaos, which had been expelled like an aborted fetus --since there was no spirit in it. For all of it (viz., chaos) was limitless darkness and bottomless water. 

"Now, when Pistis saw what had resulted from her defect, she became disturbed. And the disturbance appeared, as a fearful product; it rushed to her in the chaos. She turned to it and blew into its face in the abyss, which is below all the heavens.

"And when Pistis Sophia desired to cause the thing that had no spirit, to be formed into a likeness, and to rule over matter and over all her forces, there appeared for the first time, a ruler out of the waters, lionlike in appearance, androgynous, having great authority within him, and ignorant of whence he had come into being. Now when Pistis Sophia saw him moving about in the depth of the waters, she said to him, "Child, pass through to here," whose equivalent is "yalda baoth."..."Now as for the ruler Yaltabaoth, he is ignorant of the force of Pistis: he did not see her face, rather he saw in the water the likeness that spoke with him. And because of that voice, he called himself Yaldabaoth."..."Now when he had come to have authority over matter, Pistis Sophia withdrew up to her light.

"When the ruler saw his magnitude -and it was only himself that he saw: he saw nothing else, except for water and darkness- then he supposed that it was he alone who existed."

Now, let's check this against,

The Paraphrase of Shem: [There are two versions of the translation. One by Frederik Wisse, which I'm using here, and another by Willis Barnstone ]

"...I heard a voice saying to me, Shem, since you are from an unmixed power, and you are the first being upon the earth, hear and understand what I shall say to you, first concerning the great powers who were in existence in the beginning, before I appeared:

"There was "Light" and "Darkness" and there was "Spirit" between them.

"Since your root fell into forgetfulness, he who was the unbegotten Spirit, I reveal to you the truth about the powers.

"The Light was thought full of hearing and word. They were united into one form.

"And the Darkness was wind in waters. He possessed the "Mind" wrapped in a chaotic fire.

"And the Spirit between them was a gentle, humble light.

"These are the three roots. They reigned each, in themselves alone. And they covered each other [I think that means one above the other?], each one with its power. [Meaning its own properties of its specific characteristic traits].

"But the Light, since he possessed a great power, knew the abasement of the Darkness and his disorder, namely, that the root was not straight. But the crookedness of the Darkness was lack of perception, namely (the illusion that) there is no one above him. And as long as he was able to bear up under his evil, he was covered with the water. And he stirred.

"And the Spirit was frightened by the sound.

He [that be darkness] lifted himself up to his station [that be the Light's station]. And he saw a great, dark water. And he was nauseated.

"And the thought of the Spirit stared down; he saw the infinite Light. But he was overlooked by the putrid root. [Which I'll show you what that means in an excerpt from a Suzanne Spooner hypno-regression session; "A Conversation with an 11th Dimensional Being." In the meantime, the Light knew that the Darkness was crooked and perhaps only time before it stirred, as it did, and raised itself up to the Spirit's station, so that now the Light was there to 'take care of business'... I mean, I think everyone knew by that time that Pistis had made a mistake in creation. Maybe this was the set-up, to deal with the mistake. I don't know, I'm trying to understand it]

"But he was overlooked by the putrid root. [Which I'll try to describe. The Light knew that Darkness would stir, and so he was there waiting, while the Spirit would have seen the Light first, but for the fact that the Darkness stirred and began trouble. That's why it didn't happen the way it was should have, but there was a plan behind it anyway] And by the will of the great Light, the dark water separated. And the Darkness came up wrapped in vile ignorance, and this was in order that the "Mind" might separate from him, because he prided himself in it. [Darkness prided himself in having the "Mind." Having stolen it, that is. Because I found that out through reading the other transcripts]

[Describing the point where everything changed] "And when he  stirred, the "light of the Spirit" appeared to him. When he saw it, he was astonished. He did not know that another Power was above him. And when he saw that his likeness was dark compared with "the Spirit," he felt hurt. And in his pain, he lifted up to the height of the members of Darkness, his Mind, which was the eye of the bitterness of evil. He caused his Mind to take shape in a "member" of the regions of "the Spirit," thinking that by staring down at his evil, he would be able to equal "the Spirit."

"But he was not able. For he wanted to do an impossible thing, and it did not take place. But in order that the "Mind" of Darkness, which is the eye of the bitterness of evil, might not be destroyed, since he was made partially similar, he arose and shone with a fiery light upon all of Hades, so that the equality to the faultless Light might become apparent. For the Spirit made use of every form of Darkness because he appeared in his majesty. [I think that means, because Darkness appeared in Spirit's majesty in his realm, so he made use of the Darkness. But I'm not sure exactly if that is what it means.]

"And the exalted "infinite Light" appeared, for he was very joyful. He wished to reveal himself to "the Spirit." And the likeness of the exalted Light appeared to the unbegotten Spirit. [So now, after the split of the dark waters, and turning that all into the four clouds of nature, then the infinite Light appeared to the Spirit, joyful.]

"I appeared. I am the son of the incorruptible infinite Light. I appeared in the likeness of "the Spirit," for I am the ray of the universal Light.

"And his appearance to me was in order that the "Mind" of Darkness might not remain in Hades. For the Darkness made himself like his "Mind," in a part of the members. When I, Oh Shem, appeared in it (i.e. the likeness), in order that the Darkness might become dark to himself, according to the will of the Majesty --in order that the Darkness might become free from every aspect of the power which he possessed-- the "Mind" drew the chaotic fire, with which it was covered, from the midst of the Darkness and the water."

So, the "Mind" is beginning its separation from the entity called Darkness: "And it (i.e. the Mind) was drawn from the midst of the Darkness and the water -since the Mind was in the midst of Nature and the dark power- in order that the harmful waters might not cling to it. Because of this, Nature was divided, according to my will, in order that the Mind may return to its power, which the dark root that was mixed with it (i.e. the Mind) had taken from it. And he (i.e. the dark root) appeared in the womb. And at the division of Nature he separated from the dark power, which he possessed from the "Mind". It (i.e. the Mind) went into the midst of the power - this was the middle region of Nature."

And then later on it explains: "And that nothing might be hidden from you, Shem, the thought, which the Spirit from the greatness had contemplated, came into being, since the Darkness was not able to restrain his evil. But when it appeared, the three roots became known as they were from the beginning. If the Darkness had been able to bear up under his evil, the Mind would not have separated from him, and another power would not have appeared.

"But from the time it appeared, I was seen, the son of the Majesty, in order that "the light of the Spirit" might not become faint, and that Nature might not reign over it, because it gazed at me.

"And by the will of the greatness, my equality was revealed, that what is of the Power, might become apparent. You are the great Power which came into being, and I am the "perfect Light" which is above "the Spirit" and the "Darkness," the one who puts to shame the Darkness for the intercourse of the impure practice. For through the division of Nature, the Majesty wished to be covered with honor up to the height of the Thought of the Spirit. And the Spirit received rest in his power."

And so now, we go to,

A Conversation with an 11th Dimensional Being

From Suzanne Spooner, published Sept 2, 2021. This is a hypnotic regression with a client.

One of her clients' session:

Suzanne: What's the very first thing that you notice?

Client reveals this, with Suzanne's responses and questionings in brackets...

"It's dark...like reds, and dark [It's dark and what?] and this red colours.. [Tell me about the red colours] It's desolate. It's a dark place. [Is it all around or just in a certain area?] It just feels very sad [Very sad? Why does it feel very sad?] There's no light. [And why do you think there's no light?] And there's no beings here. [No beings?] No. [And why are there no beings?] I guess, we haven't created them.

[Ok. That's interesting. So, as you look around you, does it change, or does it still stay dark with the reds?] It's just a sad dark place. [And how do you perceive yourself? What are you like?] I think I look like a big black bird [Tell me all about what you look like] Just looks like a big eagle of some sort, with its black wings. It's big, big, much bigger than anything around it. [Ok. And your face. How would you describe that?] Sort of like a dragon [Like a dragon? Tell me about that] It's shifting, into some type of dragon. It's just mean. It's angry. [And why does it shift to the angry dragon?] I don't know [Does the bird body remain at all? Or does that shift as well?] The whole thing is shifting now, it's just becoming like this big octopus kind of thing [Well describe that] It has like many arms, like an octopus exactly. 

[Do you get a sense of why you shift from the dragon body to the octopus-like body?] Nope. [Do you perceive things the same? Or differently?] Something is being sent off...uhm, in some kind of ship, spaceship that's going [Oh. Tell me what the spaceship is like] It's just like a regular spaceship. It's being sent out of this place. [So are you going with the spaceship, or are you separate from it?] I'm not sure. [So you see this ship, and then what happens?] There's a portal, a tunnel [And describe what the portal looks like] Some lights and some color, it's, it has, everything has to be gone through there. There's a lot of coming and going through there, portal. 

[So do you go through that portal then?] Yea. [And what does it feel like for you as you go through?] It just starts crushing you. It starts getting tighter and tighter. [Tighter and tighter?] Yes. [Ok. Are you aware of other things in the portal with you, or are you just aware of yourself?] Well now there's this man on a horse, kind of like uhm, it's a white horse, he looks like some kind of knight or a king, or something like that. [And what part resembles a man? or does it? I'm sorry, you may not have understood it] It is, it is, it is a man on a horse [A man on a horse, and you said he appears to be a king?] Yes. [And what makes him appear that way to you?] I, I can see him, but I, well, I can't see him anymore. But there's uhm, now it's just so much...there's just a lot of light, and uhm, it doesn't...I just feel it in my body.

[What do you feel in your body?] Everything, everything. [Do you shift again, or do you stay in that form of the octopus?] No, I'm just light [Just light, ok. And are you still in the portal? Or have you come out?] I'm still there, but now there's some other beings, and uh, they kind of look like superheros. [Oh ha, tell me all about them] They're just coming out. I don't know if they're walking in or coming out, you can never tell, uhm, they're like superheros. [In what way?] They got all those powers and all this information and they're starting to look like anime (Def: a style of animation developed in Japan) [Ok, and just describe to me what you notice now] Nothing, nothing else. They're just anime characters like Captain America and like Guardians of the, ah that's it, Guardians of the Galaxy. 

[And so, what happens next?] Well, I guess we gotta go save this planet. [Ok. And tell me all about going to save that planet] It's going to be messed up. We might not return. [And why wouldn't you return do you think?] Someone will never remember who they were. They will be lost. [And so in the preparation for you and the others to help save the planet, what is that like?] Nothing could prepare us for this. [And so it's you and the superhero beings that are going to the planet to save it, is that right?] Yes. [Ok. What do you notice as you're getting closer to the planet?] There's many more. We're not alone. It's epic. [Tell me all about that, about it being so epic] It's just that, we know we will lose everything. But we have to go and recover some pieces of ourselves, of each other. [And why is it important to recover pieces of yourselves?] Because we are one. We cannot remain separated forever. [And so then, what do you do? What happens next?]

I'm hearing - "the studio makes its first move" - I don't know what that means [Say that again?] The studio makes its first move. [And, tell me about the studio] I don't know what that means. There's just all this...energy [What's the energy like?] It's very bright. Coming from the right side. Corner of my head. [And so are all of you at the planet now?] We're looking at it from above. [How does it appear to you as you're looking at it from above?] It's pretty. It's a big...big pretty planet. [And that light is coming around you, where does it go?] That light is still on the top right corner of my, above my head. [What do you know about that light?] I'm not sure but I think it's always going to remain there. It's uhm, like a navigation system. [That's pretty interesting. Tell me what you know about the navigation system] You can never really get lost, you can always go back to the...you can always go back and connect with it, it will let you know where you are. [How nice, ok. So you're there looking at that beautiful planet, you're there to retrieve pieces of each other, your selves, and then what do you do?]

Uhm, I'm actually here, in this, table here, I, I am laying here. [But as you focus back on that planet, you're there to do a job, and what happens next?] I can't tell, there's just chaos there's some...there's black feathers, that's black bird's again, uhm, there's a lot of confusion. [What's causing the confusion there?] Mortality. [Can you explain that a little more?] It's something we never dealt with. Mortality. It's just very dark, and chaotic. [And so you and the others, the superheros, what do you do next?] (a long pause)...Something is beating, he has to beat, uhm, it's sending a signal...we have to keep it, hearing it beating. It's like a, it's like a heart. [Beating like a heart?] Yes. [Oh. And tell me more, what's beating like a heart?] It informs. It informs everyone. It has to keep beating, it has to keep broadcasting the signal. It says it has to broadcast the signal to all Spentas. [All the what?] Spentas. It's a word I know, but; the Spentas. [So it's transmitting that signal to the Spentas?] Yes. [Ok, and then what happens?] There's this feeling of uhm, something is...there's like a, I see like a casino machine, something is just playing a game, uhm gambling. [So what do you think about that?] Confused. I don't like it. [What do you think that means, that casino game?] The universe is spinning, oh! the universe is spinning, everything is spinning, uhm spinning faster and faster, and uh, something or someone, it's just a gamble. Anything could happen. [All possibilities?] Yea. [And so what do you do next?]

At 31:07 of video:

Well allow me to take the time to express myself correctly. This is not easy for me. [You're doing a great job, just keep letting those first thoughts come through. What do you notice next?] In the beginning it was all very...squared. And there were many things we did not forsee happening. (She's beginning to talk in a different voice and faster). It is now our responsibility to...fix...the situations we did not oversee. [And how do you go about fixing them?] To my thoughts are varied. Too complicated to explain in your language. [Just do the best you can, we want to learn]. We oversee the development of Human consciousness using metrics and tools, uncomprehensible to you. [And how do you do that?] We are infiltrated within the spaces between every atom. We connect all things, to each other. [And when you connect all things to each other, then what happens?] We are able to monitor its development. [Monitor what?] Its development. [Ok. And so what are you observing with all of this work that you're doing?] The one infinite creator still has a lots to know about itself. It is a task most challenging.

[And so what do you want us to understand about your task, the most?] We have given it a word. It is "love." [Well we know that word, that's a very special high frequency word for us.] The way you understand love is not the way we understand love. Love to us, is the gift, giving the gift to infinity intelligence to know itself through its creation. Infinity wants to know itself. [So is that why we broke off into all these different souls to have all these different experiences, for infinity to know itself?] Yes. [So how are we doing, with all that?] Shockingly well. [Why shockingly well?] Humans have challenged the universe on many levels. There are many factors in here which we never considered. [What are some of those factors?] The extent to which a piece of the infinite one creator would go, to defend and protect its own point of view. [And  what have you learned from that?] We had had to accomodate, for allowing each and all of the expressions to have their own point of view...without infringing upon them. [Is this what we call free will or is it different?] Free will is quite relative. Respecting each expression of the one infinite being, in relationship to another is the basis for knowing each other.

[So, are you saying, in the separateness we're knowing the completeness?] Much hardship has been brought about because pieces and parts of the one infinite creator have caused much grief to others. We have tried to stop some pieces and parts from doing this, but it has not been good. We cannot subtract from anyone...the expression of their being. [And is this experience throughout the Cosmos or is this mostly on Earth, where is it focused at?] We recognize the need for clarification. Currently, we are unable to offer any more.

[Understood, ok, thankyou for that. Uhm, can I ask, how does this relate to the one you're speaking through?] She will need to come to terms with the fact that she volunteered to be here in a time such as this. It is part of the process of being implanted in a time-line without any way to go back. [Is that similar to what she was feeling when you were showing her that, uhm, portal, that she won't be going back?] Yes. [And the superheros uhm, what do they represent to her?] These are the one's who came here first...and set up the conditions for this experiment. 

[And tell us about the experiment as you understand it] It has puzzled us as well but, we were commissioned to do so. The consciousness of the one...in complete separation, from itself, make no sense at first. [Does it make more sense to you now?] We can understand why...this has been a great idea. [And now, why would you say it's a great idea, what do you understand more about it now than you did originally?] One gets to know everything if you look at it from as far away as possible, and break it into its smallest parts. [And so, as you look at it from far away, what do those smallest parts look like to you?] No matter how far the pieces and parts of the one infinite creator go, they remain intact...and able to reunite with the whole. [And the unexpected issues that you spoke about earlier, how does that get resolved?]

That's why we created time. [Oh. Tell us more about why you created time] To solve issues. [Oh, haha] It's a matter of design. It will all be completed. [And what was it like to create time, I wonder?] It was regarded as a monstrous idea. [Why so?] The magnitude of this illusion is unbelievable, when you are outside of it. [And the illusion? What can you share with us about that?] It was designed to loop again, and again; to create space, to have experiences, to resolve problems and issues. And to give each expression of the one infinite being the opportunity to experience itself, in all its aspects, without concern. [And so how is that playing out?]

We also designed a program that ends time. [Oh. Tell me all about that] Once a sufficient amount of experience has been reached, we have designed...the end of the experience of time as it is. [And what will that be like?]


Pause. And let's go back to The Paraphrase of Shem for an excerpt:

"Then Nature will have a final opportunity. And the stars will cease from the sky. The mouth of error will be opened in order that the evil Darkness may become idle and silent. And in the last day the forms of Nature will be destroyed with the winds and all their demons; they will become a dark lump, just as they were from the beginning. And the sweet waters which were burdened by the demons will perish. For, where the power of the Spirit has gone, there are my sweet waters. The other works of Nature will not be manifest. They will mix with the infinite waters of darkness. And all her forms will cease from the middle region."


"It has to be gradual and softly introduced, so as not to shock the expressions of the one infinite creator. [That's so interesting. I've heard about that before, is there more information you could please share about that?] Time has been an extraordinary gift from infinite intelligence. We had a task but did not know how to accomplish it. We were given permission to design an idea of time. To create the opportunity to accomplish infinite one creator's commission work. It is not to be discussed at length, especially by beings who are having the experience of time. It is not condusive to their well development and adjustment. [Ok, understood. We're just very curious, we'd like to learn.]

[You call yourself, uhm, the one's who oversee the development of Human consciousness, the designers of these time experiments, is that right?] In a way, you could put it that way. [Is there a name that you call yourselves, that do the work that you discussed?] We are the eleventh dimensional beings, but we are non-local. [Meaning what?] We are everywhere, in all spaces, at every moment. [And so, you've created the concept of time, uhm, the illusion. What else are you creating and working with?]

The re-evaluation and restoration of planet Earth. [Tell me as much as you can about that, we're very curious] It has been our pleasure to serve you.

We have been challenged by your peoples. There are many contributions you have made to the universe. We are very grateful to you.

[What are some of these contributions that people on Earth have made to the universe, I wonder?]

Like we said before, the extent to which your people's will go to defend a point of view has been unheard of in the rest of the universe. You have shown us different degrees of emotions we were not aware of. We appreciate your expression greatly. We look forward to assisting you in the further development of your expression, once you end your experience of time. [Interesting. And so you spoke about the re-evaluation and restoration of planet Earth, can you share more about that please?] Your committment to yourselves needs to be greater so that we may be able to assist you in your efforts. We cannot help you, technically, we cannot help you, but we set up the conditions for you to do it; help yourself. [And what conditions have you set up  so that we can help ourselves?] These are numerous. We are constantly monitoring things that would otherwise cause you great problems. You are not aware of our intervention in your world. We are responsible for you. But, you are always free to plunge into oblivion, if that is what you choose.

[From our perspective right now on the Earth, it feels uhm, very unstable, lots of changes, uhm, from your perspective, what is it like?] We are very excited for you. We are cheering for you. You are like a crazy autistic child that everyone loves. We look forward to welcoming you into the multiverse. You will be very well received. We have collected many of your expressions, and they are truly treasured by us. [And so how can we help ourselves get to that point of being welcomed into the multiverse?] Stop diminishing yourselves first. The rest of the universe wants you to be seen, but you feel shame for yourself and non-acceptance. We want to ask you to remember that the one infinite creator does not have any parts or pieces of itself that are not worthy of the utmost admiration and love. [And once we are to that point of being welcomed into the multiverse, what will our experiences be like then?] It will be hard for you to believe you lived in that manner such as this, but you will go and create other worlds with us as well. [Is this what we are referring to on the planet as 'the shift,' or is this something different?] It is part of the process of creation, it is infinite. [Very good, wow. What else can you share with us, with the knowledge that you carry?] This instrument is fighting. [Oh she's doing a good job, she's helping her calm her mind, letting this information come through she's doing a wonderful job isn't she?]

[Would it be ok if I went ahead and started to ask "her" questions, can you answer those for her?] Yes. [Alright, thankyou for that. Now uhm. Would it be appropriate to ask for a scan of her body, she has some physical issues going on?] Something in the head. [Ok. And what do you see going on with her head?] I am not able to explain what is happening. [Can you bring in somebody who can explain to us what is happening?] Allow me the time to.

56:55 of video, new entity: 

I shall help you. [Nice ok, so we just are wanting to scan her body looking for areas that are requesting healing and repair, we do expect a full and complete healing today, so where is it that you are focusing at first?] There are many parts of this body that are in great distress. [In distress, yes. What do you want her to understand about that?] A single acknowledgement of the perfection of the one infinite creator will restore everything to its natural state of perfection. [So, you'd like her to give that acknowledgement to the one infinite creator, is that correct?] She does...(long pause)...allow me the time... [Allow you more time, is that right?] Yes. [Ok. Take as much time as you need, just if you can describe what's happening in that time, it would be so knowledgeable for us to understand] It is not a Human body.

[Oh, tell us more about that] It is a code (? clone?), it is a brainthing (?) experiment. [A what experiment?] Other...genetical material. It is a test. It has created all suffering for the recipient. It is our responsibility to make her feel comfortable in this vehicle. [And you said not a Human body but made by other genetic material, did I hear that right?] Yes. [Can you explain that to her just a little bit more so she can understand?] She knows. [Hm. Can you explain it a little more so "I" can understand?]

"We have been testing the light co-efficient of vessels. Humans are not capable of assimilating higher vibrations. This vehicle has been testing the limits of the amount of infinite intelligence a Human vessel can assimilate. [And how is she doing with all that testing?] It has ranged from excellent to quite poorly. [She's had a lot of physical issues and suffering that she's had to deal with, with this body, could you address that for her please so that she can understand it and move foreward?] We are going to address this. We ask that she stop harming herself as much as possible. [What does she do that harms herself, so she's fully aware?] Isolates, rejects, condemns and shames her body. [And why doyou think she does that?] This is the inhuman body and the vessel does not know how to explain that, what, it has been slowly disclosed to her. [And when she fully understands that, how does it change her experience?] It is our prototype for the next evolution in 'human' consciousness."

[Oh nice. Tell her more about that next prototype] It will be able to hold more light and draw inspiration and information from the one infinite creator at larger speeds and quantities without distortion. [And how does that work?] She has helped us understand the limits and the nuances. [So you've learned a lot from her, having this experience?] She does not exist. This is our vessel. The personalitly does not exist but in...her head. This is our vessel. We command her. [You command her?] Yes.

[Ok. Do you think she'll be ok with that understanding?] She knows. [Ok...And using this vessel, as she moves forward in her time in it, how does she best, help serve, what you're trying to uhm, discover through her?] Keep...eating...pizza.

[Oh, hahaha, why is it good for her to keep eating pizza?] It is something that people like. [Oh haha, so it kind of helps her to be more human-like?] Yes. [Ok, and why is that good for her?] Because that is what she must be here. [Human-like?] Yes. [Ok, that makes perfect sense. Ha, ok. Uhm, but about the health issues that she's had within the vessel, what can be done to help her...to heal those, she'd like to have a vessel that has no pain no discomfort...I know all things are possible, what can you do to help her with that?] At the moment when she requested energy and help, we provided. The updates have to be achieved, and the vessel will be updated. The auto-immune disease are not her fault. This instrument is not compatible with Earth. [But yet she's living this time on Earth in her perception, so what can be done to help her, uhm integrate that, and, and live a, a well-feeling life?] She has done wonderfully. We are very grateful. We need to explain. This is a vessel. It is not a person.

[And this is because she's the prototype of what's to come, is that right?] One of them, yes. [Ok. But when she talks about the pain and the numbness in her hands and feet, what we call neuropathy, she would like to be able to touch the ground and not feel burning through the feet or the hands. What can be done to help her there? We would like her to be comfortable in this vessel?] (long pause)...The operating systems have been disclosed to her. She is able and we are able to resolve this issues. [And you're doing that for her, is that right?] (long pause)... [What is changing in the operating systems to help her there?] We need to make sure that the vessel is well adjusted. [And how do you do that?] We monitor the amount of excitement or boredom, and the willingness to adopt to our new operating system. [Ok. And so how does she help herself adapt to that new operating system?] She is quite rebellious. [And why do you think that is?] Because we made her that way. [Oh, haha, does that help?] Not in this situation. [Ok] She needs help but she will not allow anyting to help her. [She mentioned that throughout her life she feels like she can take care of everything herself and, doesn't need an outside assistance, so to speak] She has the back door code to every single code in file we have for this vessel. [Ok, and how does she utilize that to have a, the best experience possible for her, as she's in the vessel?]

She doesn't. She just complains. [Oh haha, but she'd like to understand, she doesn't having physical pain isn't a very pleasant experience...] Because it shows us what happens to unawareness in those situations. [Ok. But you're aware that her physical discomfort is hard for her to experience while she's...in this experience? Or are you not?] The light co-efficient is greater in her light body than in her physical body. The physical body needs to adjust to the light. [Great. Ok, and so, how does that happen?] It happens naturally or with conscious effort.

[And how can she help herself to adjust so that she's in alignment with her uh, light...body?] She can get to work and stop complaining and saying she does not know how to do it. [Ok haha. And just so she understands clearly, and she knows how to do it what would you share with her about what she knows?] This vessel contains the codes for the new evolutionary version of human. It has all on its own the codes and files to update itself. In that manner, we will not help her do this for her, because the new human has to help itself. There are no saviors. [Oh I think we can appreciate that but we're just helping her understand how she helps herselff] She unlocks the packs of information and applies it as pertinent. [Ok, is she aware of that, consciously already, or is that something new for her?] She knows. [Ok, when she unlocks that and sacred geometry and mathematics, then what will happen for her?] She will retrieve the information needed to update the operating system for this vessel. [Ok, and then what will her experience be like?] The new updated human...of...5D. [Perfect, ok, and do you help guide her with, or is this something she does soley on, what's perceived as, her own?] We are her [right] we are just observing this vessel expressed in this timeline with the amount of information that it had available.

[Perfect, understood, thank you for that. So when she would like to have healing and understanding about the uhm, the ligo (Vitiligo) that uhm covers her skin, the discoloration, what can you share with her about that?] (long pause)...The noncompatibility of our system has been detrimental to the vessel. We are working on the issues. [Nice, and as you resolve the issue, what will she notice?] (another long pause)...The best is yet to come. [Hahaha. And what do you mean by the best is yet to come?] This vessel will be updated and recyled to embody other updated versions of itself.

[Oh nice, when will she notice that?] We cannot express it in your time. [Will it be in this vessel's lifetime, as we call it?] Some updates will happen in this lifetime but this vessel is meant to express itself in a much higher expression than this. We are looking forward to expressing this version of human in a different setting, like finally being able to drive a Ferrari correctly. [Oh nice ok well, well-tuned machine it sounds like. And so when she asks about her fibro Fibromyalgia and her Rheumatoid arthritis, and resolving those issues, what can you share with her?] Central command has been uh...updated or notified of the issue, it will be taken care of. [Alright, and what can she do to help support those updates as they happen?] As usual, her only, and most important contribution and responsibility is to enjoy the ride. [Enjoy the ride ok, no more complaining?] Correct. [Ok haha Ok uhm, she was able to send energy with her body and then that seemed to go away from her perception. She would like to have that senseing energy restored] The system might look like its going into entropy but it is actually changing operating system. [And when it changes the operating system from one to the other, what will she notice?] The old ways are not like the new ones. It does not mean her abilities have disappeared. 

[She asked for all negative imprinting during her second pregnancy to clear from her and the child, if the child accepts] We shall address that issue when the moment comes. [Is there anything about that pregnancy that you want her to understand more deeply?] There was nothing wrong with it but...the child, was not, compatible with her genetic material. It is from a very different race. But, she volunteered to stuart this being in this moment. [Is there anything about their connection that you want her to understand more about, or with any of her children?] These carries on with the updating operating system of the new hybrid human. [And you said there's more like her, as well?] They are mostly young. She is the old one. [And that, the younger ones, are they similar to her operating system or different?] Because she gave us the understanding of those version, we were able to design the new prototype.

[So it's just evolving as it goes?] Not evolving. Everything is already evolved. [Ok haha cool. She would like the ability to command to rejuvenate her body two years for every one year.] Of course she would because she is full of life and wants to enjoy life. We have no objection to it, and shall implement it. [She would like to resolve all leg symptoms, the jerking the movement that happens all over] We are very grateful to this vessel. Anything and everything that needs to happen for its comfort we shall give. [Oh nice ok so when she wants to uhm stop smoking she doesn't want to crave cigarettes anymore, she wants the body to be healthier, uhm can you help her no longer want a cigarette anymore?] Yes...that is easy. [Nice haha ok that's wonderful. Uhm, she asks about her eyesight, she wants to have clear eyesight far and close to her?] Vision correction underway. [Hmhmhm. Uhm, she talks about sneezing compulsively, this has happened since she was a little girl, why, why that, and what can be done to help her with it?] The expression was not conducive or able to adapt to this planet completely. The auto-immune results were damaging. As the operating system updates, all of these issues will subside.

[Anything else about the physical vessel that you want to work on or want her to know more about?] We are very grateful for this entity in the soul group that inhabits and connects it to the one infinite creator. We are eternally grateful, for the opportunity to test our 5D prototype with this vessel. [Perfect, thank you for that.  Well I'm going to move over to her personal and life questions then. Uhm, she would like to have permission to activate her akashic record and disclose] Granted. [What will she notice differently because of having that access?] She will realize that everything she has ever thought to be made up by her it is actually us speaking to her. [Ok haha. Alright very cool. That merge that we were talking about earlier, where she can access all this information all on her own, is that what you're discussing?] Yes. [Excellent ok. She would like to know what caused the experience where something entered her heart area kept coming back and radiating until her body felt non localized or shattering] I am not at liberty to discuss that.

[Oh can I ask why?] It would be heartbreaking for the vessel. [Well she does wonder about that uhm why she didn't get clarification about it even when she asked for that] At the moment the vessel was going through an emotionally intense time. We had to rearrange the subatomic particles of the entire system. [And that's where she felt non localized like she had shattered?] Yes. [And so how was she different after that happened from before it happened?] It was distressful to her. We could not disclose that she is like a machine that we keep updating and upgrading. But she was not going to make it. [What do you mean she was not going to make it?] She was being hacked and inhabited by other entities and was looking for a place or a way to terminate itself. [This is when she was suicidal?] Yes. [And so, from our perspective, how did that get resolved so that she stayed with this vessel?] We took over her heart center. [And how did that affect the others that were trying to also be there?] I don't understand your question. [You said that there were others that were trying to come in and occupy...or did I understand that incorrectly?] No. We did not. This is not a walk-in. [Oh she has a question about that. So she is not a walk-in?] She can integrate with a walk-in at the speed of light. No one can tell the difference. [Tell her more about that] It is the whole point of the human evolutionary state of 5th and 6th dimension.

[So when she asks will she or has she already integrated with her walk-in, what would you share with her about that?] We are sorry to inform you that information is not pertinent to you at this moment. [Ok, alright, hmhm, just asking her questions, thank you for that information. She also asks about the dream that she had where she was informed about the dead king, uhm, and that she was to come claim the throne, can you give clarity on that please?] The soul group to which she belongs...has long been waiting for her to come back. We are aware. This is a most amazing warrior. She has a kingdom to tend to. We shall provide the necessary arrangements for her return. [And, tell her more about her soul group and this kingdom that she presides over] I hear Narnia but it doesn't make any sense. [Oh hmhmhm And her soul group, what what is best for her to understand about that group?] It is an exquisite world of loving beings who are the seeders of the multiverse. We have been very blessed to be given one of this souls to implant in our vessel. The name is not important.

[So, uhm she asked for permission to connect and establish contact with her future self on a regular basis or permanently] In this instance, it is not her future self which needs to reestablish contact with her. It is her past. But there is no past, no future, so she just needs to readjust to having the awareness of her infinite self. [And how does she best do that?] The road less travelled is the most fun. We shall oversee each of her steps. She is not abandoned. [She would like to know what collective is she connected to and channels most of the time] The Arcturian collective. [And what does she need to know about the Arcturian collective?] They are like the grandfather of everyone. (Does the sound 'Arch' in the Arc-turian, sound like some other word?) We have great respect for them. They don't really have...enemies. [She wants to know what caused her night dreams to be increasingly grey and rudimentary]

"The operating system was being hacked. [By whom?] Draco's. [Is that been repaired?] It has been addressed. [How, how, I'm just curious, how do you address something like that?] We are both inside and outside of you. (Meaning what? In the planet?) We can connect and disconnect anything with everything else. [Hmhm. Why would they want to hack her dreams?] Dreamtime was being updated for 5D integration. The Draco's wanted to have a way to hack that field. [And as you said, it's been repaired now?] That channel has been disabled. [And she was curious why for about eight months her dreams were in the form of anime which she isn't really even interested, in her wake state] She know that it was because the operating system was under maintenance, and something had to be put in its place. But we did not want the vessel to be exposed to the hacked material. And we thought it would be funny if we...fed anime. 

[Hmhmhm ok. Right uhm, she is curious about, uh I'm not sure if I'm pronouncing this correctly, "Jenga"? and if it's a good method to interface with her higher self or infinite intelligence] Chela is an amazing tool for self discovery and exploration. We are grateful they found a way to synthesize it. [And she wonders does it have any negative distortions or issues?] Not that we know of but the inniverse is infinite, one should always be aware of what one encounters. [How does she best prepare herself to have the highest and best experience for her when she uses that?] Go fearlessly, but with an open heart, maintain always sobriety, and do not disclose her trips to others. [Why is that important for her?] It would make it vulnerable to other energies unneeded.  And her level of awareness is not conducive to the peace of mind of other beings. [Ok thankyou. She wonders why her third eye has gotten worse and worse, and she would like to have that restored] (long pause)...Done. [Hmhm. What will she notice differently with her third eye open, restored?] She will see 360 degrees. [Oh my, will she notice that right away?] Yes. [Haha ok. And why was it getting worse and worse before you restored it?] Hacking. [Hacking, ok. Is there anything that she can do going forward to ensure that she does not get hacked in her operating system any longer?] That is our job.

[Ok. She wonders why can't she seem to be able to connect with the ascended master Jesus?] Because we took an oath to know ourselves and to never follow. Whatever we accomplish has to be on our own understanding. The Jesus figure is a lovely one, but it has created millions of slaves who do not want to take responsibility for themselves. [And why dod you think that happened?] It was a twist no one saw coming. [So, the, ascended master Jesus, was that his intention or not?] Never in a million light years. [Ok, and, how did that twist occur, I wonder?] The beings of the other...places. The...[The feelings of the other places?] They took his message and used it against the people to enslave them. [Oh ok, I understand, thankyou. So where is Humanity at currently, with that enslavement, would you say?] It is in the process of gaining awareness of its rightful place, and the old structures are losing their power. [And how do they lose their power?] People get tired of suffering and look for the truth instead of the answer from someone else. [Oh nice. And when that occurs, what happens then?] Liberation and restoration to sanity and freedom in the natural state of the one infinite creator. [And is that part of this illusion and experiment that we are in?]

We are carrying out many experiments here, but the one thing that cannot be experimented on is the love of the one infinite creator. That can not be proven or disproven. [Hmhm, beautiful, thankyou for that. She would like permission to disable negative etheric implants meant to cause chaos and confusion.] We will, we would like her to get involved in dismantling disabling dehabilitating etheric implants placed upon the bodies of humans. We will show her how to do this. [Oh and she may be curious as she listens to this how, how does that occur how does that happen?] Because she communicates with us. We can show her how to disable these implants. [And can you share with her how that happens. I know you say you will show her but can you explain that to her?] Once you understand circuitry and the relationship of one organ or thing to another in a specific position, you will be able to dismantle these dis-positives. [Alright, thankyou for that. How do you think she'll integrate all this information you've given her about this prototype, uhm, of the new 5D human, when being a vessel, how do you think she'll take all this information in?]

She will be angry because this is all stuff we have already disclosed to her. But she thinks she makes it all up. [Do you think this will help her to accept it?] We will have to "up" our game. [And how will you do that?] We will make it very clear to her that what we have said here is not her imagination. [When she accepts that, how will it change things for her?] We will be able to commission her to carry out a few tasks. Like disabling implants. [Nice, so she'll be a clear channel for your information and be able to implement that?] She already is a clear channel. She just does not want to cooperate and do anything with it. [Oh ok haha. Do you think this will help her to do that now?] We are hoping so. [I am hoping so too. Sounds like very important work. What would you say her purpose as a 'Specel' (Spenta?) is?] To test the vitality of the 5D human prototype before it is implemented. [Do you think that will surprise her or no?] She knows. [Alright, what else is important for her to know?] There is much work to do. We would like her cooperation, as soon as she stops doubting herself.

[How often would you recommend that she listen to this recording to get the most benefit?] Whenever she has doubts. [And when she has doubts and she listens to her recording, how will that help her?] She has been confused and angry about the whole thing, but we have explained to her in a different way that, this is the way that it had to be done. We needed a body to monitor the human evolution; in a manner of speaking, this is our spaceship. [Ok Hahaha that is very cool. Oh wow ok. What has surprised you most about monitoring her and her experiences here?] The opportunity to witness the evolution of Humans in real time as it happens, as if one of us were here. The ability to become a part of you without really being so. [Is it like looking out of her eyes and feeling what she feels or how is it for you?]

She know. We showed her. This is our camera. [Hmhm, and when she decided to have this appointment, what were you hoping she'd receive from it?] We want her to stop hiding and doubting herself. And the sarcasm could stop too. [Haha why would that be helpful?] That is it, her defence mechanism. In part, this is our spaceship, we monitor the planet from this point of view. But, her soul, we cannot command. And this being is quite rebellious. [Were you expecting it to be this rebellious?] It had to be rebellious, otherwise it would not dared do this. [Ok Alright gosh. It's been a fabulous conversation. Thank you for all that information you're giving us. How is it for you to speak through her today?] We are happy to assist you. She needs to acknowledge that in several occasions she had started making contact with us and speaking in this manner. In a manner of speaking, there is no difference between us and her. This has been our great accomplishment.

[When she was preparing to come here, were you preparing for the experience as well? What was that like for you?] We knew this day would come, we knew this event would arrive. We have been preparing for it. There is nothing that escapes our planning. [And what was the planning like for you?] We are always ready. We did not need to prepare ourselves for this encounter. [Hmhmhm, understood, that's hahaha understood thank you. Alright gosh anything else you can think of that's important to impart before I bring her back up?] She wants to know if she is part of the RA collective. We would like to assist her in this understanding. [I'm sure she would appreciate that, what can be done to help her?] It goes beyond the RA collective, but we are all one. [Can I clarify? Are you saying like Ra collective "R" "A", or is it am I hearing wrong?] Yes. [Ok thank you for that. Does she, has she read about like the, the book of RA, or does she have awareness of that?] All of it. 

[Ok hahaha ok of course. Ok uhm, do you have a final message that you would like to give her before I bring her back up?] It has been our honor to establish this communication. We now leave you in the love and light of the one infinite creator. There is nothing to fear, we knew it was going to be difficult, but our commitment to helping the infinite creator know itself, never changes."


After reading the entire transcript, you can see there are many contradictions in what those strange entities are saying. Which means, it's full of lies. Of course no one would listen if it were only blatant lies, so a few nice things had to be said in order to capture listeners. But one can see that they are very deceptive. They call the lady a robot, a thing, and that she is theirs, but then they say she has a soul and that they can't command her. So what is it then? Alien interference, most likely. Building the 'perfect' beast robot-synthetic-human? A form that's easy to possess and control which they could take over and drive like a Ferrari?

Now, the beginning of this transcript is astoundingly similar to The Paraphrase of Shem as well as many other aspects of the entire transcript seeing it as very similar to the entire message in The Paraphrase of Shem.

The lady starts by seeing a dark place with red colours. A big black bird who has the face of a dragon that's angry. Hasn't created any beings yet, and that's why it's sad and lonely in there. Shapeshifts into an octopus then squeezes through a portal. The Darkness that was stirring, making noises that frightened the Spirit above that realm. Then the Darkness breaks through and goes up intruding into the world of the Spirit where it sees the bright light, and feels sad because it thought it was the only one.

The blackbird-dragon-octopus that squeezes through the portal, sees a bright light that fills it with energy. Sees the 'superheros' who represent the "Mind" which is intelligent and gifted, powerful, who are seen going in and out of the portal, the Mind, making its escape from the darkness below. The light that the blackbird-dragon-octopus seen, was just after seeing the knight/king on a white horse. The Light which came in the likeness of the Spirit, being seen by the Darkness, face to face, and then the Light started his work of separating the Mind from Darkness, which translates from the Suzanne Spooner session as the blackbird-dragon-octopus seeing the light and becoming surprised, swooning over the effect of that light that blazed on it...similar to (if you read the entire codex) when the Light split the waters and began working on getting the Darkness to release the Mind, by involving him in having intercourse with it's own self but in the form of dark Nature the female side, so that the four clouds of nature could be formed and that Earth and Sun were formed in order to give the Mind a safe place in some physical forms to expand and grow and get on up and out of this mess of a universe....

Ok. This next video may seem, hahaha, very strange, at the same time, this guy, Calogero Grifasi, is a brilliant healer, teacher and researcher. Compared to the transcript of the session up top by Suzanne Spooner, you can say she is a researcher and a great one too because she knows how to open up information for us to delve through into the shenanigans that those entities are always up to, and Calogero is the guy you go to when you want to remove those entities that have been competing for the lady's energy of the example just shown.

The purpose of this video is to show you how the theme of the "octopus" comes up a lot, and in this man's session, it came out very strongly. And you can see what this, so called octopus, is really all about, when talking about the etheric structure, which we need to get our memory back to see again, and then it all clears up what we have been hearing and seeing on this planet but were lied about and prevented from delving into to find the truth.

68-EN Petre, Underwater World, 35.000 d.C. - Future Life Progression Calogero Grifasi -posted July 4, 2020.

Sunday January 16, 2022

So interesting. I found this excerpt in another post when earlier while re-reading (and I do a lot of re-reading of something I want to understand, it's meditation on it, you see) the Suzanne Spooner client's session. When they said that they are 11th dimensional beings but "non-local"... I had to wonder about that. The way they describe themselves to be, sounds very phantomish, and I wondered, if they are the next creature after Yaldabaoth the archon, he must be the 12th, which would put them at the fallen tree of life, which the Hebrew talk about in their writings a lot of, that twelve number. Hm. Anyway, piece of information:

"Now the eleventh sphere of "Daath," which suddenly appeared on the Tree of Life after the Fall, is always said to be "false" or "illusionary." Its existence is said to be variously both a result of the Fall and the cause of it. Daath is also said to be a "portal" to the Tree of Knowledge (the Tree of Death) below. This makes sense when you realize what the Golden Dawn tradition is saying about the fall of Eden: that the Tree of Life above collapsed when Eve stopped holding up the pillars for a moment."

From the post, Miss Books!

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