Saturday, April 30, 2016

Personal Ramblings.


Ok. So if a, the gateway for Humanity is between the Cancer and Leo constellation, then my gate must be between the Aquarius and Capricorn. To go in and out of that area so I could get to my Hotel...hahaha, that sounds so funny, but anyway, to get to that Hotel I built in the other world, I would need to go through a certain place, because I'm going in a different expand this Universe, but at the same time, to assist those on their way, to make it a more enjoyable and pleasant ride. Of course. And but of course, those lovely Humans, are going to have to go back to where They came from, so they're going to have to find themselves back through that C and L stargate. (Cat and Lizard stargate, Hahaha! what a joke)

I see a pattern here.

There's more to it than meets a first glance, that's for fucking sure. I'm just ramblin because I have to find the answer!

WHAT is the next step?

Yes. Now I understand. The Aquarius stands for Science, whereas the Capricorn stands for dedicated work, effort, discipline, on a grand scale. That therefore is a good description of that Hotel. It has science everywhere. But not the kind we see on Earth. Not that style. There is a luxurious effect which draws the mind only to pleasure and peace, and in the meantime, the scientific aspects come into view, hahaha, like those cute little helpers of mine, who are always around, but, and like on Earth, always hidden in the art they do...hahahaa! Just love it! Fun stuff. So they never really show. And when they do, they are lovely...delightful! That's only would the being be interested in a little bit more. But those who are too busy and just need a rest, to get away from it all, they won't bother them, instead they'll assist, to see how best they can accomodate them to their fulfilling of what their mind is intent upon. So yea. There's a place for entertainment and there's a place for serious service.

For expanding the Universe, yea so you put the Hotel out on the outskirts, between this place and that over there. From here, in a short while, over there is not long, and now that one has refreshed themself, they can carry on easily. And those forming a traffic pattern from planet Earth, will not find a long trip to get to this place, and then move from there where they please. So's in an ideal location, albeit, it is in a dark spot, a silent area. That's why some will not see it. Those who do see it, may visit. Those who do not see it, will not be accomodated. Fair and square. Wouldn't want to freak anyone out..hahahaa...

But it's deeper than that. I've seen some who COULD see it, but were not ready for the experience. Therefore, they were not allowed. Not invited. It is best for all. They, if they came with others who are aware, and capable of being there, then those who they came with who are not yet ready, must just either wait outside of that area, or go on to some other venture. Perhaps I should put a waiting station there, seeing there are some Others who are teachers of some others who aren't ready yet, but they're being taught to become that...and therefore it would be much nicer on their minds knowing their pupil or pupils are safe while they take their ease. Good idea. Concentrate on construction of such a holding place.

I just love the intricate details of my place, this Hotel. How to describe it? There is a metaphor right here: You have a beautiful luxury three story home, (on this planet), and you have a spot light placed up under the roof, placed in an area where when you walk out, that spotlight is on, and it feels as though there is a full moon out, haha, but there is no full moon, it's just that the spacing of that light in your personal vicinity, makes it to appear as though every night hahah is a full moon night. So, that is a description of the kind of complexity in that place. Of course, can't bridge it to bring any detail of real comprehension since it is, a very different part OF the Universe.

I love deep rich colours. Oh so dark blue and yet so mhm, highlighted. Having an entrance room of deep gold tone yellows and beige's, it would look magnificent having a darkly blue water pool where the fountain sends diamond rays of sparkling water into it. The gold around the pool makes it deceptive because everything in the room is a goldeny colour. But as soon as you come over and look into the pool, you'll see a divine deep blue, shimmers and sways the consciousness into a soft reflective state. Hmhm. So beautiful. Hahaha....   Everything to dazzle and delight.

And then the individual rooms, oh my! Haha! Expanding contracting places, ever changing to fill a need, or a want. Blueprint of each customers preferences, and then dallied with to delight, so they never get bored.

Oh that beautiful long hallway, I love it! Just perfectly wide enough, and yet so full of life on a quiet level where, just walking through it could feel like walking through an enchanted forrest, ah haha.

Deep rich reds. Rooms with deep burgundy wood intricately carved in some areas, smooth and shiny in others... balancing the vision pleasantly. Warm tones.

Other's with a blue and a green blending together and separating, to a gold tone inbetween. Elegant.

Pink, and soft white, in other aspects...

... pastel purples with baby blue and turquoise.


Ok, enough of that talk. Back to work.

Final note: And as in all things.... Keep 'lowlifes' out. They won't even know it exists.


Wednesday May 11, 1:00pm

Oh my god! I just read something that blew my mind to happy heights! It's no wonder I met that lady Linda Gallant at the store (on May 7th), and thought maybe she's some kind of angel. She told me to look up everything I can on good and evil Adepts. And she sent me on a wild chase because I was so curious as to what she was talking about. Well! I found it! And reading this phrase, I somehow wonder whether I got the idea from them those many years ago when I began designing this place. Check it out!

Page 31 of 71 from, "With the Adepts, An Adventure Among the Rosicrucians" by Franz Hartmann:

     "Verily the theosophical monastery of which I dream is even superior to ours. It is located far away from this earth, and yet it can be reached without trouble and without expense. Its monks and nuns have risen above the sphere of self. They have a temple of infinite dimensions, pervaded by the spirit of sanctity, which is the common possession of all. There the differentiation of the Universal Soul ceases, and Unification takes place. It is a convent where there exists no difference of sex, of taste, opinion, and desire; where vice cannot enter; where non are born, or marry, or die, but where they live like angels; each one constituting the centre of a power for good; each one immersed in an infinite ocean of light; each one able to see all he desires to see, to know all he wants to know, growing in strength and expanding in size, until he embraces the All and is one with it."


Well, I know I have friends out there. Besides that...before I even found this writing. It was a few days ago that I heard Jesus yell at me to work on my Hotel! Hmhmhm. So strange how things all come and fit together.

Yea. Some beings want to go here and rest up so that they could go further until they embrace the All and are one with it, whereas others just want to go here to rest up and learn what they can, and then go back into the universe from where they came, to continue their work. So there. We have both sides of the road complete.

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