Saturday, July 15, 2017

Removing Ego Self-Centeredness & Joining Wholeness In Light

In here, a passage corresponds exactly to what Cosmic Awareness said in the July 2017 newsletter.

"I rest not from my great task! To open the Eternal Worlds, to open the immortal Eyes Of Man

inwards into the Worlds of Thought: into Eternity Ever expanding in the Bosom of God, the Human Imagination. O Saviour pour upon me thy Spirit of meekness & love: Annihilate the Selfhood in me, be thou all my life! Guide thou my hand which trembles exceedingly upon the rock of ages, While I write of the building of Golgonooza, and of the terrors of Entuthon: Of Hand & Hyle & Coban, of Kwantok, Peachey, Brereton, Slayd & Hutton: Of the terrible sons & daughters of Albion, and their Generations."

Cosmic Awareness:

     "This Awareness wishes to address the relationship of the Sun to the Earth, within the understanding that the human incarnate form is in the image of the Earth Itself. Despite the distance between the Sun and the Earth, they are engaged in an intimate rapport. This is to say there is a constant seeking exchanged between the two bodies, an acknowledgement, a communication, and a complex exchange of energies taking place.

     "So too does the Sun exchange via an intimate rapport with the human form. However, the human form has been programmed to remain nearly completely disconnected from that communication. This Awareness suggests that, as the Sun enters into this cycle of solar minimum, that those entities upon the Earth in human form that are choosing to be awake, reawaken as well their dynamic rapport with the Sun. This Awareness indicates that as the energy from the Sun enters the atmosphere of the Earth, it enters into the spectrum of energy that is expressed as light. In this spectrum there is light that the human eye cannot perceive, yet it still exists. This Awareness suggests this energy carries information. It carries communication. It carries the seeking of the Sun to acknowledge the atoms of the human form, to acknowledge the Spirit Structures that assist the soul in maintaining the incarnate body. This Awareness indicates that as one engages in an intimate rapport with the energy from that entity known as the Sun, there is established an opportunity to gain information about one's surrounding planets and the occurrences taking place within the galaxy that is the domain of the Sun.

     "Through this avenue of communication also arises (for those that are keen to develop a rapport to such a degree) the potential that one could access the exchanges of energies, planetary bodies, off-planet entities and the interactions that are taking place within the domain of the Sun. In this way, one also has the opportunity to become aware of the natural laws that pertain to the Sun Itself, and to the Universal Laws that ripple out from the Sun, Its domain and into other domains.

     "This Awareness is seeking to ignite an understanding that through the development of an intimate rapport with an entity as large as the Sun, or a structure as abstract as those that support the soul and maintain an incarnate body, to that which is as finite as an atom or a particle, one develops the ability and an integrated skill through the heart to understand anything, and this understanding extends beyond and through all concepts present on the Earth and off the Earth as well. It supersedes the programming, because the dynamic rapport developed through the heart exists outside of time and space and operates upon the frequency of Universal Life Force Energy. This Awareness suggests that as entities begin to contemplate, begin to engage in an understanding and in an experiential sense with the meaning behind these words, there is a great opening of potentialities for advancement of the human race. These are advancements that are beyond the scope of the programming currently in place, beyond the controls and manipulations of the Elite. This Awareness is not suggesting this is a bypass for the impact and effects of these entities upon the Earth and humanity. Indeed, the approach of developing the skills associated with establishing dynamic intimate rapport with all levels of life is in effect speaking to the highest aspect of each life form that exists, including that of the Elite, including that of those that are seeking to control, manipulate and harvest the energies of the Earth and humanity.

     This Awareness observes that for some, this is a description of an Ascension process. This Awareness seeks to clarify. Ascension, by definition, describes the movement of above becoming superior. The act of developing a dynamic intimate rapport with all levels of life is establishing a peer relationship, not one of superiority or authority over another. There is an absence of the "power over another" dynamic. Thus, this Awareness would refrain from using the word 'Ascension' when referring to the establishment and development of the skills necessary to achieve the intimate dynamic rapport. This Awareness would also like to acknowledge that in developing these skills, one significantly alters the vibration and frequency of one's being, on all levels. In developing the ability to maintain these relationships over an extended period of time or an extended period of cycles and seasons, one effectively alters the landscape of one's reality, for, in the presence of love and gratitude, all things will blossom. "

Questioner: Thank you Awareness. Is developing a rapport with the Sun as simple as an act of loving and appreciating and enjoying the warmth as a gift?

Cosmic Awareness:

     "This Awareness would use an example. One buys a ticket, thus expending energy to attend a concert wherein a violinist is playing. One proceeds to take his or her seat and is filled with gratitude and love and appreciation for the gift that is about to commence. The artist steps upon the stage and completes many sets of music. The hearts of those listening are filled, and they clap in appreciation. The artist bows and exits the stage. The attendees rise and leave, speaking amongst themselves of the beauty they have just received. The artist returns to her room and is consumed by sadness and fear, missing her family, feeling attached to the music, but not the audience. They are there for what she provides, but not for her.

     "A dynamic intimate rapport is when one seeks to fulfill, to honour, to acknowledge, and to connect to the very source of that being. When one sits in the audience, as one does upon the Earth in receiving the Sun's light and warmth, and Its nurturing glow that causes things to grow, one is basking in what the Sun does, and yet, the entity Itself is unheard.

     "Often one will observe in the instances of performers that they will seek to communicate to the audience with their voice, not their instrument, but their voice. If they are singers, they will seek to communicate through talking as well as singing, so that they themselves are heard. They are seeking a connection. They are seeking to build a rapport with the audience that is outside of their skill, outside of what they provide. They have an experience with the music they provide that is intimate between them and that spirit. The spirit that they create, the music, has a rapport with the audience. It is an exchange that is shared, but is not directly connected to the one that is creating it. So, although it is appropriate to be in a state of gratitude for what the Sun provides, this does not mean that one has developed the dynamic intimate rapport with the entity that is the Sun. Does this assist in your understanding?"

Questioner: Yes. That provides a great clarification.

 Cosmic Awareness:

     "This Awareness suggests this also applies to the internal organs of one's body. Many entities have come forward seeking to understand why their organs do not perform to their highest potential. This Awareness has suggested building this dynamic intimate rapport, which is a consuming process of seeking to hear deeply what is unspoken, nonverbal, and solely emotive in nature. Many have returned to say, "I tell my organs that I love them daily, in the morning and at night. I tell them ten times each!" as if this is sufficient. They enquire, "Why are they not improving?" If one were to say to the plant, to the dog, to the baby, "I love you!" just the words, ten times in the morning and ten times at night and leave that baby, that pet, that plant with no other resource, no other connection, no other acknowledgement of their value and worth, they would cease to exist. They would become completely detached.

     "This Awareness indicates there is great benefit, immeasurable benefit in developing and maintaining an intimate rapport with all aspects of one's being, all aspects of one's environment, all aspects of one's society, all aspects of one's Earth, of one's planetary systems, of the atoms that make up all things."

 Questioner: Thank you Awareness, that helps a lot. It's more the recognizing and acknowledging all the Suns, our insides, everything as sentient beings, and connects that way. Is that correct?

Cosmic Awareness:

     "It is the act of sending love, being in a state of gratitude and love. When one exists there, one listens to that infant. "What does it need? What is it saying? What is it feeling? What is it trying to tell me? What does that movement mean? Oh, its eyes are open! What is it saying when its eyes open? What am I hearing? What is the sound it makes? I will give it this, and I will love it and I will cherish it and I will tell it and send it constantly my appreciation for its existence, for all that it does, even though it is nothing but a lump before me! It is only needy. I will cherish it anyway! I will shower it with my adoration, admiring every little thing that it does!"

     "This is a state of love. This is the state of gratitude. The child cries incessantly, yet one maintains that state of love. This is also a state of forgiveness, for it taxes the parent, yet there is no judgment incurred upon the child. It is simply doing the best it can. This is no different than the organs of one's body. This is no different than many of the energy structures that assist in making up and maintaining one's human incarnate form. It is living within the heart."


Cosmic Awareness:
     "This Awareness suggests It has finally made a breakthrough in enlightening the Interpreter as to what this Awareness is, which will allow the Interpreter to better interpret, so that readers and listeners can also better understand what this Awareness is. This Awareness has stated through the Interpreter that It is a pool of consciousness that permeates the entire Creation; that It is a vibration and frequency that contains information and energy, and that the energy hold information that is called Cosmic Awareness, or Cosmic Mind, or Cosmic Consciousness, depending on who wishes to use whatever term.

     "The pool is full of these qualities, and can be used by entities who drink from it to give themselves certain qualities of Divine Creative Energy, or sustenance, and therefore, entities can, by attuning to the Divine and praying to the Divine, gain some greater insight and some benefits from the nature of the Divine. Divine does not jump up and do errands for persons in physical form, but by Its very nature, entities who tune into the Divine can have certain qualities of Divinity, such as ability to manifest and create better situations and circumstances, or to have better insight into things in their own lives.

     "Another way of explaining this is the use of the metaphor and allegory. Assume that entities have heard about water, and entities talk about water, but many entities have not yet met with water, have not yet had water, or do not realize the nature of water, and they suddenly find themselves in a desert, in a dry climate, and are told "You must have water to survive!" much like people will say "You must have God to survive in life, and if it were not for God, everything would dry up and disintegrate and you would not be able to live! God is Your Creator!" This Awareness indicates that entities might argue that water composes 97% of a human body and without water it would dry up and disintegrate. Therefore, entities begin to pass this around as a kind of communal or customary belief or law among culture, and the word goes around that water is necessary for survival, and entities say, "I need some water! I want some of that water!" And then someone says, "What is water like?" And someone answers, "Well, Water is a little white-haired fellow that sits on top of a mountain, and if you pray strongly enough, and really put your heart into it, he will bring you down a bucket of water." So people begin to pray, "Oh Water! Hear my prayer! Come to me! Come to Me! I need you desperately!" And they want and wait, and nothing happens.

     "So they look to the horizon, waiting for this little white-haired man to bring them this gift that they know of as 'water' and they wait and wait some more, and it doesn't come. Some of them begin to say, "I don't believe in Water! Water is not real! I cannot accept it! It is just a myth! A story! It is a projection of some concept of a Father Figure or something, where you want some provider to come and give you something! It is simply a foolish fantasy!" And some people say, "I am atheistic! I don't believe in Water! You can't force me to believe!" Others say, "If you don't believe in Water, it will never come to you and you will lose your being! You must believe in Water, regardless of what happens, regardless of the fact that you don't ever see Water!" Entities have these arguments in the culture, and someone says, "I have had contact with Water! Water is real!" Everyone looks at this person and says, "Oh! You must be the Water Bearer! You must be the one who is supposed to bring us Water! Where is Water?" And the entity says, "I have had contact with Water, but you must go there yourself and get Water. I didn't bring it with me. I can only tell you about it." And the other entities say, "No! You must be the one to bring Water to us!" But eventually one entity says, "How do I get there?" And if this entity really has had contact with Water, he may think to himself, "Oh I am in a very good position here! I can extract money from them by bringing them to Water." And he may say, "To get to Water you must go through this master, then that master, and then this other master! If you follow the trail, you will meet one Master after another and eventually you will reach a place where the Grand Master awaits, and it will only cost you $150.00 to pass each Master and get the instructions on how to get to the next Master!" And the entity may then say, "We have this entire system set up for your development, for your soul growth, so that you can eventually reach Water." This Awareness indicates that these entities then form these little religious organizations that take people to meet the various masters that eventually give them what they thirst for.

     "There may be others who even claim, "I am the One who has been given the charge to serve you, to bring you to the Master, to bring you Water, which is what you thirst for!" and the entity will dole out sprinkles here and there, a little here, a little there, and the entities then say, "I have tasted this Divine Creative Energy because the Master gave it to me! The Master is the offspring of Water! The Master has carried Water to us here on Earth, and therefore, we are indebted and devoted to this Master who has brought us these Divine droplets from the Creator called Water!" Therefore, entities begin to worship the one who brings them the drops of Water. They worship the messenger. Meanwhile, the pool of Water awaits, doing nothing, just being water, just being what it is. Eventually, someone tries to explain to the people, "Water is in a pool on the other side of that hill!" And entities say, "How do we get there? How do they get Water to come to us? Bring Water to us now!" And the entity says, "I can't bring Water to you because we do not have vessels. We would need vessels to bring you Water. So you must go there and sip from Water yourself!" The entities are not happy with this, and they ask, "But why doesn't Water come here to us? It is supposed to be All powerful and All Important!" and the messenger says, "It is not a matter of what you think it should do. It is a matter of What Is. Water doesn't come to you. That's not Its nature! It simply sits there in the pool. If you want it, you must go to It!" And the entites argue, "That is not the way Water was described to me! I understand that It comes down from the mountain and brings us the liquid to drink! And that is the way I want it to be! That is what Water is supposed to do!" The entities agree with this, and therefore, they refuse to go to Water, and they want someone to make it the way they want it to be. "Make water come to us! Make Water serve us! Make Water do what we say!" But Water simply sits in the pool, waiting and ready to serve anyone who comes to It.

     "This Awareness indicates it is much the same with Divinity, with God, with the Divine Frequency of the Universe that is the Creator of All Things. Entities have to go to It, and to go to It, they must give up self-interest, and go into a concern for everything and a faith in the Divine. They must believe that Water is the Divine Liquid, the Divine Force, and the Divine Energy that can give them what is important and what they need to have a life.

     "The belief is only necessary in that unless you believe, then you are not going to do anything. You are not going to surrender your self-interests. And because you do not trust anything you do not believe in, you must believe in It enough to give up self and know that self will be cared for because that is what the Creator of All Things does, and It created the self in the first place. The Divine Energy of God is what created you, so why be afraid to surrender your self to It? Why be afraid to surrender self to the Divine Creative Energy? This Awareness suggests also, that you need not even bother to go over the hill to look for this Water of Divinity, because It is everywhere present! It is in the space sitting next to you. It is in the space behind you. You are standing on It. You are sitting on It. It even permeates your entire body! The Divine Force of God is everywhere present, even within you, and surrendering to It is only a matter of attitude. If you recognize Its presence is everywhere, you do not have to give up anything except your separateness that you use to define yourself as being apart from God, and that in itself is simply an attitude, and a mental condition that you create artificially within your mind.

     "In reality, you cannot separate from God. You can only delude yourself into thinking you are separate from God. Once you recognize that you are part of God, and you always have been a part of God, you were never separated and never can be, and quit deluding yourself, then of course you and God are one, and you no longer have to separate yourself, because you cannot create and hold the delusion of separateness while at the same time being unified with God. It is extremely simple, but people want to complicate it with linear thoughts, and if they cannot figure it out on a line of thought, a line of logic, a line of thinking, then it must not be true, it must not be meaningful. This Awareness indicates, it is simply a matter of being aware. If you are aware that God is within you and without you, and that God is everywhere present and permeates all of creation, how can you not recognize that you are a representative of and a part of the Divine Creator?

     "Once you recognize It, enjoy It, be a part of It. And if you need something to fulfill part of your life that does not feed into the delusion of separateness that you may have held, then it will be provided, because you and God are together. You and God are vibrating on the same wavelength. You are on the same frequency, but you cannot be on the same frequency and at the same time delude yourself into thinking you are alone, and separated, for you immediately feed a self that is artificial and false, and is essentially a lie. You cannot feed a lie with truth, for the truth will defy the lie.

     Hopefully this will help entities to better understand the true nature of the circumstances in which they may find themselves."

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