Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Jordan Maxwell, Oct. 2017

You know how much I like carpy emotional stuff.
Carp - definition.

Yup. Everything returns to its origin. That's for damn sure.

I'm like a Nagual. You don't want to turn to me to ask questions. You don't want to know. Because like don Juan in the Carlos Castaneda stories says, Naguals don't care. They don't give a damn. At the same time, I'm here, so I do, and I take care, and work things. But in generality, I don't give a damn. I don't even want to be here. None of this interests me. It's like looking at a large pen of pigs in mud. Not interesting. Christ said at one time, the higher you go, the more you know, the more difficult it gets. That is absolutely correct. So if you want to know something from me, best prepare yourself for some difficult knowledge.

Oh, and, something pretty. Here's Jordan Maxwell, still the genius he always was, speaking to those who desire to know.

Jordan gives a book recommendation. Here it is:

Jordan Maxwell Playlist

So when he's talking about the Corner Stone... The Square, then the Triangle, which whirls and whirls, like Lucifer falling, down down, into this world...to meet the Circle...or the Oval. The Female. And that, in alchemy, is the symbol of perfection.

Jordan Maxwell maybe a skuller (scholar) in some areas, but that's about it if he stops at that mundane surface dust/material aspect. He should have learned what the Hindu religion also taught us of "maya," i.e. matter, and how it loooves to grasp onto the spirit or soul of a being and drag them as far down as it can, desperately holding onto them, and when one seeks to shake that maya off them, the damn thing starts crying and getting depressed, acting just like don Juan said of the predators when they throw thoughts into your head to make you think they are your thoughts instead. When you separate yourself from that maya/matter/physical form, such as when you do a little bit of fasting, which takes some WILL, another thing don Juan taught about, then you will notice it is much easier to think with your own intelligence, the higher intelligence, instead of the 
dull mud (non-)intelligence...
then you will find that your higher being is not a mud being at all, and that if you want to god damned stop the fucking winds from blowing on the sea, you can do it! You don't need to sit there and cower in the boat waiting for the sun to come out and warm the fucking wind...hahahaha!!! stupid. You can do it with your own higher Self! And the problem with those dim-wits who have done all kinds of skullerly research and think they have found all the answers so that now they can become drunkards and roll around in the mud, are those who were found to have hit the rockside, grew some roots, then got blown away by the wind. Hahaha. Ya, if you want to know what a developed spiritual self is, check out this man who the doctors had found his heart to have stopped for an hour or so, full of illness, but then he woke up and the illnesses disappeared

(Note: Beware some of the things you listen to and watch in the link just left here, as one has to have discernment. Sometimes sneaky beings do sneaky things, and if one acts out of fear, they may in fact be seduced to go toward something or someone that is not exactly what they thought they were, and then find themself once again, imprisoned, but in a worse place than Earth was! Hahaha. After all, there are alien species who have great technology that can easily deceive if one isn't listening to their heart. Some people also could be puppets brainwashed to tell stories they may have had imprinted in them from their puppetmasters in order to deceive others. Didn't I tell you it gets more difficult as you get more and more knowledge?)

Fucking stupid people. So many fucking idiots. If it says, there are many kingdoms... but here on earth, with the sales job they're feeding you, you only have two choices. TWO choices. Heaven with Jesus or Hell with Satan. Boy oh boy! That's a LOT of different kingdoms, hey?

I mean, you've been given a consciousness haven't you? And you're meant to expand it, yes? And but some beings just like to bury their talents, fooling themselves into thinking that they're protecting them from rust by leaving them buried, and so they go around proCLAIMING to all others, getting busy with their 'holy' arts, screaming in your ear "Jesus saves! Jesus saves!" And you say to them, great! I wish now he would save me from you! Thank you.

Ok. Transfer your consciousness, to this stuff! And listen closely, with an open attitude, so as to gather up different perspectives, if you can find any. Otherwise, if it's quite straight forward, then it's reality. If it's not quite straight forward, then it may be deception. From what I've listened to so far... to 20:41, these beings sound to me to be authentic and decent.

At around 59:46 the video cuts out. You can go to this one to see the rest of it. It doesn't allow imbedding so here's the link: Alex Colier At The Ranch 1996

Ohpe! I just found an Alex Colier August 14, 2015 video that tells us he's now sharing something he first asked his extraterrestrial friends from the beginning, which he kept to himself until now, but feels he needs to be sharing, seeing how the powers that be no more are intent upon bringing a false persona called Jesus, saying it's the second coming, so that they could scoop up a bunch of slaves for themselves to rule over, and do, who knows what with them. I know my cousin would jump at it. Hahaha. When my sister was dying in the hospital, my cousin was talking to me in the hallway trying to tell me she just knows Jesus is coming real soon! Oh my. It's so easy to stay brainwashed when it's so much less effort to do that, than to wake up and use your own mind. Maybe Ralph Ellis' whole intent is to try to help bring reason back to the people, by going back into the archaeology of this time frame and finding absolutely no evidence...except for, what sounds similar to what this Alex Collier is saying... that he was some militant rabbi who was against the Roman government, but that he didn't die on any cross, nor did half the things that they said he did in their fiction bible. At the same time, just as the extraterrestrials keep teaching us, it IS our consciousness, not our bodies, that we need to be developing, so that we may do things that need no technology dependence, because with technology one's entire world can come crashing down around them and they would be left absolutely helpless, but with the development of their consciousness, the know-how of their essence/spiritual self, they would always be fine because their power is with them. Check it out.

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