Monday, October 12, 2015

The Art of Healing -- Andrew Bartzis, Galactic Historian Interview.

Adventures Into Reality - The Art of Healing, Oct 5, 2015

-- 1:03:17 -- 

Andrew: What does "reflecting upon" mean to you?

Interviewer: To me it's almost like contemplation, like seeing it, acknowledging it, thinking about it and how it affects everything around me or in my life. Not necessarily with a conclusion, but to give it that time of thought.

Andrew: And that requires a little bit of that person that was the study man, the one that had to study during school. When you study your own reflections, and you actually allow the patterns to be shown in your mind, is where you can see the infinite habit patterns and the finite habit patterns; how your higher soul is trying to subtly point you into the direction of Sovereignty; and where your internal parasympathetic is pointing you into the direction to continue to share the dirty-energy-underwear, because you may not want to lose these companions who are still not exchanging mystical energies with you.

Interviewer: That naughty old habit that just keeps knocking on your door

Andrew: That's right!

Interviewer: 'Do not come in habit! 

Andrew: Exactly, 'Do not come in!'

Interviewer: 'No. I resist you!'

Andrew: Identifying the habit pattern in its action in your own mind. Witnessing yourself going away from what is the best option to you and to Sovereignty, and all of a sudden finding yourself eating that cookie you know you shouldn't eat.

Interviewer: Hahaha, how did it get in my hand?

Andrew: Exactly! 'How did it get in my hand?' It got in your hand because you've given so much power to the "program" of yourself, and I call it the "faux self." It looks like you, talks like you, acts like you, but it's not really the "I AM" you.

Interviewer: Yea. It's the old habitual you.

Andrew: Exactly. When companions get into arguments, is where the classic programs come up. That's your victim-tyrant process.

Interviewer: It's very difficult to step out of that though, isn't it?

Andrew: Oh, it's hard. You can only see it through "reflection." In that moment where you go, "wow, I'm getting angry and I can't stop myself. I'm exerting my will and I'm still getting angry and I still find myself talking out loud, I want to just blast this person, and the only thing I can do is yell out loud, or say out loud in my house by myself, all the things that I want to say," even though you never actually say it to them. That is another example of that habit pattern that's forcing "entanglement."

Interviewer: Ah, I've heard you mention forced entanglement before, and now I understand it better.

Andrew: It is a process of understanding where those programs create the habitual patterns that keep you exchanging energy because some part of your heart has a love with "strings attached" to it.

Interviewer: I guess, that ingrained behaviour as well; the response.

Andrew: Right. That ingrained behaviour. And when we begin to go and deal with ingrained behaviours, is where we must make conscious application of the sacred, where there is a clear separation of the densities, where you put your fist down and say, "No! You will not override my Sovereign Inherent Will. I will not follow down the action of polarity and progress into anger, frustration, and hatred." And then you give yourself that moment of self-nurturing where you forgive yourself and the programs you've created for doing what they were created to do.

Interviewer: Oh now that's asking a lot, forgive myself, haha!

Andrew: But that's the big healing of self-nurturing. That's the teaching of self-nurturing. Are you strong enough to forgive yourself and the programs you've created at a time of innocence with a misunderstanding of the world?

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