"We can therefore conclude that sexual desire is complex fact, of which the physiological is only a part; sexual excitement, which is substantially psychic, forms the primary element, that, under various conditions, causes physical excitement and sets in motion all the physiological phenomena that accompany the excitement but are often absent prior to it. Only the metaphysics of sex, not psychology or physiology, can shed light on this subject. We can already forsee that physical union, taken on its own, is only the mechanism through which is conveyed a process of a higher order, transcending that union and showing it to be a part of the whole. When this transcendental aspect is recognized, "pleasure" as a course and carnal satisfaction depending strictly on the physiological conditioning, or Schopenhauer's "bait for procreation," is a problematic solution."
In other words, it's not physical. A good example being, many people don't even imagine being with the one they are with, instead imagining an imaginary lover, someone else that is, while doing it with another physical being. Wherefore, love and sex are a very complicated thing. Where does this take us? Way up to the heights of spirituality. Perhaps mankind has been slayed alive by those DNA splicers and then trapped, shackled and chained to a physical form, and then forced to be around those whom they have no real affinity for, but with those they have an affinity for, are kept away, best as those evil powers and spirits of the air can manage to keep them separated. So yea. Mankind needs to be freed from this prison planet.
From page 22 of The Metaphysics of Sex by Julius Evola

(look at the bottom of the dress. Hahaha!)
Hahaha: "In biology, the vitalism of Driesch and other authors has by now won acceptance, and so it is no longer heretical to look into forces of that kind. The Aristotelian concept of entelechy has been revived, and indeed had to be revived, as a heuristic biological principle. And entelechy is precisely the force
that molds from within,
being biological and physical in its manifestations alone; it is the "life of life." In ancient times it was deemed to be the soul or "form" of the body; considered in this way, it has a hyperphysical immaterial character."And the next thing he talks about, is plasma. So strange. Because that is what her dress seems to be made of. A darkness with a light flowing through it... like plasma. So then what is this universe comprised of? Is it a form of water called plasma? and that we are at the lowest level of it in a form called maatter (mad hatter)?
No wonder the dreams we have when we go to sleep, are plastic...like plasma. And when we fall in love, it's like being in a weird dream world...that you have no control over... stuck! horribly! Help, get me out of this nightmare!
I think I'll go have a drink, and go to bed. It's already 6:23am. Swimming in an alcoholic dreamworld and then falling asleep into another dreamworld, and then waking up, into yet another dreamworld.... help! get me out of here!!!
Yea, it has us in its grip. You know? This entire structure, I just bet you, is set up in order for us to experience something we would NEVER have experienced outside of this memory fog, or this amnesia. But you see, the more you find out, the more discipline it takes for you to go ahead and do that which we are here to experience. You can't be a coward and opt out, as in mind-manipulating yourself to be gone... you know? Because you won't be gone. You'll just be thrown right back into another body, who knows, maybe the opposite sex, and who knows how long you'd have to wait for that other one who is still alive, to be reborn and into the opposite form so that this so-called experience would take place. But of course, I'm only dreaming. It is a dreamworld after all. I'm just here suffering, collecting more magnetic energy, because I'm not getting anything pleasant out of this, hm, out of being fucked over...so all I'm doing, is being so calm cool and collected while I'm being stabbed through the heart because of someone else's total ignorance of what the fuck happens when they .... and therefore, eventually, after I get fucked over enough times and stay calm cool and collected, I will have earned me enough magnetizm so that I could in fact put my large Hotel up in the universe, near the edge, where those angels who visit will show up and enjoy themselves before they move up or move back into that horrible structure that I earned all my magnetizm from so that I could have this Hotel to help comfort them at least. Ya know? Fucking retards. So many stupid beings. If this wasn't so slanted or lopsided towards such stupidity, it would be so much nicer. Sooo muuuch naaaaaaasir.
Haha... how would you like to be tied to a stupid rock that keeps sinking and sinking lower and lower, because it's stupid? Hahahahaha. Aaa, you'll get yours one day soon.
Did that take the laugh out of your
You know, Jiddu Krishnamurti isn't an imbecile, that's for sure. He knew ahead of time that maybe he would get some of the things he says wrong, wherefore he warned us ahead of time. Well he did get some thing wrong. He thought that you don't need to put in any effort? Hahahahaaa. What a joke. You must put in a LOT of effort. There is no escaping that one. That for sure. (Oh but it's so 'effortless' once you get the hang of it. Because of course, all the Igigi come to help you...somehow...or some other ones...I don't know who. Maybe just physics, ha!)
"We can therefore conclude that sexual desire is complex fact, of which the physiological is only a part." Maybe you need a pitchfork poke to get you to have more understanding?
Good fucking night.
P.s. while I'm having my second glass of vodka.
"In effect he had already gone beyond the plane when, to prove his thesis, he declared that every part of the body of one sex produces erotic excitement in the body of the other sex; for to explain this, it is necessary to bring in a supraphysical factor."
So you see you... when you indulge your appetites without washing first out of your structure, or your dense mind, that is, the other person, what you are doing in fact is, having a threesome. And some people despise sharing their inner world with just any tom-dick-and harry. or female likeness. of. Therefore, the suffering I endure...and the fucking kindness that I extend by not involving an idiot in my personal experiences because I don't feel like sharing this one with that one, and that one with this one... I just like to keep everything in its perfect order...unlike some imbeciles who know no order about it, but act like they know everything. Arrogance would be the right word. So if I'm the bad one, because some idiots ego says so. Then what is that idiot when he finds out that he, in fact, is the one in the wrong? HahahahaA!
You know how I'll balance this? Fuck the magnetizm. I've got plenty of worth. I'll tell you how I'll balance this structure, ahead of time. I will call in my demon friend, the one I had called in when bryan the frenchman with his lust and greed had cornered me to be ever so helpless...and I'll call him, the same one, when it comes time to be with you. And I will enjoy the lovemaking very much, because that demon is damn good at love making. Then after who knows how many sessions, after I feel it is balanced, then I'll have you. Haha. Then I'll find out what you're really like. But you see, you won't know this has occurred. Because the demon puts your mind on ice. You see?
Alright. Now I'm having my thrird glass of vodka. It's been so long since I've been with demon friend. Makes me feel excited.
(what if I find out after I'm with you, I don't like you?)
Sunday August 5, 2018 12:43am.
The Metaphysics of Sex, by Julius Evola. [pg 26]
"Eros and the Various Degrees of Intoxication with It"
"We must consider the theory of love that Plato made Diotima expound; but first it is best to mention Plato's statement concerning the higher form of eros as a state, regarded simply as a content of the conscious self.
Eros is called a "mighty daemon" in the Symposium; "being an intermediate between the nature of a god and the nature of a mortal," he fills the gap between the one and the other. In the Phaedrus, a great deal is said about mania. It is hard to translate this word correctly since today it connotes something unpleasant and mad; the same can be said of furore (frenzy), which was the translation adopted by the humanists of the Renaissance (the "heroic frenzies" in Giordano Bruno). We should rather speak of a state of rapture, of "divine inspiration," of exaltation or lucid intoxication, and thereby we are brought back precisely to what we said before regarding the raw material of every erotic state. At this stage Plato emphasized an essential point by distinguishing between two kinds of "mania," one of which "arises from human illness and the other from divine exaltation, whereby we feel ourselves to be extraneous to normal laws and customs."
The second of them, said Plato, "is far from frightening," for great benefits may arise from it; and in a specific reference to eros, he said, "Very good luck lies in the mania which the gods lavish onus by causing love to be born in the soul of him who loves and of him who is loved."
What is more important here is that eros as "mania" is introduced into a wider context, which makes its possible metaphysical context very noticeable.
In fact, Plato distinguishes four kinds of favorable manias, which are not pathological or subhuman, and refers them to four divinities respectively:
--the mania of love, linked to Aphrodite and Eros;
the prophetic mania of Apollo; (the psychics, trances, remote viewers)
the mania of the initiates of Dionysus; (the mob trance)
and the prophetic mania of the Muses. (music and art trances)
Marsilio Ficino would say that these are "the kinds of exaltation which (the) God (in us) inspires in us by raising man above man, and this exaltation changes man into God." Apart from the "poetic mania," which was only capable of having a character that was not profane in ages when art was not a subjective matter and when a poet was also a minstrel and poetry a song, the common basis of all such forms of mania is a state of exaltation able to bring about a self-provoked condition of transcendence and also varieties of a supersensual (that is, above the physical senses) experience. This is the case with a lover as much as with a Dionysiac initiate or with anyone whose vision surpasses the limits of time or with a person undergoing a magical experience. It is only odd that neither Plato nor his commentators have mentioned a further variety of the same lucid and mystical kind of exaltation (which leads men upward): the heroic kind, which could be allotted to the sign of Mars, is singular inasmuch as the ancients considered some cases in which heroic experience, too, could offer initiatory possibilities. Last, we may recall the kind of holy intoxication proper to the Corybantes and Curetes with their corresponding techniques, which bear an unmistakable relationship to dance.
In any case, the references are precise. Thus Plato recognizes one tree trunk, of which sexual eros is a branch, a specialized type. [yea, meant for making more humans that extraterrestrial predators feed on!]. Its raw material is an animation and liberating exaltation (that almost grafts a higher life onto human life in mythological terms; a fertilizing and integrating possession by a daemon or god), which, if it obeyed only its own metaphysics, as defined by the myth of the hermaphrodite, would have as its highest possibility a telete or initiation (as Plato said), an equivalent of the initiatic ceremony of the Greek mysteries. [and initiation into something higher would mean you have an experience and SEE into a structure you have not seen before or have fallen asleep about and have forgotten it was in your memory].
Moreover, it is noteworthy that the word "orgy," now associated only with the unleashing of the senses and sexuality [but ofcourse, brainwashing and mind programming does that so the animal extraterrestrials can get people to only focus on what they want out of them...food! and therefore they implant that name/word into the mind of people only to represent one thing, which is sex, which is disgusting to people's sensitivity on a level of that sort, whereas originally it is actually a strong magic when people's mind are all working together in a Oneness, but those creatures don't want you to know about that, so they make that word into a dirty word, repulsing you, forcing you to imagine that ugly scene as in a satanic orgy, such as these days when crowds get together in a sports arena, the animal aliens gather that energy and feed off it. Therefore, instead of having focused ceremonies where all beings put their energetic thoughts and emotions together on achieving a goal, they are now each individually ignorant of one another, 'following' what is expected of them, throwing their 'excess energies' away on rooting for 'their' team in an auditorium], was linked in the beginning to the attribute "holy," the "holy" orgies. In fact, orgia meant the state of inspired exaltation that began the initiatory process in the ancient Greek mysteries. But when this exaltation of eros, itself akin to other experiences of a supersensual nature, becomes individualized as a longing that is only carnal---when it becomes conditioned instead of ITSELF conditioning, because it is wholly linked to the biological determinisms and muddy sensations of the lower nature---then it deteriorates and ends finally in the form constituted by mere "pleasure," or venereal lust.
Here we must distinguish various degrees. Pleasure has a widespread and still ecstatic nature when the "magnetic" moment of love with its consequent fluidic amalgamation of two beings is quite intense. As this intensity lessens or as a lover becomes used to performing the physical act with the same person, the pleasure tends more and more to be localized bodily in given zones and essentially in the sexual organs. [yea, when numbing ignorance and the dullness of the structures in 'society' keep mankind's mind down to the lowest denominator, they don't encourage new thinking, new experiences, joyful adventures together, hence the structure after the initial sexual expression, gets boring, instead of the two beings focusing on the higher aspects, leaving the body behind to do its own thing, and the body carried along with the focus and attention of the two BEINGS who are ruling their own bodies by their focus and intention]. Man is notoriously more predisposed than woman to this further deterioration. In the end, we are left with a dissociated pleasure, detached from every profound experience. In general, "pleasure" is the effective breakdown of the state of mania, of pure, exalted, and lucid intoxication induced by a supersensual element. This condition represents the counterpart of a miscarriage of the impulse of eros, as an impulse directed toward the absolute being and the immortal, within the circle of physical generation; to this will correspond the other theory of love, as expounded by Diotima, which we shall consider below.
In the present context, it may be worthwhile to refer again for an instant to the Platonic difference between two kinds of mania so as to develop their respective natures. In general, when this state occurs, the faculties of a normal individual are suspended and his "thought power" (manas in Hindu terminology) is shut off or transported, being subject to a different force. This force may be ontologically higher or lower than the principle of the human personality. Hence there arises the possibility and concept of an ecstatic intoxication that also has a decidedly regressive character. Sexual magic in particular rests on this very thin dividing line.
To use a theoretical example, we may mention the divergent interpretation given by Ludwig Klages. Klages took up in part the viewpoint of Plato and emphasized the elementary nature of the intoxication of mania that constitutes eros, and he recognized its nonphysical dimension and ecstatic capability; but the critical difference in his interpretation was that "it is not man's spirit but his soul which is set free [in ecstasy], and his soul is freed not from his body but from his spirit." However, in Klages' work, "spirit" is not the spirit but basically a synonym for "thought power"; yet it is true that for him the "soul" corresponds to the almost unconscious, lower layers in a human being that border on the bios. It corresponds to the yin (or female, dark, nighttime) part and not to the yang (male, light, daytime) part of a human being."
~ Ok. upon looking at what Julius Evola said here, I went to go look up a book by Ludwig Klages, who was born Dec. 10, 1872 and passed on in 1956. Therefore, his worldview and the words they used to describe what they were talking about back then are different from what we've learned today. That's why it's always important to keep an open mind about other people's personal dialogue with themself, or from what age they were born and raised, because everyone has their own personal use of words, that may or may not mean what we think they mean. Hence, I've found in the book "Cosmogonic Reflections by Ludwig Klages" this passage, which shows directly what he means by the word "spirit."
"2. Downfall. "Today, those are outstanding spirits indeed in whom one can expect to find any independence of judgment. The great masses, who have never been, in the history of mankind, more subject to hypnotic suggestion than they are right now, have become the puppets of the "public opinion" that is engineered by the newspapers in the service, it need hardly be emphasized, of the reigning powers of finance. What is printed in the morning editions of the big city newspapers is the opinion of nine out of ten readers by nightfall. The United States of America, whose more rapid "progress" enables us to predict the future on a daily basis, has pulled far ahead of the pack when it comes to standardizing thought, work, entertainment, etc.
Thus, the United States in 1917 [which he was there to experience] went to war against Germany in sincere indignation because the newspapers had told them that Prussian "militarism" was rioting in devilish atrocities as it attempted to conquer the world. Of course, these transparent lies were published in the daily rags because the ruling lords of Mammon knew that American intervention in Europe would fatten their coffers. Thus, whereas the Americans thought that they were fighting for such high-minded slogans as "liberty" and "justice," they were actually fighting to stuff the money bags of the big bankers. These "free citizens" are, in fact, mere marionettes; their freedom is imaginary, and a brief glance at American work-methods and leisure-time entertainments is enough to prove conclusively that l' homme machine is not merely imminent: it is already the American reality.
Racial theorists seem cognizant of the fact that this will be the downfall of the white race, and that of the black and yellow races shortly thereafter. (Of the so-called "primitive" races, we say nothing other than that the few surviving tribal cultures are already at death's door!) All of these facts are scarcely relevant, since the ultimate destruction of all seems to be a foregone conclusion. It is not this destruction that makes us sorrowful here, for no prophet can foretell whether a completely robotized mankind will survive for centuries, or even for millennia: what concerns us is the mechanization process itself. It is the tragic destiny of knowledge---of authentic knowledge and not of the imaginary sort, which provides the intellectual implements required by engineers and technicians---that it performs the funeral march that accompanies the disappearance, if not the burial, of a living essence. The only thing that we know is that we are no more. "Somnium narrare vigilantis est."
Hahaha! This guy is so fun, I'm going to share a couple of his sayings here:
"3. On the Psychology of the Drives. "because what has already been said on this topic, and said far too many times, demonstrates such a fundamental falsification of the facts that no further proof of the sheer ignorance of our ruling authorities is required."
"Within every unthinking creature, we are informed, there exists a planning, calculating, "nature," one that is doubtlessly well equipped with the requisite financial techniques, which conducts its operations on a long-term basis, and about which we shall be shortly hearing some truly amazing things!"
Back to Evola, continued from where I left off at, and concluding the chapter, "Eros and the Various Degrees of Intoxication with It" :
"Thus the ecstasy that he speaks of could well be called an earthly or perhaps even a daemonic ecstasy. Its emotive content had already been described in Hindu tradition with the word rasavandana.
A well-differentiated phenomenology of mania and of eros exists, therefore, and from a practical viewpoint, its importance can never be sufficiently emphasized. However, it is certain that both the foregoing negative possibility and a positive possibility of a divine exaltation are equally far from one based on pathological origin and from the brutish and blind impulse of eros on an animal level. Neither the ethnologists nor the historians of religions nor the psychologists have taken any notice of such important distinctions."
In other words, do you want a mirror reflection? Or do you want the real thing? It all comes back to the same question. Are you going to be a surface fanatic and surf the surface? Or are you going to get Self Knowledge and become the True Being?
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