Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Listen To Your Heart, It's Guided By Spirit.

Excerpt from April 27, 2012 Cosmic Awareness Communications Reading


QUESTIONER: Thank you, that was an excellent message. The part that rang true and strong was "follow your heart," is that correct?

COSMIC AWARENESS: Indeed, this is always the way to know the way to go - to follow the heart, to follow the emotions. When that which is the correct action is perceived and felt, the heart will always indicate the action that is to be taken, even if it defies the mind. It must always be remembered that the mind is the prison of those dark ones, that have been created by them, to imprison and ensnare those who could break free.

The heart always will speak its truth and then the mind will intercede and give the many reasons why one cannot do what the heart is asking one to do. Again, using the Interpreter or even the energizer as an example - that both recently have come to points in their lives where they were asked to move. The energizer was recently guided by her heart to move from a city that held much for her. She was able to help the Interpreter, and to be of great and valuable assistance to him. She derived great satisfaction and fulfillment in helping the Interpreter, not only as an energizer for this Awareness, but in acts of kindness that she did for the Interpreter.

But in the end she knew, for her heart spoke strongly to her, that she must leave this city, even though she was on one level happy in the city that she was living. She did take action on what her heart demanded of her and she did move and now lives a great distance away from the Interpreter, no longer able to assist him and guide him in his life, no longer able to be a part of that journey that being there personally gave her. This does not mean that the journey as her being the energizer is over, but she did know she had to move on and she has followed her heart and put herself in the right place, the exact place she needs to be in for the times that are unfolding.

She will find this truth to be even more expressed in the months ahead as she truly realizes she is in the right place at the right time. It is so for the Interpreter also in his adventure that will take him to his beloved in the country of Australia. He too is following his heart and the spiritual guidance that is speaking so strongly to him and he too will be in the right place at the right time, doing that which is guided by Spirit, for it is his destiny.

All who start to understand that action is being required now, not just words, not just observations of what is happening, but actual actions; if guided to action, these actions must be taken, for they are what will lead the individual to the right place and the right setting. And it is this following the heart, as the energizer has spoken, that will help this be so. When the heart speaks and the mind interjects and gives so many practical reasons why this cannot be, that it is irresponsible, it is crazy, it is too much, "How will this work? How will this happen?" - that when the mind interjects and intervenes, one must simply tell the mind to shut up.

QUESTIONER: (Laughing) Yes indeed, thank you for that information, it's very much appreciated. Is there anything additional on that topic?

COSMIC AWARENESS: This Awareness may come to this theme again soon, for it is a very important theme now at this time, for action is being required and there may indeed be many questions of how this could look. This Awareness will most definitely be available to answer these questions. At this time however this Awareness does feel complete.


QUESTIONER: Thank you, it's most appreciated, thank you. We have one last question from IG in Australia. He writes, "In all descriptions of the higher dimensions, much is made of the death of the ego, the merging of thought, and other almost anti-individual lines of thought, and reading those I begin to feel that the higher dimensions start to look to someone like me as more hell than heaven, and I cannot be on my own, as I have met many individualistic volunteers in my activities, and so my question is, please, where do I and others like me fit in within the planned change-over? Can we go to Planet A, or are we fodder for the B Planet? Can I find a portal on my birthday, October 22? Nice simple questions are they not? I wish." Your comments please?

COSMIC AWARENESS: The first thing this Awareness would answer in regards to this question of where he would be, where he might be, is that he will be wherever he wishes to be. He does need to shift his perspective on these matters, for he is the Creator God of his life, not another, and if he feels he has no choice in the matter, no control over the circumstances of his life, and he does not take up control of his life, then he may find that he is taken to a place where he believes he has no control, by others who have control over him.

This is a very serious issue indeed, for the mind must be confronted. This Awareness said a moment ago that when the mind intervenes it must be told to be quiet, for the mind will indeed lead individuals to those places of experiences that they think they should go to and observe, because they have bought into a mind control over which they have no control. This is what the mind is telling them, not this Awareness.

This Awareness most definitely says that each individual has complete control once they realize this is so, once they assert it to be so. To be passive to this process, to subject oneself to others' authority means that the individual has not yet reached a point of clarity of their own capacity for being in control, of being a creator being. They put the power outside of themselves and this happens constantly. It happens at the level of societal control where individuals think that things must be the way they are because society dictated and determined it to be so. One pays one's taxes, one goes into the military to be patriotic, one must earn a living, one takes care of business as defined by those who are the controllers of mind as to what is the business.

Therefore if one is convinced that normal life means one must get up at six o'clock in the morning and stagger to the door to be at work by eight o'clock in the morning, and one must be this way every day, do this every day, year in and year out, even though it may be to a job that is not acceptable and is not that which fulfills the individual, still the mind will control and the social conditioning will create this reality that the individual feels he or she has no choice, for he or she must earn money to make life happen. All of this is social control but there are other levels of such control.

The family, as this Awareness has spoken, has much control over the individual. There are not many who can go against the family and what the family holds to be true and correct, and yet as one expands their consciousness and understands their being to the higher degree, they will see that even the family is a controller of the individual. One still needs to become the center of one's own circle and to walk the path that is correct and right for them. Ultimately what must occur is that one aligns oneself not with the mind, not with the ego, which is an inferior expression of the mind that speaks always to be acknowledged, always to be recognized, always to be supported as correct and right. 
One instead must come to the place of realization, that the truth is, one need not always be correct; one simply needs to be willing to learn. Mistakes, that so many dread and try to avoid, are often the greatest teachers of all. Those that deliver the most negative and harsh experiences are the greatest teachers of all, for it is always a journey to discover one's truth and one's centeredness, one's connection to the highest levels of one's own consciousness and of the divine consciousness, that will guide one towards seeking spiritual enlightenment.

When one simply plays the roles that have been given, without questioning those roles, when one simply plays in the gardens of the controllers, always feeling that one has no rights in the gardens, then one becomes a victim to others. When one gives their power away, whether it is to a government, a religious group, a cult, an organization, or a family, one is always putting one's power in other directions than one's own direction, and is always putting one's ability to be in control and in charge, outside of themselves, and thus allow others to dictate to them what they must do and how they must live. This is what is meant by living in the box. 

The challenge now, as so many are seeing and understanding, is to remove oneself from the box, and even if it does not feel comfortable, one will at least now find there are others outside of the box and will start to unify with those others. This is part of the greater plan now and many are starting to find this, starting to gravitate toward this, and as they do, they are finding that they are in charge of their lives, in the center of their being, and when they need others they do not give their power away to those others. They merge with others, they create circles of intersection that bond with others' circles, intersect with other beings, and soon the unified field of a new awareness and consciousness is created where each is an individual, and yet each is intersecting with the Unified Consciousness that is now being created, and it is being created most rapidly indeed. This completes the answer of this question. 

The First Meditation of the Hidden Chamber of the Heart.

The Second Meditation of the Hidden Champer of the Heart:
There is an addition to a previous meditation presented by this Awareness that It could recommend, the addition being to the Meditation of the Hidden Chamber of the Heart, the God chamber. 
In that meditation this Awareness suggested that individuals see themselves proceeding down a vortex to the heart chamber; first to the heart, seeing a door in the wall of the heart and passing through the door, entering into the heart and into the chamber of the heart. This Awareness then suggested that in the chamber there would be a throne and that the individuals could seat themselves on the throne and receive the energies of the Divine, for this chamber of God in the heart is that which is the Spark of God, the Divine energy of God.

The addition this Awareness would recommend is that as they sit on the throne they can then bring this Divine energy into them and begin to visualize it spiraling out of their crown chakra, and that it spirals upwards in a clockwise direction, spinning up and out until it reaches a level where it spills out and over the edge of the top of the vortex, and then continues circling around the perimeter of that which is the Torus shape, like a doughnut, the outside of the doughnut and the hole in the middle; and that it wraps around and around and around the perimeter of this shape, defining its outside edge and then coming down into the bottom again, entering another vortex, spinning inwards this time and spinning up to the individual on the throne, entering through the base chakra and coming together in the heart chakra region of the individual.

The individual can repeat this action of spiralling the energies upward and outward along the surface of the Torus back down into the lower vortex and back up into the individual. The Torus is a sacred form and is the form that surrounds all planets. This Awareness spoke of it a moment ago as the magnetosphere, the shape that was formed of the magnetic flows of energy around planet Earth, but individuals also have this energetic flow. It is part of their auric field. One can meditate on it and indeed energize it through this meditation. 

When one feels complete one can cease the activity and end the meditation, but it is an addition to a standing meditation that many will find very empowering at this time, of strengthening their auric field, of increasing their vibration and their Light Body. It is indeed part of a Light Body process that will enhance the formation of the Light Body itself. This is the addition to the Meditation of the Hidden Chamber of God that this Awareness does offer now at this time and says will be beneficial for the times ahead. 

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