Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Jagged Edged

    Somewhere in Steiner's writings I read about a jagged edged star. I suppose it has long beams, medium beams, and short beams, and not one of them are the same size, they're all different...  which it appears to mean, a never ending cornucopia of creative energy, treasure, just keeps pouring forth. If you want to put it into a positive way, because I'm not sure Steiner was thinking of it on a positive level. But I always like to move things in a positive way since that's where everything came from to begin with.

I caunt find a picture to describe it. So this will have to do for now.

Demonic representation, turned into a soft fuzzy ball, lol!

Everyone has their own structure. I look inside mine, and pull out of my bag of trix what is in there already, the pattern that is there, and match it to what is out there, in order to get a combination working out, of some form of synchronicity. Pulling it out of the magic hat, is all I can do. The heart shows me the pattern, and I just pull it out. Big Boss, Medium Boss, and Little Helper, for lack of any other way to describe. It's an interesting combination here on this Planet. So mauch stuff to learn about...so mauch potentials.

Anyway, I found something interesting that I might read later: Rileybrad's Blog on Steiner's writings

A person has, I think, two tori around them, sort of like looking at a globe that has two metal sphere's around it, one going this way, the other one going another way. I wonder whether a person could join in another person's field so that both their tori function in unison, correctly. I wonder whether that's possible, and would it to be, what type of activity, or result would occur out of it?

Sighs and symbols. Always such a tough task. Like Ramtha tells us, allowing all thoughts with no judgement is the way to go. So I have two twins around me. I've lived here since 2000 or 01, don't really remember now, but they're Alex's children. And when Alex passed in 2008 or 09, the twin sons took over. There are always signs surrounding a person in their life. They just need to be aware of them. So, mm, like in Riley's blog: “The effects of Ahriman are connected with the mirroring of the lower Devachan, that of the Asuras with the mirroring of the higher Devachan in the physical world. Here, we have a second criterion indicating that in the case of the Asuras, we are dealing with an independent realm of beings within the adver­sary powers.”  HANS-WERNER SCHROEDER

But I'm trying to figure out what it means. When I visited "Seven" in that other world, he showed me a large "X" (crossed) mirror with a neon green glow to it, and out of that mirror, another one appeared. So you can say those are twin mirrors. But I still am having trouble figuring it out. Wonder if there is any supermind that could help me figure these things out?

Don Juan in the Carlos Castaneda series of books, goes through his entire life, taking important aspects of it, placing them into a sorcerers book, to study them carefully, for meaning, then out of all this, he builds himself another body, he says, so that he could drop that body in the astral world and watch as the eagle comes to take that body instead of him, so now he is free to go wherever he likes, he doesn't have to incarnate because he's ascended. These are similar steps, in gathering of unique and important experiences in one's life, and building a new body:

"When after death he reaches Devachan, he finds, as we have seen, the picture of his body as it was in his last life, and within him he still carries the fruits of the memory-picture of his last life. It is now possible for him to compare the course of his development in his various lives: what he was like before the experiences of his last life and what he can become when the experiences of this latest life are added to those of the others. Accordingly he forms for himself a picture of a new body, standing one step higher than his previous bodies.

At the first stage in Devachan, therefore, a man corrects his previous life-picture, and out of the fruits of his former lives he prepares the picture of his body for his next incarnadon.

At the second stage in Devachan, life pulsates as a reality, as though in rivers and streams. During earthly existence a man has life within him and he cannot perceive it; now he sees it flowing past and he uses it to animate the form he had built up at the first stage.

At the third stage of Devachan, a man is surrounded by all the passions and feelings of his past life, but now they come before him as clouds, thunder and lightning. He sees all this as it were objectively; he learns to understand it, and to observe it as he observes physical things on Earth; and he gathers all his experiences into the life of his soul. By dint of seeing these pictures of the life of soul he is able to incorporate their particular qualities, and thus he endows with soul the body he had formed at the first stage.

That is the purpose of Devachan. A man has to advance a stage further there, so he himself prepares the image of his body for his next incarnation. That is one of his tasks in Devachan; but he has many others also. He is by no means concerned only with himself. Everything he does is done in full consciousness."


On to connecting links together. In the July newsletter of Cosmic Awareness, somone asked this question: "How do I restore my 12-strand DNA? What is the best procedure?" And Awareness responds: "As an entity seeks to reclaim his or her personal domain and in so doing, releases those aspects of programming that would limit that domain or have been feeding off that domain, thus returning that power to the entity, then the ability to access Life Force Energy and Soul Energy and Earth Energies become alive and redistributed properly, and that which is reflected as DNA will intuitively and innately return to its highest function.
   The limitations that are observed are a result of the personal domain being usurped and used by other entities, or religions, or corporations, or doctrines, or astral beings, or off-planet beings. There is a wide plethora of entities that are manipulating and utilizing the personal domain of humans. This is an intentional byproduct of distorting the human's ability to access heart discernment."

I remember reading a book by the Pleiadians, "bringers of the dawn" and thinking to myself, these beings want to possess humanity it seems, and to live vicariously through them, because they were calling our DNA a living library and said that the lizards had thrown all our books into the middle of the room, and that they are here trying to help us get our books back into order because they want to be able to use our library with us. Ha! Yup. Cosmic Awareness is correct about the corruption of many, and it's no wonder the human cannot even see what is going on, those greedy have blurred the picture so much!

And here's another instance, that of science: "This Awareness observes that there are certain aspects of the foundational principles of physics that are intentionally maligned. There is a greater understanding emerging regarding the nature of primary particles and their functional process. If one is seeking to understand the principles of physics or any scientific focus: nuclear, quantum, nano, biomedical or biochemistry, phsychological or physiological, then, before one integrates the principles that are offered, first examine the history of how those principles emerged and then look beyond, to those energies and/or entities that were seeking to manipulate behind the scenes a specific construct of science for navigating the science through the mind. This Awareness indicates there is a very direct link to why the sciences are devoid of heart energy. This absence of heart energy, this absence of using the heart to discern the path of energy and its functions and processes on a molecular or subatomic level, is rooted in elite powers seeking to divest from the personal domain of many, the ability to utilize with this intrinsic tool to discern the truth, which is the heart." (The TOOL is the Heart! What it seems they do then, is to malign your experiences with the heart so that you don't see clearly that it is a tool. So now we can take it out of the tool shed, clean it up and put it to good use).

"In the absence of heart discernment and in the consistent and continual presence of programming, mind control, and patterning, the mind is very easily manipulated so that it is unable to recognize the loss of personal domain...and the presence of self-sacrifice and the sacrifice of Life Force and/or children, animals and humanity. This is not by coincidence; it is intentional."

"Thus, when bringing oneself into the realm of understanding that which is finite, which is subatomic, wich is examined by the laws of physics, one would benefit if one is seeking truth to examine first why those laws were given. How do they align with Universal laws, with natural laws? How do they misalign, or how are they distorted? What do those distortions provide to the scientific community? what aberrations of mind do they create?
   As an example, the beginning scientific understandings of the sperm fertilizing the egg. Even though the data present indicated specific actions taken by the sperm and by the egg, attributes were given: psychological, emotional, mental and spiritual were applied to those elements, to the actions that they achieved. This had a rippling out effect that influenced the culture of that society.

"The understanding of how the brain works, of how much of the brain is used, is another example. Another is the study of fat and sugar and their effects upon the human body. These are all based on science -the study of the function at the molecular level, and these have shaped a great deal of the functionality of the programming that is in place.

   "Yet, if science were using the discernment of the heart instead of the mind, one could easily identify the false truths that were being presented, because any entity could, through their heart, communicate with those structures -with the sperm and the egg, with the brain and its functionality, with those aspects of the biochemistry of the human form that utilize or cannot utilize fat and sugar. One would benefit from asking oneself, "Why?" ..and.. "Who benefits from mind discernment versus heart discernment?" ..and.. "What do they benefit?"

   "As one seeks truth through heart discernment, one begins that process of disentangling themselves from the programming that is rampant upon the planet at this time.

"This Awareness indicates that Universal Law and natural law indicate a progression of energy transfer that results in multiple byproducts that can be observed at the larger scale. On the subtler scale, the molecular or subatomic, duality exists, but it is only "as necessary."

"The foundation of dimensional reality is the distortion of light, the distortion of energy which generates light." (no wonder it's called "dim--ensional". In other words, they think light is playdough. You can already see the 2-yr old in the playpen). Therefore, what it seems this Awarness is saying, is that we who generate light, are used as playdough in the hands of grotesquely maligned babies!

"Thus, in studying these distortions -which is everything that is in existence within the known world-, if one operates from the perspective that one is observing a distortion, of that which is universal and beyond distortion exists in a state of Oneness, then one becomes increasingly cognizant of the interconnetedness of all life.

"As energy passes through the prism and expands into an unfolded state of spectrum of frequency and vibration, there are energetic signatures that apply to each frequency and vibration; thus, the methodologies for studying, for examining the functionality of these components, shifts. The compartment into which information is stored, shifts. (In other words, it's not stored in the head, that for sure, haha!) How the experiments are conducted also changes, because the frame upon which one is seeking to determine something, must also shift. For example, if one is seeking to understand the brain, one must first understand the dynamics of the energy field that is the heart.

"An understanding of the complete toroidal structure, and its intricacies as it extends into multidimensionality and into a non-dualistic state as it passes into the soul, must be considered for a complete understanding of how those energies are then reflected upon the tissues and energetic structures of the brain.

"When one observes the brain as a receiver of light, a receiver of distortions received from pure energetic transference through the toroidal structures of the heart, the brain becomes something entirely different in its functionality. Thus, how one would achieve a test, an experiment, of its ability to function, also changes. The understanding of the rules that apply to the brain also change. Understanding its capacity to effectively and efficiently invoke change within other areas, also changes. When one perceives the heart as the primary function, and the brain as secondary or tertiery (third) function, the process of understanding human functionality, biochemistry, physiology, biology, and psychology, shifts dramatically.

"Yet, when one considers that those fields of science and their pursuits are limited to brain functionality and have discouraged the intervention of the heart or the presence of the heart, and it has been sanctioned off as an isolated component that can only be consulted occasionally (then you know you're dealing with grey and reptilian psychopaths, that is, non-sentient beings), one begins to unravel and uncover the programming that is present.

"This Awareness suggests there is a field of understanding that is of yet, unknown. That is of the supportive energetic structures that exist within the personal domain and body-space of the human, or any being that incarnates in a repetitive cycle. This Awareness has begun drawing attention to these structures, and to providing preliminary understandings of the relational dynamics that these structures have to one's incarnate experience, as well as the transitional experiences between lifetimes, between incarnations. (Read above: Devachan).

"As one separates from the physical, one merges with those structures that are anchored to the greater energetic form of that soul. (I experienced that in a death situation, when I left my body, my higher self was there to attract me into her. She looked like me but, hey, that's for me to recognize her I suppose. She's the one who wore that pure black dress that has the living light shining from it so it looks like the most unique fabric. And she was just hovering there above and in front of me, where the dress looked like it was moving as though in water, like those pictures you see photographers taking fashion shots under water). This movement progresses through a cycle of integration, and for those that are engaged in a reincarnational contract, through their religious affiliations or other occult affiliations, progress through a cycle of reintegration into the next incarnation.

"For those souls that do not participate or have removed these contracts, the transition cycle is very different. The focus here is upon support structures, for they are both of a natural law and a Universal law. (Like when I fell in love a short while ago and my structure went whacko, they suddenly noticed me in that other dimension, and one said to me they thought that I was lost to the dark. But they were so glad they found me...all because I fell in love, I think, since it drew me out of my personal mesmerizations of everything, and I could no longer hide in the dark, so I started booming out into that world, "showing." Therefore, they took me through these tunnels, and I met them up there in a beautiful space, with stars and everything, nice dark background and sparkling stars everywhere. I could move so fast, it was so awesome. So after three days, which started always at the travelling through my lower unconscious, which is quite ugly, with weird stuff everywhere, like some wasteland, I think they call it lower fourth dimension, but still all kinds of friends are found there too, then I would go through this loooong tunnel, which had rings upon rings forming a tunnel in the darkness, and I would end up on the other end where all of them brilliant beautiful beings were, and they began helping me. While I lay in bed the last day, they came down to my body and performed some kind of light-therapy, which I think had to do with my torus structure, because they swooped a technichal structure of a type of light on the sideways over my body, forming one leg of the "X" and then they performed it on the other side making the other leg. And I could feel that light moving through my structure, correcting it, especially the second swoop, wow, it just made my whole body tremble. But I felt better afterwards. Then it was basically over. And I was now up and moving about again, able to start healing my self. So yea, it's a totally different structure than the mind manipulators that don't have any care for the individual, I mean, the being is just an energy/food source for them! Which is totally not fair.) Those that are the natural law adherence pertain only to incarnate experience upon the Earth. Each planetary body maintains its own laws that are in alignment with Universal Law, but are designed to assist the incarnate form in achieving its desired goal, which is symbiotic with the planet Itself.

"One could reference the microbiomes that exist within the gut as an analogous understanding of these forms and their relationship with the body. It is now coming into understanding that the bacteria that exists within the gut is responsible for what occurs within the brain, within the heart, within the psychology, within the spirituality, within the bones, the muscles, the ability to conceive, the ability to shift and change consciousness.

"So too, the spirit structures that act as supports for the human incarnate form, allow for transformation, transmutation and integration of an incarnate experience.

"Universal Law exists beyond duality and within duality. Natural law only exists within duality. Natural law only exists within a dimensional environment wherein energy is distorted into light."

    So truly, we don't know the real purpose of the mind until we remove them and their programming. I'm reminded of that entity named Yaldabaoth who, after telling all the workers to make the body, he made the brain and then sat himself into it. What kind of story is that? Did we get a correct translation? I think not. When the entire structure is under dim and distorted light, it's like one of the Gnostic texts in the Nag Hammadi Library has Christ saying, you won't know what the truth is until you get out of here. It's like Michael Tsarion said in his work in the Female Illuminati, that they blew fog into Man's eyes, meaning if Man is looking through his eyeballs which are right next to the head, then definitely they'll be fogged over, but when Man is looking from his heart, he is perceiving things are just not right around here...like children perceive when they are first arrived...and those who hold on to their perceptions, not allowing the world around them to drag them into their dark caves of so called 'sight.' I think the mind, like Ramtha teaches, is a tool for creation. He said he went into himself and lived all kinds of wonderful things, which sounds to me he's in his heart area, and then when he was ready, the blue-print made, he utilized his mind to grow those thoughts into reality.
It seems the arduous experiments that don Juan and the other sorcerers put the apprentices through, such as putting them into a dark closet for hours at a time, has something to do with this. Time alone to delve deep within ones own self.

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