Friday, October 23, 2015

DNA Activation Picture, And Intuitions Arrive!

Enjoy the DNA activation!
I AM Sovereign, I AM Free, I AM a Benevolent Magic Being, I AM!
-GH Team

Alkmini Del: are we supposed to look at the screen? for how long?

Andrew Bartzis: its no time limit to watch it Alkmini, if you feel the need for 5s or 5min ...let your intuition tell you for how long ...kiss (wink emoticon)

-Andrew`s Team

Oh my gawd! Now I know why. Now I know what the creatures did with Man's Mind.

You see, if Sophia fell into this place because she wasn't aware that she didn't have Mind, her partner, with her,  then that's why those strange creatures appeared out of nowhere, it's because she was missing the balance which you're suppose to have in order to Create. 

So what happens is that something else balances instead of Sophia's mate Mind. Guess who? Those Archons. It fashioned a clay body and put its own mind into it in the form of a brain. So when we entered these forms, that creature was a part of the, what Andrew Bartzis calls, the skin suit.

You know, I've been meditating, mulling over, thinking about this thing for a long time trying to figure out what had replaced Sophia's balance. But as soon as I sat here and looked into this DNA Activation picture, in about 5 minutes, this intuition came into my view. That's what it was. They interfered because there was no one there to prevent them from interfering, as Sophia had left Mind behind as she was delving into her own wonderment trying to fathom who the Creator is.

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