Thursday, October 22, 2015

Playing With Words & Sayings

From: The Cassiopaea Forum

About John the Baptist
Quote from: 941103

Q: (L) Did John the Baptist really lose his head? 
A: No.

BlackPanther: I'm sure he lost his head some of the time, I mean, we all do. And if he didn't, well you can certainly call him a Saint THEN!

About the Revelation of John
Quote from: 941007

Q: (L) Who gave John Revelation?
A: The Lizzies.

BlackPanther: That must have been something to see.

About the Shroud of Turin
Quote from: 941203 & 941103

Q: (L) I would like to know if the Shroud of Turin was ever wrapped around Jesus.
A: No.
Q: (L) How was it made?
A: Wrapped around Roman worker.
Q: (L) What caused the image on the shroud?
A: Body oils, hormones and other physiological chemicals.

BlackPanther: Nevermind the Roman, there is a shroud around Jesus so tight we've been trying to figure it out all night!

About Course in Miracles
Quote from: 941203 & 941103

Q: (L) I do want to ask about the "Course in Miracles" that is supposed to be channeled by Jesus Christ or the Holy Spirit. Is this true?
A: No.
Q: (L) What is the source that this is channeled from?
A: Variable sources.
Q: (L) Are they good guys?
A: Some.
Q: (L) So, even the "Coarse in Miracles" must be taken with a grain of salt?
A: Good idea.

BlackPanther: Even that doesn't flavour it. Try like garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, sage, rosemary, perhaps some mercury, sulfur, oh and of coarse, you said that one already, salt. A whooole lot of it.

Apparitions and information in the name of the Virgin Mary
Quote from: 950111

Q: (B) Are the Lizards behind any of the apparitions of the Virgin Mary around the world?
A: Yes. All of them.

BlackPanther: I guess they're more effeminate than I originally thought. The truth comes out. They're really not as masculine as all that. 


There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.
There's no place like home.

You know, I've been conglomerating with myself about all that I've experienced and read.... oh my... and I'm thinking, (is that the right word? am I just sharpening up my vocabulary or am I being squeezed into a corner of another prison?), wondering what may be on the other shelf up there. And I'm looking and looking and beginning to intuit that maybe the freedom isn't in all this stuff I've been reading. I mean, Cassiopaeans and Cosmic Awareness no matter HOW good they sound, they just might be a really cunning alien of the universe...and I'm thinking...there's no place like home...and this place ain't it.

You may be right, I may be crazy. And I just may be the lunatic you're looking for. But, you could be wrong.

Alright. Let's take this session for example: April 4, 1998

(check out the 'funny' business, the discrepancies, the trying to hide something attitude under a matter of fact attitude, that there's no other way to see something but the way that it was stated. check it out.)

Q: First question tonight: why are there so many depictions of ancient gods with horns on their heads?
A: To keep evil spirits at bay. Was symbolism.
Q: What was it a symbol of?
A: Head is prime chakric entrance route.
Q: So, why did they wear horns?
A: Symbolism of illustrations only.
Q: But what did the horns do?
A: Horns like a “picket fence.”
Q: Obviously a fence is to keep something out. Was this the idea?
A: Yes.
Q: Did it work?
A: We are saying that this is symbolic only. Gods did not really have horns.
Q: I know that. That is not the issue I am trying to get at here. The issue is...
A: Then why would you ask “did it work?”
Q: Well, I wanted to know what it was symbolic of? I wanted to know what was going on behind the symbolism. Now, if I am going to...
A: The symbolism represents the imagination of the illustrator.
Q: Okay. Just as an aside, what function do horns serve on a deer?
A: Protects bucks from head injury during territorial “bucking.”
Q: Why does the bee symbol appear repeatedly in the ancient literature as a symbol of royalty?
A: Pollen.
Q: What about the pollen?
A: Is alchemical compound. 

Why would gods need to keep evil spirits away? And: "Head is prime chakric entrance route." As in the brain? Didn't it say in the Gnostic writings, the Nag Hammadi to be exact, that Yaldaboy built the brain, which was the last thing they put into the body, that modelled form they made, to entrap the Spirit of Man they saw in the reflection under the water that covers them like a tent? Didn't Don Juan the shaman from Carlos Castaneda's books say that the predator gave us their mind, which became our mind? And didn't Cosmic Awareness say that the Carlos Castaneda books were fiction? in order to sway you off the "track"? Besides all that, I heard Lizards have horns on their head. But, you're not suppose to know that.

What does, "symbolism of illustrations only" mean anyway? Well, to me it sounds like a dog chasing its own tail, round and round and round!

So, "horns like a 'picket fence' " ... in order to keep the sheep scared so they'll stay in the territory? So the bull keeps the cows all together in a circle where no one else can get to them?

Let's talk about the bee. Once, when I was in my early 20s, I had an instance where some entity was trying to possess me. It made the sound of words backwards, where I was hearing a crowd of people talking and they sounded like the buzzing of bees, like a large cloud of bees coming toward me from far away, and when they got closer, it sounded like a crowd of people talking backwards, and as it got even closer, it was one male talking and it went from backward words to suddenly forward, but he stopped before he spoke anything forward. And then he flew at me. But Jesus showed up during these episodes, three days long episode, and he told him, right in front of me, to not possess me. He was so angry he smashed into the side of me and it felt like a led particle bashed into me, it woke me immediately into this dimension, which I was already at, but under the cover of dream type of experience. I mean, I could see my bedroom all around me, and now I was in my bedroom in a woken up state. So? What about the bees? What is that? Pollen? What kind of 'royalty' do they have there? An Enlil Reptilian sort? Or how about an Enki when the Enlil fails? Like, they're all part of a group, just as Humanity is also part of A Group.
Anyway, he never tried to possess me again. I have a story of another friend who told me his experience where Jesus came to save him from those black forms, how he grabbed him right out of their place and took him out of there. He was tricked into following some girl in his dream who he thought was his girlfriend, and that's how they grabbed him and brought him down there. But he didn't stay for long. So what about bees buzzing around all the time? What does that mean?

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