How interesting! Those fucking slaves again. They put their goddamned stamp on everything with their fucking sorcery and worshipping of useless negative entities and extraterrestrials of the idiot sort. They just can't seem to break through their own imbecile fear and ego driven lusts to see through their own demise and the demise of their worshipped lunatics.
"The ego is the ghost that arose out of the grave of the Self." -Michael Tsarion.
Hence, they're slaves, driven by the outside surface world, rather than sovereign and guided by their own heart and its wisdom.
In this "Kolbrin" book, which some ignoramus editors decided to call the 'Kolbrin Bible' because they just can't get enough of slavery, they want more, MORE more! of that garbage, haha, idiots refuse to see, and so here we go again, reading up about what the lunatic slaves did way back then and dragging their dead self-murdered bags of useless flesh into the present day.
Excerpting from it, page 7: "In the classic sense, the term "Bible" comes from the Greek "Biblia," meaning books, which stems from "Byblos." Byblos was an ancient Phoenician port located in what is now the central coast of Lebanon. In their day, Phoenician traders operated the most advanced fleets of ocean-going vessels in all the world. Before their fall to the Roman Empire, .." "Of note to this body of work is that the Phoenicians imported papyrus from Egypt and sold it abroad along with ancient wisdom texts. In doing so, they distributed the earliest known variant of The Kolbrin, called The Great Book, to their various ports of call. The Great Book was originally written in Hieratic by Egyptian academics after the Exodus of the Jews. Its original twenty-one volumes were later translated using the 22-letter Phoenician alphabet (which later spawned the Greek, Roman and English alphabets of today). The only known copy of The Great Book to survive the millennia was the one exported to Britain by the Phoenicians in the lst century BCE."
In other words, the editor of this version in PDF says; the attack on the Abbey which held the book, forced those who were in possession of it, to flee into hiding with what remained of The Great Book. In hiding "they transcribed the surviving Phoenician translations to bronze sheets and stored them in copper-clad wooden boxes. This effort became known as The Bronzebook. In the 18th century CE The Bronzebook was merged with a Celtic wisdom text called the Coelbook, to become The Kolbrin."
Well, we know something about the PHONY-cians from one of my other blog posts: "Demoniacs Being Implanted Into Human Bodies."
"A 'flood' caused the box to wash up in a thicket of trees near Byblos, now part of Lebanon. In this context, it makes sense to think of the flooding of the Nile that occurs annually [like a mother giving birth?]. However, just as the word 'flood' and a box carrying a body of a god links it up with Noah's Ark (which carried the body of Adam), and with the basket of bulrushes that carried young Moses down the Nile. The story goes on to say that one of the young trees there in Byblos grew up around the box, and subsumed it into itself. This tree then grew to be fragrant and lovely due to the divinity trapped within it. [The matter body attached to the soul of a high quality being; they love the high quality blood of a divine being for gathering that loosh is prized above all other types in their gardening of negative energy]. So the king and queen of Byblos had the tree cut down and installed in their royal palace as a column. There it continued to give off its wonderful scent, and was admired by all. [Reminds you of aliens and how they steal a copy of the beings' etheric structure to keep in their ships laboratories to watch the progress of its growth and mess around with its development]. Now the king and queen of this land are reported to be none other than the Phoenician gods Melquart and Astarte. [Jewish slaves, the lower realms 'royal bloodline' to 'rule over' their loosh system]. Melquart is the same as Baal (and also, according to many scholars, the same as Hercules). Astarte is the same figure as Ishtar, who is the same as Isis! Obviously, some major myth morphing (what poet Robert Graves called "iconotropy") has gone on over the years. As the tale continues, Isis discovered the column and informed the royal family of Byblos about the contents of it. They cut it open and allowed her to take the casket. She was able to open it, and used magic to resurrect Osiris' body."
Now, seeing this once again, it smacks of thievery. Perhaps those Byblos born loved to take others' property and mutilate it, hiding what it really was, turning it into what they suppose is now theirs because of the mutilation of the text, the meaning behind it, and claiming it as theirs. It's what slaves do.
I mean, what the fuck? with the name of "your own world books" hahaha, by the publisher? and they're trying desperately to send their mutilated translations out to the entire planet! with the name BIBLE emBLAZonED on it! haha... while other books much more important go unnoticed, and even hidden from Mankind. Obviously the stupid reptiloid and other lowlife aliens/extraterrestrials are behind that move!
Just remember, if you're going to read that book The Kolbrin, it is a mutilated piece of mind-manipulating garbage that the negative aliens want you to be caught and trapped into. Always use your discretion, discernment, heart wisdom, ie. higher intelligence, when combing through garbage they leave for you to find.
Talking about bible; here is an excerpt out of Tracy R. Twyaman's book "Clock Shavings" with some of my own wording, which I'll just highlight so you'll know what I'm saying.
"The tyrannical, selfishly and arrogantly stated to be a lord god, commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
Note that it is only the Tree of Knowledge that is prohibited. Since the tyrannical, selfishly and arrogantly stated to be a god told him that he could eat "of every tree" other than that one, presumably the Tree of Life was included as being available. So why then, in Chapter 3:22, after Adam and his wife have both eaten the contraband fruit, does the tyrannical, selfishly and arrogantly stated to be a god, speaking to persons unknown, declare his, its concern that they will eat of this other special tree as well:
And the tyrannical, selfishly and arrogantly stated to be a lord god said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever.
The first mention in their bible of humans eating meat, comes from Chapter 9:2-4, right after Noah's family and the animals have exited the Ark. It is at this point that the tryannical, selfishly and arrogantly stated to be a god proclaims to Noah the so-called "Noahide Code": seven laws which preceded and are in many ways similar to the ten commandments of Moses. One of these involves the declaration of a carnivorous food chain with mankind at the top. He it, says:
And the fear of you and the dread of you shall be upon every beast of the earth, and upon every fowl of the air, upon all that moveth upon the earth, and upon all the fishes of the sea; into your hand are they delivered. Every moving thing that liveth shall be meat for you; even as the green herb have I given you all things. But flesh with the life thereof, which is the blood thereof, shall ye not eat.
But this event is preceded by something important. At the top of that mountain, the only visible land mass in a world covered by water, Noah sacrificed to the tyrannical, arrogantly stated to be a god, a burnt offering from among the animals on board his ark, the only non-aquatic creatures alive still on Earth. The tyrannical, arrogantly stated to be a god, was attracted to the scene, and moved with compassion, by the pleasant smell of the meat cooking on the fire. As the text says in Chapter 8-20-21:
Noah builded an altar unto the tyrannical, arrogantly stated to be a lord god; and took of every clean beast, and of every clean fowl, and offered burnt offerings on the altar. And the tyrannical, arrogantly stated to be a lord, smelled a sweet savour; and the tyrannical, arrogantly stated to be a lord said in his, its heart, I will not again curse the ground any more for man's sake.
As far as I can tell, this is the first time that their bible mentions a burnt offering, or the cooking of flesh at all. It is not however, the first sacrifice mentioned."
Baalmoral-less castle interior.
should I put a picture of a sheep being slaughtered, here? Perhaps just note it.
And here is just one excerpt of James Casbolt's from the Old Project Avalon Forum (Archive), and I copied all of his words from there and am reading them still, there is so much he put in that site:
Subject: RE: China gate battle
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2008 02:20:42 -0400
The full report is not ready anyway.
What I said was that an invasion fleet was coming through 2 dimensional gates over China. I don't have details about the kidnappings except for the reference to it in the quote below.
A massive earthquake occurred in Tangshan China in July 1976 the day after the air battle. This was caused by a tectonic weapon jointly developed by Reptilians and Nazis working together in the Antarctica. You can get details of the earthquake on the Internet. It was to cover up the mass kidnappings.
Date given below. Mark calls it the Battle of the China Gates.
If you quote from my talk, which is basically from the report that EDH will be putting out, please credit Earth Defense Headquarters as the source.
Thanks and good luck with your book.
Jo Ann
A quoted section from my talk at PROBE:
Mark’s assignment was to command as many advanced craft as could be put airborne. His personal craft was to be the MINERVA, an alien-technology ‘living’ thinking craft that used a mind-control interphase between the ship and its human pilot. She raided stars for her power, and sought weak points in the space/time fabric, forming her own ‘gates.’ She could shape-shift and was equipped with anti-matter weapons. She’s a fascinating ship.
MINERVA stands for Multi-Interdimensional Nominalistic Energy Repulsion Vehicle Accelerator. She accepts no limitations to her existence. It exists to survive and perform its duty to the life-forms that it accepts as a symbiont. She can be an exploration vehicle or a warship. She accepts no past, present, or future.
Mark was in charge of the air battle over China against the enemy forces. They staged the attack from a Top Secret facility at a then-active complex in Kazakstan that was prepared with equipment and heavy weapons. Secret reports told of how the Soviets had fought off aliens across the area for years.
Mark’s troops met the first wave only to discover that they were unmanned attack ships – fotofighters – launched from a mothership. Mark knew they were likely out-matched. The first encounter went relatively well, thanks mostly to the ships. Several were lost, but the fotofighters soon became easy to target and shoot down. The MINERVA had been able to determine the origin for the enemy craft as well as the location of the open China Gates. Mark and Naga could see that hundreds of enemy craft were coming through the gates. They knew they would soon face overwhelming odds and perhaps a mothership as well.
They went in over the hilltops towards the enemy armada. The two China Gates were shimmering ovals in the sky, about 50 yards above the land, each about a mile wide. They were omnipresent holes in our dimension – always there, but not always open. The energy required to rip the closed fabric of our universe to open such portals was more than anything humans could create…something along the lines of a small black hole or energy output of our sun for a year all crammed into a half-second.
Hundreds of sleek warships of all shapes from the small fotofighters to destroyers were coming through the gates. Huge transporters had already landed to disgorge thousands of robot hunters and Trog slavers – insect-like creatures who controlled the off-world human slave trade – starting to gather helpless Chinese civilians. Our ships plunged into their fleet, weapons shooting in every direction.
It was impossible to hide the resulting action from the Chinese people. The strange lights would long be remembered by millions and the stories of strange craft battling each other would be told for years to come.
In the first 5 minutes, Mark had lost 80% of his men. They had not expected so many enemy craft. Mark ordered one of his men to take what was left of the wing and return to the complex to warn the Russian general. They were to nuke the gates if Mark’s new plan didn’t work.
Before they could engage their plan, though, they had to fight off several enemy craft including one that was about to attack a Russian space station. After Mark’s ship was hit badly by enemy fire, it was aided by a Russian space canon.
Mark and Naga then headed into the oncoming enemy fleet at about 80,000 mph. They then flew their spacecrafts into the gates, each releasing anti-matter weapons. Seconds later, they hit the flux and traveled through the wormhole, not knowing where the ‘other side’ would actually be. Mark said that it felt like “a million ants playing football with steel wool on your flesh.” The flux fields destabilized instantly, then a visible shock wave rolled from the gate like flaming water to cover 100 miles in every direction in seconds – destabilizing any matter it touched. The wave then pulsed, and rolled back to the flux field leaving nothing behind it. Unfortunately, there were 6 alien ships full of culled human captives who also died in the gate closure.
Most of the invasion force was gone. The few enemy ships that were left were fought off by our forces. In two hours the last 6 alien ships headed out into space where they were chased by the Orion fleet for days to make sure they left our solar system.
The Chinese had the problem, though, of the impending earthquake that they couldn’t warn their people about – an earthquake that was going to shake that nation’s economy to its core. Rich’s engineers had worked to pinpoint the location of the targeted earthquake, but the information came too late. On July 28 at 3:42 AM, the 7.8 magnitude earthquake struck Tangshan. Over a million people lay sleeping, unaware of the disaster about to befall them.
Who was there to care? There were no news teams or private video cameras in those days. The Red Chinese government worked for months afterward to hide or remove any trace of the events that took place. Hundreds of witnesses who tried to report that people had been herded away by ‘monsters,’ had to be removed. One of the tragic side results were the rogue waves as far away as the Indian Ocean that took the lives of untold people. Also, long-range environmental problems were caused.
Last edited by James Casbolt; 12-18-2008 at 05:40 PM."
Think about THAT next time you read a so-called bible.
Alright, back to Tracy R. Twyman's book "Clock Shavings" page 354:
"This is probably connected to the mysterious 'shewbred' that was always presented to the "PRESENCE" of god in the inner chamber of the temple, which only the priests were allowed to eat. [sort of like saying that the priests worked for the criminals who were trying to steal the bread/light/soul power from Mankind, and therefore they were 'privileged' to know some things such as (eat/know) about the "presence"...but no doubt they weren't that bright, nor did their overseers the criminals tell them anything, perhaps because they themselves don't know, and therefore the priests stuck around as slaves for them thinking they had something good going for themselves...or they were just too ignorant to know any better, and fear kept them stuck in place].
The Hebrew word for this literally meant "Bread of the Presence." Recall that in the "Real Presence" of Jesus is what is said to incarnate within the communion wafer in the making of the Eucharist. After it is made, it is kept inside of a container called a "tabernacle" (meaning "dwelling place") which is flanked by two cherubim in the style of the Ark of the Covenant. During their wandering in the wilderness, the Israelites kept the Ark, which housed the Presence, inside of a "tabernacle" whenever they were camped.
In Revelation, Jesus says that eating the "hidden manna" causes rebirth, and thus the receipt of a "new name" on a "white stone." The stone and the manna are implied to be the same. Now what could this all be about?"
Page 355: "We know that the words for "soul" and "blood" were the same: "nephesh." It seems that in modern Western occultism, this life force within the blood is viewed as a form of light."..."In his book Magic: A History of Its Rites, Rituals and Mysteries, Eliphas Levi writes about what he called the "Astral Light":
"...a natural and divine agent, at once corporeal and spiritual, a universal mediator, a common receptacle for vibrations of movement and images of form, a fluid and a force which may be called, in a sense at least, the imagination of nature."
It was this agent which he said reflects the magician's will, expressed during a ritual, and actualizes it into existence. He illustrated this concept with the hieroglyphic form of the Baphomet. More details on the subject can be found in the introduction written by David Godwin for the book The Golden Dawn: As Revealed by Israel Regardie:
The key theme in both the Neophyte Grade and the ritual of Adeptus Minor is that of being brought to the Light... But a true 'secret' of the entire system is that this Light is not a metaphysical or philosophically speculative construct meaning grace spirituality or healing (although the Light does bring all of these), but it is an ACTUAL FORCE which although independent of egoic man, can be generated by men, through the use of his consciousness to bring about CHANGE AT WILL!
So then, let us again consider the concepts of the "bread" of life" and the "water of life" that Jesus spoke about..."
Page 361: "Ancient astronaut theorists bandy about the idea, proposed in the books of Zecharia Sitchin, that the Sumerian gods were aliens from another planet, and they made humans to mine gold for them in Africa, which they needed, supposedly, for their far-off civilization. But that's not what the texts say. They say that the gods created us to "keep the cosmos working," and to make for them something that they needed."
And now we leave this book by Tracy R. Twyman and we go to another book, Hidden Codes of the Illuminati, Codex Magica, by Texe Marrs. Page 17 of the PDF:

these are not just geometrical shapes, architectural patterns, lines and circles. Their signs and symbols both live and possess creative power. They are archetypes and thought forms. In sum, they are real things that perform. One is reminded therefore, of the "image of the beast" which, in the last days, is prophesied to both move about and to speak (Revelation 13)."
In other words, there is something hidden inside you, being hidden by the deceivers, from yourself. If only you would look, you would find.
Archarion & the Opus Magnum Scheme
From: The Secret Book of Artephius:
(Number 14) "This aqua vite or water of life, being rightly ordered and disposed with the body, it whitens it, and converts or changes it into its white colour. For this water is a white vapor, and therefore, the body is whitened with it. It behoves you therefore to whiten the body, and open its unfoldings, for between these two, that is, between the body and the water, there is a desire and friendship, like as between male and female, because of the propinquity and likeness of their natures."
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