Saturday, October 28, 2017

Thomas Hobbes' Leviathan

Now you know why they call "Mankind" or "Humanity" a "Monster" in their Lawyer books of laws. They worked to replace the natural sovereignty in man, with the unnatural structure of a civIlli who control every aspect of man (calling it a sovereign), not even allowing him to design the house he lives in or the garden around his house, let alone where he lives... in sssCities!

From Wikipedia: Leviathan (book)

     Leviathan or The Matter, Forme and Power of a Common-Wealth Ecclesiasticall and Civil--commonly referred to as Leviathan-- is a book written by Thomas Hobbes (1588-1679) and published in 1651 (revised Latin edition 1668). Its name derives from the biblical Leviathan. The work concerns the structure of society and legitimate government, and is regarded as one of the earliest and most influential examples of social (CONTROL) contract theory. Leviathan ranks as a classic western work on statecraft comparable to Machiavelli's The Prince. Written during the English Civil War (1642-1651), Leviathan argues for a social contract and rule by an absolute sovereign. Hobbes wrote that civil war and the brute situation of a state of nature ("the war of all against all") could only be avoided by strong, undivided government.

The guy's an idiot when he says this:

(pg 11)"Imagination, therefore, is nothing but decaying sense; and is found in men and many other living creatures, as well sleeping as waking."

Imagination is not decaying sense. Imagination is creating. Putting things together, fashioning them, and bringing it out into the outer world structure. How else is one to construct an entire building without using their imagination and working it?

And obviously, their main concern is how to dull out mankind from using their imagination to CREATE, because mankind has that ability, even when they don't, and that's why they're so jealous of mankind that they want to dumb them down and control them to use their creative ability instead of them, and for their own devious purposes.

And in this paragraph:

(pg 12)"and from being long and vehemently attent upon geometrical figures, a man shall in the dark, though awake, have the images of lines and angles before his eyes; which kind of fancy hath no particular name, as being a thing that doth not commonly fall into men’s discourse."

You can tell that he's involved in a secret society. He gives it away. And he's also trying to tell us he's a boot-lick because he's "vehemently" attending to the 'square' and compass, intently at work on his hahaha geometry, hahaha. But of course, he's doing his damnedest best! to try and hide this, this "discourse" from the 'common' man!

And here he's covertly babbling to whoever he supposes is going to be listening to his baboon machinations, that he's thinking of how he can dull the senses of man of the higher self, to put them into the lower self, from the spirit-dreaming man to the physical sense body, so that mankind is asleep all the time, and thereby they can use him with their own supposed 'waking' thoughts. Hahaha.

(pg 12)"And because in sense, the brain and nerves,
which are the necessary organs of sense, are so benumbed in sleep as
not easily to be moved by the action of external objects, there can happen
in sleep no imagination, and therefore no dream, but what proceeds
from the agitation of the inward parts of man’s body; which inward
parts, for the connexion they have with the brain and other organs, when
they be distempered do keep the same in motion; whereby the imaginations
there formerly made, appear as if a man were waking; saving that
the organs of sense being now benumbed, so as there is no new object
which can master and obscure them with a more vigorous impression, a
dream must needs be more clear, in this silence of sense, than are our
waking thoughts."


Like darts thrown at our heart. They want to destroy us. They pretend kindness, but underneath that false facade, they burn with hatred toward us.

And in this paragraph, he's hinting at torturing people. Just like the Illuminati families have always tortured their children because the parents were tortured from the start, and therefore they are relied upon to continue the torture of their own children, brainwashed and tortured, just like the Roman Catholic church went out of their way to slaughter a lot of people to cause fear to those who remained, whereas they could rule them through fear... check it out. "For he that taketh PAINS, and INDUSTRIOUSLY lays himself to sleep," meaning he disconnects himself from himself after being tortured, and therefore sees it only as a dream. Split.

(pg 13)"The most difficult discerning of a man’s dream from his waking
thoughts is, then, when by some accident we observe not that we have
slept: which is easy to happen to a man full of fearful thoughts; and
whose conscience is much troubled; and that sleepeth without the circumstances
of going to bed, or putting off his clothes, as one that noddeth
in a chair. For he that taketh pains, and industriously lays himself to
sleep, in case any uncouth and exorbitant fancy come unto him, cannot
easily think it other than a dream."

And continuing the paragraph, you can see by the word "BRUTE" as in Brutus, he's talking about brutal pain inflicted upon another, which would dement their mind, split it apart, and then they become easily impressed upon to do things they wouldn't normally do...

(pg 13)"We read of Marcus Brutus (one that
had his life given him by Julius Caesar, and was also his favorite, and
notwithstanding murdered him), how at Philippi, the night before he
gave battle to Augustus Caesar, he saw a fearful apparition, which is
commonly related by historians as a vision, but, considering the circumstances,
one may easily judge to have been but a short dream."

This continues to show you just how devious these beings really are.

(pg 13)"For sitting
in his tent, pensive and troubled with the horror of his rash act, it
was not hard for him, slumbering in the cold, to dream of that which
most affrighted him; which fear, as by degrees it made him wake, so
also it must needs make the apparition by degrees to vanish: and having
no assurance that he slept, he could have no cause to think it a dream, or
anything but a vision. And this is no very rare accident: for even they
that be perfectly awake, if they be timorous and superstitious, possessed
with fearful tales, and alone in the dark, are subject to the like fancies,
and believe they see spirits and dead men’s ghosts walking in churchyards;
whereas it is either their fancy only, or else the knavery of such
persons as make use of such superstitious fear to pass disguised in the
night to places they would not be known to haunt.
From this ignorance of how to distinguish dreams, and other strong
fancies, from vision and sense, did arise the greatest part of the religion
of the Gentiles in time past, that worshipped satyrs, fauns, nymphs, and
the like; and nowadays the opinion that rude people have of fairies,
ghosts, and goblins, and of the power of witches."

You see? They're even talking about witches, as in witch hunt. Because as you'll see in the paragraph following, they fear that witchcraft would be used as a new religion, which would compete with their, Roman Catholic business religion, and therefore they have dealt those who they consider their competitors with the slaughtering inquisition:

(pg 14)"and of the power of witches. For, as for witches, I
think not that their witchcraft is any real power, but yet that they are
justly punished for the false belief they have that they can do such mischief,
joined with their purpose to do it if they can, their trade being
nearer to a new religion than to a craft or science."


Alright, here are some photos on Pinterest that someone gathered up under the name "Okkult" that have some pictures, woodcarvings from the 1500's etc. Click on a photo and go down the page to look at others. Then if you click on a picture, on some of them, they take you to a website, like this one ~ Gallica. When you want to look at those strange ugly pictures closer, right click on the picture, choose "open in new tab (or window)" and you can see it larger. Enjoy your studies.

Researching that book from the Gallica site, I find it was published in 1642, which was the beginning of their civil war. Now we can get a glimpse of how they used propaganda to start and push a war back in those days. They use the same strategy today.

Ulyssis Aldrovandi Patrich Bononiensis Monstrorum Historia, by Bartholomaeus Ambrosinus

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