Friday, July 14, 2017

The Thought Of You. Light Itself.

Depths of thought go in here to contemplate just who you are. This helps one to know how to operate well.

From "The White Book" by Ramtha:

     "When thought contemplated itself in your beginning, what it expanded itself into was the principle of thought called light. Light was created first because whenever thought is contemplated and expanded, it is always lowered into a vibratory frequency that emits light. (For example, when you think of a certain person, depending on how you view them, a certain vibration comes through.  When you think of a building, say a really beautifully decorated one, a certain vibration comes through. If you think of the dumps, a certain vibration comes through. So every thought has its own vibration). LIGHT is thus the first lowered form of contemplated, expanded thought.

     "Your original heritage goes back to the birthing of light, for each particum of light born of the first contemplated thought became an individual, a God, a son. Thus all became what is termed lightbeings at the birthing of creation. Everyone was created into being at the same moment. All entities that ever were, or ever will be, were created from thought into light the moment God contemplated itself. The light emanating from the space of thought became adjacent to and part of the mind of God, the flow of all thought, termed the river of thought."

Adjacent: Next to or adjoining something else.
Origin: Late Middle English: from Latin adjacent- 'lying near to,' from adjacere, from ad- 'to' + jacere 'lie down.'

     "The light that each of you became, was and is the intelligence that you are; it is God in its expanded form as light. That divine light, which is your original and permanent body, is the Spirit of your being, or what I call the God of your being, for your Spirit is God, the mind of God in singular form. To this day you still possess the original Spirit, the original God self, the original body of light that you became in all of your glory the moment thought, your beloved Father, contemplated and expanded itself into light.

     "Now in your beginning when thought, or God, passed through the Spirit of your being, an emotion was created but it was fleeting. So your soul was created through your creative force in order to capture the river of love that issued forth from God the Father. It was created for the purpose of captivating thought from the ongoing flow of the river of thought and putting it into a stillness --what is termed memory-- in the form of emotion.

     "Your soul, which is housed within your Spirit, is what has enabled you to be a creative principle. For, in order to create, you must have the ability to hold the image of thought clear and steadfast in memory. By doing so, you can contemplate the thought and expand it into the creative values that you call reality.

     "For instance, in order to create a new and unique flower, you must have the thought of a flower emerge. The thought of a flower is taken from the flow of ongoing thought which the Spirit or light of your being is at one with. The thought is then held clear in the soul as an image, in the form of emotion. Through desire, you can now recall the image of the thought "flower," contemplate it, and expand it into whatever unique form, colour, or height you desire. Now you can uniquely create a flower how ever you wish, and at any moment you wish. By holding the thought perfectly still in memory, you may paint its picture perfectly.

     "Without your soul you could not expand the (Spirit) Father into created form, for you could not make thought stand still, in order to contemplate and expand it into creation. Now, what you term creation, is really the value of life that has always been. There is no beginning to creation and certainly there is no ending to it. And the creators from the substance of thought are all of you, the light-entities, the Gods. Everything has been created by the sons from the thought that the Father is, and whatever the sons create becomes the expanded self of the Father. Everything that you see around you is called matter. The Father is the matter, for everything is God. But the creators and designers of the matter, are the artisans of artisans which all of you are, Gods that you are, for you had from your beginning, the purposeful intelligence to create into matter whatever ideals you could envision through thought. Everything is derived from thought, everything. Each thing of matter has come forth from a thought that was embraced into emotion to form an ideal of creation. Before anything was ever created, the thought of it was first envisioned through the soul, as an ideal. All things of matter were created from a thought ideal envisioned by the Gods and put together by them from the matter that the Father is.

     "Now all matter is surrounded by light. Your scientists are beginning to suspect, and they are correct in their suspicion, that if you take light and lower or slow its vibratory frequency, it becomes gross matter. And where did the light come from? Thought, God.

     "Whenever you contemplate thought, and emotionally embrace it, the thought expands into the vibratory frequency of light. If you slow the movement of the particles of light, and condense it, you create electrum, an electromagnetic field that has positive and negative poles, which you call electricity. If you slow and condense the thought still further, beyond the electromagnetic fields, the electrum coagulates into gross matter. Gross matter then coagulates into the molecular and cellular structures called form. And the form is held together by the thought that the soul envisioned as an ideal creation.

     "All things are created by taking that which has no speed, thought, and expanding it into that which does, light, and then slowing the light down until you create this and that and all that is around you."

And now we go to, "Saint Germain On Alchemy." Chapter 5, Formulas for Precipitation. This is only one example on how to exercise the powers that you have within you. There are many ways of doing it, but just to get an idea, this will be helpful for anyone who is truly interested in expanding their own potentials, to try it out and see deeper into yourself with these exercises. You can build your own way of doing things as you become aware of YOUR true nature. This is only one man's nature, but he is sharing it with us, so it is advised that you listen and learn from someone who has done this and is doing it already. That's how you can help yourself to learn the in's and the out's about it...or to awaken yourself to what you already know, but have forgotten.

     "Not what might be, but what will be because man envisions, invokes, and equates with Universal law. Alchemy! The wondrous science of change that fulfills the heart's deepest desires, orders man's affairs, and renews the sweet purity of his original communion with the Great Progenitor.
     "The concept of multiplication of cells points to the law of nature that provides for a continual addendum. This law which governs the reproduction of life after its kind does not involve the physical body alone, but the mind, the feelings, and the memory as well as the pure Spirit of man. Coordination between the four lower bodies and the higher vehicles enables man first to control his environment and then to create -- on condition that he can understand and not be hindered by the obvious illusions of the appearance world whose point of reference is time and space.

     "Now, the presence or absence of certain factors either lengthen or shorten the time of precipitation (that is, manifestation) even though all other components be in order. Therefore, when these factors are known, they can be systematically eliminated in order to shorten the time of manifestation. The primary deterrents to precipitation should be recognized as (1) inharmony in the feeling world, (2) a sense of lonliness or abandonment, and (3) a sense of smallness or insecurity and doubt.

     "Sometimes the presence of these factors can be minimized by a simple act of faith. At other times it may require more earnest application to the Deity and a strengthening of the positive counteractions which are designed to eliminate completely the negative influences manifesting within and without one's world. It may seem strange to some of you that I call to your attention these simple facts. But may I honestly say, they are not so simple, for the effects of these mood energies upon the creative intent are of far greater consequence than humanity are willing to admit. By pointing out the need to correct these conditions, and making the would-be alchemist aware of the influence they exert upon his desired manifestation, I feel we are taking a big step in the right direction. For, this knowledge applied, will avoid the introduction of discouraging factors at a later time, when for some, the anticipated results will not be immediately forthcoming, for the very reasons I have stated.

     "This brings me to the place where I want to amplify, at the beginning of my instruction, the need for perseverance. Frequently, failure to persevere in the correct course, has nullified all fruitage just before the harvest from the invisible world was ready to release itself into the hands and use of the seeker. We would mention now, some of the great and vital alchemical factors whose positive power should also be considered. Chief amongst this list is faith. This includes a belief in the whirling power that keeps the electrons in vital motion revolving around their nucleonic centers. This power resembles a tightly compressed, almost omnipotent spring. It is central to every solar system and atom whose magnetic flux and emanation, while centered in its own nucleus, is able under cosmic law, to tie into limitless energy fields, to produce whatsoever miraculous manifestation is the requirement of the moment -when the individual is able to convince himself and the universe that his course is right.

     "Now, we have all seen men who were remarkably successful in producing wrong action simply because they were convinced that their course was right, even though they were actually wrong. This does not mean that Cosmos itself is proverbially blind; it is simply indicative of the cosmic need to protect the secrets of creation from the eyes of the curious and to guard the treasures of heaven through the systems of initiation evolved by the Brotherhood. For this very reason, the fiat of God went forth "Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand and take also of the Tree of Life and eat and live for ever: therefore the Lord God sent him forth from the garden [guard-in] of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken."

     "The inner necessity of the universe to protect its secrets from the profane can be seen in the activities of the Luciferian hordes who, from time to time during the long history of the planet, have involved the sons of God in a misuse of the creative and sacred power of life. This they have done through psychedelic perversions, dangerous drugs, their infectious spirit of rebellion against order -which is heaven's first law- and the spread of chaos, often in the name of idealism. But this brand of idealism has always been based on intellectual pride; it is put forth as the counterplan of the carnal mind that competes with the Divine Mind, considering itself superior thereto. Therefore, if I have seemed overly protective in this intermediate course in alchemy, heaven knows there is a reason for it.
     "And now I say to each one, taking into account the semantics of alchemy, let us recognize that the word altar signifies a sacred place of change. Here all change is wrought by God's law. God is law. His law does not exist without love. But unfortunately, owing to the very generosity inherent within the Divine Nature which allows various functions of the law to be used by evolving humanity, it has been possible for man to separate the law from love. Thus, the more mechanical aspects of alchemy, called magic, have been employed down through the centuries by those who have use their knowledge of God's laws for selfish ends. This was demonstrated at the Court of Pharaoh when Aaron, a true alchemist of the Spirit, was challenged by the magicians who cast down their rods that also became serpents. The mechanical aspects of the law are often combined with trickery to produce phenomena which in the eyes of God are meaningless. Once a man has attained the position of a true spiritual adept, he has developed the powers of love and wisdom within the framework of Universal law. He is innocent of harm to any, and his alchemical feats reflect his selflessness. Then the miracles he produces are of far less importance in his own eyes than the miracle of his oneness with his Creator.
     "So now as we face the altar, the place consecrated to the science of wondrous change, we must recognize the two courses before us. The first is to choose a course of action based on the highest knowledge made known to us. We decide what we wish to change. We decide why it needs to be changed. This gives motive power to our alchemical experiment. At the same time, we recognize the limitations of man's knowledge and the superiority of the God Self and of the elder brothers of Light to assist him in working out his individual destiny. Therefore, the second course of action is to be aware that right change can be produced without conscious knowledge of what that change ought to be. We simply invoke from God the purity of his divine plane for right change. In other words, we command in the name of the Lord -which man as a co-creator with God has the right to do- an alchemical precipitation of the gifts and graces of the Spirit that will endow the blessed son with the qualities of the Christ, thereby making him more capable as a spiritual alchemist and more integrated with the Universal plan. I have found that wherever the second alchemical technique is employed, it strengthens the first course of invocation (invoked action) and fills the gaps in man's forte of knowledge, covering his ignorance by the cloak of true spirituality.

     "As we face the altar, aware of the realities of God and of the potential for their realization in man, let us also take into account those masterful beings who have already secured for themselves the ability to produce change at will. Surely the assistance of those who have been successful in the alchemical arts will be invaluable in producing the fruit of our desires. Invocations and prayers, of one's choice, are then in perfect order. With an awareness of the law, faith in its impersonal operation, and a determined intent that once the formula has been developed, the desired manifestation must be realeased into form, we shall proceed with the business of creating change.

     "Now, one of the most effective means by which change can be produced -and this which I here make known to you is a deep and wondrous secret held by many of the Eastern and Western adepts- is through what I will call "the creation of the cloud." Saint Paul referred to a "cloud of witnesses." I am referring to a cloud of infinte energy which, somewhat like the ether, so popularized by the scientists of a century ago, is everywhere present, but nowhere manifest until it is called into action.

     "At first reading, to those who are empirically minded -skilled only in the material aspects of science and in what the senses can perceive- my foregoing remarks may seem to be just so much foolishness. If any think that, I can only have compassion for them. I cannot help them, nor does the law require me to apologize; for I have proved this principle many times with the greatest success. And I think that where the great adepts do not consciously use it, then it is automated for them through their contact with the Higher Mind. But for most of our beginning and intermediate students, it will be essential that they learn the process carefully in order that they can first consciously create the cloud and then wait until its appearance becomes an automated process in their beings.

Chapter 6. "Create!" and the Cloud.

(passing through all his jibber jabber)... "you will first create the cloud from the enormous power of God stored at every point in space, waiting to be invoked. The power of vision is central to our invocation. Therefore, we shall create in our minds first a milky white radiance, and we shall see this milky white radiance as an electronic vibratory action of vital, moving, ineffable light. The concentration of the light, which we call the density of the light, is that which makes the milky white colour. If the cloud were attenuated, we would be able to see through it as though the scenes around us were enveloped in a fog. Now having created in our minds this form of a bright translucent cloud, we allow it to enfold our physical bodies and to occupy our forcefield. For a moment we become lost in the midst of the cloud, and then it seems as though it has always been there. Its atmosphere is familiar, comfortable. We recognize that the mind has the power to expand its cicle of influence, but we must not try to move far from the parent tree of self. Let this bright shining cloud at first be nine feet in diameter around oneself. Later, perhaps we shall expand it to a diameter of ninety feet, then nine hundred feet and further. In our early meditations we shall concentrate on intensifying the action of the white light in our minds. From thence we shall transfer that action to the nine-foot area around the physical form. Once we have developed the sense of this cloud being around our physical forms, we shall understand that whereas the cloud can be made visible to the physical sight, our primary concern is to keep its high vibratory action purely spiritual. Those of you familiar with electronics and the workings of a rheostat will understand that by a simple twist of the dial of consciousness, we can intensify the vibratory action of the cloud. In this case we coalesce more light around each central point of light, for our cloud is composed of many light points whose auras diffuse and blend with one another making the total effect one of a lacy yet highly concentrated white radiance, a pure swirling cloud of cosmic energy.

     "What is this mighty cloud we have created, this forcefield of vibrating energy, and why did we create it in the first place? Actually, whereas I have used the word create, it would be more appropriate if perhaps I used the word magnetize, for we are actually magnetizing that which is already everywhere present in space. Amplifying an intense action of light from within its own forcefield, more than would normally manifest in a given area. We are thereby drawing upon universal God-power to produce this cloud that first penetrates and then hallows our immediate forcefield in order that we may have a spiritual altar upon which we may project the pictures of reality that we desire to create."

     "As you gain spiritual power through these periods of meditation upon the cloud, which at first should not exceed fifteen minutes a day, try to understand, the creative cloud, once dispersed by your fiat at the conclusion of your creative ceremony, will continue to expand and expand throughout the universe as a globe of translucent white fire, eddying in ever-widening spheres to contact all that is real and that is really yours. The cloud, as the manifestation of the power of your creative energy, the fire of your Spirit, will draw into your world the very consciousness of God himself; evoked from the central pores of being and beautifully expanding as an altar of God, the cloud will hallow space wherever it expands."

Chapter 7. The Science of Picturization.

     "As you perform this ritual exercise of creating the cloud through attunement with the creative power of the universe, becoming thereby a co-creator with God, you will gain a feeling of detachment from the world as though you were merely an observer to what is taking place around you. This will occur as you allow yourself to flow automatically into the great creative power of the Macrocosm. (I actually call it just floating one inch above your body while still occupying it. It's a joyful detachment and you're still fully present where ever you are at.) "...through it man discovers the Summit of his being, the place where the lower self is wed to the Higher, where Matter and Spirit merge."

From here, all you have to do is imagine what you want. Just wish for it, and suddenly it will appear. There's really not much to it. It's just that most people don't have a clue that it even exists, this possibility, and therefore they never educate themselves about it. You do want to have a clean proper nature toward yourself, others and life itself. That helps. Otherwise you just won't get it. Good luck. Or, I mean, blessings! Lol.

"Indeed, though the sky may for a while be blackened with the smoke of our weed-fires, we find a certain rare fragrance in such effusion. Although it may not be the aroma of roses, the perfume from the burning pyres of evil and ignorance is not wholly intolerable and is not without its own aesthetic quality. From the embers of such pyres, we can even be afforded a clairvoyant intimation of the future world to arise. It is the world that once was long ago, that existed once-upon-a-time --pure effulgent, realized, and magnificent-- one not of devils, demons, gods, kings, saints or sinners, but of men, free inwardly and outwardly, able and willing to holistically and reverently explore the mystery of themselves and of the planet that has housed them throughout the troubled ages and that has long preserved the secret of their salvation." --Irish Origins of Civilization, Vol 2, by Michael Tsarion.

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