Saturday, October 17, 2015

Orion/Reptilian Plans To Stymie Human Development.

Russian DNA Experiments Reveal Humans React To Positive & Negative Emotions On A Cellular Level.

"When one is emotionally affected, the very fabric of one's being, the DNA, the cells, organs, muscles, the whole body is affected. That's why for example, long-term emotional issues will often produce illness and disease, for the body will eventually respond to the emotional upheaval in one's life.

Emotional loss of a loved one for example, has a total effect on the body right down to the core level, the DNA. But the mental, emotional, and etheric levels of the auric field, the auric body, are also very much affected. While they do not contain bodily DNA they contain an ethereal version of DNA, which exists on the ethereal non-corporeal level. These too are affected with emotional loss, emotional upheaval pain and discomfort.

This too has much to do with the tremendous grieving that will go on with the loss of a loved one or when an individual lives in emotional tension for a long period of time or emotional denial. There have been experiments that show Rhesus monkeys will die without emotional contact, human touch, or touch at all. This is but an example of how beings are affected, and creatures are affected. Humans are biological creatures as well as spiritual beings that inhabit the physical body.

The body itself needs emotional support and succor. It needs bodily touch caress and affection. If it does not receive this then the DNA strands themselves, in correspondence with the ethereal versions of the DNA code in the various layers of the auric body, will respond in a negative manner, or positive when given attention. Therefore when one receives emotional support love and nurturing the DNA code is loosened, is much more flexible and balanced. And when under emotional stress or dis-ease it tightens and knots up, just as the body tightens and knots up when there is an emotional situation of loss stress or tension. 

This would show that humans are much more than computer-like beings that only need to work at the rational logical level. This has been a perpetration of certain Orion/Reptilian plans to stymie human development by keeping it confined to the level of mind, and also to deny the emotional levels of consciousness that are as well part of one's human experience. Indeed the effects are so strong they are now being observed in the Russian laboratories, and by individuals such as B.A. who have successfully and correctly understood this link with emotions, emotional loss and emotional well-being."


QUESTIONER: We carry on with the benefits or otherwise of borax or boric acid. There was a Nexus report, June to July 2012 page 29-34, [] which stated, "Boron deficiency causes the parathyroid to become overactive, releasing too much parathyroid hormone which raises the blood level of calcium by releasing calcium from the bones and teeth. This leads to arthritis, osteoporosis and tooth decay. It carries on for another four pages." What are your general comments please, on borax and boric acid? 

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness does confirm that boron and boric acid are very vital to the human body. This has been known for quite some time and it has been a controlled substance for the very reasons mentioned, because it is understood the body will create calcium buildup and will indeed not cleanse the system properly, therefore this is a part of the overall plot to create disease and ill health in humanity. One can indeed buy borax as a substance that can be used. It is not recommended to take large amounts at any moment, but one use of borax is to use it to rub against the teeth and gums and this does cleanse the teeth somewhat, but it also reinforces the teeth, their enamel, and it tightens the gums. 

One can swallow that small amount used in this process and it will have a cleansing and restorative effect on the body itself, the circulation, the pituitary gland, the pineal gland, and the major systems, and will help in the calcium break down as well. Therefore this Awareness does say the article quoted is correct. It is recommended, for those who are interested, that they research this matter further, either reading this article or going online and doing further research. The substance is one that is highly beneficial but is controlled. One cannot simply go into a pharmacy to buy it; one may indeed have to seek a source for this substance. This Awareness is complete with this answer. 

QUESTIONER: Thank you. Would the health food stores carry this? 

COSMIC AWARENESS: This is not seen as likely, for this is a controlled substance. One might be able to buy this through, oddly enough, a pet store or an agricultural agency where borax is still used. Borax can also be used as a natural cleaner and can be used to clean surfaces as well, especially if it is combined with sodium bicarbonate or baking powder. This is also known as baking powder, bicarbonate soda is what this Awareness is referring to. It is a much more natural substance without the harmful chemicals that are so often added to cleaning substances available through the supermarket. 


QUESTIONER: Yes that's true, very true. Ok, we have one more about iodine from PI. He writes, "Iodine is an essential nutrient for good health, as it helps to eliminate toxic metals, especially bromine, from the body. So when iodine was replaced by bromine there was no longer a way to eliminate the bromine. Would you please discuss the necessity or benefit or detrimental effects in the human diet if any exist due to iodine and bromine?" Your thoughts please? [ April-May 2012 p.19-24] 

COSMIC AWARENESS: First this Awareness would say this individual has summed up the matter accurately. This too is all part of the plans of the Powers That Be to destroy the health and vitality of their human subjects. There is a concerted effort along many lines here to achieve this. Codex is one such attempt to take away natural herbs and minerals that would be of benefit to human beings. The removal of iodine with its replacement of bromide is yet another such attempt. Iodine has amazing healing qualities. It is a natural treatment for radiations and is very therapeutic for the healing of wounds as well. 

There are other benefits that are also available, whereas bromide is a metal heavy substance that is detrimental. If those who are in charge know this, as they do, and they can convince the public, as they have done, that bromide is good for one and iodine is not, or any other substance they target, then they create negative situations that negatively impact the body and promote not good health and well-being, but the opposite. It is a two-sided approach that they use, for not only does this degrade and degenerate the body, it also provides the means for which to create huge profit in the selling of pharmaceutical drugs to heal the very illnesses that result from their efforts. 

They are quite devious in their plans and there are many things this Awareness could point out that are part of their design. The general overweight condition that is now the norm in North America is indicative of many of their plans coming to fruition. Even something as simple as using cornstarch in many, many products has a very devastating and disastrous effect on the body and creates the huge overweight situations that so many are now experiencing. This Awareness again recommends that those who are interested read such magazines as Nexus, as well as others that are available, or do research on the Internet, for there are many substances such as iodine that are available. One simply needs to know that this is a necessary part of one's diet and can easily be added to water and taken on a daily basis for healthy results. 
QUESTIONER: Question please. The iodine - I know there was iodine in the salt, the salt was iodized, but I'm thinking of iodine in the bottle that you put on wounds. Is that the iodine, the liquid iodine that you are referring to? 
COSMIC AWARENESS: This is a form of iodine. There are several forms that can be used topically on wounds. It not always can be ingested but it is seen that it is available. This Awareness does not have all of the information here. It is simply known by this Awareness that iodine is beneficial. 
One can buy it in the health food stores in drop form and one would be advised to add this to one's list of minerals, vitamins and supplements that one needs to take now to supplement the lacking nutritional quality of the foods that are available and the products that are eaten by individuals in today's world. 

This Awareness does wish here to reiterate that topical iodine, as long as it is bought in an appropriate location is often one that can be taken internally, but one needs to check this out to make certain. Going to a health food store would be the best suggestion by this Awareness to ensure that the iodine being used is one that is appropriate.

Click here to read: The Reptilian Pact.
It reveals their plan in some detail.

"...Furthermore one cannot be certain if subliminal negative messages are not planted in such CDs. Therefore while it is so that sound can be very powerful and create the effects that have been stated, one must be very cautious of devices such as CD recordings where unfortunately there may be subliminals planted within the body of the sound, or even negative sound being used to create an opposite effect. Be very diligent here, very wary here, for they can have devastating results as well.

There Are Forces That Wish to Destroy Humanity 

This Awareness in Its information is not trying to frighten people off from using CDs, but It wishes individuals to understand those CDs that are specifically touted as ones that will achieve spiritual awakening and enlightenment should be viewed very dubiously and approached with caution. There are, as this Awareness moments ago expressed, those forces that wish to destroy humanity, to cause it great harm, and these forces exist within the recording industry or technology industry. It cannot be assumed that simply because a CD says it will produce such magical results that it is on the up and up. 

As with everything one must take a certain degree of responsibility in such matters, do the research, and if one ever feels dubious or apprehensive about the listening of such a recording, do not do it. It would be your High Self expressing its concern in this form of warning. 


"...This Awareness once gave an entire reading on Bigfoot or Sasquatch and in that reading did explain that they appeared through vortexes from another dimension and they were hostile towards humans, often taking them, killing them and eating them or devouring them, not always on this plane of existence but taking them through their vortex back to their dimensional reality. These events are on the upswing, but there are other events such as abductions by extraterrestrial beings of the Orion/Reptilian faction, beings such as the Greys, where these individuals are captured and enslaved, being put to work for the extraterrestrial Powers That Be.

Big Brother Needs Slave Labor! 

Again, this Awareness has discussed this matter in the past where many are put to work in the construction of underground bases and tunnels. All in all, the events of disappearance are usually events to single individuals who have ventured into the wilderness on their own and it is usually in areas where there are high incidents and reports of UFOs and Sasquatch as well as other mysterious events.

One must always be cautious, and on the whole this Awareness would not recommend that individuals go completely on their own into the wild areas unless they are prepared for these areas and have the proper survival equipment. It is recommended that one travel with at least one other or in small groups or larger groups, for this will ensure one's safety to a much higher degree than simply traveling the forests and the wild areas alone and unprotected. 

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