Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Druid Tree Astrology

Rowan — Druid Horoscope

You can find what Druid Tree you are by scrolling down the page of the top link.

Pretty Trees.

So his center can be very soft...

But the difference between hard and soft, is the Sun and the Moon.
Or like Lucifer and Michael.
Or like Elm and Poplar.
The Elm started out first to shine...and then the moon, reflecting that, came out to begin its growth. To which the Mother, Rowan, had to come out of her hiding place, to help out in building the "intuition" that it takes to find one's center and become a Sun itself, rather than just a Moon reflecting another.

Some Orchids won't grow in just any environment. They need specific types of nourishment on which to thrive and grow, and blossom!

On the other hand, Arachnida can thrive anywhere, even in the dark, without help from anyone. But they get help anyway.

So what we got there is a polarized whole, which are good for building other structures. Just need to strengthen and solidify that Poplar.

Whadda ya know. I have two Maples and four Poplars. I have one Maple growing with Molly's purple flowers, in the front corner, and one in the back corner (which I just recently replanted into a bigger pot so it grows better), and four Poplars in a big container in the middle corner, between those other two corners. I look after my trees well, and get to know them personally. Soon, when their leaves fall off...I'm going to lop off a few branches on those Poplars so that next year they grow slower and thicker, bushier, instead of slender and then fall over, hahhaa. They're such a pretty tree. They make such music in the wind.

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